
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Coconut oil ??
  2. Changing a dog's name
  3. Trader Jo Chicken jerky and blanket question
  4. Hello
  5. Starting at Midnight
  6. Wednesday!! Willi is coming Wednesday!
  7. Dog collars on 24/7?
  8. Growing His Coat
  9. Yorkie Bumper Sticker
  10. Teacups
  11. Aside from the obvious, why no shipping?
  12. Henri the Hoarder
  13. missed OUT
  14. You know...
  15. Pineapple how much? When? HELP
  16. Top 10 Must haves for new yorkie parent??
  17. Does anybody....
  18. Itchy girl
  19. Pregnant or Not Pregnant
  20. Gracie having trouble eating
  21. Yorkie mothers 5 kittens
  22. I need some help , pleeeeeze !
  23. Newbie saying hello...
  24. bentley's first vet visit
  25. Auntie Lisa... we need to talk
  26. Sammy'surgery
  27. Yorkie size - considering a yorkie
  28. Flea med for a 4 month old puppy
  29. Need to Purchase a First Aid Kit for Miles!!
  30. Sinus problems
  31. Cesar got a yorkie!
  32. Yorkie Scam Warning
  33. Comfortis
  34. George's first week at work
  35. Sudden illness
  36. Please welcome our new addition!!!
  37. Hawks! ACK!
  38. Oscar just had a bath !
  39. How do I say this nicely?
  40. New to forum
  41. Regression in potty training
  42. When does the weight gain stop
  43. Ryder's new PlayPen!
  44. Dog Park
  45. Where Is Your Yorkies Favorite Place To Sleep ?
  46. getting good pic
  47. So spoiled
  48. Aggressive Yorkie
  49. Petco accused of mutilating 2 dogs during grooming
  50. Poop Stare Down
  51. New here, and new to Yorkie slavery
  52. Hello Friends ;)
  53. $5,000 wedding (Dogs)
  54. Nipping strangers (non-family) Help :o(
  55. What to do when you find out that your Yorkie is a mix?
  56. new to community!!!!
  57. Coconut Oil
  59. Hello Yorkietalk!
  60. I met Jadabug and her pups!
  61. well cocoa has been working on this bone for an hour and a half lol
  62. PlayYard
  63. Natty Turned Two
  64. Yorkie adoption...what would you think of these circumstances?
  65. Niagara Introduction
  66. Scraps got the big *SNIP* yesterday!
  67. southwest airlines
  68. Puzzeled Help Please
  69. Molly and Lily's first groomer session
  70. I need some Advice
  71. How to hold a small dog in your arms
  72. Chanel ate the rhinestone from her bow! HELP!!!!
  73. thin and silky puppy coat
  74. Oh My...
  75. I ordered a new harness vest & matching leash for Oscar, Yay..
  76. unusual humping!
