- Mother Goose?
- Yoda, my Cricket wants to marry you.
- Anyone in Oklahoma
- Harnesses are too small
- Just a warning about parvo
- Goin on Vacation
- ad says rare RED yorkie for sale
- Teeth pulling surgery
- How bad is chicken for a Yorkie?
- help me
- Anyone here from South Texas?
- Namessss
- What nerve!!!
- new addition
- Itty Bitty
- things that make u go Hmmmmmmmmmm
- Glamour & Cosmopolitan
- need stud yorkie for houston, tx area
- ATTENTION New Members of YT!
- Is there something wrong with me?
- yorkie small claims court
- I am so happy about this saturday!
- Soon To Be Mommy!
- Warnings
- Do you leave your yorkie loose when you are not home???
- I'm a new yorkie mom and member
- Puppy mills
- Big Dogs & Yorkies: Can they be friends?
- What could it be?????
- I am so angry
- Harnesses
- a puppymill baby's story
- I feel so bad....
- What's up with this hair?
- New modeling pics
- I'm beginning to wonder
- How/Why did you get your Yorkie?
- Omg The Horror!
- Giving Medicine and Getting Groomed
- Buying a Yorkie - - Need help
- What age?
- I caught him!
- New shirts!
- Annabelle Update
- Need Some Names Yorkie Lovers!!!
- Swimming Anyone?
- Formed but slightly gooey- sorry gross
- newww picsss!!!
- New Member
- DateLine NBC Special
- Question About Breeders in Arizona
- Oprah Did It!
- Newbie...
- I Picked-up Chloe!
- Guidlines for tail docking
- yorkie puppy
- Tongue?
- Yorkie Talk Meet Up Groups!
- Petland
- coco's lonely...
- Yorkie Cursor/Pointer
- skin changing color??
- Soooooooo Funny.....!!
- What is wrong with this picture?
- New Member
- April, Milliecorrales & Orinskye
- When to switch?
- RE: Barking Device Good or Bad????
- I got so scared...but too funny!
- Breeder Registration--Does it matter?
- New To Forum
- How much time does your Yorkie spend outside??
- Marking question and female personality
- What's the better sex??
- Male "marking" on everything!!
- Early evening hyper time?
- If Your Yorkie Could Talk What Accent Do You Think He Would Have?
- Question about Yorkie personality
- Sadie and her tricks
- Yorkie Belly Buttons
- Breeders in Ontario
- yeah right...... blame my dog
- post neutering question
- Da guard dog...
- My friend is a dishonest seller....
- Vacation Time Help!
- When to Neuter
- Enjoy the new FAQ thread!
- Wooohoo! Esme FINALLY started loosing some teeth, but I have a ???
- I Have To Give Up My Baby
- Simon has spring fever (not a good thing)
- So proud of Biddy!!
- Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]
- Puppy Bath
- Evaluating puppies
- Books on Yorkies
- Surprise!!
- Choking Coughing Sound
- New things my Peanut has discovered!!!
- If not pee-pee then what???
- A Small Problem...
- Is this normal?
- Anal Glands?
- Great brush for facial grooming
- Halloween
- Belly Bands
- WooooHoooooo
- Just by curiosity
- Anyone know "Sedrick?!"
- hailey
- Schools out for Summer!!!!
- Breeding...
- Going Abroad. need advise
- what's wrong with my yorkie?
- dreamer and cleo
- looking for puppy food
- First clothing Purchase
- How to make a pic smaller
- Haven't Bonded With Yorkie
- When you are upset at your furbaby...
- Help!!
- what is your name ???
- OMG i was so scared......
- If Not PETA...then what?
- An Appweciation To All Our Mommies Fwum Your Bewoved Pets!
- Snouts
- Hey fella's...
- another grooming pic
- Can dogs and people get colds?
- Question about ears
- PLEase help!!, EMERGENCY! :(
- 2 problems
- Blue skin?
- Girl Or Boy? Help!
- Must read! Oscar wants to "say" something!
- Colors
- hey every one
- Happy Mother's Day!!!
- unusual color as advertized
- Would this be safe?
- How is Annabelle doing??
- Thought i'd share with You
- how much food??
- Pure Joy!!!!
- help. Yorkie eating own and others poop:-(
- What Should I Do???
- HELP! Tryin to litter box train...
- Haha!
- Afleet Alex and the Derby
- The Little Dictator of the House...
- "Pele" has nothing on Jack
- Finally sleeping together like little angels! Pics
- We're back from the fashion show!
- The Yorkie World is a Small Small World as Disney would say!!
- Whisper is home....
- Jewels is having a reaction
- Omg!
- what next???
- Stupid Idea
- Happy Day to Yorkie Mommy's
- Royal Puppies
- chewie chewie
- Is It Safe to Go Back In The Water?
- Thanks guys..MY BABY ATE TODAY....
- Gazou
- I appreciate YorkieTalk for all they have given me..
- clothing
- The Funniest Thread Titles on YT...
- I got my Yorkie!
- Nicknames?
- Another Controversial email.....
- Pebbles scared of flowers
- Anytime y'all would like me to......
- Archie's Birthday
- Good icon
- Need Opinions, help!!!!
- Jackson got groomed today
- Does your yorkie have a hobby ?
- new dog pillow
- So Proud!
- Harfing Sound
- Apology to Royal Puppies
- I need help with jealousy!!
- How can I fatten my pookus?
- Chat link
- Anybody have this?
- Wish me good luck this weekend! :D
- YorkieTalk Withdrawal!!!
- Dry Skin
- Kissing Pictures
- I think I got my baby sick
- Showdogs?
- today on oprah
- roxies going to the vet!
- Why?!
- Norwalk California pet store raided
- lawn chemicals
- I need SLEEP!!!
- Embarassed?
- Hair Texture
- Info about Bil-jac dog food ...
- last day
- Can they eat....
- Scared me half to death!
- Puppia Jacket
- Hawks
- My Pups are Chewing at Everything! HELP!
- Not a cuddler...why?
- Longest you've left them alone.
- I got Bentley a kong...
- Pacifier
- Biewer/particolored
- 12 weeks and 4 pounds and 1 ounce - weight gained in the past 3 weeks?
- Parti Yorkies... Are these real!!!!!
- Scratching the walls?
- Help needed
- Future Yorkie Owner question
- Questions???
- Potential class action lawsuit >30,000 die:repost
- Controversial email with royalpuppies.com
- Do you have a Shadow?
- Guess what
- What is your yorkies typical day??
- what to feed my mitzie
- Cutting vocal cords
- Pinched Nerve :(
- HeatherHamptons.........
- What is Milo doing?
- carrier trick anyone?
- Is it just my...
- Rabies Shot
- Dogster, Cookie's calling for friends!
- To all the moms
- Yorkie Shaking
- Puppy food to adult food
- Grooming
- How much cheese is to much???
- Puppysitting :)
- Nutrical?
- Strange quirks
- Why Do They Scratch?
- Getting Ready to Pick up Puppy-YOUNG Help
- Help! My yorkie puppies are eating the walls!
- fuzzy hunny
- Interactive Advertsing! Fun!
- Boy's Hair
- How Old Was Your Baby When You Picked Him/Her Up?
- Avatar
- PARVO risk