
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Socks, socks and more socks!
  2. Outside trained dog going on inside grass patch
  3. My beautiful baby girl!!!!
  4. Bully bones or sticks???
  5. Switching from Potty Pad to outside
  6. I am new
  7. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  8. So frustrated
  9. A Steal Of A Deal
  10. Need potty advice
  11. Revolving Avatar
  12. I am a Newbie
  13. Natural Part?
  14. Getting a baby sister!
  15. Don't Forget!!!
  16. Am I going to cause permanent emotional "scars" ?
  17. Molly can bark
  18. First adorable yorkie, but I need help!
  19. Has anyone ever touched yorkie poop with their bare hands? LOL
  20. cutest cupcakes in the world!!
  21. Different coats
  22. I am addicted to yorkies
  23. My yorkie is ????
  24. Anyone?
  25. My 2 yorkies some advice
  26. I am saddened
  27. Has anyone noticed????
  28. ♥ Happy Birthday Maximo ♥
  29. Happy 1st Birthday!!!!
  30. The Sky is Falling !?!
  31. Jerky Chicken treats made in China
  32. Angry Yorkie Acting Out?
  33. Shoes/Booties??
  34. Searching!
  35. What is a puppy mill?
  36. Molly's cold ears
  37. Nice to see rescue work being recognized
  38. My puppy eats his poop!
  39. Thinking about getting a Yorkie..anything specific to know?
  40. New here
  41. Pup sending a message?
  42. This Makes Me Sick!
  43. Anyone have a problem husband?
  44. Sunday morning funny
  45. timid yorkie puppy
  46. Getting 2nd Yorkie
  47. teeth care
  48. After surgery questions
  49. A Dog's Purpose
  50. So proud!
  51. Thank you lil sis!!!
  52. Is this normal or do I need to call vet?
  53. Train Dog Pet - is it legitimate
  54. Has anyone figured out why?
  55. Flexi Leads
  56. Lick lick lick!!!!
  57. Chewing on my bed
  58. Flossing teeth
  59. Dogster!
  60. Puppy Love :)
  61. Drinking water and throwing up. What does this mean?
  62. Discouraged :(
  63. Purses to carry your pups in
  64. want to say hi, to all, and who live in chicago
  65. Do your male yorkies get along well together?
  66. Mommie's Potty Break?????
  67. Did I miss the 2012 calendar?
  68. Rascal box
  69. They really do love each other!
  70. PJs for my lil Sophie
  71. New dog making Yorkie depressed?
  72. My Heart Is Broken
  73. Potty Training Questions Need Help
  74. Potty Training Questions Need Help
  75. Coyote alert!!!
  76. Would you mind
  77. Nicky was sooo funny tonight...
  78. Pit bull attack
  79. Federal Law SIGN & Share
  80. Where's the pee pad??
  81. Have Senior that needs carpal splints!!
  82. Two missing Maltese
  83. Need suggestions please
  84. Need help with puppia sizing...
  85. Ticked (no pun intended) off...Venting...
  86. Coco SSO and his hairy situation!
  87. Just sent my baby boy to have teeth out!
  88. Stolen Yorkies in Buena Park, California
  89. New foster mom
  90. Eye wash ?
  91. Advice on Photo Shoot
  92. Top 20 foods to not feed your furbabes!
  93. christmas card exchange 2011
  94. Dog Flu
  95. Amara's visited the vet today.
  96. Bellas nursing home visit
  97. I love james dean
  98. Molly's Ears
  99. So Excited That I Just Want To Scream It From The Rooftops!!!
  100. I got a new puppy!!
  101. Pet Silk, Coat Handler, Chris Christensen for Cotton coat???
  102. My Puppy Will Not Be Cuddled
  103. Callie's surgery
  104. Hair questions for my 14 week old puppy
  105. Ignorance is bliss, right?
  106. Need some advice
  107. I Have Been A Bad Mom
  108. Reluctance to go outside in rain or cold
  109. Amara has an appointment at the vet!
  110. Puppy #2?
  111. Yorkies and toddlers
  112. Little Guy Losing Weight!
  113. bringing home a new yorkie with 2 existing yorkies
  114. Gus itching/drinking increased after move to florida
  115. Lucky got a lil' spoiled today! :)
  116. Weight problems and depression
  117. Mourning?
  118. I think we're going to be fighting demodex for the third time
  119. I dont know what to do....
  120. Update on "the most terrifying thing ever"
  121. Prayers needed!!
  122. Choppa got a haircut.
  123. Most horrible weekend for mojo!!! & me...
  124. Hi, I am new
  125. Name Something You Love About Your Baby(ies)
  126. Grooming table
  127. FREE Yorkie on CL Treasure Coast FL Area
  128. Birth Control Pills?? No more Spaying and Neutering??
  129. The Worst News
  130. It's Oliver's 1st Birthday
  131. Why do they continually bat toys under furniture??????
  132. Pet Psychics?
  133. Will Coco Skittles Starburst Ever Stop Singing?
  134. Now I remember why...
  135. Shyness?
  136. Breeders in Arizona Area?
  137. cooking raw food?
