- Peeing
- Parti Yorkie
- mix breeding defects
- Help! My baby is scared of a leash.
- please show me pictures of your babies with long nose hair (beards?) vs. trimmed
- Lily Is Throwing Up
- I found 2 flees on my lola yesterday
- Dottie.............help needed
- What airlines?
- Am I the only one...
- Normal vet behavior??
- 6 week old male humping arms
- $2 Mystery
- Eating dirt and grass
- guess whos coming to my house?
- bangs!@$#&
- Need YT Members Help Please for contest to aid charity
- How do I choose?? I might lose my baby. Please advise!
- Are my baby's the only 1 with WEIRD.....
- im scared for roo
- Second Guessing Neutering Tomorrow Morning
- Lincoln comes home Thursday!!!!
- Question on Parvo
- Nikki's Home
- he ignores us!
- Please help me make a decision
- About Mollys Teeth
- SLEEP question
- Yorkie Fair 2008
- Any One near SPRINGFIELD MO Please Help????
- What's the regular price for a yorkie pup?
- Is your baby scared of thunder?
- Should
- Results are very poor :(
- Why does size matter????
- How Big Will My New Yorkie Enzo Be Full Grown?
- UPDATE: Dixie and Teddy; sorry so long...
- I just paid $10 for 2 bully sticks!
- Fireworks!!!
- Quick Question..
- Update on both furbabies(long...sorry)
- Excitement Peeing
- Newbie
- Dixie...
- Additional Birthdays For LGC
- New member from Indiana
- When did your fur baby stop growing?
- New Addition to the family
- Sneezing?!
- Sneezing?!
- Introducing Pheobe Franchesca
- PLEASE help!
- Keelyn's first grooming!
- New Puppy Advice Needed!
- New Member
- update on abby
- Hello From An Excited New Member
- Seizure
- "Emperial" shih tzu needs rescue...
- sleeping on the floor
- Happy Canada Day
- New list of Yorkietalk Members Store Sites
- Bonnie is home... pictures!!
- Hello Everyone!!!!!
- Check out this "lot" of puppy/dog items!!
- Meet Essie!!!!! Just got home with my new baby:D
- Need some ideas
- My Max & Bobo has become an attack dog! Please Help!
- please pray
- Puppy/Senior issues
- I'm So Excited!! I'd Like To Introduce...
- My Yorkie Scared Me For A Second!
- Okie Yorkies?
- Oh my goodness!
- A playmate for Rambeau
- just wanted to introduce myself
- Whats the secret?
- I'm a new member!
- FYI: Caesar Millan on QVC
- Pia TV update! Sorry this has taken forever.
- Making YOU hold their bone for them??
- I need yorkie help
- Yorkies good with cats?
- Growth Question
- FUMING!! Why am I so upset??
- Thoughts on strollers
- Stitches out.....
- Legislation around breeding - Please read especially if you're in PA
- Vent about visiting relatives
- Happy Birthday Boys
- Ytca
- Traveling with my Yorkie
- pet collar reflector lights
- ??? Take a look at this!
- My rewarding trip to Target.
- Amazing Site!
- Rocky & Bambi hanging out together last Saturday
- Is it that time?
- I am happy to imagine
- Joel Osteen includes his dogs in his sermon
- I challenge the girls against the boys
- Does your yorkie know when you hurt ?
- The Cat and Buddy
- A Pet's Ten Commandments
- Trooper ate a roach!!
- Ozzy's family reunion
- Does your dog scream?
- tired puppy?
- New Puppy Owner Questions!
- Need to know
- Business Cards
- Happy Birthday Prairie Bea
- chloe has a sticker stuck to her paw and fur!! help!!!
- I really really need help please
- A baby girl!
- 7 week old puppy....
- Breeder contract??
- Hello everyone
- Suggestions Please
- Bently's busy weekend
- Do you take your Yorkie in the pool?
- New Puppy!
- Help Darcy acts crazy during the evening
- Fritzel's new sister Darla
- Can someone help me
- Boy or Girl for a second Yorkie?
