
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Cause for Concern?
  2. Bet no one is like me!!!!!
  3. My, I just ate face!!!!
  4. She was bleeding
  5. Willow send love to Scout
  6. Thoughts for Charlie
  7. People at work think I am nuts!!
  8. i need help all workin yorkie moms !
  9. watched greenies on cnn
  10. Monkeys Need Housing in Central NY - HELP PLEASE!
  11. my Farah will be on TV!
  12. Male participation?
  13. NYC Pet Fashion Week
  14. Grooming question
  15. Maggie got her stiches out.
  16. Babysitting a non-neutered male yorkie...
  17. These may be of interest...
  18. Alaskayorkie! I Did It!! Thank-you so Much
  19. Adrianna is 2 weeks old!!!!
  20. Is It Ever???
  21. Anyone's Baby born on a significant date, i.e. Valentine's Day?
  22. keke is home
  23. Yorkie Horoscope Chart
  24. Greenies
  25. Raw Chicken Breast??
  26. heard of this breeder?
  27. Valentine's Day
  28. Crates
  29. FLEAS!! Please help
  30. HELP!!! I can't stop my yorkie from BITING
  31. what now???Harley lifted his leg on my husband...
  32. need advice on yorkie puppy
  33. snow and housebreaking
  34. snow and housebreaking
  35. Valentines gift puppy plan
  36. ????"Teacup"-"Toy"?????
  37. Oh Bwasco.........
  38. Tigger's Valentine ... again!!
  39. Trista, her former bachelor and their Furbaby
  40. Happy Valentines Day YT Furbabies!!!!
  41. Oscar wants to say something - Literally!
  42. ears are half up! question about shaving tho...
  43. Are There Only Women On Yorkie Talk?
  44. Thank you, My Sweet Tigger!!!
  45. collar or harness
  46. CNN is doing an expose on Greenies TONIGHT!! 2/14/06
  47. Happy Valentines Day Lilah!!!!
  48. Ruff Ruff and Meow
  49. Happy Valentine to my Willy and Peeka
  50. Happy Valentine to my boss and albert
  51. Scammer using CHAI'S picture?
  52. weird moves
  53. Calling All Late Night Yakkers
  54. Microchipping
  55. St Valentine Hugs for all the YT gang!
  56. I can't believe what I just found online!!!
  57. Yay! No More Ice Cubes
  58. Need help finding a good Breeder in Oklahoma
  59. Boring Brownie
  60. Happy Birthday Chizziewink
  61. Please help! Is a puppy Yorkie Supposed to look like this?
  62. Winston!!! Thank you!!!
  63. Hairbrushing & Bow Ties
  64. What's she doing?
  65. Mayzie Thanks Winston for his Valentine!
  66. What To Name New Puppy
  67. A List Of Toxic Plants And Foods
  68. ??? about raw and sore teets on mommy dog
  69. Thank you for the Valentines
  70. Yorkies and rain?
  71. Stupid question
  72. It has been 5 years!!!
  73. Westminster Dog Show..Go Yorkies!!
  74. I found new treats......
  75. Orajel??
  76. Question about Registration
  77. COngratulations&where did my thread go?
  78. Just a "plain ole t-shirt"
  79. Want to get a yorkie
  80. what should i do now?
  81. Yorkie question
  82. do your dogs clean up after themselves?
  83. New Book/Has anyone heard of this?
  84. Poor dog can't see!
  85. Do you call your Yorkie(s) any funny names?
  86. How I introduce new dog?
  87. Changing color???
  88. Serious Question
  89. Did anyone watch the AKC Agility Competition?
  90. Chloe's 1st vet appt
  91. Yorkies are so funny
  92. Please help with the smell!!!
  93. Need a good yorkie Shampoo!!!!
  94. Question about top knots...
  95. Snow Pics
  96. Obedience Classes
  98. Thank you - Annie & Susie here
  99. Thank you Winston!
  100. Could dog food make smelly breath????
  101. Yorkie Vs Toilet Paper
  102. Strangest thing...
  103. suki can jump out of her playpen!
  104. How many Yorkies do you have?
  105. Jazzie Is a Olympic Ski Jumper!!!
  106. Please Help
  107. Pedigree search service
  108. Yorkie Process essay
  109. Not sure what to do
  110. Just Wondering..........
  111. Im sooooooooo worried!!
  112. Yorkshire Terrier Property Laws
  113. Teething HELP!
  114. personal clipper for face?
