- Does weight really tell how big it would be
- Is it bad to use the same flea comb on another dog???
- weight question
- what can i feed my new puppy ???
- Greetings
- id like to introduce myself
- So proud of my baby girl Harley!!
- Some Advise for Katie Please
- Should I have him Neutered???
- Puppy Sleeping Pattern
- Have you ever lied.....
- Some good news! (Finally)
- Welcome home Reggie
- Riley's gone!
- I just brought home Niyah tonight
- So much fun today...
- Has anyone bought a puppy from this breeder?
- If anyone is interested............
- Admin: Can't get or send PM
- No mess dinner time
- It's been 1 year today since...
- Advice on adding a new yorkie to the family?
- Our New Baby!
- I have the bike....
- A New Use For Yorkies
- ears
- Looking at Morkies.....
- Pjamas
- Feel the Spotlight on Your Skin My Insatiable Love
- Biting at the face
- coats?
- 14 weeks and lifting leg to pee!?
- International Yorkie Meet-up
- Breeder does not potty train--HELP
- For people with more than one yorkie
- Need Some Help...
- Not Funny!
- Ms. Izzabella May came home today
- Guess What I Did?
- What A Great Day....
- Need help
- inabowbina "we want pics of your cute puppy"
- I joined YT because.....
- When your yorkie is dying
- "He kinda looks blue"
- Incredible and ridiculously cute!
- Im new to YT
- New carrier
- Yorkie Childhood Stages?
- Still no pups
- Hi, everyone! I'm sort of new to YT!
- clothing
- Desperate for help/advice
- Please Help
- willful females!
- Digging-but only before laying down!
- Doggie Sunglasses? Do you use them?
- New to Yorkie Forum and Yorkie as pet
- Blonde yorkies?
- Breeders...
- Adult Teeth
- Look at this little guy!!
- Nevada yt members!!! (henderson vegas summerlin)
- Cool trix?:)
- Looking for a GOOD breeder in Silicon Valley/ Bay Area
- Help with Barking
- Any of your babies do this?
- Potty Training and Belly Bands
- I think I'm going to leave for a while.
- Theres a big rat in my house!!!!!!!
- petco $5 off 25 or $10 of 50 coupon
- I Am Sorry!
- I am SICKENED by this!!!
- Just registered to yorkie talk
- We are new to Yorkie Talk
- I'm At Work With Mommy Today!!!
- Teapot club
- What little imps they are!!
- Who wants to weigh in?
- I'm new here :-)
- I Think I Might Be Having Puppies Soon!
- My little garbage disposal
- Birthday celebrations... who celebrates their yorkies b-day...
- Big yorkies
- Hello everyone
- Parti/Biewer question.....
- help please?
- running outside
- Yorkie babyfood
- SILKY TERRIER can anybody show me how a silky looks like? pls!
- Rug steam cleaners... any recommendations?
- Pooped with the PEE today... need to vent
- You never know...
- Montgomery County SPCA in Pa
- 4 months a 5.6 pounds!!!!!!!!!
- My first holiday
- Checking in with Bob and Marley
- Licenses and other info...
- Are Microchips transferrable?
- Silver Under Coat
- Generic heartgard
- Clicker Training?
- Never a dull moment with this big boy
- Lacis new hair cut , Thank you Nancy1999
- New puppy question
- Vocal yorkie!?
- Completely overwhelmed...
- Come one Come All
- Licensing??Registering??Help??
- Clueless about Bows.
- Do you ever get funned out?
- Bully sticks! This is so funny!!
- What do you think of this little fella?
- I took Roxie
- What do you think of this little fella?
- Odd Question
- Yorkie Gatherings in Austin, Tex.
- 6 Months...Questions
- Another stupid owner
- Traveling with Rylee
- Honest opinions..what do you think of him?
- By looking at the first four pictures in my photo album...
- NYC T-cup&Co( cheap yorkies)
- Uni's $100 ID tag
- Hey Pittsburg Fans Laci meets the Stanley Cup!!!