- Excited Puppy!!!
- Men and Yorkies
- A great way to store those Yorkie bows!
- Temperature Dropped To 97.8! Delivery Day?
- People Make Me Mad
- NOOO! she's one of THOSE!!
- Yorkies And Toys
- I read about this before...
- Someone asked me to sell them my Jeter
- Good Morning!! Sunday June 29
- Does anyone have a pet rabbit?
- Grooming
- Crate Dilemma
- personalized purses
- 1st time new member
- Yorkie & Doberman
- Yorkie book?
- Doberman & Yorkie
- Yay!!
- Anyone Else On Puppy Watch?
- How do I stop the hand chewing??
- ~~question~~
- Hunt For The Cling-On...!
- Wild ankle biter!
- Yorkie Friendly Bed & Breakfast
- Oh! I almost lost lexie!:(
- Introducing my new furbaby...Captain Jack Sparrow
- OMG....I think I'm Going to Cry.....
- ? a question ?
- ((((((simonandhallie,moderators,admin))))))
- My Mia is gone.
- Can someone explain to me the deal(sizing) on BOWS?
- Maggy May's Blood Work
- Rough storms in MO
- Problems With Licking
- When To Switch To Adult Food...????
- Lizzie's feet are HUGE
- info on yorkies
- First time yorkie owner
- Anyone Live Near Charlotte, NC?
- We have new neighbours.....
- New family member Q
- Beware of yorkiecuties.com!
- Dress up?
- What do you think??
- help...my gal is pregnant with 1 puppy
- What you love the most in your Yorkie ?
- you know.....
- you know.....
- Would you...
- The Danbury Mint!
- Need advice about neighbors pet.
- I think I've made a terrible mistake
- Questions when looking for a puppy/dog
- New baby Lizzie is home!
- Biting??
- Tales from the grooming salon.....
- Am I nuts!!
- My boys!
- Scariest Situation
- Akc Vs. Aca
- watever happened...
- Introduction
- Unbelievable!!!
- Baxter can jump!! does your dog?
- I'm Yorkie sitting...suggestions?
- Look what a co-worker gave me
- Puppies doing Great!!
- Where is Hootie and Hobbs?
- What are your "Favorites"?
- Can you BELIEVE this site???
- Dolly is getting a new sister!
- Can i watch my groomer ?
- Is it bad I decided not to crop my puppy's tail
- 1 week update
- Puppy Mills In PA--Finally, Some Progress!
- First Successful Night in New Crate!!!
- Could i ask a favor?
- Trying to pick names for my three little angels!
- sleepy yorkie?
- Confession...
- Mommy & Coby's first "home hair cut"
- I am interested in Showing Yorkies...
- OMG! Have you seen this ad???
- A Message From United Yorkie Rescue!
- Humane Society's – Puppy Mill Rescue Video
- DOes SIZE matter????? LOL
- Does Your Yorkie do the Poopy Circles?
- So, after almost two months as a yorkie mom
- bringing home Vilot
- Help me name my new little guy
- ACA Registration
- Wooky At All My Stuff!!!!
- I think Layla is more human than dog.
- Little Man is growing up on me!!!
- To late to register??
- I don't want to lose one of my babies
- Storms interrupting my YT
- Excitment pee
- open your eyes!!!!
- Happy 2nd Birthday Grayson!!
- Is this normal?
- I'm So Nervous!
- Keep Mia in Your Thoughts Today....
- Fuzzy's Birthday...
- Yorkies Magazine
- greatest little mom !!!!!
- Dog Pouch
- Ears down, again!
- First Shots
- Bailey is afraid of the clicker!
- what do you do when you miss your baby?
- does your baby have a "woobie" too????
- Hi! New YT member!
- What can I do to stop my dog from barking late at night?
- Can your Yorkies tell the difference between a real and a fake bark?
- Question about designated area for your furbaby...
- Hi - I'm a new Yorkie mom
- omg I'm going to cry
- Pics Of Tarra's Arm, Shave Down Or Leave It Alone
- Positive thoughts please