- Boston Yorkie Meet up
- Poochey Couture ( montreal) play day for yorkies
- hello! im new to the forum!
- anyone seen a crate with a divider?
- update....
- I am in serious need of advice here...
- Gidget was stolen from our yard :(
- Prospective Yorkie Mama
- Scam?
- Oh My Bailey is starting to HUMP!!!!!
- hello from new member
- I just found out:
- Anyone know about this petshop puppie site?
- dog Registry
- Goooooo SAINTS!!! (Pics Included)
- Ears
- new to site
- Lobby For Animals
- I'm a little disappointed
- To register or not...that is the question?
- ideas???
- 'Bout to send this boy packing!!!
- LAST DAY (TODAY!) to Sign Up for the YT Gift Exchange!
- Bed Heads
- Yorkie biting his nails?
- Ears??? How big are your Yorkies ears??
- Boy VS. Girl Yorkie
- Yay! A food milestone!
- Dollar tree find
- Is this not the sweetest thing ever?!
- Which Yorkie bloomer looks best?
- Has anyone use Petsmart classes for their yorkie before?
- Suffolk County - Meet Up 1/21/07
- yorkie puppy
- 2 Quick Questions
- Emergency Room Visit!
- Pipersmommy!!!!!
- I need your help with something Please ????????
- Neutered on Tuesday and still sleepy?
- Paris's New Haircut!!!!!
- Question to all YT Teapots...
- Getting Lily today.....
- Haruka is ready for fun!
- Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz at bath
- Missing Link, which type?
- I will never have only one yorkie again!!!
- Yappy Maddie Driving Me Nuts!!!
- In need of puppy picking help
- which airline?
- Yorkie's are the smartest terriers!
- cooking my babies food
- Help me keep her safe
- OMG ! I jsut brought home a 2 week orphan puppy,
- Need a name for new baby girl!
- redriverkennels.com in texas?
- Anyone who's recently ordered from me
- Allergies???? Please someone help!!!!Pics!!!
- I feel a LUMP.....
- Has anyone ever heard of, or tried this shampoo?
- Hi I'm new!
- Top 10 Reasons To Breed Your Dog
- This is what a military brat looks like......Look at Tinkerbell!!!
- Snorting like a Pig
- Where Are All Of You Right Now??
- Yuck
- I made a dress
- Dynamics of a furry family
- fontanel and a topknot
- sassy's new dress from gofetch
- Do your babies go down the stairs??
- Grunting Yorkie
- Carrier blankets???
- ViCiOuS RoTtWeIlEr PaRt II
- watching them eat?
- HELP! Paris gets haircut in 1 Hour!!
- Hey Look!
- Good price for Flossies?
- Bow makers
- Teddy Bear...THE "SNITCH"
- Help! Lucy is jumping her gate!
- Pantie Raid
- when is it safe to walk bella?? rape in my area
- Unsure if I can...
- Should I really get ANOTHER yorkie??
- Rocky's New Blankie
- Rocky's First Snow Today in NY!
- Harness or Collar
- chester feeling icky after rabies shot
- Grrr Ruff Ruff Ruff!!!!
- When do Baby Teeth come in?
- Collars
- CoCo and her new Bed and Clip
- Healing touch workshops for dogs
- Apple Bitter
- will someone measure their puppy for me
- Roxy on the run
- Jaxson Fell?/jumped? Into The Pool!!!
- hi everyone!
- can someone do me a favor?
- Our Little Hero Max....
- anyone interested in a y/t meet up at the dog house resort this spring / summer
- ???? Doggles
- Questions About Yorkie Size/Weight.
- "go Bears"!!!!!
- How old??
- Our new harnesses
- I hope yall like this new video clip
- Just Curious? What do you put all your yorkie's clothes in??
- Simon keeps peeing on everything HELP !!
- Bob the Lost/Found yorkie
- Pee stains.........
- Waiting for calanders?
- It's my Gracie's birthday!
- Question for crate and ex-pen users?
- question on liver shunt
- Thin Coat???? Help please!!!!
- Wish me luck!
- restless nights = sick pup?
- I'm missing my little buddy something fierce!
- yorkie clothes patterns
- You wouldn't believe what morgan just did
- I'm ashamed of myself, and I'm about to do..
