
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Dog Tags - Help Me Pick!!
  2. we found a yorkie
  3. Male or Female - training
  4. Hair growth
  5. Mean Furperson
  6. Finally There!
  7. Brought Miss Lizzie home today!!!!!
  8. Designer Hybrid - Should I get this one??
  9. Need ideas on little boy names.....Come on yall!!
  10. My Baby's Eye :(
  11. Our Puppy arrives in a week, advice?
  12. What About Us? ◙ Warning!! Graphic!! ◙
  13. The escape artist.......
  14. Wasn't a Joke
  15. Any recommendation?
  16. I finally posted an album!
  17. The Odd Couple....Forrest and Louis
  18. NEw here and need help please
  19. JoJo's new hair cut
  20. looking for yorkie pups in chicago vicinity
  21. 2 puppies?
  22. Ear went back down
  23. Mignon,, not gaining
  24. confused...Is is true?
  25. Ellie Pearl and AAI
  26. My dog has started peeing on PEOPLE!
  27. Fighting over toys
  28. Please Help Substantiate the Costs of Yorkies?
  29. I have an ODD little question for the tail-less
  30. Flying with your yorkie
  31. Harness Questions
  32. Question About Heat Cycle
  33. Any else own an abstinence dog???
  34. Nikki went to visit his Mom
  35. Hair Question...again..
  36. Our Yorkie Changed Our Vacations!
  37. what type of coat does my yorkie have
  38. Missing my babies
  39. Face Color Transition
  40. Need a quick response!
  41. Holly's birthday!
  42. BIG MOVE!! moving accross the country with my yorkie!! Advice?
  43. My baby boy is 1!
  44. Please pray for me and my family to get through this read asap
  45. Can I kennel train my dog after pee pad training her for a year??
  46. Boxers and Yorkies?
  47. Was this a hint-Is she trying to tell me something?
  48. Is it just me...
  49. I swear this dog is part human!!!
  50. My Girl was stolen!
  51. Build-A-Bear- 4/16/2010- YORKSHIRE TERRIER!
  52. Tired puppy dance
  53. Mozy's dilemma...
  54. whos idea was this?
  55. I've got some smarty pants dogs here!!
  56. Just got an adult Yorkie...possibly abused :(
  57. Some people confuse my little boy for a girl
  58. My puppy is a killer!!!!
  59. 3month too early for a Dog Walk???
  60. Communicating With Your Dog
  61. New to the Community
  62. Zhoie girlie in her SUMMER CUT
  63. Tomorrow is Bristol's turn...
  64. Sniffing??
  65. Question about ears
  66. Anyone in Pittsburg Kansas?
  67. Little Fizz has a bark
  68. heeeelp!!!!!
  69. Hi
  70. Dino is going to be on Sabado Gigante!!!
  71. Today we learned how to unroll toilet paper!
  72. Anyone know where to get an inexpensive set of trimming scissors
  73. Does Your Yorkie?
  74. Harness
  75. Traveling w/your "babies"?
  76. Mom
  77. Yorkie Pup Habits
  78. Does anyone here have this pet stroller?
  79. What do you use to clean your hardwood floors?
  80. Just adopted a female who 2 weeks ago who is now 7 months.
  81. Stupid Question I guess....
  82. Most popular websites for our pups!
  83. Some nerve!
  84. Determaning age?
  85. UPDATE on the wireless fence
  86. Traveling with 3 yorkies
  87. I Found my 'Lizzie'!
  88. Alpha dog??
  89. Newbie!
  90. 4 month Puppy Problems
  91. Just saying hello!
  92. Any tricks on how to get out that pee smell?
  93. Venting!!!
  94. His "thing" is stuck!!! HELP! :S
  95. Licking paws as though cleaning himself
  96. HELP - Toys not made in China wanted
  97. Chip is such a CHILD!!!
  98. Looking for suggestions
  99. I never did find Milo
  100. Product information and assignment
  101. horrible days
  102. Changing as they grow up...
  103. Louis won the award at the vet today.......
  104. Name for baby girl
  105. Going to be a receptionist for a vet's office
  106. Any idea why he does this?
  107. Okay have to share
  108. Sleep time
  109. Non-sensicle nicknames for your Yorkie?
  110. what do you think?
  111. Neuter Tomorrow!!!
  112. My new Morkie
  113. chocolate
  114. Just wanted to say hello!
  115. Newbie
  116. She has turned into a she devil
  117. Update on Sweet Pea
  118. A dog's purpose :
  119. My yorkie wet fart
  120. update on the puppy for my friend
  121. New house
  122. How old is too old??
  123. "Good" or "Great" Breeders - what's your opinion???
  124. Too good to be true...
  125. My Mommy is sooooo angry with me
  126. The legendary piddle problem
  127. thanks!!
  128. is this paying too much for a morkie?
