- Crate issues & ongoing potty issues
- anyone want to?
- Question about Crate Size
- what happened?
- pup is driving my 2yr yorkie crazy
- My first thread
- Possible addition
- Swimming Pools
- Detangler question
- I've got a new lil' buddy named Marty
- Why does she sound like that???
- I love my Vet....
- I Need An Honest Opinion Please!!
- Omg! Wookie's baby sister is home!
- Help car sick puppy
- Happy Trails stroller
- We're Getting a New Baby!
- Bobbi's teeth.......please help
- Tail?
- Legal Recourse For Sick Pups Bought.
- Great Site For Legal Recourse Concerning Sick Pups Bought.
- shaving for neutering?
- New Pics You Have To See!!!
- *Post your before and after grooming pictures!
- 6 yr old yorkie pees too often! help!!
- Do I have to monitor my first yorkie...........
- Riley...you're fired!
- Harley got him a puppy cut today!
- Omg Lol!
- Its Official!!!!!
- It's so cute! But is it too small??
- Urgh!!! Just frustrated
- Refusing to walk outside
- Bows... I do make them but...
- is it bad to buy a 4yr old yorkie??
- House Smells Like Pee....eew
- How to work with a puppy in tow
- Who's baby does the army crawl?
- missing link & cotten coat
- advice?
- Growing Out Hair - Mojo
- Pixie, Paris..Puppy Cuts!
- napping
- Barking!!!! Help
- Small Yorkie
- Explanation of Yorkie Coat Textures?
- Puppy PRAISE!!
- Kitten Shampoo
- Pics Of Blue Yorkies
- Why does it seem like my yorkie doesnt like me?
- info needed on papillons
- Baby Troy
- Anyone Buy From This Breeder?
- What do you think you baby does when you are away at work?
- Tinkerbell is 2 today!
- Is this Teething?
- Dragging Bed Into Potty
- Disturbing-Microchip News
- need help posting my baby!
- What Questions to ask?
- Anyone willing to help
- We are coming to you, NEW YORK CITY!!!
- Happy Birthday Yorkie Talk
- Thinking outloud...suggestions or comments welcomed
- Quick question?????
- How to get my Yorkie to stop play biting
- When do Yorkies typically start Barking??
- Boarding 1st time
- An Honest Question
- yorkie and rottweiler
- Barking...
- How spoiled is your yorkie?
- Does Anyone Know?
- Does Anyone Know...?
- Happy Birthday Yorkietalk!!!!
- Need to do some shopping!
- New Yorkie mom!
- tail hair
- pictures please
- cowboy magic for international buyers[europ]
- Oh!My!GOSH!!!!
- VET CONFIRMED!!! Sadie Ann is due in 3 WEEKS!!!
- Zodiac sign conflict - Dragons vs Dogs
- New Mommy Questions: Please Help
- A little annoyed
- cant get a bow or band in his hair
- Just wondering?
- collar vs other harness
- Stinky feet
- I'm in a pickle, can you help me
- Help Yorkie is CRYING & CRYING
- is her hair going to get thicker
- All YTers, please don't hate me...
- What kind of coat does my puppy have?
- Where do you buy?
- Are cow hoofs ok for yorkies to chew on?
- Fish for Yorkie and Maltese
- Honestly..
- need your opinions/advice on hair cuts...
- what's the difference?
- ANyone know of a chew stick low in protein?
- I think he hates me =S
- Haircut ?
- Cooper is 1 Now
- Yorkie Products Question - Need Your Opinions/Advice
- Babydoll Yorkies.com Victum! Please Read!
- Question about Emergency Vets?
- Puppy Dreams
- Mating age??
- Does anyone know this?
- Gucci
- Care Credit
- Please keep us in your prayers
- Good News and Bad News..
- Can Someone Tell Me Who On Yt???
- Fleas out already!!!!
- Finding out AKC! HELP!
- Last Years Favorite Pics
- Product Hype
- does anyone's babies do this:
- Want to order Steddy some Valentines Day goodies (treats)
- Question
- Scammers aren't in Nigeria anymore...
- Need lots of info about yorkies
- Caught Breeder in lie! What to do?
