View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - Do Your Yorkies...
- Hello Everyone......
- foot fetish???
- marking on people's feet!?
- Sleeping in the bed with you?
- He has TWO rows of teeth??
- Join tha Massachusetts Hypoallergenic small dog group!
- where does your yorkie sit
- Summer in Minnesota
- For those with ponies/top knots
- Michael Vick
- Electronic Flea Comb???
- My Little Cupcake is Turning 3!!!
- fake sneezes
- Liberty 50- Flea med?
- Acting Strange
- wrought iron fence help
- New Member
- "Britches" for first heat?
- Birthday Time
- running away
- Point A + Point B, Point C, Point D, E...= Point A!!!
- Should I charge her?
- Is this normal play?
- Worried about my Baby!!
- Fixing my male
- Issue: "Is my lawn a toilet?"
- question(s) about dog clothes.
- Male 's urinating on corner of walls in the hall
- Flipping over the water/food bowl
- Yorkie Blog
- New Puppy ?
- (Help) Puppies coat
- What does it take to Foster?
- This is hard to hear about
- My 1st Yorkie!!
- When unleashed dogs approach.??
- Hair Dryer
- Can anyone help me?
- Maddie got stung by a bee today!
- Convincing a landlord that a second dog is a good idea
- Help! Lucas got into my lipgloss!
- My yorkie is miserable
- Please vote for LIBBIE!
- Having a girl and boy
- Would people look at me crazy if I had a birthday party for my dog
- Do Yorkies usually stay in dog carriers
- Just wanted to share with you all my gift
- Still in love...
- Is your male Yorkie completely potty-trained"?
- Missing teeth!
- I am torn!!! help
- Tucker's Ears
- She got out!
- has any1 here ever sent their baby off to training camp?
- Cross stitch anyone?
- Hello all YT'ers
- Excited
- Hernias
- Is it to late to Crate train my 7 month old yorkie?
- Need advice asap!!!
- Nanny Cam vs. Day Care
- Litter Box Z'zzzzzz
- Lol dogs pictures posted here:
- Need theme for "Poochie Parade"
- Dogs fighting when in heat, (Normal???)
- Yorkie Clothes
- new baby boy
- Stepping outside!
- car sickness help
- Hi,new to forum,but have been reading.
- Bitting
- Need Advice: chewing up the pee pad
- What are your baby's favorite things?
- YOUR free....
- How long has this site been around?
- Puppy or adult? Help me decide!
- Update on my dad~~Sadie news
- Anyone else love how their DH is with their baby?
- "Do you believe in canine guardian angels and the kindness of strangers?"
- surgery and kennel cough
- Tax Credit for Pet Expenses starting 12-31-09
- Puppy's 1st birthday party favors
- Happy First Birthday!!!!
- does this sound fake?
- doggie daycare question
- Loose Tooth Making Her Crazy (I Think?)
- teeth bleeding
- PICK UP YOUR POOP!! ...a rant
- Therapy dog!
- Brand New Tucker Update
- when can you remove a posted thread
- Short topknots
- New Puppy-pee pads or outside?
- Puppy Training Classes
- first time mom
- Looking for a baby girl
- Advice please!
- Yorkie Agility?
- New yorkie owner needs question answered if possible
- Urgent!!!!! 2 young females fighting!! Help
- What's Wrong with his One Ear?? Went Flappy!!
- Is something wrong?
- Were yorkies always so expensive? Or is it because they are popular now
- Need new summer hair cut ideas!
- I found my boy!
- Happy 20th Birthday, Miss Paras!!!
- Good harness for small yokie?
- Newborn babies
- OMG.....Help!!!
- Pesticides
- Does anyone else talk about their yorkie everyday?
- I need a new name!
- Whats wrong with people!!
- My Bailey is 2.3 lbs!!
- Anyone got any ideas please yorkie needs help
- Peeing on the Floor
- Hello again x
- Boarding...
- New Mr. Yorkie here to meet you!
- Do people think your crazy sometimes??
- Is 2 or 3 pounds healthy?
