View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - See you in a Week!!!
- Angels baseball clothes
- Stressed out and missing my friends!
- Bows
- New Puppy Pics
- PETA Snarling At Wintour - ARTICLE
- Help ! Help ! I need advice!
- I have to rave some more about Marlee's dresses!
- o'my poor yorkie!
- Tucker found a new home!
- Really bad day
- A new stroller for my girls!
- Sorry for the downtime - LA Power Outages!
- Free greenie samples
- Newbie :)
- Look what happens when Megan isn't around
- NY Meet-up.........
- no chicken for her
- help is needed what can you do?
- Snoodles found a bunny friend
- DIY puppycut
- To those who use the Chris systems shampoo...
- Where to buy good yorkie food
- Supercharged Yorkies.....
- Good News- New Champion
- Shiny Coat
- Muddy Mess
- SF Peeps/Marin Humane Soc/Katrina/Yorkies!!!!
- Herk must be an Auburn fan
- New Yorkie
- I finally got the nerve to cut his nails....
- Help! Zoey is being icky and gross!
- grooming nightmare
- Yorkies @ dog show
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sabrina's Hailey!!!
- Molly's ready for bed
- HeatherHamptons Question: Color Change After Spaying?
- Do your pups have any quirks?
- Go Dolphins!
- My Yorkie likes cat food
- Help!!!-Loud puppy keeping my neighbors up
- 33 Yorkies Need A Home!!!!
- Daddy and his 2 boys!!!!
- Luigi and Brasco!!!!!
- Meet Brasco!!!!! Luigi's new brother!!!!!
- I Did Not Think I Would Worry This Much....
- Halloween Costumes....
- Traveling Along!!!(It is Long too, sorry)
- If the girls are 'Divas'....
- Kelsey is in heat...
- What age to start Heat cycle?
- ginger's girls chirp like a little bird, lol
- So I had the nerve..
- Puppy Blessing
- Sketter in pig-tails
- How good are these PREMIUM DOG FOODS?
- Harness Help Needed!!!
- New Here
- Eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww!!!!!!
- New Puppy Jealousy-how long does it last?
- Am I a "dwama queen?"
- Pic of a cute Yorkie Purse
- anyone with yorkie paranoia?
- looking for purse type carrier
- grow so fast
- Wathc the Dog Whisperer this AM
- Anyone know where to find a lightweight portable pen?
- Brother for Neo?
- Ever heard of this happening?????
- Lonely Yorkie???
- They ate my new sunglasses!!!
- puppy ate vaseline
- Baby is choking
- Got My New Baby Jagger Today!!!
- Hi Ya'll
- First new baby pictures
- they shaved my puppy!!:(
- I met 2 YT members today!!!
- How can one be a professional dog trainer???
- Yorkie Fire Safety
- Paulathegroomer.....
- Yorkies
- What would you do?????????????
- He's still MARKING-even after getting neutered!
- Haircuts are not for me to do!
- Harness Question
- hair band help
- my poor baby fell !!
- HELP help???
- Run by yorking...
- What was the most outrageous place you smuggled your furkid?
- Strollers
- PLEASE pray for Windy "Sophidog", Lida and Windy's Mom
- Foster Yorkies, good idea or not?
- Bailee - Update
- Dogs should Count for Car Pool!
- Missed YT
- Puppy Mill Story
- A question for breeders or anyone?
- Update on Son's Yorkie
- Sadie Update
- Rosco will be HOME this weekend!!!!!
- ABC is looking for families and dogs ($20,000)
- Missing You!!!
- Hair bands
- How old is full grown?
- attention people who make harnesses themselves..
- Babies eyes are OPEN !!!!
- Dennis & Lilly Update
- How old was your baby when...
- I finally got the OK!!!
- recommend shampoo?
- coloring
- What the f......
- Puppyfind
- Ginger's babies at 6 1/2 wks
- Once a month...
- harness question
- I have a problem, looking for suggestions.
- Kennel Cough twice???
- What tags does your pup wear?
- What does fly paper, Yorkies, and Shout have in common?
- 8 Yorkie pups in petstore
- Gettin' Wet and WILD!
