
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Mother Goose?
  2. Yoda, my Cricket wants to marry you.
  3. Anyone in Oklahoma
  4. Harnesses are too small
  5. Just a warning about parvo
  6. Goin on Vacation
  7. ad says rare RED yorkie for sale
  8. Teeth pulling surgery
  9. How bad is chicken for a Yorkie?
  10. help me
  11. Anyone here from South Texas?
  12. Namessss
  13. What nerve!!!
  14. new addition
  15. Itty Bitty
  16. things that make u go Hmmmmmmmmmm
  17. Glamour & Cosmopolitan
  18. need stud yorkie for houston, tx area
  19. ATTENTION New Members of YT!
  20. Is there something wrong with me?
  21. yorkie small claims court
  22. I am so happy about this saturday!
  23. Soon To Be Mommy!
  24. Warnings
  25. Do you leave your yorkie loose when you are not home???
  26. I'm a new yorkie mom and member
  28. Puppy mills
  29. Big Dogs & Yorkies: Can they be friends?
  30. What could it be?????
  31. I am so angry
  32. Harnesses
  33. a puppymill baby's story
  34. I feel so bad....
  35. What's up with this hair?
  36. New modeling pics
  37. I'm beginning to wonder
  38. How/Why did you get your Yorkie?
  39. Omg The Horror!
  40. Giving Medicine and Getting Groomed
  41. Buying a Yorkie - - Need help
  42. What age?
  43. I caught him!
  44. New shirts!
  45. Annabelle Update
  46. Need Some Names Yorkie Lovers!!!
  47. Swimming Anyone?
  48. Formed but slightly gooey- sorry gross
  49. newww picsss!!!
  50. New Member
  51. DateLine NBC Special
  52. Question About Breeders in Arizona
  53. Oprah Did It!
  54. Newbie...
  55. I Picked-up Chloe!
  56. Guidlines for tail docking
  57. yorkie puppy
  58. Tongue?
  59. Yorkie Talk Meet Up Groups!
  60. Petland
  61. coco's lonely...
  62. Yorkie Cursor/Pointer
  63. skin changing color??
  64. Soooooooo Funny.....!!
  65. What is wrong with this picture?
  66. New Member
  67. April, Milliecorrales & Orinskye
  68. When to switch?
  69. RE: Barking Device Good or Bad????
  70. I got so scared...but too funny!
  71. Breeder Registration--Does it matter?
  72. New To Forum
  73. How much time does your Yorkie spend outside??
  74. Marking question and female personality
  75. What's the better sex??
  76. Male "marking" on everything!!
  77. Early evening hyper time?
  78. If Your Yorkie Could Talk What Accent Do You Think He Would Have?
  79. Question about Yorkie personality
  80. Sadie and her tricks
  81. Yorkie Belly Buttons
  82. Breeders in Ontario
  83. yeah right...... blame my dog
  84. post neutering question
  85. Da guard dog...
  86. My friend is a dishonest seller....
  87. Vacation Time Help!
  88. When to Neuter
  89. Enjoy the new FAQ thread!
  90. Wooohoo! Esme FINALLY started loosing some teeth, but I have a ???
  91. I Have To Give Up My Baby
  92. Simon has spring fever (not a good thing)
  93. So proud of Biddy!!
  94. Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]
  95. Puppy Bath
  96. Evaluating puppies
  97. Books on Yorkies
  98. Surprise!!
  99. Choking Coughing Sound
  100. New things my Peanut has discovered!!!
  101. If not pee-pee then what???
  102. A Small Problem...
  103. Is this normal?
  104. Anal Glands?
  105. Great brush for facial grooming
  106. Halloween
  107. Belly Bands
  108. WooooHoooooo
  109. Just by curiosity
  110. Anyone know "Sedrick?!"
  111. hailey
  112. Schools out for Summer!!!!
  113. Breeding...
  114. Going Abroad. need advise
  115. what's wrong with my yorkie?
  116. dreamer and cleo
  117. looking for puppy food
  118. First clothing Purchase
  119. How to make a pic smaller
  120. Haven't Bonded With Yorkie
  121. When you are upset at your furbaby...
  122. Help!!
  123. what is your name ???
