
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. I want a friend
  2. Tika in Purple
  3. my dogster page
  4. Might never get a yorkie....
  5. How old do yorkies get?
  6. My baby has to be "fixed"
  7. Soggy Paws
  8. Two yorkies, gone bad-to good, sickwise. And I'm proud! :)
  9. Mother in-laws male yorkie
  10. Don't be too quick to judge a breeder
  11. Pet Outrigger? Jacket for and other sale stuff from Lands' end
  12. Keep an eye on YT seller postings
  13. updated pics!
  14. OMG - is it a girl or boy???
  15. We're Home...and I need valium
  16. Tear stains on Biewers and partis
  17. Introducing Jerome!
  18. first post!
  19. Hi! I'm New and have a Yorkiechon and a Shih Tzu
  20. Too young to go outside?
  21. Introducing Lilly
  22. capital letters
  23. Wanting a Yorkie
  24. Flooring for puppy room - need sugestions please!
  25. Loot Bags??
  26. List unsafe chew/toys that are sold
  27. A little contest purely for my laughing pleasure......
  28. Any twin furkids out there?
  29. yorkie kidnapping article
  30. Smartest Breed!
  31. Sneaky!!
  32. Altering Baby Clothes
  33. Hi! I'm new
  34. Eye Color
  35. Ever feel like all you do is pick up poop ???
  36. Is this toy dangerous for my furbaby???
  37. Sasha's new dress!
  38. Surprise! Look what hubby had made for me!
  39. video of the yorkies taken by gunpoint!
  40. Petsmart or Petco?
  41. Viewer Discretion Advise
  42. Armed Home-Invasion Robbery to steal Yorkies...
  43. Houston....We have a climber :)
  44. trainers in the home?
  45. Baffeled!?!
  46. Play Pen for Yorkies
  47. Disturbed by cruelty stories?
  48. Clever Names
  49. Sleeping through the storm
  50. Update on dogs' deaths
  51. yorkie or maltese?
  52. yorkies stolen in l.a.
  53. Another Yorkie Quiz!
  54. that X-PEN
  55. Sellers Beware!!!! Read This Story!!!!
  56. Hair balls?
  57. Wrestle in your lap!!!
  58. Whats his obession with sticks???
  59. Look what I made..Puppy Birth Certificate's
  60. This is so sweet and so true!
  61. List of Online Stores?
  62. I think Darla's pregnant...
  63. I did something real dumb today LOL
  64. Yorkie-poo Help???
  65. Ears?
  66. rescue contact
  67. Cutting my YorkiPoo pups nails?
  68. grooming
  69. Any advice for trimming ears?
  70. New to YT
  71. Yorkie Lost In Marietta Georgia, Now Found
  72. Need advice on boarding vs. staying home with visitors?
  73. Maxi and Coco - starting to get along
  74. Paris is a Hussy!
  75. Pet Insurance
  76. Omg I Can See My Baby At Home!!!!
  77. HUGE NEWS! New drug for car sickness...
  78. Diapers?
  79. Urine odor and carpeting update
  80. Girl or Boy Yorkies?
  81. You won't believe what Rocky did last night
  82. Guess what!!
  83. Yorkie on a motorcycle?
  84. ****happy Birthday Brownie!*****
  85. The cutest Morkie!
  86. a question
  87. First successful bow pics
  88. Has Anyone Heard of Breeder in NC Sylvia Shumake?
  89. Miko's home!!
  90. Adjusting to another puppy
  91. How Big is too Big
  92. For those of you with TWO yorkies:
  93. Happy Birthday Timmy!
  94. I dedicate this song to............
  95. Newbie from MI
  96. First Top Knot
  97. I Would Be Sooooo Worried
  98. PetsMart's Groomers
  99. Depressed???!!!
  100. Strike 2 for me :(
  101. Discount on License Fees if Microchipped
  102. sleeping...
  103. New To Your Forum
  104. Can you keep a secret
  105. brushing teeth.. please help me
  106. Happy Birthday Pebbles!
  107. trouble with the search (conditioner)
  108. SIMON and HALLIE you shouldn't have!!
  109. I am so SAD!!!!
  110. Doesn't answer to his name
  111. I got to take a bath this morning..
  112. Baby Biter!!! Help!!!
  113. I need a little prayer
  114. Roscoe, Mocha or Wellington?
  115. New Here, and don't know where to post
  116. S.E.P. (Stop Eating Poop) Works!
  117. My First Day at this Site!
  118. yorkie's breath still stinks... what should i do??? please help!!