  138. Dog Park
  139. The Spice Boys just turned one year old
  140. Has your Yorkie ever gone missing?
  141. Does you yorkie snore?!!?
  142. Blue Buffalo vs Natural Balance!?
  143. Yorkie aggression towards my grandchildren
  144. Biewer terrior
  145. Marking Issues
  146. Send Good Vibes for Jackson Tomorrow
  147. Food
  148. For those of you with long haired yorkies...
  149. Morkie? Or
  150. Military vets welcomed home by their dogs
  151. Wild bird poop harmful to yorkies
  152. Growling and snapping lately
  153. Shampoo
  154. Help finding a thread, please
  155. Dont bite my finger off! (day 2)
  156. Day 1!
  157. Mom has five
  158. Mushers Secret
  159. 6 months??
  160. What's your favorite thing to do with your baby?
  161. Snoozer Question
  162. teeth questions
  163. Annie getting Spayed.
  164. How much does your bby weight
  165. chocolate yorkie puppies
  166. I miss my boys
  167. anal glands
  168. Am I getting worked up over nothing?
  169. Ok one of my maniacs ate a half a loaf of bread AND the plastic bag!!!!!
  170. New Yorkie Owner With Many Questions
  171. so disappointed in Maci's tags.
  172. Molly Joy
  173. Is it a Teacup?
  174. Hi everyone,I'm new and just readopted a yorkie...mix maybe?
  175. Fighting Over Toys?
  176. Meeting a New Vet...
  177. What do you do about "excited" urinating?
  178. Three Yorkie puppies and adult stolen in Buena Park
  179. Weird Obsessions?!!?
  180. Breeder question
  181. I feel so guilty!
  182. Shes a girl not a boy!
  183. Eww! Not such a good suprise!
  184. Mikki Scared Me!
  185. Emmies Home!!
  186. Adding a 2nd Male--Will he lift his leg?
  187. Spaying little bitty ones???
  188. Santa List
  189. Ew ew ew!!
  190. Meet Up In Medicine Hat, Alberta??
  191. Dog Insurance?
  192. Prayers for my Lizzie
  193. Update on Peanut
  194. Hello Everyone..
  195. multiple females
  196. Can't wait. My breeders litter due this month.
  197. Oh No! A Little Nervous Now...
  198. Sometimes I wish I were rich....
  199. Tomorrow is the day!!
  200. Beyond heartbroken...
  201. Walmart Sweaters!
  202. As Thanksgiving Nears...Dog Safety is a MUST
  203. Fur Code
  204. Need Some Advices
  205. So EXCITED!!!!
  206. Eating own poop
  207. My Yorkie is so timid
  208. What?! Gas Chamber?
  209. Thanksgiving
  210. Surprise!
  211. Neighborhood Mini Meshie Hunt!!
  212. Coming into heat....
  213. question should I breed or not
  214. Do Sadie and Bentley like Pup Tarts and Why are my treats delayed?
  215. Coco and my housetraining woes! HELP, ESP if you have taken a resue Yorkie!!
  216. question?
  217. Natural Health Alternative to cataracts?
  218. My 14 Year Old Female Yorkie Has Loose Stools
  219. This is terrible! :(
  220. When does the barking start? ;)
  221. heyyyyy...
  222. Roxie is 5!
  223. Strange thought-declaw dogs
  224. IF and when I get my 3rd and final furbaby...
  225. Font color on your page
  226. Where do you buy...
  227. Puppy won't go in crate?
  228. Doggy nail caps!?!
  229. Hello everyone, My name is Cynthia and I'm a yorkie addict...
  230. Advice needed for harness sizing...
  231. My baby is 1 year old
  232. The most terrifying thing ever
  233. Howdy, everyone!
  234. Need rec for strong chew toy
  235. YorkieTalk Seventh Annual Halloween Contest (2011) WINNERS!
  236. training starts today
  237. Random barking spazz.... lol
  238. Best harness for mojo? Suggestions anyone?
  239. Thank you YT and all YTer for the support in the FB contest
  240. This is a direct result of changing food to Taste of the Wild
  241. May they both rest in peace!
  242. Temporary Incontinence? Help!
  243. Food problems...
  244. Massachusetts Resident Question? Help?
  245. Yorkie Splash and shine review
  246. Amara is ok everyone. :)
  247. Christmas pup threads are comming...
  248. Do you walk your yorkie in the rain?
  249. A brother for Maci :)
  250. Black Spots