  77. Well i did it...
  78. Advice on Topknot/Bangs....
  79. Whats wrong with my Yokies ear!
  80. SARASOTA Yorkies available
  81. Doggy DayCare!
  82. Crate inside of Pen
  83. Cute Yorkie Art
  84. Cataracts in a rescue yorkie
  85. Is his coat soft or silky? How can I tell?
  86. Bum Rubbing
  87. Help! Moving from a house to an apartment with my Yorkie.
  88. Do you think a veterinarian would be good candidate to adopt?
  89. Macie's Urn Came Today
  90. Bully sticks out of stock for many items??
  91. Oklahoma Breeders
  92. Trifexis
  93. Little Dude (Gizmo) is playing
  94. Anyone live in the Beaches/Leslieville area in Toronto?
  95. Oh Boy!
  96. Milo won't play without me.
  97. Dog & grass
  98. Crate bed
  99. What does everyone do with these wild hairs
  100. sooo back to biting
  101. Chewing or swallowing something harmful
  102. Potty training
  103. need help
  104. Waggin' Train
  105. Peanut loves his new BB
  106. Bi-Polar Pnut
  107. trainning
  108. Mom vs. Nails
  109. Yorkie on a AAA magazine
  110. Pet insurance
  111. Dog Hotel Recomendations
  112. Little Dude (Gizmo)
  113. Milo the Maniac
  114. Going Insane!
  115. Happy 10th Birthday Yoda!
  116. My dogs are losing their hair.
  117. George is staying!!!!
  118. Where do I find??
  119. Newbie
  120. Yorkie Found in OK...Know Who's Lost One?
  121. P.O.'d: Terrified Yorkie at Daycare
  122. Your personal opinion....
  123. Too much freedom isn't always good
  124. Jamie is a star at Bark in the Park
  125. HELP! 17 year old Yorkie in Georgia needs help
  126. pet stair training
  127. What is wrong with people?!
  128. Hello!
  129. looking to buy/adopt yorkie
  130. Yorkie has gone very quiet
  131. New to YorkieTalk
  132. Seeing the whites of their eyes?
  133. Yorkie breeder advice
  134. She is Finally HOME!!!
  135. dry and flaky
  136. dry and flaky skin and dry coat
  137. Cedric is Very Mad at his Mommy
  138. Hello everyone I'm new here on Yorkie Talk
  139. Humping females
  140. personal experience
  141. Stroller in stores?
  142. New to YT!
  143. Planned Pethood
  144. Where do all the yorkies live
  145. Yorkie is behaving VERY strangely
  146. Doggie Depression
  147. 2 more weeks
  148. New member of the family
  149. The pancake plop!
  150. Hello everyone I'm new to Yorkie Talk
  151. Gluing Ears?
  152. I am NEW to this website and it's great!
  153. Anyone live in the Beaches/Leslieville area in Toronto?
  154. Just A Reminder....Watch Out for Hawks/Owls/Coyattes
  155. Please help! :(
  156. New to Yorkie Talk
  157. My Poor Sadie Mae
  158. New Mommy!!!
  159. New here :)
  160. Puppy Shower
  161. Yorkie color
  162. Adopted a yorkie and I'm concerned that he will injure my cats
  163. new to the group.... and yorkies!!
  164. Do I need to...?
  165. Hello, everyone! I'm new to the forum. :)
  166. Air travel with Sammy
  167. My Sweet Little Dr. Milesy!!!
  168. Happy Gotcha Day Mr. Beasley!
  169. What's up with Ross????
  170. Milo off to the vet
  171. Yorkie Sizes
  172. Yorkie size question?
  173. What is this? Breathing problems? Allergies?
  174. I'm expecting puppies!!!
  175. My April in Paris Pictures...
  176. April in Paris
  177. Needing more advice....
  178. Jogging stroller for Mango?
  179. Puppy Pricing
  180. Does anyone else...
  181. Hello all
  182. Happy Birthday Ziggy!!
  183. Curly tail
  184. Growth spurts?
  185. Education With A Dose of Kindness
  186. Our groomer had her Yorkie stolen
  187. mother missing her pups
  188. New and need help....
  189. New to YT!!
  190. Are you kidding me??
  191. Need some advise
  192. New to YT!
  193. Does this make sense from breeder? New baby boy!
  194. i do not think Oscar likes Soccer, LOL !
  195. Not sure what to do about Macie's breeder...
  196. oscar enjoyin some deck time today !!
  197. Share a little !!!!
  198. Hair Loss or Alopecia X
  199. New Member
  200. Buddy belt available in the UK
  201. Fresh veggies and fruit for treats? (in moderation of course)
  202. stroller prices?
  203. Hello Everyone!
  204. Anyone live in the Beaches/Leslieville area in Toronto?
  205. How big will my yorkie get?
  206. What is the Obsession for Toy Dogs to be no More Than 7 lbs. ;)
  207. Pet only airlines
  208. Neuter is next week...doubts
  209. Product Alert
  210. pet carriers
  211. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not the buddy belt
  212. Please Watch Lilo Kahlua this Sat on Tv!
  213. This really makes me sad !
  214. Finally picked up my new pup!!!
  215. Retaining Baby Teeth?
  216. Help me! My pup cries ALL night!
  217. Vaccine Question + some pics I took today :D
  218. It's been 2 years since I've been on YT
  219. Piper is getting spayed tomorrow...
  220. Is my pup a full yorkie?
  221. First UK distributor of Buddy belts and accessories
  222. affection
  223. Time for a Milo update
  224. What do you think??? Should I buy her??
  225. One thing after another... frustrating
  226. Those of you who have boys who mark...
  227. Ugh! Grossed out!! Carpet cleaner suggestions needed!!
  228. Just chased a Chihuahua down from the middle of a super busy street...
  229. How do you encourage hair to grow?
  230. How do YOU pronounce Biewer??
  231. Hating bath time!
  232. ? for those using Big Squirt/Little Squirt Box
  233. My baby was neautered today, something isn't right :'(
  234. Big uhn and a Lil' uhn
  235. Rat Hunters?
  236. Sheldon has 2 baby teeth and 2 adult teeth at the same time.
  237. Very oily skin
  238. Rylee Belle fell out of bed
  239. Puppy doesn't like JB's new song!
  240. Paw pads are itchy and rough around the edges, could this be allergies?
  241. Finally
  242. Ears up..Ears down..Ears up...and so on
  243. How do you exercise your Yorkie
  244. Sleepless in Canada
  245. Weird behaviour
  246. Kong
  247. MMMYYYY Daddy
  248. Going on furniture
  249. Naming my girl
  250. Beach Puppy
