
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Baby Comes Home...
  2. Dry coat
  3. Terrified Baby!
  4. what's going on?
  5. Yorkie on dr. 90210
  6. Good Morning Ladies & Gents-Question?!?!
  7. Is it True....?
  8. Soooo disapointed...
  9. At what age do you know what color your Yorkie will be
  10. Smokey is being strange
  11. Male Yorkie not interested this time
  12. Would appreciate your comments.
  13. For Halle - A few prayers never hurt......
  14. Second vet visit went well!
  15. Weight Question
  16. Vet Visit
  17. A Big Thank You!!!
  18. I think I found the perfect costumes!
  19. Another baby
  20. When we go to the vet...
  21. barking when i leave....
  22. Pee spray in the bottle
  23. Do you also do this?
  24. Battle of the brush
  25. Please tell me how........
  26. When will she come in heat?
  27. Vet visit again
  28. Scratching and Digging
  29. sassy's birthday
  30. Im really Piss Off ......
  31. Anyone in the New York Capital District...grooming help
  32. Yorkies and hardwood stairs.
  33. Yorkie Lost at DFW airport
  34. Jumpless Gate???
  35. What to do?
  36. Jamie's Gonna Get a Best Friend
  37. Princess Pixie Pooh's haircut....*pics*
  38. Strange tears?
  39. why!!!!
  40. Baby's ears are clipped. What in the world
  41. Animal Control Question
  42. Does your yorkie get mad at you?
  43. I can't believe this person
  44. New pic of my Furbutt!
  45. Trovan???
  46. ergh!!!!
  47. Vet appointment
  48. I'm So Sad </3 (Long Rambling)
  49. I'm So Sad </3 (Long Rambling)
  50. I'm So Sad </3 (Long Rambling)
  51. lost yorkie
  52. Going to the groomer...
  53. i feel horrible!
  54. How Long can I leave my pup home alone for?
  55. Give a big hand to the birthdays furbabies
  56. Thank you Jodie (LuvMySissy)
  57. Today is Sapphire's First Birthday!
  58. Persians need homes desperately.
  59. Yorkie Bahaving Badly!
  60. Hi, just joined.
  61. Our trip to Atlanta
  62. Credit Card for My Yorkie Girl and My Yorkie Cap
  63. Maltese
  64. Rescue dog
  65. Passing Along The Info
  66. I am THRILLED!
  67. Owner/pet themed costume ideas?
  68. poodle & yorkie
  69. Listening to a dog eat!
  70. Puppy Growth (height/length) ???
  71. Help!! Eats anything outside
  72. Suddenly scared of the grass?!
  73. Hello New Friends!
  74. Hi I'm new here
  75. Boarding facilities in Union County, New Jersey
  76. Doggy Birthday Cake
  77. Possible Scam Alert: Craigslist posting
  78. WARNING!! Very dangerous toy for dogs!
  79. HELP! Fleas
  80. Puppy sweaters for winter
  81. first grooming
  82. gender/number of puppies in aq litter
  83. Baxter throws stuff
  84. What are your pups going to be for Halloween?
  85. So I'm new....
  86. I cant sleep and Im making a dog Dress!
  87. Anyone know about Satin Balls?
  88. Strangers taking pictures of your fur-babies
  89. Happy 2nd Birthday Tink!
  90. question about chaging of hair color. . .
  91. newbie
  92. Crinkle toys
  93. Question about eyes?
  94. Smokey is being very vocal tonight!
  95. Does Anyone Have This Problem?
  96. hi im new here
  97. First Idaho Yorkie Meetup 9-13-08
  98. Thank you panama69!!
  99. Thank goodness!
  100. So in love...
  101. Thank goodness I had
  102. crate or play pen ?
  103. Pet Food Recall (Salmonella)
  104. Patella Luxation (Knee) Surgery
  105. My Baby Boy Kody
  106. My baby, the supermodel :)
  107. V ! Texas Friends !
  108. What do you do?
  109. how many...
  110. Good Morning All
  111. Time to go back to bed!
  112. questioning? To much weight gain?
  113. THANK YOU Breaking Color Amazing
  114. Litter box training?
  115. microchip
  116. She just swallowed my diamond stud earring!!!
  117. Hahaha
  118. Very nervous!!!!!HELP ME PLEASE!!!!
  119. Mobile Grooming
  120. Pedi Paws at Bed Bath & Beyond!
  121. New Baby Yorkie
  122. tomorrow's the day
  123. Hello
  124. New to yorkies and looking for a puppy.
  125. Yorkie camp/spa
  126. Look What I Did!!
  127. MyFairLacy's baby is 4 years old today!
  128. Where did you get your Yorkie?
  129. Pic size?
  130. Any breeding advice?
  131. # of feedings per day?
