View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - Pottying Problems- Is chloe marking?
- Wonder why the breed has the problems it does!
- excited new member
- Introducing Zayne and my self
- Question about the ears.
- Hello...newb
- Constant Licking
- My Yorkie is itchy....
- Hi All!!
- Car seats
- Harnesses
- A POSITVE post about YT
- More pictures of Griffin and now Gracie too!
- Tucson Play Date
- My new dog
- First timer
- New pictures of Griffin!
- Thickness Of Hair
- coat question
- road trip
- More than one dog
- Service dog
- treats and chewing
- I've posted several now here are some pictures!
- Moving from WA to NV
- Related and Elated by bgeier
- Mom's Baby
- Silver Gold question
- My New Yorkie Baby!!!!
- Why is my puppy's reaction to people differ?
- She wants MY boyfriend!!!!!!!!
- My Yorkie was hurt and angry with me.
- I have a picture now
- Weird question?
- Need Suggestions, Advice, Opinions, etc....A young pup and working during the day.
- I just got...
- This is not for sale!! I just wanted your opinions.
- Doggie myspace?
- I need a bigger pad!!!
- Yet another question about insurance!
- Question about dog shows
- Is your pup a pushy kisser?
- another question about banfield
- best shampoo and conditioner
- My search for yorkie female may get to be expanded.
- Banfield insurance
- My Yorkie Website's up!!
- Great News!!!!!!!
- Booster Bath!
- Does your yorkie sleep in your bed?
- Adult food?
- wanting a yorkie
- missed yt
- Anyone have yucky puppy hair?????
- Pixie, Chavaz and Family!
- Do I really have a full bred yorkie?
- Newbie Introduction
- What's wrong with that puppy in the window?
- How do you'll manage to keep their hair out of their faces?
- Who makes a good oatmeal shampoo?
- when do we loose baby teeth?
- Looking for quality breeder in Arizona.
- newbie
- potty training inside and outside
- loralie is well but we need help potty training
- Matting
- Our 7 week old pics!!
- Vet vist today...
- I might be getting another yorkie
- A New Addition to Family !!!!
- New To Forum-Tallahassee Florida
- Breeding
- my little meatball
- A few questions...
- Cassie and I in Toronto
- A Yorkie/Husky mix...
- missiing yorkie in Seattle
- Puppy "Huge" Misunderstanding
- White hair?
- Look at this face!
- Did you get a camara for Christmas?
- Toby is now terrified
- Therapy Dog or Service Dog Info needed
- Baby Yorkie
- thanks everyone !!!
- UnChristmas, Bah humbug, photo noncontest, nonwinner
- 2 Christmas girls
- From My family to yours
- Toby and stocking toys!
- Wishing you a Merry Christmas
- Happy Birthday
- Your thoughts please on websites and pictures
- YorkieTalk Christmas 2005 Contest Winners!
- microchipping question..
- Merry Christmas!
- Does your yorkie......
- Rough Play
- Worst Christmas ever!
- TOby opened gramma's presents
- Is finding out who won the Xmas Contest gonna be our present from YT?
- Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
- Cool.card.not yorkie but pretty & magical!
- Car Seat
- Is your furbaby bow crazy?????
- Stuffed Yorkies
- Barking
- First time away from home…I miss her!
- Brushing Teeth
- never understood this
- Looking for a quality mutt yorkie
- Ugh this potty training thing is getting to me!
- Lack of Communication
- Christmas Kisses From Princess
- Lots of Accidents!
- So upset...
- Poop Problem
- How did your pups react to other dogs?
- Old lady had a tyrade!
- More Greenie Info
- I know this might sound dumb...
- Does this sound like a good deal?
- Puppies gone mad!
- Looking For Female
- Scared of Strangers and Children!!!!
- I need help registering a doggy!
- Corn Cob
- greedy ignorant breeder
- Newbie
- Merry Christmas To All!! Have To Listen!
- Happy Holidays from US!!
- Toby is going to be alone on christmas
- Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!