  119. What are your Yorkie's quirks?
  120. [News] Families open hearts and homes to foster animals
  121. How to Choose a Yorkie
  122. Baby teeth and big teeth still together!?!
  123. Name my puppy!
  124. Finally
  125. We went to the vet today!!
  126. Whats under YOUR carpet?
  127. Yorkie on Bicycle?
  128. Playing with his brothers....Is he scared?
  129. AKC, APR, ACA???? Help...
  130. Did your dog change after neuter/spay?
  131. This is so beautiful...
  132. My babies go BANANAS over babies!!!!!
  133. trying tro pull a trick on me
  134. Baby Girl Needs a Name!!
  135. We have a talker on our hands!!
  136. Trying to get pics of 3
  137. Yorkie-chi anyone?
  138. Help Crossing The Border....
  139. Tangly!!!!
  140. Is my yorkie the devil?
  141. Wild YorkiePoo
  142. Pet Beds
  143. Cute Interactive Yorkie
  144. Yorkie Questions
  145. New here, HI!
  146. Yorkie Climbs Tress
  147. Questions about stinky Grizzly Salmon Oil...
  148. What commands does your baby know
  149. puppy size
  150. my poor baby any hernia repairs out there?
  151. brandi has a baby
  152. Coco's Puppy Shower
  153. What's the best urine odor remover for rugs?
  154. Shattered Nerves
  155. Standard yorkie w/ smaller ones
  156. Does thier food make a diff??
  157. How can I make Hootie feel special?
  158. This horrible, vile thing happened in my home town
  159. snow much fun!
  160. Traveling with a furbaby
  161. New to Board!
  162. Boys with bows???
  163. Spoiled Rotten and loving it!!
  164. what type of groomer
  165. Yorkie Breeders
  166. What size of crate do you have?
  167. Pet Friendly!!!!
  168. for 9.5 hrs. this is what i got to look at!
  169. Afraid to Clip His Nails.. Way too Long.
  170. Any one else's Yorkie do disgusting things?
  171. Any advice w/ cats?
  172. Hey My follow YorkieTalkers,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  173. Rope Toys Friends Collection
  174. Anyone see "Ellens" new pup!
  175. CAUTION: those who walk their dogs in snow
  176. which dry canidae do you feed your yorkie
  177. Livvi's bridesmaid dress!
  178. Spirit Udate(the little yorkie that was on the Today show)
  179. fleas-Capstar Pills???
  180. Is anyone saying "What have I done"
  181. Guess what I came home to today???
  182. So I came home to a HUGE hole in the carpet!?!?
  183. Snow ok?
  184. Found great website for pet meds
  185. My baby Reine
  186. Second Yorkie?
  187. Need pictures of Harnesses
  188. Yorkies Going Out
  189. Hallie's BEAUTIFUL Wedding Dress (shhhh don't let Luigi see)
  190. Has anyone else experienced this?
  191. Anyone else obsessed with the health of their dogs?
  192. Doggie carrier
  193. Suggestions for New Puppy Arrival
  194. Newbie from Sweden
  195. And the name is...... Drum roll please.....
  196. My new girl :-)
  197. Popping Dog Food Cans??
  198. Our Zoe Brooklyn's 1st Birthday....PHOTOS!!
  199. Cleaning hard wood and tile floors
  200. Yorkie BAD HAIR DAY! -DOGBLOGTV #17
  201. Eye Problems
  202. We did it!
  203. New to YT
  204. While I am away.....
  205. Look Baby Boy Yorkie For Sale On Petfinder!
  206. Rocky's hair is gone
  207. Pet strollers allowed anywhere?
  208. I am new here
  209. What to do about peeing everywhere
  210. thumbnail sketch at last
  211. Newbie
  212. Make her stop BARKING
  213. HELP... Need advice for flying tomorrow
  214. Meet Sidecar Barney!
  215. Sasha! Our new addition!
  216. Another New Member ...
  217. Yorkie Cake
  218. Hi
  219. Happy Birthday Daisy Mae
  220. bows
  221. Yorkies & Jerky ?
  222. Help with a top knot?
  223. APR registered?
  224. Question re: worm medicine
  225. Morkies, Tails docked?
  226. Shower drama
  227. Maggie attacks!!!!
  228. Reece and his Chick video...
  229. I can't believe he did that!?
  230. Question?
  231. does anyone else do this?
  232. Any update on Zoey?
  233. little Houdini
  234. hiya im new
  235. Hi! I'm new here and planning on getting a yorkie
  236. Destroy?
  237. Does your Yorkie know what "No" means....
  238. Allowing Free Roam!?!
  239. How is your dog during thunderstorms???
  240. will yorkie and lab puppies be good brothers
  241. when to wean
  242. Fee Or Puppy?????
  243. Please read, coughing gone bad?
  244. great news, but need some help!!!
  245. My Gizmo chews on me.. HELP
  246. Raw Food Diet
  247. i think Walker
  248. Newbie Heart's Olivia here.....Hello!!!!!!
  249. OMG, you guys
  250. My monkeyes ate chapstick....
