
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Wookie's brother to be!..
  2. Is this "yorkie behavior"?
  3. 2 in a time?? Yorkie and Maltese?
  4. Recomended Shopping List for new Yorkie?
  5. THORSMOM - Is KiKi home yet???
  6. I HATE Petco!
  7. Does anyone elses yorkie do this?
  8. does anyone elses yorkie do this?
  9. I just got my baby Yorkie Poo Tinkerbelle
  10. Feeling Kind of Bad Tonight
  11. How much time on average do you play with your dog
  12. Hi Everyone! Newbie & Loving YT
  13. Registration really necessary?
  14. Puppy Freedom
  15. Isn't this Yorkie abuse????
  16. Congrats To All The 2007 Calendar Babies
  17. Puppia harness where'd ya get one????
  18. Lily's babies....
  19. has anyone ever tried this with bows
  20. cat has 3 puppies
  21. I made my first!
  22. Split Custody
  23. Evergreens poisonous?
  24. Dark Chocolate Yorkie alert...
  25. i should of got my camera out last night
  26. should I breed my male?
  27. nail got stuck OUCH!
  28. I am trying a new product
  29. Ouch...
  30. Brought our Baby home today!
  31. Bad boy Starsky!
  32. 2 men steal yorkie puppies from petstore! VIDEO
  33. Hailee has a booboo! EEK! Help!
  34. I shouldn't have gone in but, I'm glad that I did
  35. Rebel's 12 week vet visit
  36. We are in our spots taking it easy.
  37. Newbie
  38. Why does Teddy like bigger dogs?
  39. For those with 5.5lber & those in NYC (breakfast tomorrow?)
  40. Blue Yorkie?
  41. grooming brush
  42. Could my little guy be overweight?
  43. Hubby Thought Three Would Be OK
  44. New YorkieTalk Calendar
  45. Who has 2 or more yorkies? Advice needed...
  46. Happy Birthday!!!!
  47. Almost a lunchtime disaster!!!
  48. Riley needs a new home.....
  49. Which bed to buy?
  50. Look at these sweaters!
  51. What kind of comb for Yorkies?
  52. Cat & yorkie pups
  53. A new playmate!
  54. Has anyone else had this problem??
  55. Scam???
  56. Shampoo
  57. A Yorkie night before Christmas
  58. EVERYTHING YORKIE Check it out
  59. Microchipped Question
  60. Yorkies - overpriced???
  61. Just wondering...
  62. nutrical
  63. Could we accidently hurt her?
  64. Where ya going? huh? huh?
  65. male or female better?????
  66. Do dogs have dreams or nightmares while they sleep?
  67. Sad news
  68. Its been along time
  69. I want a male...
  70. Dog left in car!!!
  71. For all of you that have more then one furkid
  72. Dog Whisperer
  73. Animals coming out of the closet...
  74. Need your advice...
  75. What books are best?
  76. What's that formula again?
  77. Question
  78. New to this site.. Pls help with motion sickness.
  79. If your yorkie was human....
  80. What to do??
  81. Do you leave their hair up all the time?
  82. Pictures of Codie, Tia and Cali
  83. Who all??
  84. Help please..
  85. Hi everybody, I'm new in here
  86. Any Vacation Travel plan with your yorkies?
  87. Short Movie~Co star~Yorkie
  88. Abbie's Awesome Adventure
  89. Last one for awhile (but it's girlie)
  90. Puppy mills..
  91. Doggy Photo Albums -- Pink and Blue
  92. Yorkie SOS
  93. Hey Shana "TinkerbellsCloset"!!!!
  94. Mojo getting NEUTERED!!!!
  95. Check out this site
  96. Do you have a ...
  97. Puppy cut?
  98. Can you help me with........
  99. What type of payments do you accept?
  100. Look What Des Made Us!!
  101. I am concerned about Abbie's tail....
  102. We got new PJ's...
  103. Today is Butch's 3 month B-day
  104. meet up of sorts in Oregon
  105. Snoop Dogg Dog Clothes Line
  106. Spooked puppy?
  107. Harness-vs-Collar
  108. Insurance with Exclusions
  109. A lost of trust?
  110. ponytail hair?
  111. Christmas Stockings
  112. THANK YOU MISSY (yougetthesmiles)
  113. I did a glitter bow
  114. my babies are chewing up the puppy pads
  115. A Dogs Prayer....
  116. I need your help guys!
  117. Smelly Paws
  118. This Dog Help!!
  119. How Rude!!!
  120. Video with yorkie
  121. my puppy has been vomitting
  122. Venus discovered the mirror
  123. Help!
  124. Can I Feed My Yorkie *******
  125. Yorkie SOS
  126. This Message Is For Jagger!
  127. the countdown begins!!!!
