- Wookie's brother to be!..
- Is this "yorkie behavior"?
- 2 in a time?? Yorkie and Maltese?
- Recomended Shopping List for new Yorkie?
- THORSMOM - Is KiKi home yet???
- I HATE Petco!
- Does anyone elses yorkie do this?
- does anyone elses yorkie do this?
- I just got my baby Yorkie Poo Tinkerbelle
- Feeling Kind of Bad Tonight
- How much time on average do you play with your dog
- Hi Everyone! Newbie & Loving YT
- Registration really necessary?
- Puppy Freedom
- Isn't this Yorkie abuse????
- Congrats To All The 2007 Calendar Babies
- Puppia harness where'd ya get one????
- Lily's babies....
- has anyone ever tried this with bows
- cat has 3 puppies
- I made my first!
- Split Custody
- Evergreens poisonous?
- Dark Chocolate Yorkie alert...
- i should of got my camera out last night
- should I breed my male?
- nail got stuck OUCH!
- I am trying a new product
- Ouch...
- Brought our Baby home today!
- Bad boy Starsky!
- 2 men steal yorkie puppies from petstore! VIDEO
- Hailee has a booboo! EEK! Help!
- I shouldn't have gone in but, I'm glad that I did
- Rebel's 12 week vet visit
- We are in our spots taking it easy.
- Newbie
- Why does Teddy like bigger dogs?
- For those with 5.5lber & those in NYC (breakfast tomorrow?)
- Blue Yorkie?
- grooming brush
- Could my little guy be overweight?
- Hubby Thought Three Would Be OK
- New YorkieTalk Calendar
- Who has 2 or more yorkies? Advice needed...
- Happy Birthday!!!!
- Almost a lunchtime disaster!!!
- Riley needs a new home.....
- Which bed to buy?
- Look at these sweaters!
- What kind of comb for Yorkies?
- Cat & yorkie pups
- A new playmate!
- Has anyone else had this problem??
- Scam???
- Shampoo
- A Yorkie night before Christmas
- Microchipped Question
- Yorkies - overpriced???
- Just wondering...
- nutrical
- Could we accidently hurt her?
- Where ya going? huh? huh?
- male or female better?????
- Do dogs have dreams or nightmares while they sleep?
- Sad news
- Its been along time
- I want a male...
- Dog left in car!!!
- For all of you that have more then one furkid
- Dog Whisperer
- Animals coming out of the closet...
- Need your advice...
- What books are best?
- What's that formula again?
- Question
- New to this site.. Pls help with motion sickness.
- If your yorkie was human....
- What to do??
- Do you leave their hair up all the time?
- Pictures of Codie, Tia and Cali
- Who all??
- Help please..
- Hi everybody, I'm new in here
- Any Vacation Travel plan with your yorkies?
- Short Movie~Co star~Yorkie
- Abbie's Awesome Adventure
- Last one for awhile (but it's girlie)
- Puppy mills..
- Doggy Photo Albums -- Pink and Blue
- Yorkie SOS
- Hey Shana "TinkerbellsCloset"!!!!
- Mojo getting NEUTERED!!!!
- Check out this site
- Do you have a ...
- Puppy cut?
- Can you help me with........
- What type of payments do you accept?
- Look What Des Made Us!!
- I am concerned about Abbie's tail....
- We got new PJ's...
- Today is Butch's 3 month B-day
- meet up of sorts in Oregon
- Snoop Dogg Dog Clothes Line
- Spooked puppy?
- Harness-vs-Collar
- Insurance with Exclusions
- A lost of trust?
- ponytail hair?
- Christmas Stockings
- THANK YOU MISSY (yougetthesmiles)
- I did a glitter bow
- my babies are chewing up the puppy pads
- A Dogs Prayer....
- I need your help guys!
- Smelly Paws
- This Dog Help!!
- How Rude!!!
- Video with yorkie
- my puppy has been vomitting
- Venus discovered the mirror
- Help!
- Can I Feed My Yorkie *******
- Yorkie SOS
- This Message Is For Jagger!
- the countdown begins!!!!