- 1.Daisy LOVES chicken soup......2.More heat questions.....
- Is it ok to Get another fur baby ?
- Sophie left a little present.....
- Tucker saved my mom's life!
- Groomers and Cowlicks!
- These two siblings crack me up!
- fat baby
- thinking about a baby girl
- My puupy loves me TOO much
- need help
- What is the difference btw a Yorkie and a Silky Terrier?
- Publix?
- dog food recall
- Won't be spending Christmas with my MIKO:(
- Fungus Forces Recall Of Dog, Cat Food by Diamond, Country Value, and Professional
- Wishing ALL of YT a Happy Holiday
- Have you been paying attention?
- Barkin Dog Clothes Wishes to Thank everyone!
- what kind of brush?
- When should her ears go up?
- Newbie
- Holy Moly..Is this a record breaker??
- calling all breeders....when can you tell if a Yorkie is show quality or not?
- ucky word/name monitor
- Santa knows what you did...
- We wish you a mewwy chwistmas!
- Our new girl is home
- Maddie was a stinker tonight!
- Santa's Little Snooper....
- Lets Sing Again - Winter Wonderland !
- Two Yorkies better then One????
- Great news!
- Puppy hair!!!!!
- Help! We need ideas!
- Thank You!!!!!
- OK, wacking myself in the head with the newspaper...
- Are long are dog's in Heat???
- Picture Shoot
- Online Yorkie Show!
- Help please!!!!!
- Puppys with problems!!!!
- How often does your yorkie throw up?
- Chelsey the DRAMA QUEEN!!
- just a funny post about my dog
- ATTENTION Diamond dog food NY/NJ
- Yorkie + Tall Glass of water = Funny
- Those who've rescued or taken in an older dog...
- Christmas Ornament Warning
- This hair on forehead? Maybe...
- Chatty Chat!
- Need some opinions re: traveling in the RV
- Not Eating
- So proud of Flying Yorkie
- Advice Needed
- Christmas contest.
- Male names just in case (help me choose)
- I wish we had an album called growing up puppy
- Hair in her eyes
- My runt
- Lets Sing = FILL THE BOWLS !!
- How much and what's included?
- What questions should I ask?
- Lizzy is being sassy!!!
- Food Warning
- Happy Holidays Everyone...
- Will they ALWAYS play so roughly?
- Feeding babies
- Where did I go wrong?? Turbo is a ...
- I need eyeryone's help, Please. Impt. Question.
- Getting A 3rd BIG Dog
- Daisy's first real pout...
- New to yorkie talk and new yorker
- Bile Acid Testing for Breeders
- Need Help With Ears
- Recall Of DIAMOND dog Foods
- Thanks Karla
- Training Potty
- Biewer! The next nationally expensive dog!
- New to Yorkie Talk! An Introduction
- Advice Needed...please Help
- any cute ideas for a puppy gift?
- Poor little baby! I'm in SHOCK!
- no more food!
- Barking and crying too much
- Ohio Yorkie Breeders
- Looking for a small female yorkie puppie
- What the heck to the pups have now?!?
- Holiday Travel Safety Tips
- Smuggling Sick Puppies at Mexican Border
- New Year Resolutions for You and Your Baby!
- How Big is Too Big...Please Help
- vent....
- Dew Claws on the Back feet
- Yorkietalk - A Huge Thank You !!!!!!!!!!!!
- friend or foe?
- Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul?
- For those that use you use them most of the day?
- Nightmares???
- Update on Macey & Boston
- Sick of it!!!
- Tino's First Pics
- Help on Potty Training?
- If You Really Love You Yorkie/ The Breed
- Tino's first vet visit
- Potty problem
- Christmas contest winners
- Does anyone have a Yorkiepoo?????
- Very Bad news from our breeder-can't stop crying
- trying to get his pic on here
- Christmas tree scare!
- my First Pic
- boy's hair?
- Anyone tried Life's abundance ???
- Where is AVA?
- XPEN help please
- Look at these!!
- Early Christmas Present!
- BeanSprout is coming home!!!!!
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