
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Bathing
  2. Online Registering
  3. he just CANNOT help it! LOL
  4. Visual learner here... Post pics of YOU and your baby/babies!
  5. Boys Marking their Territory!
  6. sleeping under to many bankets
  7. Pillow-a-la-Yorkie! -DOGblogTV
  8. I did a terrible thing to my puppy today, and I want to confess it
  9. poor dog :-(
  10. Parti Gene
  11. What are the negatives of bringing a puppy home at 8 weeks?
  12. Some new cutie dresses
  13. Selective Hearing
  14. Why do people get so diffensive if you ask if their puppies are AKC registered?
  15. Chattering Teeth
  16. She keeps peeing on her bed!!!!
  17. please vote for our very own: Belle!
  18. Yorkie giveaway????
  19. Dog shows????
  20. Shampoo and Brushes
  21. Thank you Misty & Jamie (RebelBelle)
  22. New Yorkie Mom
  23. new here
  24. what does it mean when you yorkie
  25. Studying Abroad, I don't know what to do!!
  26. Frankenstien scar
  27. Almond Oil
  28. Omg!!!!
  29. It's been a long time!!
  30. What does your yorkie do when
  31. Shedding??
  32. top nots
  33. Dealing with pet death
  34. Newbie with Questions...
  35. water - oh no!
  36. Teddy enjoys alone time
  37. Happy Birthday Tilly!!!
  38. Am I spoiling Sophie...or myself??
  39. Another Yorkie addict website!!! I am in so much trouble!!
  40. adding to our little family?
  41. Anyone near Lincoln, NE?
  42. She's HOME!!!
  43. I should be banned from the YORKIE PRODUCTS FOR SALE section
  44. Doe anyone remember?
  45. New here but just wanted to say hi
  46. The Official list of the top names for dogs
  47. Help Advice needed PLEASE!
  48. So I have been ordering
  49. Go to Animal Planet Right NOW
  50. Oh Sugar!!!!!!!
  51. Litter Trained-- a question
  52. Weird?
  53. Sophie LOVES food.
  54. What a wonderful resource!
  55. Getting a new sister 4 Luna....
  56. Any Special Shampoo
  57. Stay off my grass!!
  58. How long is a....
  59. Important food question
  60. sassy needs your votes
  61. Wait till you see what my furkids daddy MADE them!!!!
  62. Hi..I'm new here with a Yorkie puppy
  63. I wonder.....
  64. Recommendations of breeder in Orange County, California
  65. Tell me..What happens to YOU??
  66. My baby is so big!!!!
  67. Fritzel is acting different
  68. My yorkie doesn't like my new baby
  69. thanks for the welcome
  70. Squat Patrol and Pee Parade
  71. Pinky and the plane!
  72. Spay or NOT?
  73. Sewing Doggy Dresses -- Isn't it rewarding?
  74. Hi! I'm New and wanted to say Hi! (also have a few Qs)
  75. when can I give a bath
  76. Update on Sweet William
  77. Leaving clothes on all the time?
  78. What do u do if ur dog has an upset stomach
  79. Had to take Rocky to the Hospital.
  80. Mi'Leighs First Baby!
  81. Today's the day!!!!
  82. Is it the right time for my Penny?
  83. Dog Festival
  84. Praising my Kaba
  85. Learning to sow dog clothes?
  86. WARNING! Puppy Crack Addiction Signs
  87. please, answer needed asap
  88. Suprise Diggy Kisses From KIM
  89. OMG ty Tumismom!
  90. my baby is always itchy
  91. My first doggie dresses
  92. Missing Yorkie - Alpharetta, GA
  93. Moving Threads!
  94. Terrible twos??
  95. AKC vs CKC
  96. Can I see your webcam shots???
  97. New puppy help!!
  98. My yorkie is neutered but still humps
  99. Full Grown?
  100. why is she tearing her pad up?
  101. What was the V-Day Ball??!?
  102. dog purse warning
  103. Here some new Gucci pics
  104. Is this a scam?
  105. Car Ride?
  106. Any fellow clean freaks out there?
  107. Help! My yorkie snaps at people
  108. I want the old Tilly....
  109. Check out this ad....
  110. Hi everyone, we've missed you!!
  111. 7 Years ago today!!
  112. scaredy rat!
  113. Anyone want a Husky??/?????//??
  114. Grizzley Bear
  115. Repost about the lookout carseat
  116. Leather furniture and Yorkies?
  117. Urine Smell on Laminate Floors!!
  118. Disney Kennels
  119. Will You be Mine? Getting your yorkie a valentine
  120. New Camera Info
  121. obedience school
  122. She needs a registration name....
  123. Yorkies...Loyal Companions...
  124. Thank you s13silviagirl and Turbo!
  125. I feel so bad... R.I.P.
  126. A Rat?????
  127. What do you think
  128. Hello. New Here!
  129. can teapots be shown
  130. I'm telling on you
  131. splashing in the water bowl?
