
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Yorkie on a leash ...
  2. He comes home tomorrow!
  3. New Here
  4. Pita's a model!
  5. Access Hollywoof: How Celebrities Pamper Their Pooches
  6. Topknot
  7. I tee teed in the titty box
  8. Help!!
  9. Heads up, Target clothes clearance
  10. Missing a Biewer Opportunity
  11. Weird sounds...
  12. Why did she pee on our friend?
  13. Shopping adventures this weekend
  14. Spoiled or just afraid?
  15. question?!
  16. Can dogs catch colds from us???....
  17. Lilly (latest upate)
  18. Hi! Thinking about getting a yorkie...
  19. Shakey Legs
  20. Bald Spot
  21. They were warned
  22. Yorkies and chewing wood
  23. Ears!!!
  24. Snoodles first camping trip!
  25. colours?
  26. Night Time Last out
  27. Happy Birthday Sully!!!
  28. To my Hawwiwbaby!!!!
  29. URRRR...Humping
  30. "Dogster" Ice Cream
  31. I hate to say it but....
  32. AKC registration question
  33. Flying with your Yorkie
  34. Aimee's birthday
  35. Whispersmom's Brand New Puppies
  36. nutro food
  37. Gracie and Brianna on Dogster too!
  38. Our day of jet shiing turned SO wrong
  39. 1 year old yorkie vs Puppy...
  40. new member
  41. Aren't They Funny!
  42. Biker Boy Oscar in his Doggles!!!
  43. Funny but Scary Male Enhansment
  44. My yorkie beginnings
  45. milo metheny's trip to lake powell
  46. Possibly adopting a rescue!! Help!!!!
  47. A bad reaction to Frontline!
  48. I have the Sweetest Hubby
  49. Daisy, Honey I'm Home!!!
  50. Is pedrigree a good company?
  51. Minnie is home
  52. Why can't this be done for yorkie?
  53. is this true!?!
  54. should i have gotten him??????
  55. Scout(12 wks) used the wee pad all day today!
  56. Baby/infant clothes
  57. Martini is Home!
  58. Hello everybody!
  59. Yorkies Birthdays
  60. Hello Again!
  61. 2 the parents of bailey and tinker
  62. Luxating Patella
  63. Information on Agility...
  64. try number two
  65. Prickle and cut!
  66. maggie lucky and gidgit
  67. Went to work with mommy today
  68. Two puppies at once?
  69. Show calendar
  70. question
  71. lets get to know each other
  72. Yorkie article
  73. Need advice...a little worried
  74. Hair loss
  75. How long after?????
  76. can yorkies play with big dogs
  77. This tough nut may be cracked...
  78. new yorkie need help
  79. Yorkies Taking Over...
  80. Magic and Sailor go to work!!
  81. For those with two little dogs or more...
  82. Hewwo ewerybodwy
  83. Ok Luna is obsessed and it worries me
  84. Dis Bird is dwiving me nuts!
  85. Yearly Shots
  86. Female Yorkie in San Diego area???
  87. I need help
  88. She's fit for a princess!!
  89. He comes home next week! Names????
  90. My Baby Got A Bad Haircut!
  91. I showed support today!
  92. Anyone know of a site
  93. submissive puppy?
  94. Puppy Fighting
  95. OMIGOD Pita was a scammers dog!
  96. Grooming
  97. Here is what I am sending to AKC in re: Red Puppy Litter
  98. Do You Really Think This Was A Good Idea? (Mercedes)
  99. Not another mouse in the house!!!
  100. Went shopping at Build-A-Bear
  101. Total Heart Failure...
  102. Need help!!! new puppy
  103. Leader of the pack
  104. EEEWWWWW - What's that *smell*!!!
  105. SO Embarrassed
  106. This Poor Dog!
  107. I had no idea- did you???
  108. Coat type
  109. Belly Bands (again)
  110. I Am So PISSED!!
  111. Pet Store Yorkies?
  112. Cleaning up after potty
  113. Sooo funny!
  114. How to get to walk on leash
  115. Baby squirrel "died" last night!
  116. Doggiefest!
  117. Do you trim their tail?
  118. Jealousy/Biting!!
  119. Please keep Angel in your prayers!
  120. Help! Groomers appt in 2 hours and I can't decide!
  121. question about noses
  122. Just horrible.
  123. What do you think of Mixed Breeds?
  124. New member to our family
  125. We Changed Stewie's Name!
  126. what a big BABY!!!
