- Bathing
- Online Registering
- he just CANNOT help it! LOL
- Visual learner here... Post pics of YOU and your baby/babies!
- Boys Marking their Territory!
- sleeping under to many bankets
- Pillow-a-la-Yorkie! -DOGblogTV
- I did a terrible thing to my puppy today, and I want to confess it
- poor dog :-(
- Parti Gene
- What are the negatives of bringing a puppy home at 8 weeks?
- Some new cutie dresses
- Selective Hearing
- Why do people get so diffensive if you ask if their puppies are AKC registered?
- Chattering Teeth
- She keeps peeing on her bed!!!!
- please vote for our very own: Belle!
- Yorkie giveaway????
- Dog shows????
- Shampoo and Brushes
- Thank you Misty & Jamie (RebelBelle)
- New Yorkie Mom
- new here
- what does it mean when you yorkie
- Studying Abroad, I don't know what to do!!
- Frankenstien scar
- Almond Oil
- Omg!!!!
- It's been a long time!!
- What does your yorkie do when
- Shedding??
- top nots
- Dealing with pet death
- Newbie with Questions...
- water - oh no!
- Teddy enjoys alone time
- Happy Birthday Tilly!!!
- Am I spoiling Sophie...or myself??
- Another Yorkie addict website!!! I am in so much trouble!!
- adding to our little family?
- Anyone near Lincoln, NE?
- She's HOME!!!
- I should be banned from the YORKIE PRODUCTS FOR SALE section
- Doe anyone remember?
- New here but just wanted to say hi
- The Official list of the top names for dogs
- Help Advice needed PLEASE!
- So I have been ordering
- Go to Animal Planet Right NOW
- Oh Sugar!!!!!!!
- Litter Trained-- a question
- Weird?
- Sophie LOVES food.
- What a wonderful resource!
- Getting a new sister 4 Luna....
- Any Special Shampoo
- Stay off my grass!!
- How long is a....
- Important food question
- sassy needs your votes
- Wait till you see what my furkids daddy MADE them!!!!
- Hi..I'm new here with a Yorkie puppy
- I wonder.....
- Recommendations of breeder in Orange County, California
- Tell me..What happens to YOU??
- My baby is so big!!!!
- Fritzel is acting different
- My yorkie doesn't like my new baby
- thanks for the welcome
- Squat Patrol and Pee Parade
- Pinky and the plane!
- Spay or NOT?
- Sewing Doggy Dresses -- Isn't it rewarding?
- Hi! I'm New and wanted to say Hi! (also have a few Qs)
- when can I give a bath
- Update on Sweet William
- Leaving clothes on all the time?
- What do u do if ur dog has an upset stomach
- Had to take Rocky to the Hospital.
- Mi'Leighs First Baby!
- Today's the day!!!!
- Is it the right time for my Penny?
- Dog Festival
- Praising my Kaba
- Learning to sow dog clothes?
- WARNING! Puppy Crack Addiction Signs
- please, answer needed asap
- Suprise Diggy Kisses From KIM
- OMG ty Tumismom!
- my baby is always itchy
- My first doggie dresses
- Missing Yorkie - Alpharetta, GA
- Moving Threads!
- Terrible twos??
- AKC vs CKC
- Can I see your webcam shots???
- New puppy help!!
- My yorkie is neutered but still humps
- Full Grown?
- why is she tearing her pad up?
- What was the V-Day Ball??!?
- dog purse warning
- Here some new Gucci pics
- Is this a scam?
- Car Ride?
- Any fellow clean freaks out there?
- Help! My yorkie snaps at people
- I want the old Tilly....
- Check out this ad....
- Hi everyone, we've missed you!!
- 7 Years ago today!!
- scaredy rat!
- Anyone want a Husky??/?????//??
- Grizzley Bear
- Repost about the lookout carseat
- Leather furniture and Yorkies?
- Urine Smell on Laminate Floors!!
- Disney Kennels
- Will You be Mine? Getting your yorkie a valentine
- New Camera Info
- obedience school
- She needs a registration name....
- Yorkies...Loyal Companions...
