
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Tia's vaccine update
  2. Picking a Middle Name
  3. yorkie pom mix?
  4. Male or Female??
  5. I finally figured it out!
  6. Eye mucus color?
  7. Why so late?
  8. Yorkies and collars
  9. just wanted to know
  10. Bad Boy!
  11. New Avatar!
  12. Mandee the clothing store carries
  13. Yorkiek9trainer
  14. Jerome neuter today
  15. Chloe and Daisy's halloween!
  16. Look...Chewy is a frog!
  17. In heat?
  18. Allergies??
  19. Roxie's new bed cover
  20. Hopey is TERRIFIED!
  21. Question about bathing
  22. Hi
  23. Doesnt like ...
  24. Silk hair treament
  25. Thank you, From Lady
  26. My favorite shoes...
  27. LOOK what I bought!
  28. Bear Wants To Thank Everyone For Voting....
  29. Congratulations to all the winners!
  30. Cut My Babies Ear
  31. Most Cute Winner!
  32. Stedman Says THANK YOU ALL For The Votes!
  33. Happy Halloween from the Boyz In The Hood!
  34. Thanks Everyone from Mojo
  35. Thanks From Aarya
  36. Imapreciouspup Website?
  37. Congratulations!!!!!!!
  38. Another size question
  39. Could I ask a favor
  40. YorkieTalk Halloween 2006 Contest - WINNERS!
  41. Big new problem!
  42. Daddy trying to take care of Sunshine
  43. Phoenix Meet up! October 28
  44. What should I do!!!!!!!
  45. Extremely thin coat, should I be concerned?
  46. How big will she get?
  47. Has anyone ever shopped at Tia Bella?
  48. united colours of yorkies
  49. Lily is coming home...
  50. What time for Halloween Contest Results
  51. Feeding Human Food
  52. woopeeee...