  115. Vellus leave in conditioner?
  116. Trick and treat!
  117. Chloe already spoiled rotten
  118. Birthday Dog Cake Receipe
  119. Any swimmers?
  120. Attractive Single Blonde Female Seeks Valentine
  121. Hey Alaskayorkie...we like the snow on the other side of the country too!!!
  122. Whinning and Separtation Anxiety?
  123. Dry skin
  124. PAWS Update
  125. Stupid Vet! Rant!
  126. new member
  127. our sheba
  128. Happy Birthday Gaby!
  129. Sooo Cute! Im Sooo HAPPY!
  130. I may be getting another yorkie today!
  131. Lilah is scared of my family
  132. New Here - Need Help Please
  133. Yorkies and snow
  134. I snuck up on my dogs this morning
  135. Leaving the Monkeys! Need help with a list!
  136. Overprotective Puppy Parents
  137. Poop eater! Help!!
  138. Freeze dried ice cream for dogs!
  139. Curious Questions...Little Long
  140. vacation blues while seperated
  141. What do you feed your Yorkie that you know you probably shouldn't?
  142. Does Anyone Remember This Member?
  143. Traveling w/ my baby
  144. yorkies for dummies !
  145. Crazy noises & attitude problems!
  146. Wexy, Peanut Me Hope Wu Didn't Wun Away
  147. Good smelling leave in conditioner
  148. My baby wants to share his "hunting" traits with me............YUCK!!!!!!!!!
  149. Hi, All!
  150. Uh-Oh!! Chloe is HUMPing Tink! Need your opinion
  151. Anyone know this breeder?
  152. wondering about adding a male adult dog to family
  153. Pics and video on other thread!! Judi picking up baby Blush from Robbie!
  154. happy valentines day everyone
  155. yorkies traveling to hawaii
  156. Playdate in S. California
  157. Get back to Us!!!
  158. what do u feed your little ones?
  159. Concerned
  160. Dog Auctions in Ohio
  161. Drooling
  162. Introducing Me
  163. How Do You Make....
  164. How do you find a dog auction??
  165. Im Soooo Mad!!
  166. Poop & Pee Everwhere! Ugh!
  167. Chachi just bite a little girl
  168. Puppy on the Aggressive Side
  169. She won't eat or drink
  170. Welcome
  171. Westminister Dog Show
  172. Why Does My Dog...
  173. My puppy is GROSS!
  174. Breeder question
  175. Hi
  176. Updates on Fur Pals?
  177. What do you think?
  178. Suggestions please
  179. 2 Yorkies Welcome to New Home Feb 11
  180. To Spay!! Or NOT to Spay!! That is the question!
  181. Jazzie & Jewel are Olympians!
  182. Hyper Active Problem
  183. Rebel is home...
  184. I Think I've Found My Yorkie But....
  185. hello
  186. Question for new,ignorant member
  187. Safe Boarding Needed in Charleston, S.C.
  188. Crate inside of Xpen
  189. He FINALLY sleeps through the night but...............
  190. Anyone ever buy from an Amish breeder?
  191. Is Your Yorkie a Therapy Dog?
  192. snickers is turning silver under his coat and on his head?
  193. Jus' a shout out to Kenzie
  194. this month's dogfancy issue
  195. Cassie's pictures
  196. Better then doing housework
  197. Quick question.
  198. He won’t stop biting
  199. Meeko helps local Humane Society
  200. Things I missed??????
  201. Hi !!! I am new to the commiunty
  202. It came!!!
  203. Tomorrow!!
  204. cacking yorkie
  205. Eleanor's using the litter box!
  206. When should it happen?
  207. Diarrhea started 2 days after being spayed??
  208. I went on a trip
  209. YT Addiction
  210. Late Pup's Memory
  211. Pleae help! Flying from NY to Florida next Friday with Joey...
  212. Pet Expo
  213. Question about fur..
  214. Care/Training info
  215. Introduction
  216. Yorkies stolen in Texas
  217. YT Search Feature!
  218. little man died..........
  219. Princess, Ransom Says "Thank You!!"
  220. My yorkie ears are down
  221. Mojo!! Big Heart Thanks from Schatzie
  222. Newbie
  223. i can never be bored with lulu the pup
  224. getting my new boy tomorrow
  225. Has anyone heard of or tried the pet a potty?
  226. Kibble Game
  227. Lilli's Babies @ 6.5 weeks
  228. Breeder Guarantees
  229. Dogs looking like people
  230. Chloe's Vet Visit Today!
  231. Yorkie on Animal Planet
  232. Top Knot
  233. Getting ready for puppy!
  234. Keeping long hair clean
  235. Pebble says hi!
  236. Yorkie makes funny noises
  237. how much water does your yorkie drink?
  238. To ALL YT Members! Please Read***
  239. My girl is in heat!!
  240. Is it safe to have an exterminator spray in our house?
  241. Speaking of Electric Wires...
  242. My son and I were looking at funny videos...
  243. The Princess is here! It's Chloe!!!
  244. Personality
  245. Have you seen or read this????
  246. Watch for this show
  247. We are on our Way!
  248. Seperation Anxiety?
  249. Has any one ever made a crate out of "Cubes"?
  250. For Those Whgo Want To Learn About Wrapping!
