
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Chachis Allergies
  2. Dog Whisperer
  3. Need help with video!!
  4. Grade 2 Luxating Patella
  5. Hyperthyroidism, how common in Yorkies?
  6. Lilli's Babies at 3 weeks!
  7. Blue Gene
  8. Maddie won a contest!
  9. $11,000. Yorkie?? WHAT THE!!
  10. When you eat out...
  11. Look at these precious newborns...
  12. Smile for the Camera!!
  13. Day Camp at PetsMart
  14. How much of the Linatone to give?
  15. How far?
  16. Let's talk about how we can avoid scams!
  17. So I settled on another dog food today...
  18. Sugar Bear's Weight
  19. Potty training is going to be the death of me
  20. my babies - china kids 7 weeks
  21. Review Section Reminder!
  22. Does anyone use walk thru gates?
  23. Took my breath away!
  24. Help! I am having such a hard time potty training!
  25. weight question for haley
  26. What did I say about interrupting ME!!!!???
  27. Here is Lola's first pic
  28. Weighing in at.....
  29. Kong "Challenged" - Me not Mignon!
  30. Annabelle was found
  31. Red Mark on Tummy
  32. How many dogs do you have ?
  33. parvo shot reaction?
  34. Puppy Jerseys
  35. Clorox wipes
  36. question about vinegar??
  37. Do It Yourself: Grooming
  38. Update on San-Dee....
  39. Buyer Beware II
  40. Hair Trim
  41. Sad or Funny??
  42. a question about genetics, I guess.
  43. puppy scam followup
  44. Might be a repeat..Oh well, but still funny..
  45. Tia's Ears
  46. Louie is MIXED UP!
  47. Fav places from
  48. Diamond's first room
  49. Maybe I should throw Diamond a party
  50. If you had to guess -
  51. Diamond pet food story on CNN in a minute!!
  52. Happy Birthday to my Josie
  53. Female chewing constantly chewing on male's ear
  54. Dog food
  55. I need a dog interperater
  56. I've been used in a scam
  57. grooming questions
  58. New babies
  59. My new puppy sleep's alot.......
  60. ??? re: bows
  61. silly question?
  62. Humping!
  63. Dry Hair
  64. Hey everyone update on Diamond
  65. How to Cut her Hair???
  66. Just a small update on how Daisy is doing...
  67. Gracie is a termite! (problem)
  68. Hey everyone!
  69. Xpen Questions... How Tall is Your Xpen?
  70. Pics of Smudger meeting his uncle
  71. Help!
  72. Today she's getting spayed
  73. So I think we finally agreed...
  74. Ransom's New Carrier
  75. Silky -VS- Yorkie
  76. Hi All
  77. Scrub a dub dub
  78. Im sure we're talking this to death..but curious who is still feeding chicken soup...
  79. Thank You Kimberly!
  80. I just ordered this,what do you think?
  81. Just got back from vet!
  82. Feeding your pup chicken and rice
  83. Nervous about finding a groomer!
  84. Treats used when praising/training...
  85. Yorkie attack dog!
  86. *growl* frustration
  87. Need Help Finding Toto a New Home
  88. I'm pathetic
  89. Grooming Question
  90. Going to a new groomer
  91. Heaven knows I love my mommy,,,,,,,, (part 1)
  92. Help My Princess has very dry skin
  93. whats up doc???
  94. collar or harness?
  95. Does anybody brush your puppies teeth?
  96. I am so excited
  97. Male or Female?
  98. Pics of Zoe
  99. Flint River Ranch Food
  100. Crate training and sleeping?
  101. Vacations with your Yorkie
  102. Your Fave Avatar??
  103. Help
  104. What do you mop your floors with?
  105. Rear Clogging
  106. Puppy breath?
  107. What to do?!?!?!?!
  108. Free Yorkies??!!
  109. Prince a semi-finalist in cutest pet contest!
  110. Hanna misses her little boy and is looking
  111. Look what Smudger did to my kitchen
  112. Lost Yorkie
  113. oh my gosh,I think I have a pic on here now
  114. Nicknames
  115. CC Products
  116. $10,000 for a yorkie??
