
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Can monkey have a cold???
  2. Fight 4 Our FurBabies Rants...
  3. thought i would die!!!!!!!
  4. What Do You Think Of Chompers??
  5. Flashing avatar......
  6. Sick of comments about small dogs!
  7. Jeanie (YorkieMom55) WE WANT PICTURES
  8. Update On Bauer And His Surgery
  9. Looking for Small Dog car seats
  10. growling puppy
  11. Good Patterns??? Anybody???
  12. Can I come live with you?
  13. Simon Took Advantage of a Maltese at Daycare
  14. Did anyone get their puppy at 5 weeks old?
  15. Webcam Update
  16. Cute doggy couches at Walmart
  17. clothes
  18. Male Vs Female
  19. Help!!!
  20. My prayer for YT Family, add on if you feel lead...
  21. Anyone have a Pet Flys bag??
  22. URGENT........All ears needed!
  23. Do you think?? Am I dreaming????
  24. Always on my lap!
  25. New to the Site
  26. June 2008--International YorkieTalk Meet-up
  27. What is it about a yorkie......
  28. How do i join groups
  29. Does your Furbaby have a Bedtime ?????
  30. 5 dogs stolen from pet sitters van!! Found!!
  31. LORD help us!!! (disgusted!!!)
  32. New to the site
  33. A sandwich short of a picnic
  34. Please light a candle for Paris
  35. Guess who's birthday it is????
  36. How did you meet your yorkie baby?
  37. Bat Ears
  38. Does anyone else's yorkie do this?
  39. Looking for vet in S. Illinois
  40. Yard Suggestions for Yorkie Safety
  41. I Know I'm Not The Only One....
  42. Friendly reminder about Forums....
  43. Hey Gentlemen's Club Peeps
  44. stinky puppy!
  45. Do Yorkies go bald? His topknot is gone!
  46. Will the biting and chewing ever stop?
  47. Headed To Texas A&m Now
  48. Question for people showing Yorkies...question on "next" Yorkie
  49. Thoughts On Buying New Yorkie...
  50. Carol55
  51. baby proofing the house!
  52. Found Parti Yorkie for $1000.00 too good to be true?
  53. Rehoming Angus
  54. Do babies mostly look like the parents?
  55. a little worried about Max
  56. Update on Deliah???? Any news?
  57. HELLO EVERYONE! New here!
  58. Desirable Yorkie Coloring
  59. some body from st louis?
  60. Sizeing - How Big??
  61. My little man
  62. Boring yorkie
  63. Yorkies act like humans
  64. I've Had It!!!
  65. What to look for when going to pick out a pup
  66. Pet Stroller?
  67. Hello From Michigan
  68. Broken hearts..
  69. Today is National Dress up Your Pet Day!!
  70. Today is National Dress up Your Pet Day!!
  71. Carriers..
  72. New here with some questions
  73. Space Heater
  74. what should I do?....
  75. Baby Gates...
  76. STILL pooping in crate
  77. Is This Normal?
  78. Lexie
  79. Heat Questions
  80. Unbelievevable!
  81. I got a new baby girl!!!
  82. Smaller isn't better!!!!
  83. are yorkies ok for people with allergies
  84. R.I.P. Ralph
  85. What do YOU think...
  86. Question for Yorkie Owners...
  87. Mika's first day in the laundry room
  88. The Wolf Within
  89. Craigslist ad in Indianapolis
  90. I am getting a Parti Yorkie
  91. New pictures.....
  92. My Petco encounter
  93. Tiny senior yorkie for adoption in NEVADA
  94. I cant believe I did this...please help
  95. It was toooooooo quiet......
  96. Tick Head Stuck In my Poor Baby
  97. Whining baby with toy.
  98. How cute. Look what I found online at traget
  99. Xpen ?
  100. Rescue Yorkies
  101. New Video of Babybear
  102. Greenies Yes or NO
  103. misty blue
  104. Nervous, Sleepless Mommy
  105. A Breed Of Their Own
  106. Interesting idea
  107. was the yorkie found
  108. Juicy carrier.....
  109. Anyone With This Problem???
  110. Worried about my little 13 week old girl...PLEASE HELP.
  111. Wanting to get second yorkie
  112. What are the "pet names" for your yorkie?
  113. Romeo - 14 week old puppy - Losing Hair
  114. Sisterly love
  115. A Bad Scare!
  116. Bath time :)
  117. ???? Yorkie Nappers???? Could They Have Been.
  118. is this normal?
