View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - Puppies need homes - st louis area!!
- Question about weed and feeding my lawn...
- Tails
- DFW YT folks !!!!! Unleashed, anyone ?
- He's cute
- another strange craigslist
- Calling all Canadian shoppers!
- Update! Lolita is coming home Friday!
- pink yorkie
- Very sad news.....
- open letter to Amanda 350
- My new baby thats coming soon
- Craigslist Cracks me up!
- what does it mean when ..........
- Stressing SOOO Much!!
- In Need of Serious Help!
- Someone told me my baby is not a Yorkie!
- what was that theory?
- fAstEr tHaN A sPeeDiNg buLLet
- Found a Yorkie, and I think she's pregnant!
- My first scam experience!
- Funny Friday Story
- hi to all :)
- Found our baby
- Is this ok?
- Advice on Boric Acid for fleas please!!!
- Hahaha :)
- Puppy watch in breeders section....
- please help new bed time behavior
- new joiner
- Ping Pong Balls
- What are some cute boy names????
- GM
- Petco Sale Alert
- crazy club?
- If your dog gets jealous of a new do how would you deal with it????
- I have a huge announcement to make
- yorkie needing a home
- Random Question
- What would you do with these floppy ears?
- Yaaayyyy! I found an X-Pen! What height should I get??
- Whisker like hair on back
- Male Yorkies & Bows...
- I am thinking of adopting a 10 yr old yorkie however i have a 15 yr old
- Yorkie stops walking out side
- NZ Yorkie owners?
- New Member
- Hi :)
- Extreme Anxiety!!!
- Who has hunters???
- Afraid of Thunder Storms!!!!!!!!!
- Dog friendly hotel
- Just love this site
- Help!! What can I use in my yard????
- Houseguest!!!
- Calling College Station/Bryan, TX YTer's...
- It's Samson 1st birthday tomorrow and Harley is getting neutered!
- A Yorkies Size
- age of puppy
- Canadian Yorkie owners where did you buy your X Pen at?
- Can someone with pen knowledge check this link please?
- Is your Yorkies Tail Docked?
- Dress My Nest {Yorkie's}:
- What is best a seperate room, or a gated area?
- Weird Behavior?
- Hair on ears...
- new yorkie owner question
- Hello From Linda & Daffney
- Is this normal or is she a genius???
- Yah Mon
- where does your baby go when you are at work?
- Over a month now!
- WOW They are hard to say no
- Before my yorkie baby comes home, what do I need to be prepared for him?
- Does anyone little furbaby snore?
- What will Toby look like as an adult?
- how can you tell how big a yorkie puppy is going to be
- Dog music
- Lexie Update
- Peeing on a pad issue...
- Yay! New Baby...Which name should I pick???
- 1 1/2 year old marking his territory
- Almost Hurt
- Does anyone take their furbaby(ies) to church?!
- Courtashyorkies in Colorado
- Im new!!!!
- United Yorkie Rescue Raffles ...
- registering
- Brand New Yorkie Mama Here!
- MY Petco Adventure
- Sleeping w/your Yorkie
- Bella's new mom needs help!!
- Night time pottying
- I love their stinky smells
- New first time Yorkie Mom here!
- Help Me Understand
- Why can't i ever find any yorkie puppies to adopt!!!!
- Removal of bully stick
- I need help. Have you heard of Wickey Amish Breeders in Bennington, IN
- New to YT!!
- I my new sweet man!!!
- I found this ad in the newspaper for a puppy. How does it look
- My 2nd Pound Puppy
- Creepy Crawlies
- Any opinions on "Next Day Pets" Website
- New Yorkie Mom
- Walking Yorkie Puppy and Large Dog
- Need advice about boarding
- New to yorkietalk
- Microchipping.
- Today is Ben's First Birthday!!
- Licking my other dogs face.....
- What is the "average" price for a Yorkie?
- Have you heard of?
- what age does a female yorkie start its heat?
- Brush Hair/10 min. Later Needs it Again?
- I'm so confused!!
- Ramsey and the Swiffer Duster
- Ugo dog..seems like a great idea..anyone else use this
- wHeRe aRe aLL tHe Dads?????