  124. OMG i was so scared......
  125. If Not PETA...then what?
  126. An Appweciation To All Our Mommies Fwum Your Bewoved Pets!
  127. Snouts
  128. Hey fella's...
  129. another grooming pic
  130. Can dogs and people get colds?
  131. Question about ears
  132. PLEase help!!, EMERGENCY! :(
  133. 2 problems
  134. Blue skin?
  135. Girl Or Boy? Help!
  136. Must read! Oscar wants to "say" something!
  137. Colors
  138. hey every one
  139. Happy Mother's Day!!!
  140. unusual color as advertized
  141. Would this be safe?
  142. How is Annabelle doing??
  143. Thought i'd share with You
  144. how much food??
  145. Pure Joy!!!!
  146. help. Yorkie eating own and others poop:-(
  147. What Should I Do???
  148. HELP! Tryin to litter box train...
  149. Haha!
  150. Afleet Alex and the Derby
  151. The Little Dictator of the House...
  152. "Pele" has nothing on Jack
  153. Finally sleeping together like little angels! Pics
  154. We're back from the fashion show!
  155. The Yorkie World is a Small Small World as Disney would say!!
  156. Whisper is home....
  157. Jewels is having a reaction
  158. Omg!
  159. what next???
  160. Stupid Idea
  161. Happy Day to Yorkie Mommy's
  162. Royal Puppies
  163. chewie chewie
  164. Is It Safe to Go Back In The Water?
  165. Thanks guys..MY BABY ATE TODAY....
  166. Gazou
  167. I appreciate YorkieTalk for all they have given me..
  168. clothing
  169. The Funniest Thread Titles on YT...
  170. I got my Yorkie!
  171. Nicknames?
  172. Another Controversial email.....
  173. Pebbles scared of flowers
  174. Anytime y'all would like me to......
  175. Archie's Birthday
  176. Good icon
  177. Need Opinions, help!!!!
  178. Jackson got groomed today
  179. Does your yorkie have a hobby ?
  180. new dog pillow
  181. So Proud!
  182. Harfing Sound
  183. Apology to Royal Puppies
  184. I need help with jealousy!!
  185. How can I fatten my pookus?
  186. Chat link
  187. Anybody have this?
  188. Wish me good luck this weekend! :D
  189. YorkieTalk Withdrawal!!!
  190. Dry Skin
  191. Kissing Pictures
  192. I think I got my baby sick
  193. Showdogs?
  194. today on oprah
  195. roxies going to the vet!
  196. Why?!
  197. Norwalk California pet store raided
  198. lawn chemicals
  199. I need SLEEP!!!
  200. Embarassed?
  201. Hair Texture
  202. Info about Bil-jac dog food ...
  203. last day
  204. Can they eat....
  205. Scared me half to death!
  206. Puppia Jacket
  207. Hawks
  208. My Pups are Chewing at Everything! HELP!
  209. Not a cuddler...why?
  210. Longest you've left them alone.
  211. I got Bentley a kong...
  212. Pacifier
  213. Biewer/particolored
  214. 12 weeks and 4 pounds and 1 ounce - weight gained in the past 3 weeks?
  215. Parti Yorkies... Are these real!!!!!
  216. Scratching the walls?
  217. Help needed
  218. Future Yorkie Owner question
  219. Questions???
  220. Potential class action lawsuit >30,000 die:repost
  221. Controversial email with
  222. Do you have a Shadow?
  223. Guess what
  224. What is your yorkies typical day??
  225. what to feed my mitzie
  226. Cutting vocal cords
  227. Pinched Nerve :(
  228. HeatherHamptons.........
  229. What is Milo doing?
  230. carrier trick anyone?
  231. Is it just my...
  232. Rabies Shot
  233. Dogster, Cookie's calling for friends!
  234. To all the moms
  235. Yorkie Shaking
  236. Puppy food to adult food
  237. Grooming
  238. How much cheese is to much???
  239. Puppysitting :)
  240. Nutrical?
  241. Strange quirks
  242. Why Do They Scratch?
  243. Getting Ready to Pick up Puppy-YOUNG Help
  244. Help! My yorkie puppies are eating the walls!
  245. fuzzy hunny
  246. Interactive Advertsing! Fun!
  247. Boy's Hair
  248. How Old Was Your Baby When You Picked Him/Her Up?
  249. Avatar
  250. PARVO risk