  128. Rehoming Rosie
  129. When is he ready?
  130. Whats bad for our babies? Please keep adding on!!
  131. Is she pure Yorkie?
  132. Is she pure Yorkie?
  133. Look what i got at Target for $2.50
  134. the docking harder on me than then lol
  135. Transitions for new babies
  136. Layla got spoiled!
  137. Insurance-which type and how you pay a month?
  138. I have a confession & Thanks Kristin!!!
  139. Villette is the BEST
  140. Silly_putty_stuck_in_paws
  141. Thank you MINMUF1!!!!
  142. What's your dog's Canine Behavior Type?
  143. need help with potty training.
  144. Hello Im new to your forum
  145. Little Lilly
  146. Retained baby teeth
  147. FDA Finally Looking Into Greenies
  148. Pity Party... need advice
  149. Bed Head Pictures!?!?
  150. Cute story and question :)
  151. I'm very upset please help.
  152. I am getting my female chocolate!
  153. Does anyone here have a tiny?
  154. go away rain
  155. Boys need bows, too...
  156. why does she lick my eye lashes???
  157. Our Precious Lucinda On A Bracelet!
  158. Looking for metal sign - "Death below ankles"...
  159. Thank you Shana - Tinkerbell's Closet
  160. We picked up Lily's ashes.....
  161. Oh, Tia please...
  162. Question for those that have lost a yorkie......
  163. 2 for $5 sale at Target
  164. Cowboy magic question!
  165. New to today
  166. Petsmart's Banfield neutering?
  167. Hey, look what I discovered! :)
  168. "Getting to know you" Yorkie Quiz!! :)
  169. Which anesthesia is best?
  170. Older Cats & New Yorkie
  171. For those with bigger babies
  172. Peanut Butter Nips?
  173. What is happening? Help
  174. silly new owner questions...
  175. Yorkie Stair Masters! -DOGBLOGTV #15
  176. Help Am I Doing This Right?
  177. Anyone else have the Puppy Blues?
  178. My little guy is refusing to eat dry food...
  179. I WANT this litte guy!!
  180. Leaking pee pads
  181. Has your Yorkie seen ghosts
  182. some new Pics
  183. Am I CRAZY?!?!?!?!?
  184. One of Lily's puppies passed away.....
  185. Coat prefrences?
  186. Nightmares..??
  187. Rocket, lipstick, whatever you want to call it
  188. Funny pics!!
  189. OMG Ritz cracks me up....
  190. Gizmo went to work with me today
  191. Door monitor Abbie
  192. Does your yorkie do this??
  193. I Need Your Opinion Please....
  194. he really listens to music
  195. hello Im new
  196. Yorkie Ears
  197. How to Survive the "Kung-Fu Yorkie Claw Attack"!
  198. Pet Insurance
  199. Hi from Kansas
  200. PLEASE READ and Jump in !!
  201. Wearing Clothes vs Long Hair
  202. How Cold Does It Get Before You Dress Your Yorkie
  203. Do you like your Yorkie??
  204. HEY Jenn218 !!
  205. Any advice? My pup gets car sick...
  206. Training time ...
  207. I'm SO excited!!!
  208. Question about ASPCA memberships
  209. Where should she sleep?
  210. Poison Safety Kit
  211. Looking For Body Harness
  212. You Got To See This
  213. ? about Inconsistency in YOUNG yorkie
  214. Yorkie Closet
  215. Happy Thanskgiving
  216. The Itchies!
  217. Las Vegas
  218. DE-CON reminder!
  219. I swear he's still growing.......
  220. Look how friggin adorable!
  221. Heres Wyatt....
  222. what's normal???
  223. Vicious!!!
  224. Someone wanted to get on yorkietalk too! (pics)
  225. Yorkie going into heat
  226. very upset 6 year old!!
  227. I got the best deal!
  228. I could kiss all of you!!!!!!!!!
  229. Where can I order Cowboy Magic from the internet?
  230. HELP! Too Many Knots ******
  231. what harness
  232. Congrats Kirby
  233. Leaf Butt!
  234. Possible Pregnancy
  235. Noise when breathing?
  236. Tension in the house!
  237. Hi New here
  238. Yorkies with an undercoat????????????
  239. Who is that other Yorkie,Mum?
  240. Emma's Santa Dress!
  241. Rocko is coughing
  242. Sleeping late..
  243. Puppy Mill Burned Down
  244. Vet. Check-Up
  245. My little Nico...he's precious.
  246. YT email over load Help!!!!!
  247. Do you have these toys?
  248. How to clean my yorkie's ears...
  249. Omg Look!!!!!!!!!
  250. worried coat question