- Is 2 better than 1 ???
- Thank you Cindy (chattiesmom)
- No! Leave that flower alone!
- Need advice on good pet shampoo
- Piddle Pad Problem
- What Is Apri?
- cheerios
- Never knew health affects coat.
- new puppy makes older yorkie sad
- One droopy ear suddenly
- True Confessions
- How many of you give Nutri-Cal on regular basis?
- Your yorkie knows when you're upset...
- White Yorkie????
- whining Troy
- New Baby
- Did your little boy gain weight after THE operation?
- Broker Laws!
- Received a celltei bag today :)
- Fuzzy Slippers & Yorkies?
- I Need Help On A Pedigree Please!
- leaving food/water in crate?
- Back from Disney
- ears
- Pics for ~Yorkie~Mommy~
- Think I named my baby wrong
- For those of you that use ...
- Does your Yorkie(s) sleep with you??
- Backward legs?
- Yorkie Astrology
- New To The Community!! Need Advice!!
- Newbie needs help
- Is this a yorkie?
- YT Soccer Meet!
- To Spay or Not to Spay
- Question about harness.
- I was a little shocked today
- Can I please breathe?
- Amber_Lv - Clear out your PM's girlfriend!!
- Bring your yorkie to your work?
- How to remove stain?
- Its January!! Still no calendar..
- SARDS in Yorkies
- And the chase is on.......
- My daddy is sooooooooo mean to me
- This is ladies night...
- CONCERNS!! Pit Bull & Yorkies
- introducing myself.... EvaSan
- Benji scared me to death!!!
- Full bloodwork?
- Yorkie Runt Question
- Lets Keep Our Fingers Crossed
- Help Help Help
- Bailey's Hair going in face....
- need help with biting
- Morgan is sad
- yorkie eye goop
- Nonstop throwing up @ 3am! Help!
- all of a sudden scratching
- Someone Please????
- Can Yorkies Catch Our Colds?
- Spot Near Eye
- Maybe a silly question
- I left him alone today for the first time
- I'm new to this and have a question that I'm sure has been asked 1000 times
- need to tell you about the "Bully pretzels"
- Bodie's Home
- Hair training...
- Goodies found at Target....
- O.k...where is it?
- My Wiley Riley.....
- Layla's Disney sweater
- Hello New here :)
- Looking for Advice for a Rescued dog.
- How many of you have been asked this?
- I really miss Him
- What age does a yorkie stop growing?
- AKC question
- I'm shocked....
- Today Sophia Is 1 Year Old!!!!!
- So you want a tiny puppy.
- yummy......recipes inclulding birthday cake for our furbaby...
- shorter on face, longer on body?
- Grooming...
- Want Your Opinion on Shipping a Yorkie....
- Need ideas to keep Phoebe safe!
- Seriously think about this, if your yorkie...
- cottage cheese
- Does this ever happen to you LOL!!
- Teddy has a stomach ache :(
- Thank you Abbies Mom!!
- Izzy getting spayed a week from Friday
- Pheromone stake?
- Adie made me break my toe!
- brandi is trying to kill tye and zac
- Need your feedback about starting something
- "teacup" yorkies...
- Is This Normal?
- licking
- Rocky & Mommy on New Years Eve!
- Should I get Another Yorkie???
- A Special Hi and miss you all
- Look at my last baby left...
- Crate Training
- Thrilled with second yorkie!:yay_jump:
- "bath Time" Pictures??!!
- Congats YorkieTalkers! 110 Members On at Once!
- Meet Baby Chloe'
- Teddy's Coat is Thin
- Appearance of a healthy puppy
- For those who bought a pet store puppy
- Thanks to ya'll
- True Doggy Age??????
- Anyone Know A Website For Boy Yorkie Clothes??
- Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! Fireworks!!!!
- I need your help!
- yorkie on myspace
- anyones yorkie/s have a long tail ?
- anyone have there yorkies face shaved ?
- does your yorkie/s like ....
- does your yorkie/s catch anything ?
- need help...im soo frusterated!!
- Signs and Symptoms of a Yorkie coming into Heat?
- Travel w/ pets (and those who RV)
- YT Gift Exchange VII Signups Have Started!