
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Boston Yorkie Meet up
  2. Poochey Couture ( montreal) play day for yorkies
  3. hello! im new to the forum!
  4. anyone seen a crate with a divider?
  5. update....
  6. I am in serious need of advice here...
  7. Gidget was stolen from our yard :(
  8. Prospective Yorkie Mama
  9. Scam?
  10. Oh My Bailey is starting to HUMP!!!!!
  11. hello from new member
  12. I just found out:
  13. Anyone know about this petshop puppie site?
  14. dog Registry
  15. Goooooo SAINTS!!! (Pics Included)
  16. Ears
  17. new to site
  18. Lobby For Animals
  19. I'm a little disappointed
  20. To register or not...that is the question?
  21. ideas???
  22. 'Bout to send this boy packing!!!
  23. LAST DAY (TODAY!) to Sign Up for the YT Gift Exchange!
  24. Bed Heads
  25. Yorkie biting his nails?
  26. Ears??? How big are your Yorkies ears??
  27. Boy VS. Girl Yorkie
  28. Yay! A food milestone!
  29. Dollar tree find
  30. Is this not the sweetest thing ever?!
  31. Which Yorkie bloomer looks best?
  32. Has anyone use Petsmart classes for their yorkie before?
  33. Suffolk County - Meet Up 1/21/07
  34. yorkie puppy
  35. 2 Quick Questions
  36. Emergency Room Visit!
  37. Pipersmommy!!!!!
  38. I need your help with something Please ????????
  39. Neutered on Tuesday and still sleepy?
  40. Paris's New Haircut!!!!!
  41. Question to all YT Teapots...
  42. Getting Lily today.....
  43. Haruka is ready for fun!
  44. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz at bath
  45. Missing Link, which type?
  46. I will never have only one yorkie again!!!
  47. Yappy Maddie Driving Me Nuts!!!
  48. In need of puppy picking help
  49. which airline?
  50. Yorkie's are the smartest terriers!
  51. cooking my babies food
  52. Help me keep her safe
  53. OMG ! I jsut brought home a 2 week orphan puppy,
  54. Need a name for new baby girl!
  55. in texas?
  56. Anyone who's recently ordered from me
  57. Allergies???? Please someone help!!!!Pics!!!
  58. I feel a LUMP.....
  59. Has anyone ever heard of, or tried this shampoo?
  60. Hi I'm new!
  61. Top 10 Reasons To Breed Your Dog
  62. This is what a military brat looks like......Look at Tinkerbell!!!
  63. Snorting like a Pig
  64. Where Are All Of You Right Now??
  65. Yuck
  66. I made a dress
  67. Dynamics of a furry family
  68. fontanel and a topknot
  69. sassy's new dress from gofetch
  70. Do your babies go down the stairs??
  71. Grunting Yorkie
  72. Carrier blankets???
  73. ViCiOuS RoTtWeIlEr PaRt II
  74. watching them eat?
  75. HELP! Paris gets haircut in 1 Hour!!
  76. Hey Look!
  77. Good price for Flossies?
  78. Bow makers
  79. Teddy Bear...THE "SNITCH"
  80. Help! Lucy is jumping her gate!
  81. Pantie Raid
  82. when is it safe to walk bella?? rape in my area
  83. Unsure if I can...
  84. Should I really get ANOTHER yorkie??
  85. Rocky's New Blankie
  86. Rocky's First Snow Today in NY!
  87. Harness or Collar
  88. chester feeling icky after rabies shot
  89. Grrr Ruff Ruff Ruff!!!!
  90. When do Baby Teeth come in?
  91. Collars
  92. CoCo and her new Bed and Clip
  93. Healing touch workshops for dogs
  94. Apple Bitter
  95. will someone measure their puppy for me
  96. Roxy on the run
  97. Jaxson Fell?/jumped? Into The Pool!!!
  98. hi everyone!
  99. can someone do me a favor?
  100. Our Little Hero Max....
  101. anyone interested in a y/t meet up at the dog house resort this spring / summer
  102. ???? Doggles
  103. Questions About Yorkie Size/Weight.
  104. "go Bears"!!!!!
  105. How old??
  106. Our new harnesses
  107. I hope yall like this new video clip
  108. Just Curious? What do you put all your yorkie's clothes in??
  109. Simon keeps peeing on everything HELP !!
  110. Bob the Lost/Found yorkie
  111. Pee stains.........
  112. Waiting for calanders?
  113. It's my Gracie's birthday!
  114. Question for crate and ex-pen users?
  115. question on liver shunt
  116. Thin Coat???? Help please!!!!
  117. Wish me luck!
  118. restless nights = sick pup?
