
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Does weight really tell how big it would be
  2. Is it bad to use the same flea comb on another dog???
  3. weight question
  4. what can i feed my new puppy ???
  5. Greetings
  6. id like to introduce myself
  7. So proud of my baby girl Harley!!
  8. Some Advise for Katie Please
  9. Should I have him Neutered???
  10. Puppy Sleeping Pattern
  11. Have you ever lied.....
  12. Some good news! (Finally)
  13. Welcome home Reggie
  14. Riley's gone!
  15. I just brought home Niyah tonight
  16. So much fun today...
  17. Has anyone bought a puppy from this breeder?
  18. If anyone is interested............
  19. Admin: Can't get or send PM
  20. No mess dinner time
  21. It's been 1 year today since...
  22. Advice on adding a new yorkie to the family?
  23. Our New Baby!
  24. I have the bike....
  25. A New Use For Yorkies
  26. ears
  27. Looking at Morkies.....
  28. Pjamas
  29. Feel the Spotlight on Your Skin My Insatiable Love
  30. Biting at the face
  31. coats?
  32. 14 weeks and lifting leg to pee!?
  33. International Yorkie Meet-up
  34. Breeder does not potty train--HELP
  35. For people with more than one yorkie
  36. Need Some Help...
  37. Not Funny!
  38. Ms. Izzabella May came home today
  39. Guess What I Did?
  40. What A Great Day....
  41. Need help
  42. inabowbina "we want pics of your cute puppy"
  43. I joined YT because.....
  44. When your yorkie is dying
  45. "He kinda looks blue"
  46. Incredible and ridiculously cute!
  47. Im new to YT
  48. New carrier
  49. Yorkie Childhood Stages?
  50. Still no pups
  51. Hi, everyone! I'm sort of new to YT!
  52. clothing
  53. Desperate for help/advice
  54. Please Help
  55. willful females!
  56. Digging-but only before laying down!
  57. Doggie Sunglasses? Do you use them?
  58. New to Yorkie Forum and Yorkie as pet
  59. Blonde yorkies?
  60. Breeders...
  61. Adult Teeth
  62. Look at this little guy!!
  63. Nevada yt members!!! (henderson vegas summerlin)
  64. Cool trix?:)
  65. Looking for a GOOD breeder in Silicon Valley/ Bay Area
  66. Help with Barking
  67. Any of your babies do this?
  68. Potty Training and Belly Bands
  69. I think I'm going to leave for a while.
  70. Theres a big rat in my house!!!!!!!
  71. petco $5 off 25 or $10 of 50 coupon
  72. I Am Sorry!
  73. I am SICKENED by this!!!
  74. Just registered to yorkie talk
  75. We are new to Yorkie Talk
  76. I'm At Work With Mommy Today!!!
  77. Teapot club
  78. What little imps they are!!
  79. Who wants to weigh in?
  80. I'm new here :-)
  81. I Think I Might Be Having Puppies Soon!
  82. My little garbage disposal
  83. Birthday celebrations... who celebrates their yorkies b-day...
  84. Big yorkies
  85. Hello everyone
  86. Parti/Biewer question.....
  87. help please?
  88. running outside
  89. Yorkie babyfood
  90. SILKY TERRIER can anybody show me how a silky looks like? pls!
  91. Rug steam cleaners... any recommendations?
  92. Pooped with the PEE today... need to vent
  93. You never know...
  94. Montgomery County SPCA in Pa
  95. 4 months a 5.6 pounds!!!!!!!!!