  129. Do your Yorkies wear their Rabies tag?
  130. How much is a Yorkie puppy?
  131. Camden is out of surgery!
  132. New to Yorkies
  133. Got a hold of a bird!
  134. Sophie is getting a brother!
  135. Is anyone going to Pet Expo this weekend?
  136. Summerwinds Products?? Anyone use them??
  137. GA YT Member Product Sellers
  138. Itchy & knots
  139. Lula starts school tomorrow!!!
  140. Running w/DJ Situation
  141. Horrible Scare-Cover the Backyard?
  142. Is it time yet for Coby to get fixed
  143. Yorkies in Yorkshire or the Midlands
  144. Still Shocking...
  145. Thank you, Ryan aka RDB911
  146. Thank you, Betty AKA tortoisekeeper!!!
  147. baths
  148. dog tags id question
  149. Join us
  150. Too late to tape ears?
  151. Is it better to have 2?
  152. Moved and now they bark!!! Help!
  153. Nikki is getting better with my 3 girls
  154. Haircut
  155. Travel Pet Friendly
  156. Layla was supposed to get her teeth pulled... but then we got bad news
  157. Please say a prayer for Sweet Pea
  158. Just HAVE to get this out!!!!
  159. HELP ~ he jumped out!
  160. Is he part reptile??!!
  161. Happy 3rd Birthday Bogey!
  162. Hair knots!!!!!
  163. Newbie here
  164. Scary Experience
  165. eeewwww!! What?!?!
  166. A heartfelt "Thank You" from a newbie
  167. My Poor Baby!!!
  168. Petsmart Adoption Day
  169. new yorkiemom..
  170. Kwiggy Bo bag question...hmmm
  171. A Wandering Four-legged Visitor!!
  172. Ugh!! I can not believe it!!! *vent*
  173. If you didn't have a yorkie, what breed would you want!?
  174. A lady in my neighborhood ask if she could mate male my yorkie with her two females
  175. Help with destructive dog!!!
  176. Where to look for a yorkie in Canada?
  177. I Think I might survive.
  178. Vent about perspective puppy owners!!
  179. My turn to be stressed :(
  180. I'm new here
  181. Please keep Camden in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow!!
  182. Muffin Goes Crazy on Her Walks!
  183. Name for second baby...concerns
  184. Happy Birthday Bailey!!! He is 1 year old today!!!
  185. Arrogant Yorkie Owners
  186. All Yorkies are not lap snugglers. How about yours?
  187. To buy or not to buy?????!!!!
  188. Oh, what to do????
  189. For those of you with more than 2 yorkies....
  190. Daisy wearing her Kiss e collar!
  191. The rescue prayer
  192. Petco photography
  193. URGENT--Defeat CA Rabies Bill AB 2689
  194. Simple pleasures
  195. Off lead, brilliant recall
  196. Help! New Confused Yorkie mom!!!
  197. Would value input from more experienced owners.
  198. Helpful hints...What have you done, that REALLY works?
  199. Major Hair Mats
  200. How did you come up with?
  201. Yorkie Calculator
  202. Sorry i had the wrong address help
  203. To clip bangs or not?
  204. Another question about Fizz-gig
  205. Trixie has found her bark!!
  206. my friends buying a puppy from here shes ask for my advice please help
  207. Yorkies in Purses
  208. Canine Influenza
  209. Hey,jackson --{ britster }
  210. Ever Seen The Movie...
  211. Insite on small and standard size
  212. Paris Pancake
  213. whose baby is she/he?
  214. Where does your Yorkie sleep?
  215. bad breath
  216. Dreaming Babies.........
  217. Avatars?
  218. I think I have a 2 year old on my hands
  219. Two Years All Ready!!!!
  220. To clip bangs or not?
  221. Really missing my Sadie right now
  222. Is it a sad thing or happy one?
  223. My yorkie refuses the bow!
  224. My 4 Year Old Dog Is Scared Of My New Puppy!! :'(
  225. little mr noisey:D
  226. is it normal?
  227. Kijiji, Puppymills and Puppy search for a puppy
  228. Happy Birthday Paris Antoinette!
  229. Happy Birthday
  230. The Wait Begins.
  231. Need a unique name.
  232. Birthday Ideas?
  233. HI to all
  234. Today is Rily's first birthday!
  235. Just thinking????????
  236. Oh - awaiting anxiously - what's up????
  237. To clip bangs or not?
  238. Should I get a pair of Doggles for Bailey?
  239. moving,,how. will my babys do
  240. is it a geographical thing?
  241. Politely do so
  242. Kisses and Tongue Galore
  243. Smile... Chloe is...
  244. cobys 2 new pics are up in album
  245. Am i being a bad mom??? Please read :(
  246. Jackson's Tricks/April 2010
  247. questions pls help
  248. Whats up with this dry coat??
  249. Stealing
  250. I hate loving her so much