  119. Animal Welfare Survey & candidates
  120. Help Please Yorkie Missing New Mother , her puppies need her.
  121. Babies are coming!!!
  122. Learning to sew
  123. Can you REMEMBER? Thanks Sugar's Mom and Hokule'a
  124. Caribbean Cruise this Fall
  125. Week 1 & Questions
  126. Dog Movie
  127. Happyb Birthday Gypsy
  128. Maya is FINALLY gaining weight ....
  129. Coat types...
  130. When taking your babies in public...
  131. Please help me decide!!
  132. Opinions Please
  133. Potential danger under your feet
  134. Acceptance into ARBA
  135. Size of Yorkie Puppy?
  136. Gizmo Lovesss Bacon?
  137. The Dog Whisperer
  138. Idea's to stop night time barking.
  139. Please Help!!! Weird poop question....
  140. Annoyed, irritated yet somewhat happy all at the same time
  141. one more birthing question please...
  142. yorkie birth approaching!...
  143. 8 month old began relieving on carpet
  144. Introducing my Rex
  145. My friend came for a visit today with her new puppy!!
  146. Question about yorkie in heat!!!
  147. Home Again Microchip Program
  148. Yorkies in your bed
  149. strange walk!!!
  150. my ladys dog bows
  151. What Do You Do To Your Dogs When You Vacation?
  152. What's so funny?
  153. I bathed the crew today and here are pic's
  154. yorkie appearance question
  155. For those who remember me and my saga with "Myles" a while back...HAPPY ENDING
  156. LGC birthdays
  157. Breeders
  158. Young love
  159. Donating and Posts
  160. Happy 1st Birthday to my sweet, sweet Sophie!!!
  161. Yorkies Got Away!
  162. Celebrate with me...
  163. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Baby Boy!!!! Brooklyn is 6 months old!
  164. Little Helper
  165. The first Groom!!
  166. How did you pick your furbaby's name?
  167. how do you know if your yorkie is too thin.
  168. Celeb Doggie Contest- WIN $1,000 Trip- enter now:)
  169. Introducing...
  170. From Peanut (Kim) PLEASE BE CAREFUL!
  171. Still too soon, but.....
  172. water
  173. Oh No! Look what I did, was it a mistake?
  174. Your response to my question (Eddie)
  175. My Yin and Yang and Widdles the Cat!
  176. Do You Have Pic.... Of
  177. is it to late?
  178. Floppy Ear Baby....
  179. Cabin Fever!!
  180. MADE IN USA sweet potato rawhides
  181. A Newbie's thanks
  182. Lets Stop Puppy Mill
  183. Question About Shaving Ears
  184. Teeth Question
  185. Our Yorkie Eddie
  186. I sent an e-mail
  187. Poo Pads and Newspaper
  188. A little too eager
  189. Looking Vet in Austin/Cedar Park/Leander TX
  190. Flexicose
  191. question re spaying
  192. please help us
  193. Tell it to me straight
  194. Sad...
  195. Happy Birthday Ziggy!
  196. Happy 2nd Birthday to My Sweet Boy!
  197. Oh my...I HAVE ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!
  198. Should I put my new baby on a feeding schedule?
  200. Prestigeous Yorkies?? Anyone?
  201. Worst Puppy Ever?
  202. Tiny toothbrushes for yorkies
  203. Chester is now at home in Vegas
  204. CKC or AKC
  205. Royce + Kitten =Big Dilemma
  206. Carpet Shampooer
  207. i love my baby!!!!
  208. Happy Birthday Princess Aurora!!!
  209. Puppy mill busted in my county today!!!!
  210. Look At My Boys !!
  211. Calleigh, my first Yorkie
  212. My friend is devastated - yorkie sedated for grooming
  213. Eats food, still intact
  214. Ginger
  215. I know I know these puppies!!
  216. When Can I Introduce My New Puppy To Food?
  217. Thought for the today.....
  218. Yorkie Stealing
  219. UGH!!! Poor TINY Girl!!!! (this makes me sick!!)
  220. The Poopanut and I got called bad words
  221. Yet another question
  222. hello there
  223. The cat and mouse game...
  224. New Member
  225. Need All YT Participation Please!!(Saftey)
  226. Rocco's great escape!!!
  227. Quick ear question
  228. Do You Know How To Personally
  229. Could you NOT...
  230. Could you NOT...
  231. I've fallen in love with a floppy eared girl!!
  232. Who has the most yorkies?
  233. Is a Yorkie right for me?
  234. what a hard letter to write
  235. UPDATE ON : My Kiddo Gizmo
  236. DOGnip??? -DOGblogTV
  237. One little loose tooth
  238. Hi, new here with questions.
  239. see if you think this is legit
  240. AKC Name help??
  241. I need to know(if someone can tell me)please
  242. How to Get AKC Papers
  243. I think Jaya just went into heat...
  244. who else has larger yorkies?
  245. Thank you FL TINK!!!!!
  246. it snowed in my bathroom..
  247. I have a ? about shots!! Help!!!
  248. I'm so touched I'm in tears ...
  249. Need :canidae Dry Food Samples..
  250. Ok, for those of you that homecook,I need recipes..
