- Anybody have a Morkie??
- Uh Oh!!! Help!
- Grampa Poodle and Baby Yorkie are sharing a Chomp treat!
- Hello at long last
- Ouch! Don't bite me!!!
- Hello from Arizona
- How long
- Look For Jogging/jumpersuits
- Update on Harry (the wonderful)
- Anything can be done to help thinning hair on top of head?
- Newbie here with a few questions?!?!
- Ora-Vet
- At what age do you leave them in the house and not confined?
- Knitting Patterns For Puppies
- How do you know if he's cold?
- Grooming
- Anyone seen or heard from........
- Gone for a week and worrying........
- Licking his private area?
- Harness and Toys
- Chicago & Illinois Meetup Info
- Where do I find Cowboy Magic?
- Thinking of getting VPI insurance got a Q??
- Maggie getting spayed
- Need help with yorkie/cat problem!
- Doggy daycare questions
- At what age?
- Help!
- Do people really steal yorkies?????
- Jaxon's BIG adventure
- Daytime schedule - help!
- Nature's Miracle Product Experience
- Question about the cold
- Just how Wonderful is Villette? Let me count the ways..
- Check out Chloe modeling...
- To thoese who neutered/spayed their babies
- Spay/ Neuter Contract
- He wont stop crying!
- Spayed Tomorrow - Quick Question
- Tyson Saying Hey And Has A Few Questions
- Scared me to death!!!!!!!!
- Washing floors?
- How to shave ears??
- my new parti yorkies
- thoughts of finding a new home for my Rems
- What should I name her?
- Please say a Prayer for my Babies
- how much
- scales
- Legally take your dog anywhere???
- New mom
- How Long????
- Thanks Nobella!!! (Vainchick5!!)
- I'm very anxious
- Real tree is it dangerous!
- Puppy Cut Pics
- Paranoid Xmas Tree Question
- Tooth extraction/yuck mouth :)
- Ok own up whos Yorkies sleep in the bed at night?
- 2007 Yorkie Diary?
- wet (sometimes cold) nose. normal?
- Ex Pen Height?
- So I went into a Burberry store
- Any One There??????
- Brixie
- Help!!!
- I made him ugly
- Please Help Me Choose
- Ok, Opinions needed desperately please :)
- Dog Furniture
- Bumps on the nose? What is it?
- HELP, I need ideas, FAST!
- I Found a Great Groomer!
- He learned to poop outside!
- This place is amazing!!!
- Loss of hair on the nose!!
- Snow burrs!!!
- feel ears to check temperature?
- YorkieK9Trainer:
- Missing Teeth
- Dog show in N. California..
- Updates and Pics of Lily's babies....
- as promised all 9 - the after bath
- New Xmas Pics Of Peeka Come Check Them Out!!
- Silky??
- I Set My Babies Free...
- Daisy looks evil
- Water bottles
- Opinions Desperately Needed
- Back from Cleveland
- What is the difference?
- Please share your yorkie scam stories.
- I have one jealous dog!!
- New to Yorkie Talk
- Help - Indy is going bonkers for Tink!
- Belly
- Christmas gift baskets?
- Christmas Treat Tree
- need prayers.....for my boy
- stockings
- Advice?
- Christmas Tree's And Saftey???
- My baby Will arrive soon i found her.... one question about breeding though...help
- looking for pattern and directions for clothes
- Home Made Doggie Carseat...who made one?
- Looking for Yorkie in Oklahoma
- Va. Beach Show
- Anyone tried Arbonne
- Agressive!!
- Puppy's coat
- Hi
- Good or Bad?
- Anyone around Orlando?
- Happy Holidays!!
- Pets Supplies Shopper!!!
- Whos!
- Size of Yorkies
- I got told off today at the vet's office!!!
- i need fence advice
- Does your baby...
- Lillie's losing teeth!!
- Jumps out of the expen
- Soon To Be New Yorkie Mom
- Stunning Dress!
- diarrhea and vomit....AGAIN
- Chewy was neutered, I have a question...
