
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Hello, from a new Yorkie Owner
  2. I thought Lucky had went crazy...
  3. I'm so upset! Am I being too dramatic?
  4. New Puppy Question - Male vs. Female
  5. do u bring ur yorkie 2 work?
  6. Is he done growing?
  7. 12 weeks old!
  8. Puppy Mill List In Need.....
  9. Slime covered Poo?
  10. Introducing toby
  11. Want a yorkie---but have shihtzu LITTERMATES
  12. Question about teething
  13. Drooling???
  14. Has Any One Seen This Bed????cool
  15. Anyone seen this commercial??
  16. Thank you diggy4 for Halloween Contes Prize!
  17. Harness is making him hairless
  18. My yorkie needs a dog's night out!
  19. Has anyone tried Hills prescription diet Z/D
  20. OMG if you have a girl you have to check this out
  21. Look what I ordered online today
  22. I am so angry!!!!
  23. Yorkie Coat Question
  24. Bad hair day!
  25. Need some advice please........
  26. Does a puppies bark change when they get older?
  27. For those of you who have boys and girls?
  28. Come see the cutest thing ever!
  29. Groups Question
  30. Lucy and her new litter
  31. How long until your yorkie coat turned fully?
  32. Suggestions for finding a reputable breeder
  33. Mommie in the monitor?
  34. Yorkie & Golden Retriever=Need Advice!!
  35. My Mommie is in the moniter!!!
  36. Very thin hair! Please help!
  37. Pet Love store closing in LA
  38. information on heat?
  39. Small yorkies?
  40. a whiting yorkie??
  41. Am I crazy?
  42. BreBel
  43. Introducing....
  44. I've sent my donation!
  45. Hi everyone!
  46. YorkieTalk 2009 Calendars - NOW AVAILABLE FOR ORDERING!
  47. 3 more dayssss
  48. Things to do in the winter
  49. Funny story thread
  50. Little Miss Attitude - Lillie
  51. Why do the prices of Yorkie's vary so much?
  52. Question about posting
  53. Doggie Daycare question...
  54. Puppy Mills
  55. New York Brewer Yorkies
  56. My Teapot Wants One Too!
  57. Is my puppy afraid of me?
  58. who would you call???????
  59. Has this happened to you?
  60. Help! I need a name!
  61. Happy birthday nikki!
  62. My yorkie's weird behavior
  63. Why are yorkies only considered "girl" dogs?
  64. Breeder Fraud?
  65. My Yorkie does not sleep well at night...anyone else have this problem?
  66. carry your baby in style :-)
  67. The wait is over, Brody is home!!!!!
  68. Next GE?
  69. Question about 8 wk old puppy
  70. Reprutable Microchipping Register Website
  71. Kinda disapointed
  72. Yorkie Newbie
  73. How Do I Clip the Hair Near the Private Area on a Male?
  74. I'm at a loss..
  75. Wiping male yorkie's urine once/day??
  76. Yorkie Names...
  77. Recovering well! and a couple pics
  78. Hello All
  79. Yorkie poos, shorkies, labradoodles! ?? Rant!
  80. Happy Holidays
  81. I am getting a friend for Bella
  82. Hello I'm New To YT!
  83. Yorkie Question
  84. please help, i dont know what else to do...
  85. Help! I'm a soon-to-be Yorkie owner!
  86. Oh, I wish I'd had a camera!!!!
  87. Hello, I have been MIA for awhile. I am thinking about adding a female pup. Cooper
  88. Why would she do this?
  89. Urgent: Yorkie needs rescue in missouri
  90. Funniest thing
  91. Too cute not to share.
  92. AKC papers
  93. We're newbies!!
  94. Idea to Keep Your Lil Ones Warm
  95. Merry Christmas YT Family!!!
  96. New to YT!
  97. Yorkie Fashion show
  98. Ozzy needs your prayers
  99. Pet Rescue Nominations
  100. How Cold is Too Cold?
  101. Matting from wearing a sweater?
  102. New Around Here.
  103. So, I'm just venting...
  104. Wants to be picked up but runs???
  105. Putting in hair bow?
  106. What a scary moment today...
  107. The Snow Is Here!!
  108. "the crack puppy run"
  109. Yorkie questions
  110. 7 month yorkie in heat???