  53. Example why you should Microchip you dog!!!
  54. Ears, Ears. Dumbo?...Please tell me the truth..
  55. Excited & Nervous!!
  56. Doggie doors for yorkies?
  57. Coke anyone? Look at what I found
  58. Please, be careful today !
  59. Hello! I'm New here.
  60. Time Change
  61. Second yorkie...male or female??
  62. Ear Flopping Over
  63. Trip to Petsmart! Woohooo!
  64. Pics of Max when he was born and Now!
  65. Biting Toe Nails
  66. Yappy Yorkie
  67. Are we supposed to be voting?
  68. Thumbs up from the vet!
  69. Help with hair and skin problems! Urgent....
  70. Need creative ideas.. anyone?
  71. My Edie is 6 today
  72. Question Regarding Collars
  73. Truth about yorkies and groomers...
  74. They QUARANTINED my baby!!!
  75. Hello Everyone
  76. Photos
  77. Thanksgiving/Christmas outfits..
  78. please i need help on the best foods
  79. May be getting another Yorkie girl, but...
  80. A lot of good memories..
  81. Hi, I'm New!!
  82. New Member
  83. LOoOong yorkie?
  84. New to the board
  85. She gets crazy!!!
  86. Jodie/LuvMySissy, Thank you sooo much.
  87. Zoey No Like Petzlife MOM!
  88. Need Feedback on My Little Louis...
  89. How do you keep a bow in her hair?
  90. Does anyone elses yorkie spin when they are left alone?
  91. Harness types
  92. breeding small male with a larger female
  93. Lilly has fleas :( what should I use
  94. APRI v. AKC
  95. Doggy Fashion Show...
  96. ICK! what I woke up to this morning!
  97. e-mail from a canine
  98. Choco latte who's your daddy?
  99. Rabies shot and neutering
  100. YT Halloween Contest 2006 - Vote For Your Favorites
  101. Yorkie Weight-info please!!
  102. Curious?
  103. Little Lucinda: Nine Month Old Morkie
  104. Be aware-choked on a rawhide!
  105. Wookie might get a brother!!!!!!
  106. Cali had a great Halloween
  107. Sorry Everyone...
  108. Our Dallas Halloween Meetup
  109. Halloween PIC
  110. MIA IS COMING HOME! almost time!
  111. TICK infestation, HELP!!!
  112. I just made homemade cookies for Royce
  113. question about 2 yorkies
  114. Breeder, what do u think?
  115. This is sooo CUTE!
  116. Married Yorkies???
  117. What kind of clothes to buy
  118. Yorkie's nose
  119. Do any of your babies...well...pee on you?
  120. I went to a petstore today..
  121. Help!! flakes in hair
  122. Layla Graduated!!!
  123. I have little pigs for dogs! LOL
  124. My Zeus has tremors
  125. Official IZZIE Countdown!
  126. Rubbing but on Feet
  127. Frantic after baths, normal?
  128. Fun times naming my puppy
  129. Photos with Santa at Petco or Petsmart
  130. Any one here know sign Language?
  131. I gave Ferdinand a haircut for the first time!
  132. Im off to pick up...
  133. Four Halloween Costumes...
  134. Hair cuts
  135. Help Needed. Abbie's jealous of new pup!
  136. Costume Entries
  137. Looky what I found!!
  138. My view on pet store puppies.....
  139. My brother told me the most shocking thing!!
  140. Covering their food???
  141. Embarrassing Moments!!!
  142. Some Input Needed Please...
  143. Maybe Reece isnt a yorkie??
  144. Yorkie Products?
  145. Puppies at pet stores
  146. Thankful for my yorkies!
  147. I think this breeder is confused..
  148. My Yorkie won't eat from a dish ...
  149. I hate it
  150. Hello
  151. extra wide gates
  152. Wow, I hope this works! LOOK!
  153. Kennel cough from the breeder!
  154. heating pad recommendation.
  155. Does your dog scratch conatantly?
  156. Just want to say Hi!
  157. Fancy turns 1 today!!
  158. Is she pregnant???
  159. Happy Birthday Stewie!!!!!
  160. New Kids On The Block
  161. LAST DAY for YT Gift Exchange Signups!
  162. Question re: Apple Cider Vinegar
  163. for max
  164. Info/pics of Morkies
  165. What do you think?
  166. Question :)
  167. Crushing Puppy?
  168. scard to death
  169. CKC Pedigree??
  170. experiment at 8 weeks
  171. I'm New Here
  172. Retractable cord leash
  173. 1.09 lb yorkie at 12 weeks
  174. Has anyone with a female decided against having her fixed?
  175. Holly is home!! Come on in and take a look!!
  176. Pitiful and NO Help!
  177. Ok ?
  178. HELP... greeting problems!!
  179. How Sick Is This!
  180. I'm taking Royce to the Vet I need your prayers
  181. Can someone tell me how...
  182. Missed a lot.....
  183. Question about car seats
  184. Rocky watching Animal Planet
  185. Bella just ate a crouton!
  186. Why people come to our house for Halloween!
  187. Does anyone know where I can get......
  188. Rambo Yorkie!
  189. chewing
  190. How old for spaying?
  191. Flight issues!!
  192. I don't know what else to do!! I'm going to lose it!
  193. So afraid of noises & shaking
  194. When do Yorkies go into heat for the first time?
  195. My girls have started fighting - need help
  196. Nuetering w/ Isoflurane
  197. Yipeeeee !!
  198. Frustrated doggie mom!!
  199. Pet Smart nightmare!!!! You will die!!!!!
  200. Need to prepare for the b-day party!
  201. Is your yorkie 7-8lbs??
  202. How do I make shorts for my yorkies costume?
  203. Puppymill UPDATE
  204. I've found my Yorkie baby!!!!!!
  205. My Dilema...please help!!
  206. Mean Yorkies!!
  207. Is it a silly name?
  208. Flying?
  209. Simple Solutions training pads.
  210. Zola
  211. eye color of 2 month old yorkie
  212. Please keep Vash in your thoughts & prayers today...
  213. different after 1st heat??
  214. Loud barking?
  215. What do you think?
  216. Hello
  217. I made some treats.
  218. ? and the bouncing ball
  219. Lily getting spayed today...
  220. .8 of a pound?
  221. Okay, those of you who have 3 or more...
  222. Annie.......and say a little prayer please
  223. Two important questions
  224. Another Yorkie
  225. I've been thinking about this a lot lately...
  226. Look What Daddy Made Me
  227. New Yorkie
  228. Going out w/ 2 dogs
  229. Table manners
  230. Prayers for Spaying
  231. Picking out your Yorkie
  232. to bathe or not to bathe
  233. First Time Grooming... Scared
  234. Getting a second Yorkie
  235. How Many DIFFERENT Treats Do You Feed Your Dog?
  236. about max
  237. I can't believe it!
  238. Adopting older pup?
  239. I found something great !!!
  240. Help!!!!!!
  241. Do you ever go on vacation?
  242. measurements????
  243. Horrible
  244. Yorkie stained glass lamp
  245. luxating ... um... kneecap
  246. How can I keep neighbors cat out of my yard
  247. HORRIBLE THING UPDATE Please read this e1
  248. Venus last trip to vet till next year!!!!
  249. Look what I made
  250. yorkie shoes