  117. Better to?
  118. working mom
  119. For those who dry their baby w/a blow dryer.....
  120. Daisy's "friend"
  121. Pixie is home!
  122. potty training boy yorkies
  123. My Goodness!
  124. New Puppy + Deposit
  125. Wait for the tooth fairy or NOT?????
  126. I need two sets of hands! (grooming)
  127. Two totally unrelated questions...
  128. Need to find breeder info
  129. Lola weight question from yesterday
  130. Tongue Sticking Out
  131. Can You Pick The Yorkie??????
  132. Just had to share my Innova Incident!!!!
  133. She's scared of EVERYTHING!!!!!
  134. Just called the vet!!
  135. Look at these adorable flags
  136. Happy 14th birthday Lacey. I love you, my sweet little girl
  137. Kathryn V & Pixie, where are you?
  138. Help! Bella's getting fixed!
  139. Dog food recall hits West Coast
  140. Huge Thank you to whoever it was the suggested Yogurt Drops.
  141. ears....
  142. Fame and Yorkies
  143. New member
  144. Am I misinformed?
  145. Honest opinions please...
  146. Does your yorkie drool in his/her sleep?
  147. Poop!!!!!!!!!!!!
  148. Do you all want a good laugh if so read this !!!
  149. Is/was your dog a show dog?
  150. We made it to Reno !!!!!!!!!
  151. I don't know what to do!!!!
  152. mmmm--yorkies are good eatin'
  153. Flying Internationally With A Yorkie?
  154. Your Yorkie favs
  155. Intorducing Sugar Bear
  156. When you go away
  157. New - Question Breeding - Did Tie Take?
  158. Can you give me info
  159. I'm so Proud
  160. Hi I am new (Diamond)
  161. Frightful Incident
  162. Excited!!
  163. stacy's website
  164. Funny-Men...
  165. How Do You Have More Than One!
  166. Excited to chat-new to forum
  167. Miss Thang...
  168. we are almost 10 weeks!!
  169. MY uncle smokes in front of my PUP!
  170. Sick yorkie puppy
  171. Any word from KathrynV and Pixie?
  172. Just introducing myself
  173. Traveling Scrapbook?
  174. What age?
  175. Question About Heartgard Plz Help!
  176. Pita is obsessed!!
  177. Some People are Just Unbelievable!!!
  178. having problems with buckles
  179. question about my new puppy
  180. Reuger's an Alaska Yorkie!!! Not!!!
  181. When did your baby start sleeping w/ you?
  182. Summertime
  183. housebreaking
  184. Anyone ever had a grieving Yorkie?
  185. Check out some of these newspaper ads...
  186. Pigs Ears ???
  187. how to post better pictures
  188. Less than $1,000
  189. Silver hair
  190. and baby makes 2....
  191. Where's the weirdest place your yorkie sleeps?
  192. chicken soup ... question
  193. San-Dee is not playing nice anymore
  194. Interesting read on AKC website!
  195. The all American little Disney Mutt!!!!
  196. Baby's BACK!!
  197. Bella and her sister Lexi
  198. getting along with nieces
  199. Toxic Pet Food Recall!
  200. Pics from the visit at Sylvan's
  201. Beautiful Gretchen... (Sylvan's Biewer)
  202. We Had Our Checkup Today! :)
  203. 100 dogs dead - 42 states - toxic dog food
  204. Another Yorkie killed by pit bull
  205. Playing too hard??
  206. What Puppy supplies do we need???
  207. All Biewer Owners Sign In Here !!!!
  208. Yorkie Groomer in South California??
  209. Michele is a GREAT artist!!!!!
  210. Thank Gosh
  211. We just joined the community
  212. Question on manhood after neutering
  213. Yorkies unleashed?
  214. Runny nose
  215. Hair color
  216. Question about weight of your baby..
  217. Is my pup normal
  218. Need Opinions Please
  219. I bring my puppy to work with me.....
  220. I'm worried
  221. Akc Vs. Ckc
  222. Birthday Cake
  223. Things to look for when purchasing a yorkie
  224. Finally have a picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  225. Diesel is 1 Today
  226. Do Yorkie's smell?
  227. Being Bobby Brown's Yorkie
  228. New Pj's
  229. New bad habit. Any Advice?
  230. Plans for birthday?
  231. Poisons To Dogs
  232. Bronx Man Nabbed On Cruelty Rap
  233. We're back! Update photos of Princess!
  234. i think he knows....
  235. Cold and dreary day!
  236. Dewey Neutered
  237. Does your yorkie know how to open walnuts?
  238. For those who got a second yorkie..
  239. New Yorkie Lover
  240. How to Find Vet Specializing in Small Breeds
  241. Does anyone elses baby do this?
  242. Anyone's yorkie not afraid of the vacuum cleaner?
  243. Are mom's always like this
  244. How does your Yorkie sleep
  245. Looking for a vet
  246. teacup this, teacup that...
  247. Lady sleeps ALL day,is that normal?
  248. She finally got it!
  249. Are pets allowed at dog shows?
  250. 23 hours and counting!