  111. Why do people insist on doing this.
  112. How often do you get them groomed?
  113. Another Yorkie?? A buddy or a girlfriend???
  114. New to this breed!
  115. Missy's Vaccinations and Check up
  116. Posting a new thread Oh My!!!
  117. Check her out!
  118. When does their black start turning to silver?
  119. Does anyone else's dog think they're a human?
  120. Ridiculous experience that I had to share.
  121. For anyone who has to leave their baby alone
  122. Need creative suggestions for cat problem
  123. Yorkie Found After almost 2 months.
  124. Mouth or lips changing
  125. Who has the most Yorkies on Yorkietalk???
  126. Very Vocal Puppy
  127. Does anyone Walk their Yorkie on a Treadmill?
  128. Keely is a miniature Airbud!
  129. This is funny
  130. My Yorkie is a Wild licker
  131. Skiddy's yorkie pups
  132. new album
  133. New Yorkie owner since Saturday
  134. Whar changes did you have to make when you got your yorkie?
  135. Hello Yorkie Lovers!!!
  136. New around here!
  137. This is not my dog...
  138. Problems at grammy and grandpys house
  139. Brand new mom to 8 wk yorkie
  140. Choo-Choo... Jump on the Yorkie Train!
  141. My Broken BabyTheo
  142. My new baby boy is finally here!
  143. Today was Pebbles 1st Birthday!!!!!!!
  144. Price ranges for Yorkies puppies
  145. How do I remove urine odor from pergo floor?
  146. It's official!!! Looking for yorkie baby!!!
  147. What a shame
  148. The girls went to see Santa
  149. Naming fun
  150. Unreasonable Fear
  151. Chattiesmom's Gracie is coming home EARLY!!!
  152. Sad but Important before Pet Ownership
  153. Litterbox training yorkies?
  154. Just saying hello!
  155. Finally decided on a name for our lil man!
  156. Hi Everybody!
  157. My wonderful Vet. moved from CA.
  158. Green-eyed monster
  159. Helping Animal Rescue Site
  160. Getting a little crafty
  161. Yorkie's ears
  162. Hi, I'm new!
  163. Got Bentley some snow boots!!!
  164. what does a scottish and yorkie mix look like
  165. What is your yorkie's favorite training treat?
  166. Teacup Yorkie Video
  167. Pasquale with Santa
  168. sophies first dog show
  169. Wee Wee Pads Please?
  170. London's secret to looking young
  171. Yorkies and Christmas trees
  172. Yay pics finally!
  173. Bay Colony Dog Show
  174. I'm new !!
  175. We're expecting Christmas babies!
  176. Help Finding A Yorkie In Maine
  177. Unsure if My Yorkie is Purebread
  178. I'm a new mommy!!!
  179. Dealing with my Mother.
  180. why is she doing that?
  181. A Strangers Comments
  182. Pain relief
  183. Christmas cards from Villette
  184. does anyone use Advantage Multi
  185. Post your Christmas Outfit!
  186. Yorkie in concert!!!
  187. ears up or down
  188. Gina's little face
  189. Happy Birthday , Villette
  190. How to add youtube video to page??
  191. Best Shampoo & Conditioner & Detangler
  192. She sleeps so much when shes in clothes!
  193. Holistic Vet (two part question)
  194. Litter training a Yorkie?
  195. Fetal Heartbeat of Unborn Puppy
  196. A Rescue Dogs Christmas Story
  197. Bitter Cold
  198. Quick Question!
  199. Things you can learn from a dog
  200. STUD VISITATION my house or yours?
  201. preggie or not?
  202. Do you have allergies and are fine around your Yorkie??
  203. What should be in a Health Guarantee?
  204. Show or pet cut? Long Or docked tails?
  205. New Dogs Odd Behavior
  206. Awkward stage?!?
  207. pet/baby tent?
  208. Baby talk?
  209. Dog Boots?
  210. OCDoggie
  211. Tick bite!
  212. My Petstore Pug
  213. Still looking for a good vet in Gwinnett County, GA
  214. Missy is 11 weeks old today!
  215. Socializing with other dogs
  216. Go see the St. Augustine night of lights
  217. We have a Stalker....
  218. Home alone?
  219. New to YT and to Yorkies
  220. This is a real feel gooder for you today
  221. Greetings from a new poster and her writing Yorkie!
  222. newbie
  223. Little Kirby Needs a Home
  224. Really confused!
  225. Decorating a yorkie room, show & tell..
  226. I just realized
  227. Have a female and just bought a male...have a question?
  228. Why do you like big dogs better?
  229. Hey V...I am itching for some Cheri and Chanel pics!!
  230. Red legged yorkie ???
  231. Tequila Christmas Cake
  232. ghost seeing yorkies?
  233. Update
  234. How long until adult coloring comes in?
  235. Holiday Tips for Families with Dogs
  236. Former owner wants him back
  237. YT has over 40,000 Members
  238. Finding My Yorkies Siblings
  239. the longest your yorkie has gone without peeing?
  240. My New Yorkie Puppy Questions .
  241. Just had to share this one. . .
  242. I need quick and easy dog treat recipes for a fund raiser!
  243. odie is too funny for words!
  244. is my Yorkie small for his age?
  245. 1.5yr YT & New Pup
  246. 6 Inches of Snow
  247. Bladder of steel.
  248. can we talk about ears for a minute?
  249. Happy Holidays from Remy & Roscoe
  250. can anyone tell me fi my yorkie looks purebred