  132. Question, please
  133. So scarry!!
  134. OK, this is driving me crazy, who's dog is this???
  135. Albums
  136. Wormer Help
  137. Double microchip question
  138. Car sick?
  139. Sorry - More Pics
  140. Picture
  141. Boo hoo! Ny baby's not a baby anymore.
  142. HELP with finding a reputable breeder
  143. Second Yorkie?
  144. The gas is going up by $0.12 in an hour!
  145. Found yorkie in Chicago, IL
  146. Camping trip
  147. Ears Won't Stand Up!
  148. Do you massage your puppy?
  149. What are the chances?
  150. Bringing in a new baby?
  151. $200. Yorkie,$100. chihuahua online Petstore
  152. Meet our baby!
  153. teeth cleaning
  154. Wanna see the shirt I made for Riley
  155. ~~help please!~~
  156. i neurotic..or is my worry valid???
  157. I am picking Ella up on Sunday!!!
  158. gggggrrrrrrr!!! PETSMART!!!!
  159. My Yorkie Chews Her hair on hind legs
  160. Quick Finder Nail Trimmer
  161. Go Fetch
  162. To brush or not to brush...
  163. Ok another do you close a thread
  164. How to change newbie status
  165. Yorkie Nutrition
  166. Our yorkie eats his biscuits strangely
  167. Holiday Dresses?! Reindeer?!
  168. What to use to "Clean Floors"
  169. Millee and The Red Balloon
  170. He chewed up an electrical cord!!!!
  171. Pet Related "IKE" update....
  172. I have a VERY important decision to make...Please help!!
  173. Bernie and Baxter's new sister....
  174. Pet nail trimmer
  175. A very special day for Minnie (aka Eve...)
  176. What are the best Diapers/Pee Pads??
  177. Does anyone else have a lazy dog?
  178. Lg Carrier vs Stroller....Argh! What do you suggest?
  179. Question about hair around eyes!
  180. Awe Izzy
  181. Questions My Yorkie Would Ask Me......
  182. Roxie Loves the Doggy Doo bows
  183. Flying with Spammy
  184. Need Info
  185. She is off the growth charts
  186. Worried about Roxy - is she ok?
  187. Photo of Max my new puppy
  188. Petfinder Contest for Yorkie Rescue me
  189. Omg!
  190. help ! my baby yorkie ate some of his poo ! :/
  191. Furbaby attacked!
  192. MY MOM is Moving In?
  193. If you have 2 dogs what do you use to restrain them in the car?
  194. My baby was born!
  195. Few update pics of Jasmine
  196. Dog has a crazy habit
  197. Does anyone know who made these?
  198. It happened to me
  199. So, What Question Would THEY Ask YOU If They Could Talk?
  200. Something for all doggie parents to know.
  201. Winter and Yorkies
  202. Can someone help me find this website?
  203. To: Mary(Grizzley Bear & Jeri Cunningham) Please read
  204. I'm new to YT
  205. Bringing home 7 mo old female..ADVICE PLEASE
  206. My yorkie is losing his teeth!!!!!!
  207. Tender moment...
  208. I feel like a HORRIBLE mommy!!!
  209. AAhhh the thread was closed
  210. The view from my window at work
  211. New Avatar
  212. We Have Lost Our Beloved Molly
  213. Our Little Sophie
  214. Where or where did my little girl go...
  215. Hi
  216. Ear hurting
  217. Running from Ike!
  218. Ok this is gross but i need advice
  219. Want to adpot a yorkie....
  220. New mommy & new to yt
  221. Yorkies coming soon
  222. new at this
  223. Connie's Libby has a new little sister
  224. Rude new member
  225. OMG!! Look what animal control brought to me!!!!
  226. Baby Boy Names....
  227. Rescue needs loving home
  228. Yorkie Therapy Dog and Reading Program
  229. I just posted a bunch of pictures......
  230. Barking!!??
  231. Does your baby sleep in your bed?
  232. Bailey has been snapping at us lately??
  233. Bailey does this REALLY weird thing with her tongue...
  234. I'm getting another Yorkie!!
  235. hey everyone
  236. Momo is shy
  237. New To Yorkie talk
  238. I am so proud of Lulu!
  239. Eadee is new and says HI
  240. Introducing myself and pups
  241. yippee!! Finally!
  242. things that you love about your yorkie
  243. A little help please.
  244. Yorkie or male dog behavior
  245. hi !! in new !!!
  246. Speaking Frankly!
  247. She has the ability to ALWAYS make me smile.
  248. Puppy Cut
  249. Teddy won't leave Tess alone..
  250. I need your advise :cry:
