- K9 Advantix?
- 7 weeks - Too Young?
- Needle sharp teeth!!
- Colour question
- has anyone had a dog like this?
- Normal Yorkie Behaviour?
- Jumping at Ground Level...Okay?
- Busy Yorkies
- Help, my cats hate my Yorkie
- What do you feed your Yorkies?
- The grossest ever!
- Favourite moments
- Feel Like I've Wasted Money
- New Pictures
- Big Book of Old Excuses
- Longer back legs...
- circa1935 motley crew
- exercise questions!
- 3 dogs too many!
- Molly is Home
- agression or normal??
- Tikkis New Pics
- What is wrong with www.tinydarlings.com did people really get scammed out of money?
- I was bored...
- Daisy pics
- nEeDd heLpP !!!
- cough normal?
- Good dogs on YTR for adoption
- Difference in Steel blue and Silver
- Help me pick a pup please!
- Error uploading Avatar
- Help! Stair problems!
- Another Question on Grooming
- i couldnt believe it!!!
- Different Kinds of Yorkie's?
- 3 week old babie pictures.
- what type of brush?
- Excited peeing accidents, anyone else?
- sleeping in family bed
- Question about wetting down food??
- tsunami and now earthquake
- I became a new yorkie mom!!!
- Maltese Question
- Puppy's Hair ..are there different types???
- Nutering tomarrow!
- How do you weigh your yorkie?
- Nervous Nellie?
- :cry:Very sad news
- 1 Week Old Yorkie With Spot???
- Is This Normal?
- Tonights the Night New Baby!
- Anyone from Connecticut?
- Hunch back
- my dogster webpage!
- Litter Box training????
- Eating their poop??
- check out my new pics!
- Question about buying a yorkie
- how much will she weigh
- Hoppy Puppies
- How protective are you?
- A.c.a.???
- Any Ideas on size
- Panting?
- urine smell???
- Introducing Milo...Previously known as Otis
- At what age?
- celebrity dogs
- alittle game :D
- Need help, advice - floppy ear
- Any Members in Myrtle Beach?
- Otis is coming home today!!!
- Anyone Who has 2, Older male and a new Female?
- Good Morning!!
- Lexi's Easter gifts
- ear cleaning
- pls help
- Still sore after shots
- Biggie and I say Thank You!
- Help---- Hope!!!!!!!!
- Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie,German Shepherd Dog Mix
- New Name? Help!
- 5 weeks pregnant
- Who is on Dogster.com?
- Be our friend!
- My Sweet Little Snickers!!!!
- Can you guys tell me if I would be doing this right?
- Yorkie feeding/training question
- Tiny little girl
- Where Is Everyone Today :(
- Getting Molly Today!
- How do u guys like my avatar, thx to Aimee!
- most beautiful eyes i have ever seen
- He's too long?
- Lexy is growing
- First outing
- OMG..1,2 or 3...HELP!
- overweight?
- Burberry!burberry!
- Took Esme to the park... it was a bad experience
- Yorkie in pet store (photo)
- Target
- Microchip story and question!
- Thinking about getting 2 yorkie's ???
- Easter baskets!
- Need Help Applying Frontline Flea Medicine
- Help me decide which puppy to buy!
- Doggie Clothes
- Pin Brush
- Fun Question!!!
- Dont know what to do!!
- Yorkie Trivia
- Yorkipower - Regarding Innova
- Lexi thinks she saved my life...
- Black & Burgandy?
- Hates the car
- Dog Condoms????
- Are they Fighting or Playing?
- My Yorkies aren't getting along
- Today is the day!!!!
- avatars
- ear medicine
- Greasy Hair
- orinskye....
- !!!My puppy has PARVO!!! :(
- YorkieTalk Titles/Labels
- Need Advice......
- Vet shots for puppies?
- The why I love Yorkies thread.
- Last Minute Mini Roadtrip
- Can someone help?
- Hrm - fasteddie - is it just me?
- Is Peanut Butter Treats with Molasses and Honey Good For Pup
- biting her foot
- Question
- Do you walk your dog after it rains?
- Pet Sitter
- orphan pups 4 days old
- How cold is too cold
- Vellus Products
- Why dont people take me seriously???
- Bad hair days!
- What does your Yorkie do all day?
- Two silky coats make silky babies?
- couple accused in online dog scam
- Purebred vs. Mixed breed
- will it come out the other end?????
- Fozzy's Birthday is This Saturday...suggestions?
- Cheap Spaying/Neutering Services
- Good News!
- hailey's okay!!
- I got my "little Coco" finally!
- Terrible two's (16 weeks)--HHHEEELPP!!!
- So sad-all adopted
- I'm New
- How Do You Handle This Situation?
- nlyabone or greenies poll
- Getting Our Molly This Weekend!
- Everyone Please Read
- How do I get dog urine out of my carpet?
- sirius hurt his leg
- Question about Frequency of Accidents
- My Boy is on a Power Trip - Humping
- how long is pregancy term??
- comparison photos of 5-9lb yorkies
- Your Yorkie's Favorite Music?
- Burberry Fan, but do not want to pay the price.....
- Yorkie on ABC Worldnews
- Lily Cottontail
- Groomers tomorrow and I have a question???
- World News Tonight and our pets
- are your yorkies insured?
- skinny doggie
- Rollin in the poo
- Anyone with big dog and little dog?
- Beggerr!!!
- Pooping in corners
- Work at Home Moms
- Do We Have an Expert on Coat Texture??
- Who will be first? lol.
- Back legs smaller than front??
- Registering your dog
- Difference In Hair Type (Silky, Cottony)
- Help My Pup Wont Stop Pooping On Steps
- Trying to hump new puppy
- How many pups in litter???
- Silky Coat
- Yorkie breed reviews
- Large birds swooping down and picking up yorkies?
- pet quality yorkies
- Dog food gravy
- Good website
- First Day in Real Time
- Is there a difference between Tan and Gold?
- Would like to know about the ears and not standing up
- My Puppies Weight
- Improved Batcave
- Mia's cell phone trick
- Chewing Gum in Paw
- Excercise Pen???
- Afraid of big dogs
- New Here
- My new baby Bridget
- Ears not standing?
- Is this normal?
- Female humping???
- New here
- Why Does My Little Boy Do This
- Yorkie Hair Days (Baby pics)
- wanted to post this pic of my babies
- Omg!!!
- good shampoo product
- Help... Bridget wont eat!!!!
- possibly finally found puppy
- To God - From The Dog:
- 1st time playing!!!!
- The Sweetest little peep!
- HELP!! Ready to give up & sell her for a nickle!!
- Here Is CODIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Harness
- from indiana
- Color
- Hi everybody!!
- Time To Speak Up & Introduce Ourselves!
- Is this true?
- What do you think of my baby doll?
- One more week!!!!!!!!!
- Emergency!!!!!!
- Collar
- Hi Ya'll!
- Kind of an Emergency
- Anyone out there have any pictures of a full grown 3-4 pound Yorkie?
- Groomer in Arizona?
- L@@k Pet hotels
- First Time You Saw Your Baby...
- Books
- Trip to the emergency room! :O(
- colors and coat
- Advice on Yorkies and Cats
- archie-poo
- Did anyone see Dogumentary?
- When will she ....
- Bringing Home puppy to older dog
- oscar OR dremel nail grinder????
- Hair Cut for a Cottony Coat
- A question about puppy coats?
- New Pic's
- Big Boy Haircut
- Getting spayed tomorrow
- Is a Yorkie considered a woman's dog?