- Pawprint Ornaments
- Christmas Cards
- Tid Bit
- Hello from Louisiana
- yorkies and chihuahuas
- Green Eyes
- my girls had a new visitor yesterday
- Yorkie Thanksgiving Dinner?
- MY teacup yorkie ! woohoo!
- rubadubdub 9 yorkies in a tub
- Christmas Pups
- potty help!!
- feeling guilty
- I am new and need some help
- Litter box training for yorkies
- so i picked yorkie not maltese
- Thank you Shana! :)
- Camping?
- Snoring???
- yummy
- How can you tell?
- Happy Thanksgiving
- ? Does your Yorkie
- When do their eyes open?
- Happy Thanksgiving
- White patches on chest?
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Can boys wear bows?
- Yorkies and big dogs?
- Yorkie(s) on your lap right now?
- YAY...our doggies made it on the Henceforths.com front page !!!
- Is this normal for teething?
- Look was Des sent to Phoebe today!
- Stephluvsangel6 & Frankie
- Vomitting all night!
- I am super-bummed today...
- expert advise
- hi can someone help me
- Target 1 $ Bins
- Travel with them?
- Denise 517
- Car travel Canada to US with Yorkie
- Was it finally decided ............
- Hey I got lost in the shuffle
- car sick
- I'm picking up my baby girl this afternoon!!!
- Scandalizing Grandma
- Our new yorkie, need advice
- Where's KeKe (a.k.a HARRY)
- A difference a year makes: Santa Picture
- Big Thank You to Chechinmipo!!!!!!
- Hello Everyone.
- Hallies Daycare Temper Tantrum
- Looking for a yorki in Hawaii for sale
- how do you protect your yorkie from running out the front door???
- Hi there!
- We lost another puppy.....
- Sweet Yorkie email...must try this one!!
- Keep Dishwashers Closed
- Owning a JORKIE
- How many times a day should they eat?
- Not my Yorkie but look:)
- Long Thick Coat
- Kisses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- accidents at the same time every day...
- 2 sets of teeth advice needed
- About Yorkie looks.....
- What would you do?
- Thanksgiving Turkey and Dogs...BE CAREFUL!
- Kong Puppie Ziggies????
- Help me with Gracie's registered name!
- Help! Please translate breeder lingo!
- Toilet training in new house.
- Horrible dream last night.
- Yorkie nose?
- Our first road trip
- Happy Thanksgiving
- lol, this is a cute link
- bladder problem?
- I'm confused!
- woundering a few things
- Question on possible 2nd yorkie?
- Pet Insurance
- I'm moving next week!!!
- is Lucy preggers?
- Youngest bath age recommended?
- Looking for info.
- Have you ever met a yorkie cuter than yours?
- My New Coat!!
- sir spike says hello we are new here
- Please Help!!!
- Pancakes
- Chewy is home!
- Slipper bed at Pet Edge
- I Bought Treats From ChattiesMom!
- Questions about brookers
- Spay For Cali and Baby Teeth Removal For Tee Tee
- New Person Here!
- New Pictures of the babies
- Mojolove05...new baby soon!!!
- Mojo is HOME!!!
- European Yorkshire Terrier
- My wife wants our pet out on the porch!!
- Help with AKC app? and DOB ?
- Suprisingly, Oliver let me do it and it was GREAT!
- Who wants to play with me?
- Questions about coarse puppy coat
- Can she hurt herself.
- Why do they do this?
- I called MSCPA this morning
- new home for my yorkie ?
- What are the odds?
- Sick Dog: switched food. WOAH someone stinks! HELP!
- thanksgiving
- addition???
- please pray for Chewy's neautering
- Welcome my new Yorkie - Tucker!
- Intro and travel question?
- My Babies Are Famous! :)
- I need ya'll's advice. My 2 puppies are dry all night in their crates.
- what to do for puppy birthday
- Update from NYC~Hannah & Harry's (Keke) adventure!
- Bad Habits?
- After the bath!