  127. getting sick
  128. Introducing Turbo Charge
  129. Introducing Little Bear
  130. Tiny princess I hope will soon be our new baby
  131. Possibly my new puppy! pics! opinions???
  132. Is your Dog Partial to Men or Women or Both?
  133. milk
  134. Rex is POOPED!
  135. my lucky
  136. Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun
  137. Carriers out of old jeans
  138. Chloe visited Daddy at work today
  139. I just recommended this site to someone BUT...
  140. All In One Systems
  141. BrookeB676-Clean out your PM BOX!!
  142. Ruby & Valentino
  143. hairs today, gone tomorrow?
  144. I think Preslee thinks she is royalty or something.
  145. Pics Pics Pics!
  146. Asia camping
  147. 10lbs of dogs
  148. Caught while pics
  149. This is really gross!
  150. Dressing your dog.
  151. Weight
  152. My gate was wide open!!!!
  153. Why do you dock the tails?
  154. Yes! We have a top knot!
  155. Embarassed about dog clothes
  156. Check out the cool New York State License plates...
  157. shipping ??what should i expect ??
  158. Food
  159. I have 2 in surgery today
  160. We bring her home tomorrow!!!!
  161. OMG! Where is he?
  162. Do I want a Biewer??????
  163. Questions regarding Heat
  164. Need help choosing my new Yorkie....
  165. 3/8" or 5/16" grooming band question
  166. Dennis & Lilly (lilly Update)
  167. What drew you...
  168. Wish me luck...
  169. He's A Star
  170. I Think Its Bedtime!
  171. Can I Handle TWO YORKIES? this will be a test!
  172. Does Anybody Elses Furbaby Do This?
  173. petsuppliesnet ??
  174. Babies to the kennel~Arg!
  175. wnalegria show pics
  176. Bought Turtle a pet dog: Meet Duckie
  177. Nugget is growing up... (Pictures!)
  178. Gracie's new ladybug dress
  179. Korea Clones a Dog!
  180. Cute Picture from today
  181. Sits on my feet
  182. question !
  183. Poor Mia is so sore!
  184. Watch Inside Edition Yorkie On Right Now
  185. I cant control the fleas!!!!!!
  186. Jealousy!
  187. Plain T-Shirts
  188. Look At This Angel!!!
  189. I miss this place!!
  190. Qs About Vets
  191. Quick Q Please
  192. Julz...When you have a minute or 2...
  193. These kids are going to give me a heart attack!!!
  194. a breeder of Tiny yorkies
  195. Guess what Stomper did last night?!
  196. Yorkie Clubs
  197. Update on the puppymill!!
  198. Bonding with a second Yorkie
  199. New one on board!
  200. Layla got spayed.....
  201. Build a Bear Clothes
  202. Goodnight Kim
  203. licking neutered incision
  204. LMAO..... i have a TEAPOT yorkie
  205. (Reds) Just wondering
  206. Playing dress up!
  207. NY Yorkie Meet-Up
  208. Breaking my Heart
  209. Red Yorkie
  210. If you wondered what Mercedes Looks like without props...
  211. Petland Now on My Radio Station Too - HELP!
  212. How Much Did You Pay?
  213. August OKC/OK meetup
  214. Check out this little fella...
  215. Ears...
  216. Re Advantix and baths! Advice please!
  217. The Toughest Decision... (a story.)
  218. Florida Pet Shop on news
  219. Dennis & Lilly (Lilly Update)
  220. ??????
  221. What anesthesia to not use?
  222. Growing Hair
  223. a bath tub yorkie
  224. So Proud of Toby!
  225. Chachi shakes when you brush him
  226. What Do You Think....
  227. On The News!!!!!!!
  228. Lilly Update
  229. Deodorant Trick ------ Yaaahhhhh !!
  230. Red Yorkies....
  231. Do you see any safety problems with this?
  232. Obsessed much, Mr. Harley Davidson?
  233. New floors for the girls!!
  234. his hair is a tangled mess!!!!
  235. Making Training Progress - so excited!
  236. his hair is a tangled mess!!!!
  237. too young?
  238. Back from the Vet
  239. I Want This Little Girl
  240. I'm back....FINALLY!
  241. Brainstorming Help...
  242. Our Little Family...
  243. Please vote for Harley
  244. Room color
  245. The Hunte Corp. Website
  246. It's 12:25 p.m. and I'm still in my jammies
  247. Knees
  248. Little Red Mercedes 9 Week Old Picture (take a look)
  249. Puppyfind!
  250. Peeing on command........