- So proud of my baby
- Harness or underware?
- Anti Dog People.
- lick you on the mouth????
- Potty Training Woes!!!
- Still Issues...
- Oh my god!!!!!!
- Biting at her skin
- Help with Bows
- odd crying
- Ants!!!
- Grass potty?
- Happy Birthday Big Boys
- had a crazy morning
- Advice for getting Sadie to stop jump-attacking mommy.
- Yorkie puppy at 6 weeks
- how to tell if you yorkie....
- My Sweet Yogi Is 1 yr Old!!
- Glad to find this!
- I'm a bad owner.
- Threw up....
- Do all grown dogs hate puppies?
- Sadie's first thunderstorm
- Age of puppy leaving his mom
- Help with White Dog Issues
- My little escape artist!
- Need help!
- Tail?
- Resizing Pics Website...
- I miss them already...
- Novice breeder needs your knowledge
- Bald but beautiful
- Cutest puppy - Third place
- My female has darkening skin on her belly...?
- menses frenzy
- Whatever could this
- Tias first holiday pics
- Help Teddy Thy
- personality difference of boys and girls?
- She pulled out her stitches!
- was that his Penis?
- Question about Karlee! I need advice!!!
- New to NorthEast Georgia Area need to find the right place to board
- What a bad widdle dawgy!
- Behavior Question
- Ruby's Vacation
- How to improve coat?
- My Little Alarm Clock
- mab's one adventure
- 6mth coat care tips PLEASE???
- Talk about prissy...Jeez!
- Up and running!
- She gave us the chicken and we ran!
- Whiskers
- Part Weenie?
- Maddie has a secret......
- Fleas and Ticks Prevention
- Quick opinions please!!!!
- does your Yorkie LOVE to go bye bye??
- Found a really cute site
- Can't Stand it
- Our new baby, 4 week countdown!!
- Crazy ears! lol...
- So sad another pregnant yorkie for sale
- NEW to forum - GREETINGS!
- I have a situation- please give advice
- Yorkies living in Raleigh NC
- Puppies Are Here!!!!!!!
- good quaity yorkie
- How much does your yorkie weigh?
- Is your Yorkie a Klepto?
- nursing mom
- puppy food to regular dog food.
- 4 month old yorkie bit HOLE in DH's finger!!!
- color and coat
- Been busy with my dog rescue - Please vote for my Lucie!
- What are they thinking????
- Walker is getting a brother!
- Just wanted to say thanks
- we're newbies
- I have an acrobat for a puppy!
- My puppy looks sad:( or is it her way of warming up?
- Spoiled?
- Maybe I'm too polite?
- I think the vet gave me the wrong dog
- 4 lbs - 5 months and 3 days...
- Male yorkie needs to get a room!
- Sipho the Yorkie on Twitter
- I want to get them to go in the pool.
- New photos of Bailey! Questions about modeling...
- Fluffy Fur?
- My first Yorkie
- Breeding Marly
- Bought "Slightly" a Bully Bar
- Oh gross!
- Best Choice UPC Symbols to Support Yorkie Rescue
- She's home!!
- new to yorkie talk just wanna say hi
- New puppy long night
- It's not a yorkie but
- Doggie Bakery Day!
- What age can you tell coat type?
- costs
- Time for something positive...
- Female yorkies and periods.
- Any advice for 2 new parents!?!?
- Sophie, the cats, crates, & xpens...any suggestions?
- We get our dogs on August 16th!
- What kind of yorkie is she?
- Pregnant and worried about my yorkie
- Chew/Bully Sticks***A story about Buddy
- Puppies leaving to forever home :-(
- Its was 50 degrees outside today at 3:00 pm!
- check out this yorkie video
- So how long has everyone been a yorkie owner???
- advice please
- Help
- Urine clean up on Laminate floor
- This person can kiss off
- Kaji got neutered today.
- Introducing Griffin
- Returning to YorkieTalk
- Morkie Pictures
- Don't know what to do
- I think I need professional help!!
- New owner needs advise!
- Polo Almost Attacked Two Days In A Row
- Haircuts
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