- Don't run us over!!!
- We got a little girl~!~
- What's my puppy going to look like????
- Ebay!
- whyyy???
- Tinkerbell Closet -Discount Code
- All was good at the vet
- Yorkies Have Their Year Article
- Itchy Dry Skin dogs.....
- FOX News most popular dog segment
- AKC name help!!!
- Shipping puppies
- We're back!
- Show off your purse pics!!!!
- Yorkshire terrier magazine?
- Is it just a doggy "terrible twos" phase? Advice please
- How many of you display your dog's photo in your house?
- update on Sassys surgery
- Ceramic Bones
- Hair hanging - what to do?
- Groomer needed in Naples Florida
- beneful
- bow makers
- East to West Coast Yorkie trip
- i just saw
- Remi and his butt
- What does your furbaby do just like our human kids?
- Lillybelle videoclip-ringing her bell - "I NEED to go out!".
- Please Help!
- Bailey16602
- Whats wrong with Sparky
- frontline and still fleas....
- HUGE scare this morning
- defiant behavior after being trained
- Grease! & I dont mean the musical
- It will all work out...
- I'm Frozzen In!!!
- Nose & pads turning pink?
- cleaning those darn eye boogers!!
- a few pics
- How to drive a Yorkie totally crazy....
- Howie needs a new harness!! Anyone make them?
- Hmmmmm....
- I just can't...
- top breed by state
- new yorkie mom
- Can a Yorkie know what day it is?
- All Yt Members From Missouri In Here Quick!!
- Cali and Haruka
- Omg I'm Going To Rip My Hair Out!!!!
- Ughh im soo stressed!!
- Question? What's the difference between
- Cat food? (yorkie question)
- A Letter To Simon and Hallie From Their Mother!
- can yorkies eat yogurt
- Bad Gas!!! Help!!!!!!
- How do you know if you dog is show quality?
- snow day in Portland Oregon
- need prayer here for someone
- Update on Refundable deposit.
- Update on Refundable deposit.
- Scratching around muzzle
- Bringing Up Bile
- heating up dry food??
- Help - we're having accidents daily!
- need info asap
- My first Yorkie
- Whatever happened to Daisy??
- For those with Hawk problems...
- Pee Breaks??
- MI Momma and Furbabies Valentine's Day Tea Party
- Any info on this breeder?
- Brush Creek Kennel Investigation
- Bernie on Dogster
- The UNofficial YorkieTalk Look-Alike Contest
- New Puppy? Vet check???
- Riley's getting nuetered tomorrow. I'm scared!!!!
- Daisy's New Myspace!!
- What's With Snow Shovels and Brooms?
- For Those Whose Yorkie Pups are Picky Eaters
- Need recommendation on shampoo and conditioner
- Any book suggestions??
- Car Sickness & Barking
- Does anyone make their own pet cologne?
- New Yorkie Owner! Need Tips Please!
- New Yorkie owner!
- Thanks for my avatar, Villette!
- Application for Membership--YT TEAPOT Club
- Chinese Yorkie
- Matting with clothes..
- Tolerance for cold
- Precious Moment dress I made!!!
- How often do you change your Yorkie's outfit?
- New B looking for advise
- Hello from Ohio!!
- Pregnant and Yorkie acting out
- Similarities between your yorkie and you?
- Tail Docking...
- My Little Angel
- New Puppy coming soon
- Did anyone see the Today Show??
- newborn baby
- It Worked!!!
- Looking Good in His new shirt form TC
- Check This Out
- New Pic!!
- Please send good thoughts for Muffin
- Something cute for everyone!
- Are dogs color blind or can they see color...
- Petsmart coupon $5 off for $15 purchase
- organix puppy formula
- AKC treats!
- where would I get the little mustache
- sneaky little bella
- She's Digging It
- then...and now
- Thank You Brooke for the Avatar
- My baby's teeth
- This is so sad Yorkie bashing On craiglist NY... this ticks me off!
- Funny Pic!
- I'm a Yorkie Mommy Novice
- Docking tail?
- how often to wash
- jumping the pet gate
- He keeps shaking???
- Lammy Whammies?
- Bad breath..sick!