- Rehoming Rosie
- When is he ready?
- Whats bad for our babies? Please keep adding on!!
- Is she pure Yorkie?
- Is she pure Yorkie?
- Look what i got at Target for $2.50
- the docking harder on me than then lol
- Transitions for new babies
- Layla got spoiled!
- Insurance-which type and how you pay a month?
- I have a confession & Thanks Kristin!!!
- Villette is the BEST
- Silly_putty_stuck_in_paws
- Thank you MINMUF1!!!!
- What's your dog's Canine Behavior Type?
- need help with potty training.
- Hello Im new to your forum
- Little Lilly
- Retained baby teeth
- FDA Finally Looking Into Greenies
- Pity Party... need advice
- Bed Head Pictures!?!?
- Cute story and question :)
- I'm very upset please help.
- I am getting my female chocolate!
- Does anyone here have a tiny?
- go away rain
- Boys need bows, too...
- why does she lick my eye lashes???
- Our Precious Lucinda On A Bracelet!
- Looking for metal sign - "Death below ankles"...
- Thank you Shana - Tinkerbell's Closet
- We picked up Lily's ashes.....
- Oh, Tia please...
- Question for those that have lost a yorkie......
- 2 for $5 sale at Target
- Cowboy magic question!
- New to YorkieTalk.com today
- Petsmart's Banfield neutering?
- Hey, look what I discovered! :)
- "Getting to know you" Yorkie Quiz!! :)
- Which anesthesia is best?
- Older Cats & New Yorkie
- For those with bigger babies
- Peanut Butter Nips?
- What is happening? Help
- silly new owner questions...
- Yorkie Stair Masters! -DOGBLOGTV #15
- Help Am I Doing This Right?
- Anyone else have the Puppy Blues?
- My little guy is refusing to eat dry food...
- I WANT this litte guy!!
- Leaking pee pads
- Has your Yorkie seen ghosts
- some new Pics
- Am I CRAZY?!?!?!?!?
- One of Lily's puppies passed away.....
- Coat prefrences?
- Nightmares..??
- Rocket, lipstick, whatever you want to call it
- Funny pics!!
- OMG Ritz cracks me up....
- Gizmo went to work with me today
- Door monitor Abbie
- Does your yorkie do this??
- I Need Your Opinion Please....
- he really listens to music
- hello Im new
- Yorkie Ears
- How to Survive the "Kung-Fu Yorkie Claw Attack"!
- Pet Insurance
- Hi from Kansas
- PLEASE READ and Jump in !!
- Wearing Clothes vs Long Hair
- How Cold Does It Get Before You Dress Your Yorkie
- Do you like your Yorkie??
- HEY Jenn218 !!
- Any advice? My pup gets car sick...
- Training time ...
- I'm SO excited!!!
- Question about ASPCA memberships
- Where should she sleep?
- Poison Safety Kit
- Looking For Body Harness
- You Got To See This
- ? about Inconsistency in YOUNG yorkie
- Yorkie Closet
- Happy Thanskgiving
- The Itchies!
- Las Vegas
- DE-CON reminder!
- I swear he's still growing.......
- Look how friggin adorable!
- Heres Wyatt....
- what's normal???
- Vicious!!!
- Someone wanted to get on yorkietalk too! (pics)
- Yorkie going into heat
- very upset 6 year old!!
- I got the best deal!
- I could kiss all of you!!!!!!!!!
- Where can I order Cowboy Magic from the internet?
- HELP! Too Many Knots ******
- what harness
- Congrats Kirby
- Leaf Butt!
- Possible Pregnancy
- Noise when breathing?
- Tension in the house!
- Hi New here
- Yorkies with an undercoat????????????
- Who is that other Yorkie,Mum?
- Emma's Santa Dress!
- Rocko is coughing
- Sleeping late..
- Puppy Mill Burned Down
- Vet. Check-Up
- My little Nico...he's precious.
- YT email over load Help!!!!!
- Do you have these toys?
- How to clean my yorkie's ears...
- Omg Look!!!!!!!!!
- worried coat question