- Mommies dit cwazy!
- Fun site...
- Secret Buddy Stuff
- Help Hurricane Pet Victims!
- Briewer Yorkies History?
- What and Why Declaw?
- Messy, Messy, Messy!
- Wish me luck
- New Here!
- Please sign this petition to help the animals in New Orleans!
- Something besides chew toys?
- Yorkies outside.
- Bruster's Ice Cream for doggies!!!
- Mom to the Rescue
- Teacup
- which picture should I enter?
- Babies first photo shoot
- ~VILLETTE this is for you~
- puppy pics 3 weeks
- How old is old enough?
- Did you have your puppy shipped??
- Heads Up! Shopping Trip
- I want my do to have puppies
- Hey girls.. eat your hearts out!!!(finally my new pup )
- Another topknot question
- Found my puppy today, too!!!!!!!!!!!
- Wall rubbing dog!!
- I bought a new puppy
- Welcome little Gracie
- Pita's eye...
- OMG.....Squirt will have to be called Rambo now!
- Oprah's Show - Yesterday - Part 2
- What is your favorite color for Yorkie?
- CNN article (so sad)
- Pros and cons of puppy cut
- Pita's dresses she won from Marlee
- yorkie double standard
- Result Of A Mill?
- Roadtrip story
- he came back
- Northern NJ Groomers!
- Opened eyes
- Sad story...Lady lost her yorkie at the groomer
- New Yorkie owner
- Losing teeth already??
- Limping!
- Dilemma!!!!! A 3rd Yorkie?????
- every night at my house
- leg chewing
- tongue out
- He's finally here.....please help!!!
- Coco and Stomper had so much fun!
- BIG THANK YOU for Annadoodle (story and pics)
- Anyone Watchin Oprah??
- Docked or born that way?
- Boy Or Girl, what about ....
- hiccups
- Now that you've met my yorkie.....
- Tartisst, where are you????
- Poor little guy, needs help!!
- Any other yorkies eat EVERYTHING? I am afraid Joey is going to choke!!
- petedge
- SORRY about the errors and downtime!
- Forced To Leave Pets Behind
- I donated ! yeaaaaaa
- The Doggie Meal
- Long flight with your yorkie?
- My yorkie is cheese crazy!!!!! Is yours?
- How long before they make friend?
- Hello
- Tomorrow~Thor's BIG day!
- he dwosnt wuv mwe awymore!!!
- Yorkie or Silky?
- I need to catch up,,,,
- Nintendogs
- questions onTraveling with your pet ?
- How to prevent separation anxiety?
- Dumb Question about Coat
- Reminder,,,,,,,,
- blonde yorkies
- Sudden Urination Problem
- hair bows
- Free dog massage cd
- AKC Accepted My Red Puppy Litter!!!!!
- Have You Ever SEEN This Many Yorkies?
- they need to be older??
- Anyone from Massachusetts or New England?
- My silly girls!
- Ocbd
- Scared/confused about spaying
- Long time no SEE...
- entertainment for my yorkie
- The Icing store
- Thank you Dena!
- I'm back! Stomper is fine...
- Can your doggy miss you so much,,,,,,
- Dry heaves?
- does Deter work?
- Yogurt
- Anyone heard of this...
- Mashed Potatoes Anyone?
- I got My little boy ---- But (very long)
- Some New Pics Of The Boys....
- What is a "correct" Yorkie body?
- Hurricane Katrina - How to help animals!
- Toothless Wonder!
- So disappointed in myself! :(
- warning about grapes!
- Angels or Yorkies
- Oh, I am such a mean mommy!
- Travel Companion Wanted for a Biewer
- Is it normal for her to gag after eating?????
- Daisy ...Sweetie
- Puppy don't eat
- Hewwo evewybody!
- Marie - I'm new, please read
- well.. I couldn't stay still, so I went to see him!
- Thailand Next Top Model
- Another Newby
- organic dog food
- Petco Pictures
- I guess he misses me... I hope
- Maybe Pellerdore Yorkie!
- Dixie Update:-)
- Help - Urine In Carpets
- millions
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