
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Crate issues & ongoing potty issues
  2. anyone want to?
  3. Question about Crate Size
  4. what happened?
  5. pup is driving my 2yr yorkie crazy
  6. My first thread
  7. Possible addition
  8. Swimming Pools
  9. Detangler question
  10. I've got a new lil' buddy named Marty
  11. Why does she sound like that???
  12. I love my Vet....
  13. I Need An Honest Opinion Please!!
  14. Omg! Wookie's baby sister is home!
  15. Help car sick puppy
  16. Happy Trails stroller
  17. We're Getting a New Baby!
  18. Bobbi's teeth.......please help
  19. Tail?
  20. Legal Recourse For Sick Pups Bought.
  21. Great Site For Legal Recourse Concerning Sick Pups Bought.
  22. shaving for neutering?
  23. New Pics You Have To See!!!
  24. *Post your before and after grooming pictures!
  25. 6 yr old yorkie pees too often! help!!
  26. Do I have to monitor my first yorkie...........
  27.'re fired!
  28. Harley got him a puppy cut today!
  29. Omg Lol!
  30. Its Official!!!!!
  31. It's so cute! But is it too small??
  32. Urgh!!! Just frustrated
  33. Refusing to walk outside
  34. Bows... I do make them but...
  35. is it bad to buy a 4yr old yorkie??
  36. House Smells Like Pee....eew
  37. How to work with a puppy in tow
  38. Who's baby does the army crawl?
  39. missing link & cotten coat
  40. advice?
  41. Growing Out Hair - Mojo
  42. Pixie, Paris..Puppy Cuts!
  43. napping
  44. Barking!!!! Help
  45. Small Yorkie
  46. Explanation of Yorkie Coat Textures?
  47. Puppy PRAISE!!
  48. Kitten Shampoo
  49. Pics Of Blue Yorkies
  50. Why does it seem like my yorkie doesnt like me?
  51. info needed on papillons
  52. Baby Troy
  53. Anyone Buy From This Breeder?
  54. What do you think you baby does when you are away at work?
  55. Tinkerbell is 2 today!
  56. Is this Teething?
  57. Dragging Bed Into Potty
  58. Disturbing-Microchip News
  59. need help posting my baby!
  60. What Questions to ask?
  61. Anyone willing to help
  62. We are coming to you, NEW YORK CITY!!!
  63. Happy Birthday Yorkie Talk
  64. Thinking outloud...suggestions or comments welcomed
  65. Quick question?????
  66. How to get my Yorkie to stop play biting
  67. When do Yorkies typically start Barking??
  68. Boarding 1st time
  69. An Honest Question
  70. yorkie and rottweiler
  71. Barking...
  72. How spoiled is your yorkie?
  73. Does Anyone Know?
  74. Does Anyone Know...?
  75. Happy Birthday Yorkietalk!!!!
  76. Need to do some shopping!
  77. New Yorkie mom!
  78. tail hair
  79. pictures please
  80. cowboy magic for international buyers[europ]
  81. Oh!My!GOSH!!!!
  82. VET CONFIRMED!!! Sadie Ann is due in 3 WEEKS!!!
  83. Zodiac sign conflict - Dragons vs Dogs
  84. New Mommy Questions: Please Help
  85. A little annoyed
  86. cant get a bow or band in his hair
  87. Just wondering?
  88. collar vs other harness
  89. Stinky feet
  90. I'm in a pickle, can you help me
  91. Help Yorkie is CRYING & CRYING
  92. is her hair going to get thicker
  93. All YTers, please don't hate me...
  94. What kind of coat does my puppy have?
  95. Where do you buy?
  96. Are cow hoofs ok for yorkies to chew on?
  97. Fish for Yorkie and Maltese
  98. Honestly..
  99. need your opinions/advice on hair cuts...
  100. what's the difference?
  101. ANyone know of a chew stick low in protein?
  102. I think he hates me =S
  103. Haircut ?
  104. Cooper is 1 Now
  105. Yorkie Products Question - Need Your Opinions/Advice
  106. Babydoll Victum! Please Read!
  107. Question about Emergency Vets?
  108. Puppy Dreams
  109. Mating age??
  110. Does anyone know this?
  111. Gucci
  112. Care Credit
  113. Please keep us in your prayers
  114. Good News and Bad News..
  115. Can Someone Tell Me Who On Yt???
  116. Fleas out already!!!!
  117. Finding out AKC! HELP!
  118. Last Years Favorite Pics
  119. Product Hype
  120. does anyone's babies do this:
  121. Want to order Steddy some Valentines Day goodies (treats)
  122. Question
  123. Scammers aren't in Nigeria anymore...
  124. Need lots of info about yorkies
  125. Caught Breeder in lie! What to do?
  126. Is 2 better than 1 ???
  127. Thank you Cindy (chattiesmom)
  128. No! Leave that flower alone!
  129. Need advice on good pet shampoo
  130. Piddle Pad Problem
  131. What Is Apri?
  132. cheerios
  133. Never knew health affects coat.
  134. new puppy makes older yorkie sad
  135. One droopy ear suddenly
  136. True Confessions
  137. How many of you give Nutri-Cal on regular basis?
  138. Your yorkie knows when you're upset...
  139. White Yorkie????
  140. whining Troy
  141. New Baby
  142. Did your little boy gain weight after THE operation?
  143. Broker Laws!
  144. Received a celltei bag today :)
  145. Fuzzy Slippers & Yorkies?
  146. I Need Help On A Pedigree Please!
  147. leaving food/water in crate?
  148. Back from Disney
  149. ears
  150. Pics for ~Yorkie~Mommy~
  151. Think I named my baby wrong
  152. For those of you that use ...
  153. Does your Yorkie(s) sleep with you??
  154. Backward legs?
  155. Yorkie Astrology
  156. New To The Community!! Need Advice!!
  157. Newbie needs help
  158. Is this a yorkie?
  159. YT Soccer Meet!
  160. To Spay or Not to Spay
  161. Question about harness.
  162. I was a little shocked today
  163. Can I please breathe?
  164. Amber_Lv - Clear out your PM's girlfriend!!
  165. Bring your yorkie to your work?
  166. How to remove stain?
  167. Its January!! Still no calendar..
  168. SARDS in Yorkies
  169. And the chase is on.......
  170. My daddy is sooooooooo mean to me
  171. This is ladies night...
  172. CONCERNS!! Pit Bull & Yorkies
  173. introducing myself.... EvaSan
  174. Benji scared me to death!!!
  175. Full bloodwork?
  176. Yorkie Runt Question
  177. Lets Keep Our Fingers Crossed
  178. Help Help Help
  179. Bailey's Hair going in face....
  180. need help with biting
  181. Morgan is sad
  182. yorkie eye goop
  183. Nonstop throwing up @ 3am! Help!
  184. all of a sudden scratching
  185. Someone Please????
  186. Can Yorkies Catch Our Colds?
  187. Spot Near Eye
  188. Maybe a silly question
  189. I left him alone today for the first time
  190. I'm new to this and have a question that I'm sure has been asked 1000 times
  191. need to tell you about the "Bully pretzels"
  192. Bodie's Home
  193. Hair training...
  194. Goodies found at Target....
  195. O.k...where is it?
  196. My Wiley Riley.....
  197. Layla's Disney sweater
  198. Hello New here :)
  199. Looking for Advice for a Rescued dog.
  200. How many of you have been asked this?
  201. I really miss Him
  202. What age does a yorkie stop growing?
  203. AKC question
  204. I'm shocked....
  205. Today Sophia Is 1 Year Old!!!!!
  206. So you want a tiny puppy.
  207. inclulding birthday cake for our furbaby...
  208. shorter on face, longer on body?
  209. Grooming...
  210. Want Your Opinion on Shipping a Yorkie....
  211. Need ideas to keep Phoebe safe!
  212. Seriously think about this, if your yorkie...
  213. cottage cheese
  214. Does this ever happen to you LOL!!
  215. Teddy has a stomach ache :(
  216. Thank you Abbies Mom!!
  217. Izzy getting spayed a week from Friday
  218. Pheromone stake?
  219. Adie made me break my toe!
  220. brandi is trying to kill tye and zac
  221. Need your feedback about starting something
  222. "teacup" yorkies...
  223. Is This Normal?
  224. licking
  225. Rocky & Mommy on New Years Eve!
  226. Should I get Another Yorkie???
  227. A Special Hi and miss you all
  228. Look at my last baby left...
  229. Crate Training
  230. Thrilled with second yorkie!:yay_jump:
  231. "bath Time" Pictures??!!
  232. Congats YorkieTalkers! 110 Members On at Once!
  233. Meet Baby Chloe'
  234. Teddy's Coat is Thin
  235. Appearance of a healthy puppy
  236. For those who bought a pet store puppy
  237. Thanks to ya'll
  238. True Doggy Age??????
  239. Anyone Know A Website For Boy Yorkie Clothes??
  240. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! Fireworks!!!!
  241. I need your help!
  242. yorkie on myspace
  243. anyones yorkie/s have a long tail ?
  244. anyone have there yorkies face shaved ?
  245. does your yorkie/s like ....
  246. does your yorkie/s catch anything ?
  247. need soo frusterated!!
  248. Signs and Symptoms of a Yorkie coming into Heat?
  249. Travel w/ pets (and those who RV)
  250. YT Gift Exchange VII Signups Have Started!
