- Problems Walking Aloof Yorkie and Pet Happy Bulldog
- This is a MUST see.!
- Anyone know of a good seat belt harness?
- How Can You NOT Love This Face !
- I think it's finally time..
- Shoes and socks.
- Another New Member :)
- Why?
- Sharing
- HELP!! Advice on home prepared meals!
- Hello !
- Charlie says hi !
- Newbie
- What is the Age - Weight - Height - Length of your Yorkie ?
- Loose stool
- Do floppy ears mean anything bad?
- I'm new here and new at being the proud owner of a yorkie!
- Dog Shampoo Bars
- Leash Pulling/ Hyper puppy
- Shaking.......
- I'm in trouble now!
- Petco has some great summer clearance!
- Finding a reputable breeder and choosing my puppy!
- himalayen chews
- Help!!
- What's your 2013 Halloween costume?
- Yorkies and colours
- Right Pawed or Left Pawed?
- Flexi leashes
- Couver is FIVE today!
- She's afraid of flies....
- Will her hair grow longer ?
- Meet roxi
- Creative Yorkie Sculpture
- He's a model by day, Terrier at night.
- Shadow's first post
- new baby
- Rocco's gum surgery today
- New to forum and need a little help!
- Thought I'd say hello
- hellooo friends!
- Brrr, It Is Getting Cold !
- Silicones and sulfates?
- Happy Birthday Taka!!
- New Yorkie mom!
- Question before Rocco's surgery tomorrow!
- Herd
- Chewing?
- I wsh Target would bring back $2.00 t shirts for dogs
- New name for Boomer.
- Dentals tomorrow
- Please sign this petition
- Support YT- Become a Donating Member!
- Nervous..need advice
- Halloween
- Yorkies are the best
- I am having a hard time resisting....
- Petsmart has some great clothes!!
- Oh My , How He's Grown
- Red Bull and me
- I need of a very good exercise pen
- New Mommy :)
- sleep question
- wow story...
- detangling spray
- Looking for a new Puppy NH & MA
- Was just offered Priscilla's biological sister
- I am so in Love!
- Grooming??
- Upset Caleb
- Puppy Love or Puppy Farm
- housebreaking after puppy pads. HELP!
- Aloha!
- Pet Silk vs. Yorkie Splash and Shine vs. Espree vs. Isle Of Dogs
- New Mommy!
- Is It Monday Already ?
- Newbie here!
- First Day Home
- Do you have nicknames for your Yorkie?
- Singapore Yorkie owners/club
- Quite a scare last night!
- Why not use a leash
- Jackson at Barn Hunt
- Boomer is HOME!
- Maddie's Birthday!
- Newbie...
- Newbie here....
- To The Store For MORE Spoiling.!
- Just Curious~Where have you strolled to??
- Spike
- Importance of Training
- Wen shampoo
- what do you think of buddy's possible playmate
- advice needed please!
- Cute yorkie silhouette from Bed, Bath, and Beyond
- Penny is 6 months old !
- chewing motion/sound at night
- Grooming question? For puppy
- I have a major crush!
- Instead of 1 New Furbaby I get 2.!!
- Canine Caviar
- Yorkieblues no more.
- Tomorrow is the big day!
- My local humane society just made me so angry!
- Does anyone have a rain shelter on their patio for their Yorkie?
- What to do??
- Fleas fleas oh the dang fleas!!
- Just a thank you + picture!
- My grandpups
- hi new member here
- Is there anything this pup won't get into??
- Oscar Loves Autumn
- Dog beaches ...:-)
- Gizmo is missing a tooth
- Yorkie eats grass??
- Happy Gotcha Day
- Pearl The Fabulous Rescue Poodle
- They are TOO funny!
- Penny!
- is this a sign of allergy
- Color changes
- The Search!
- A Teeth Tantrum
- Is my Yorkie purebred?
- Cute costume idea
- what could these pups be a cross with
- Goodbye puppy hair?