  132. Was This Mean Or What! I Posted On Craigslist.
  133. Taking Yorkie Across MX Border - Have you?
  134. Ohhhhh Bella....My WOV!!!
  135. "going" under the table
  136. The Happy Valentines Day Thread
  137. Salvador Dhali would like to send all the beautiful
  138. Lookin for a Valentine !!
  139. HELP!! Have I been scammed??
  140. Happy Brithday
  141. Guinness and popcorn
  142. Happy Vawentinez Day Bailey my wuv!
  143. how can we love these precious animals so much?!?
  144. Happy Valentines Day1111
  145. Hi I'm new...
  146. Happy Valentine's Day Simon
  147. Can you still read....
  148. Buddy sends his heart to you ladies
  149. New Member - "Old Yorkie Owner"
  150. Our Tatum is FOUR years old today!
  151. ATTN:: Anyone need anything at Target???
  152. Happy Balentine's Day S'anah !!!
  153. One of my Puppies has a Pink nose??
  154. Puppy aggression towards cats
  155. New here...
  156. "HELP" questions how the GE works
  157. New Yorkie Parents :)
  158. yorkiepoos
  159. New Yorkie Mommy!! Hello all!!
  160. Horrible or Funny story
  161. Bad grooming experience..
  162. Life Vest
  163. yorkie bond..
  164. Pet Stairs/Steps...
  165. HOw do you post a picture?
  166. Im hurtinggg...
  167. yorkie help!
  168. Hello.. We are new here...
  169. Warning about power car windows
  170. HELP Very Sleepy Yorkie!
  171. Never met a person more ignorant!
  172. what a great visit
  173. New Puppy/Old Puppy
  174. Training Issues Need Help
  175. Vote for Franklin!
  176. having second thoughts
  177. Kennel License?
  178. How to choose a puppy
  179. New Yorkie Family
  180. Quick Question!?!
  181. Are Dorkies welcome?
  182. Can someone remind me who's litter this is?
  183. Should I do it?
  184. ????? question about coat????
  185. This irritates me to NO end...
  186. Missing Link and Angel's Eyes?
  187. Pictures
  188. Danger..... Florida!!!
  189. Look @ what Sam sent Emma for Valentines Day!
  190. Coupons for PetEdge
  191. Bored Yorkie..what are your favorite games to play with your furbabies?
  192. Can Yorkies have wavy hair as puppies?
  193. Hello Everybody
  194. New with some questions???
  195. Sick As a DOG
  196. Hi I'm new and have a question!
  197. happy valentine's to all....
  198. i want to adopt Echo.
  199. ANy one here have a mac???
  200. Help!
  201. out of curiousity;
  202. have I made a good decision?
  203. Nervous
  204. Sams Lipstick please need answers
  205. Please pray & light a candle for LOST YORKIE - LEXY
  206. Found something "foreign" in antibiotic!
  207. Look how cute Mazey's babies are. ALL SIX!
  208. Do they look like they would make cute brother and sister? I need advice
  209. What do you think of this website??
  210. Is it possible???
  211. Maggy May's Video
  212. Guinness' toys
  213. Dark haired yorkies?
  214. ROFL So Hard!!!
  215. loosing hair after surgery?
  216. need sleep help?
  217. Do yorkies go through growth spurts?
  218. How do you go about reporting a breeder?
  219. Amy's in heat
  220. This guy was so mean! Almost made me cry...
  221. help! sneezing and coughing?
  222. Cutting Hair?
  223. Hello from Montreal
  224. a warm welcome for my baby
  225. i feel so bad
  226. Plastic Travel Kennel or Wire Crate
  227. Need Help
  228. Ways to prevent dog attacks
  229. should i be worried?
  230. OMG!!! A Worm?!?
  231. She always finds another way to be a STINKER!
  232. no flea meds working!!!
  233. I'm so shaken up!
  234. Seperation Anxiety
  235. Still In Touch
  236. Do rubberbands cause hair to grown in frizzy?.
  237. Please HELP!! Yorkie Puppy!!
  238. Roxie has bedhead!!!
  239. Viki (Bleu's momma)
  240. Finally... A night of uninterrupted sleep.
  241. Am I the only one that has a special gift for
  242. Some advice please...
  243. Maxi did it again!
  244. First time owner!
  245. New member :D first time Yorkie owner
  246. Choosing an older puppy
  247. So darn cute...
  248. Picture under name
  249. Introducing Sebastian and Betty Boop
  250. Waaay too cute!!!