- Thank you s13silviagirl and Turbo!
- I feel so bad... R.I.P.
- A Rat?????
- What do you think
- Hello. New Here!
- can teapots be shown
- I'm telling on you
- splashing in the water bowl?
- Was This Mean Or What! I Posted On Craigslist.
- Taking Yorkie Across MX Border - Have you?
- Ohhhhh Bella....My WOV!!!
- "going" under the table
- The Happy Valentines Day Thread
- Salvador Dhali would like to send all the beautiful
- Lookin for a Valentine !!
- HELP!! Have I been scammed??
- Happy Brithday
- Guinness and popcorn
- Happy Vawentinez Day Bailey my wuv!
- how can we love these precious animals so much?!?
- Happy Valentines Day1111
- Hi I'm new...
- Happy Valentine's Day Simon
- Can you still read....
- Buddy sends his heart to you ladies
- New Member - "Old Yorkie Owner"
- Our Tatum is FOUR years old today!
- ATTN:: Anyone need anything at Target???
- Happy Balentine's Day S'anah !!!
- One of my Puppies has a Pink nose??
- Puppy aggression towards cats
- New here...
- "HELP" questions how the GE works
- New Yorkie Parents :)
- yorkiepoos
- New Yorkie Mommy!! Hello all!!
- Horrible or Funny story
- Bad grooming experience..
- Life Vest
- yorkie bond..
- Pet Stairs/Steps...
- HOw do you post a picture?
- Im hurtinggg...
- yorkie help!
- Hello.. We are new here...
- Warning about power car windows
- HELP Very Sleepy Yorkie!
- Never met a person more ignorant!
- what a great visit
- New Puppy/Old Puppy
- Training Issues Need Help
- Vote for Franklin!
- having second thoughts
- Kennel License?
- How to choose a puppy
- New Yorkie Family
- Quick Question!?!
- Are Dorkies welcome?
- Can someone remind me who's litter this is?
- Should I do it?
- ????? question about coat????
- This irritates me to NO end...
- Missing Link and Angel's Eyes?
- Pictures
- Danger..... Florida!!!
- Look @ what Sam sent Emma for Valentines Day!
- Coupons for PetEdge
- Bored Yorkie..what are your favorite games to play with your furbabies?
- Can Yorkies have wavy hair as puppies?
- Hello Everybody
- New with some questions???
- Sick As a DOG
- Hi I'm new and have a question!
- happy valentine's to all....
- i want to adopt Echo.
- ANy one here have a mac???
- Help!
- out of curiousity;
- have I made a good decision?
- Nervous
- Sams Lipstick please need answers
- Please pray & light a candle for LOST YORKIE - LEXY
- Found something "foreign" in antibiotic!
- Look how cute Mazey's babies are. ALL SIX!
- Do they look like they would make cute brother and sister? I need advice
- What do you think of this website??
- Is it possible???
- Maggy May's Video
- Guinness' toys
- Dark haired yorkies?
- ROFL So Hard!!!
- loosing hair after surgery?
- need sleep help?
- Do yorkies go through growth spurts?
- How do you go about reporting a breeder?
- Amy's in heat
- This guy was so mean! Almost made me cry...
- help! sneezing and coughing?
- Cutting Hair?
- Hello from Montreal
- a warm welcome for my baby
- i feel so bad
- Plastic Travel Kennel or Wire Crate
- Need Help
- Ways to prevent dog attacks
- should i be worried?
- OMG!!! A Worm?!?
- She always finds another way to be a STINKER!
- no flea meds working!!!
- I'm so shaken up!
- Seperation Anxiety
- Still In Touch
- Do rubberbands cause hair to grown in frizzy?.
- Please HELP!! Yorkie Puppy!!
- Roxie has bedhead!!!
- Viki (Bleu's momma)
- Finally... A night of uninterrupted sleep.
- Am I the only one that has a special gift for
- Some advice please...
- Maxi did it again!
- First time owner!
- New member :D first time Yorkie owner
- Choosing an older puppy
- So darn cute...
- Picture under name
- Introducing Sebastian and Betty Boop
- Waaay too cute!!!