  119. I'm missing my little buddy something fierce!
  120. yorkie clothes patterns
  121. You wouldn't believe what morgan just did
  122. I'm ashamed of myself, and I'm about to do..
  123. Don't run us over!!!
  124. We got a little girl~!~
  125. What's my puppy going to look like????
  126. Ebay!
  127. whyyy???
  128. Tinkerbell Closet -Discount Code
  129. All was good at the vet
  130. Yorkies Have Their Year Article
  132. Itchy Dry Skin dogs.....
  133. FOX News most popular dog segment
  134. AKC name help!!!
  135. Shipping puppies
  136. We're back!
  137. Show off your purse pics!!!!
  138. Yorkshire terrier magazine?
  139. Is it just a doggy "terrible twos" phase? Advice please
  140. How many of you display your dog's photo in your house?
  141. update on Sassys surgery
  142. Ceramic Bones
  143. Hair hanging - what to do?
  144. Groomer needed in Naples Florida
  145. beneful
  146. bow makers
  147. East to West Coast Yorkie trip
  148. i just saw
  149. Remi and his butt
  150. What does your furbaby do just like our human kids?
  151. Lillybelle videoclip-ringing her bell - "I NEED to go out!".
  152. Please Help!
  153. Bailey16602
  154. Whats wrong with Sparky
  155. frontline and still fleas....
  156. HUGE scare this morning
  157. defiant behavior after being trained
  158. Grease! & I dont mean the musical
  159. It will all work out...
  160. I'm Frozzen In!!!
  161. Nose & pads turning pink?
  162. cleaning those darn eye boogers!!
  163. a few pics
  164. How to drive a Yorkie totally crazy....
  165. Howie needs a new harness!! Anyone make them?
  166. Hmmmmm....
  167. I just can't...
  168. top breed by state
  169. new yorkie mom
  170. Can a Yorkie know what day it is?
  171. All Yt Members From Missouri In Here Quick!!
  172. Cali and Haruka
  173. Omg I'm Going To Rip My Hair Out!!!!
  174. Ughh im soo stressed!!
  175. Question? What's the difference between
  176. Cat food? (yorkie question)
  177. A Letter To Simon and Hallie From Their Mother!
  178. can yorkies eat yogurt
  179. Bad Gas!!! Help!!!!!!
  180. How do you know if you dog is show quality?
  181. snow day in Portland Oregon
  182. need prayer here for someone
  183. Update on Refundable deposit.
  184. Update on Refundable deposit.
  185. Scratching around muzzle
  186. Bringing Up Bile
  187. heating up dry food??
  188. Help - we're having accidents daily!
  189. need info asap
  190. My first Yorkie
  191. Whatever happened to Daisy??
  192. For those with Hawk problems...
  193. Pee Breaks??
  194. MI Momma and Furbabies Valentine's Day Tea Party
  195. Any info on this breeder?
  196. Brush Creek Kennel Investigation
  197. Bernie on Dogster
  198. The UNofficial YorkieTalk Look-Alike Contest
  199. New Puppy? Vet check???
  200. Riley's getting nuetered tomorrow. I'm scared!!!!
  201. Daisy's New Myspace!!
  202. What's With Snow Shovels and Brooms?
  203. For Those Whose Yorkie Pups are Picky Eaters
  204. Need recommendation on shampoo and conditioner
  205. Any book suggestions??
  206. Car Sickness & Barking
  207. Does anyone make their own pet cologne?
  208. New Yorkie Owner! Need Tips Please!
  209. New Yorkie owner!
  210. Thanks for my avatar, Villette!
  211. Application for Membership--YT TEAPOT Club
  212. Chinese Yorkie
  213. Matting with clothes..
  214. Tolerance for cold
  215. Precious Moment dress I made!!!
  216. How often do you change your Yorkie's outfit?
  217. New B looking for advise
  218. Hello from Ohio!!
  219. Pregnant and Yorkie acting out
  220. Similarities between your yorkie and you?
  221. Tail Docking...
  222. My Little Angel
  223. New Puppy coming soon
  224. Did anyone see the Today Show??
  225. newborn baby
  226. It Worked!!!
  227. Looking Good in His new shirt form TC
  228. Check This Out
  229. New Pic!!
  230. Please send good thoughts for Muffin
  231. Something cute for everyone!
  232. Are dogs color blind or can they see color...
  233. Petsmart coupon $5 off for $15 purchase
  234. organix puppy formula
  235. AKC treats!
  236. where would I get the little mustache
  237. sneaky little bella
  238. She's Digging It
  239. then...and now
  240. Thank You Brooke for the Avatar
  241. My baby's teeth
  242. This is so sad Yorkie bashing On craiglist NY... this ticks me off!
  243. Funny Pic!
  244. I'm a Yorkie Mommy Novice
  245. Docking tail?
  246. how often to wash
  247. jumping the pet gate
  248. He keeps shaking???
  249. Lammy Whammies?
  250. Bad breath..sick!