- FLying Puppies
- what is that sound?
- I am new here
- 10 Things (please list yours)
- Dreaming Doggie......
- Laser Pointers
- testing question
- Looking for new baby
- New Here
- oH boy!!! another question !
- Weather Conditions
- Could someone chrck my health guarantee and see if it`s okay
- Question about Ears?
- Help! Our groomer fired us!
- Not agility material!
- Puppy afraid to go outside
- Need help
- How long til pups hair changes colors??
- Questions, Questions and more Questions
- Cesar Millan vs. Victoria Stillwell?
- So upset
- New Yorkie Owner
- Man I been thinking about not getting a yorkie
- Groovy Man...
- hair club ofr yorkies?
- Any Canadian Yorkie owners on here?
- Our Babies Are Here!!!
- Newbie to YT
- New member!
- I need help, info, input, advice please!!
- She is being so mean.....
- Trying this post again tech difficulties :)
- Tiny Bugs!
- Greetings Yorkie Lovers..I am a Newbie
- Diapers
- Owner Separation Anxiety?!
- How Long Do You Walk Your Yorkies?
- Does anyone have a Yorkie that is entirely pee pad trained??
- lost my old girl
- Momma Mia
- I Think He Sees Ghosts In The Wind...HELP!!
- What key questions would you ask a dog sitter?
- 2k for yorkie?????
- Paisley is 5 months old today
- New member
- Dorkie?
- A sibling for my baby
- Little miss piggy
- 4th of July dress
- Registered or not?
- I inherited Charlie at 8 months now 3 yrs. He has started marking again. Any ideas?
- Whole Dog Journal
- Umbilical cord
- Biting
- Dog vs. Cat
- Cute cheap 4th Of July outfits for Boys:
- For all you folks who don't have clippers
- Sal is finally back home and has a problem
- Stopped sleeping through the night
- Help new puppy
- Question for all bow makers... (Not sure where to put this)
- Potty training - different yorkies, different time?
- Maya is 1
- Cottony coat or silky coat!! I'm so confused
- Why are yorkies different?
- Rant
- The Golden Gene
- The Golden Gene
- what is a good collar or harness for a yorkie?
- craigslist yorkie
- Cute Carrier
- Hi, everyone!
- Yorkie or Silky terrier?
- Are male Yorkies just as good as females?
- Lost: Yorkshire terrier
- he thinks he can dig into the floor...the sofa and everything but dirt !
- Interesting story
- This is AMAZING to watch!
- Help!! Need advice on which baby to choose....
- In a blink of an eye ....
- yorkietalk chat ...does it work ?
- Essential oils
- She is stuck at my hip, and I love it lol
- She's never done this before! Help!
- Hearts for Paws Pet Expo in Orange County, CA.
- Parvo from Outside?
- newbie with SOMETIMES aggressive adopted male
- Question about posting links for breeders
- Rottweiler neighbour for the weekend.. Chloe is terrified
- Little Yorkie in need...
- Suzi, Gave Me A Panic Attack!
- Help me!!
- Fact or Fiction: Blindness
- How to go about shaving ears
- First heat
- not getting much action over there...
- Got a new puppy.. my yorkies are going crazy.. HELP!!!
- Yorkies are so smart!
- attack of the killer weeds
- what's under your couch....??
- is she a 'teacup'?
- The couples are posted
- How do you know a vet is a good one?
- Both ears were up now one is down?
- funny story from awhile ago
- WARNING! Do not use this vet!!!
- Too Short & Ticked Off
- Ears?
- Let's be honest/Are Yorkies a challenge?
- first signs and when for all female owners
- Is a yorkie the right dog for me?
- My Yorkie misses his mate..what do to?
- Do I, or do I not?
- Love this site
- Boy Bows????
- Getting to know each other
- Mad at Me?
- plays w/cat poop from litter box!!!!
- Craigslist Ad
- had to share this
- How do I measure for belly bands?
- licking
- New YT member! :)
- how do they know its feeding time
- Groomer has it, but I don't!
- Yup! I tried it! It didn't work.
- Snails and puppy dog tails...
- what happens to puppy mill puppies
- I need help/advice on grooming my pup
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