- Ebay-yorkie for sale...please report
- Bows for boys?
- Kirkland Costco food
- Need advise for Recue Yorkie
- Luppies for sale in or near Vermont
- First time
- Pet Insurance
- Teething toy
- Another new member
- Welcome Waggin could use new members!!!!
- Introducing a new yorkie....
- My Yorkie might be depressed....
- Not sure if good or sad news :(
- Yorkies breeders in South Africa
- Please help
- New Member
- Help!
- Yorkie Puppies Figurine "Little Rascals" Danbury Mint
- Excuse me while I brag...
- "Designer" blue born Yorkshire Terriers :-(
- Yorkie Weigh
- More than I bargained for?!?!?!?!?!
- new member!!
- Happy Birthday Oscar !
- Henri's new Buddy Belt
- Yorkie Carriers/Purses
- she follows me everywhere!
- Dog Carriers.....purse type
- Pics posted!
- Are you your pups favorite safe place?
- 9 year old Yorkie lived outside most of it's life
- Dex got nicked by the groomer!
- My yorkie not eating
- My family is driving me crazy, food & hair
- New Yorkie Mom
- Help! Poop Stuck @ Baby's Backside. :-(
- Molly's first heat
- Names for Boomer.
- Ride from san diego ca to nc or va
- Window guard for 3rd floor apartment
- My 8 lb yorkie thinks shes 3 lbs
- Opinions of my baby's coat please!
- Kwigy Bo
- Breeders in Houston or in Texas
- Hi everyone!!!
- Memory foam beds
- Through a dogs ears....
- Will Oscar like a new companion?
- Boots or not to boot?
- We are in the process of....
- Puppy Has A Stomach Virus
- PJ time
- ice cube monsters
- Can you help me with hairstyle pic?
- Happy 1st Birthday Pebbles !! :)
- Plum Perfect Shampoo
- Awww !!
- RE: thin coat-big improvement
- New mommy
- potty training this winter
- Chasing cars
- How long before Scooter chews on toys?
- Raw food thoughts? Or best foods for allergies?
- Looking forward To tomorrow
- My poor baby :(
- Buddy Belts at Pet Valu?
- Crazy Yorkie
- Small Dog Agility
- Ryanair European airline does not accept dogs on board
- Crate Sizes
- I've created a monster
- New Yorkie owner
- I don't know if my yorkie is pregnant??
- Yorkie vs Havanese and puppy vs adult
- What can you tell me about co-ownership?
- new member
- Enzo is 1 today!
- A Farewell to Grooming Stress!
- Best Designer Bag for a hyper Chorkie
- Found a little guy today!
- Over the counter meds???
- Hi im new heres my story
- I just got my second yorkie
- Our yorkie is afraid of new yorkie puppy
- Your Dogs Collection
- Help with sling pouch.
- A change in sleeping arrangements
- Alarm clock
- AT LAST...a moment of "play"
- New here.
- Precious new baby
- Introduction
- will I get fired?
- Silk harness pictures?
- New To Yorkie Talk
- New Car restraint
- Poor little yorkie!
- CET AquaDent Warning
- New Girls
- Bella's mad
- Here is a Prime Example of what National Clubs do!!
- Yorkie body length and weight question
- Wondering if I should get another dog?
- Finding Dog Sitter Near You?
- Oscar , Yes he IS as Sweet as he looks ..
- Dog killed by groomer
- How Soon Is Too Soon To Add Another?
- Dog Treats Recall Alert Joey's Jerky Chicken Jerky treats
- Cute yorkie puzzle :)
- Julia says Hallo !
- i realized they know more "Tricks"
- How can I get them to take a pill?
- Teething and ears :)
- Scooter's on button is stuck
- Are AKC papers important?
- First
- Hello
- What should i have done??? What would u do???
- good news for morgan
- Canine circovirus killing dogs in Ohio
- K9cuisine
- My Yorkie is afraid of small dogs.
- Puppy wipes vs Baby wipes