- Bio spot...???
- Going out tomorrow night
- Tyler going to school.........
- Potty Pad Obsession--HELP!!
- Heaven Can Wait animal shelter
- Help!
- just introducing
- hello
- Teacupspuppies.com teacups puppies and dog boutique- hollywood fl
- I think I ruined my dog's hair!
- Pedi Paws
- Is this puberty? Even though neutered?
- She is so smart.
- Help!!! My dog doesnt recognize my dad after a swim!
- Hoe do I get Munchie to stop screaming when I leave the room????
- My new furbaby!
- Show Coat
- OMG! Gross!
- Need help with AGGRESSION!!!
- Re: Newbie
- Humping leg
- Doggie Hotels?
- Yorkie collectable.. so pretty
- Get a pooper scooper please!!!
- In heat again, could this be??
- I wish I got free stuff!
- Off the leash Pit Bulls
- Child Care Woes
- Liquid Asprin
- Breeder help...
- New Owner – Got a couple of questions
- help on avatar please or pic when you post
- Dog Licenses???
- Roxie has lots to say!
- New to the Forum!
- Ill get the door mummy
- Frequency of Haicuts
- How do you do slide shows?
- Barking during night due to noise
- my Fido 1 yr old yesterday!
- UG! Tired of hearing she's a Silky...
- Help! Urine on carpet..Potty training nightmare
- Guess what
- Did anyone else enter their dog in the Greenie Contest?
- Why get a dog?
- is there such a thing?
- Tried to bite my grandson
- All 3 of them are in big trouble!!!
- New Puppy Registration
- Hi all, I'm new here (Nikki)
- Nursing other dog.....
- Naughty Pup
- When do they start changing color?
- Hair cut post I cant find from the other day
- Please Watch Your Babies . . .
- Papi is getting neutered Tuesday
- ?
- My yorkie had babies...
- Am I Crazy for Getting a 4th?
- Mine!
- Whats wrong with his hair!
- Working with dogs?
- yorkie
- Arcade
- Wow
- Help. Brought home new female.
- My sweet baby
- How do you
- Tricky Baby
- Whats you yorkies reaction...?!
- Help!!!!!!i want to be a stay @ home yorkie mom
- Interested in fostering,SOCAL
- My yorkie ate my breakfast!
- Puppy Nightmares?
- Yorkie or silky????
- Very nervous for tomarrow's spay
- New Pet Airlines
- AKC coupon
- yorkie 2 years old.. new to this site need advice
- Biting while playing....HELP!
- Rehoming Age
- Aca
- Is there a way to keep hair out of eye without cutting hair and puting hair bow
- Litter box for potty training
- Pet friendly motels in Outer Banks
- Omg omg omg!!
- Chewing EVERYTHING!!!
- Re re yorkie chat
- have to leave my puppy today !!
- good breeder?
- Anyone work nights?
- rocking my furbaby to sleep
- ♥ Run in with the Recliner...♥
- She is confused!!
- Fireworks KILL!
- Introducing a new Yorkie pup to my 9 month old Bailey
- Coat color
- Boys or girls?
- W.A.L.K.I.E.S Question!
- newbie
- Dog Shows
- Help!!!
- Does your yorkie ever...???
- For anyone to read about my Yorkie meet up today
- exercise even when it's hot outside
- Advice/Suggestions??
- Tail length
- crate problems
- Nothing is Safe! No, Rocky, NO!
- Another Yorkie
- My Sarabeth
- Cottage cheese how much?
- Ugh Really?!
- Yorkies and cold weather
- homemade yogurt?
- new to group
- yorkie ears
- picture?
- So proud of my babies...Bronze award win!
- Air Conditioning is not an option for the Capt!
- Is she warming up to him?
- Poor Maddy... I think DH is going to explode.... :(
- Update on me and lily kisses
- 4 month old weighs 12 ounces?!
- Mommy said she's flushing me down the toliet!!