  96. My first holiday
  97. Checking in with Bob and Marley
  98. Licenses and other info...
  99. Are Microchips transferrable?
  100. Silver Under Coat
  101. Generic heartgard
  102. Clicker Training?
  103. Never a dull moment with this big boy
  104. Lacis new hair cut , Thank you Nancy1999
  105. New puppy question
  106. Vocal yorkie!?
  107. Completely overwhelmed...
  108. Come one Come All
  109. Licensing??Registering??Help??
  110. Clueless about Bows.
  111. Do you ever get funned out?
  112. Bully sticks! This is so funny!!
  113. What do you think of this little fella?
  114. I took Roxie
  115. What do you think of this little fella?
  116. Odd Question
  117. Yorkie Gatherings in Austin, Tex.
  118. 6 Months...Questions
  119. Another stupid owner
  120. Traveling with Rylee
  121. Honest opinions..what do you think of him?
  122. By looking at the first four pictures in my photo album...
  123. NYC T-cup&Co( cheap yorkies)
  124. Uni's $100 ID tag
  125. Hey Pittsburg Fans Laci meets the Stanley Cup!!!
  126. Bio spot...???
  127. Going out tomorrow night
  128. Tyler going to school.........
  129. Potty Pad Obsession--HELP!!
  130. Heaven Can Wait animal shelter
  131. Help!
  132. just introducing
  133. hello
  134. teacups puppies and dog boutique- hollywood fl
  135. I think I ruined my dog's hair!
  136. Pedi Paws
  137. Is this puberty? Even though neutered?
  138. She is so smart.
  139. Help!!! My dog doesnt recognize my dad after a swim!
  140. Hoe do I get Munchie to stop screaming when I leave the room????
  141. My new furbaby!
  142. Show Coat
  143. OMG! Gross!
  144. Need help with AGGRESSION!!!
  145. Re: Newbie
  146. Humping leg
  147. Doggie Hotels?
  148. Yorkie collectable.. so pretty
  149. Get a pooper scooper please!!!
  150. In heat again, could this be??
  151. I wish I got free stuff!
  152. Off the leash Pit Bulls
  153. Child Care Woes
  154. Liquid Asprin
  155. Breeder help...
  156. New Owner – Got a couple of questions
  157. help on avatar please or pic when you post
  158. Dog Licenses???
  159. Roxie has lots to say!
  160. New to the Forum!
  161. Ill get the door mummy
  162. Frequency of Haicuts
  163. How do you do slide shows?
  164. Barking during night due to noise
  165. my Fido 1 yr old yesterday!
  166. UG! Tired of hearing she's a Silky...
  167. Help! Urine on carpet..Potty training nightmare
  168. Guess what
  169. Did anyone else enter their dog in the Greenie Contest?
  170. Why get a dog?
  171. is there such a thing?
  172. Tried to bite my grandson
  173. All 3 of them are in big trouble!!!
  174. New Puppy Registration
  175. Hi all, I'm new here (Nikki)
  176. Nursing other dog.....
  177. Naughty Pup
  178. When do they start changing color?
  179. Hair cut post I cant find from the other day
  180. Please Watch Your Babies . . .
  181. Papi is getting neutered Tuesday
  182. ?
  183. My yorkie had babies...
  184. Am I Crazy for Getting a 4th?
  185. Mine!
  186. Whats wrong with his hair!
  187. Working with dogs?
  188. yorkie
  189. Arcade
  190. Wow
  191. Help. Brought home new female.
  192. My sweet baby
  193. How do you
  194. Tricky Baby
  195. Whats you yorkies reaction...?!
  196. Help!!!!!!i want to be a stay @ home yorkie mom
  197. Interested in fostering,SOCAL
  198. My yorkie ate my breakfast!
  199. Puppy Nightmares?
  200. Yorkie or silky????
  201. Very nervous for tomarrow's spay
  202. New Pet Airlines
  203. AKC coupon
  204. yorkie 2 years old.. new to this site need advice
  205. Biting while playing....HELP!
  206. Rehoming Age
  207. Aca
  208. Is there a way to keep hair out of eye without cutting hair and puting hair bow
  209. Litter box for potty training
  210. Pet friendly motels in Outer Banks
  211. Omg omg omg!!
  212. Chewing EVERYTHING!!!
  213. Re re yorkie chat
  214. have to leave my puppy today !!
  215. good breeder?
  216. Anyone work nights?
  217. rocking my furbaby to sleep
  218. ♥ Run in with the Recliner...♥
  219. She is confused!!
  220. Fireworks KILL!
  221. Introducing a new Yorkie pup to my 9 month old Bailey
  222. Coat color
  223. Boys or girls?
  224. W.A.L.K.I.E.S Question!
  225. newbie
  226. Dog Shows
  227. Help!!!
  228. Does your yorkie ever...???
  229. For anyone to read about my Yorkie meet up today
  230. exercise even when it's hot outside
  231. Advice/Suggestions??
  232. Tail length
  233. crate problems
  234. Nothing is Safe! No, Rocky, NO!
  235. Another Yorkie
  236. My Sarabeth
  237. Cottage cheese how much?
  238. Ugh Really?!
  239. Yorkies and cold weather
  240. homemade yogurt?
  241. new to group
  242. yorkie ears
  243. picture?
  244. So proud of my babies...Bronze award win!
  245. Air Conditioning is not an option for the Capt!
  246. Is she warming up to him?
  247. Poor Maddy... I think DH is going to explode.... :(
  248. Update on me and lily kisses
  249. 4 month old weighs 12 ounces?!
  250. Mommy said she's flushing me down the toliet!!
