View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - Can monkey have a cold???
- Fight 4 Our FurBabies Rants...
- thought i would die!!!!!!!
- What Do You Think Of Chompers??
- Flashing avatar......
- Sick of comments about small dogs!
- Jeanie (YorkieMom55) WE WANT PICTURES
- Update On Bauer And His Surgery
- Looking for Small Dog car seats
- growling puppy
- Good Patterns??? Anybody???
- Can I come live with you?
- Simon Took Advantage of a Maltese at Daycare
- Did anyone get their puppy at 5 weeks old?
- Webcam Update
- Cute doggy couches at Walmart
- clothes
- Male Vs Female
- Help!!!
- My prayer for YT Family, add on if you feel lead...
- Anyone have a Pet Flys bag??
- URGENT........All ears needed!
- Do you think?? Am I dreaming????
- Always on my lap!
- New to the Site
- June 2008--International YorkieTalk Meet-up
- What is it about a yorkie......
- How do i join groups
- Does your Furbaby have a Bedtime ?????
- 5 dogs stolen from pet sitters van!! Found!!
- LORD help us!!! (disgusted!!!)
- New to the site
- A sandwich short of a picnic
- Please light a candle for Paris
- Guess who's birthday it is????
- How did you meet your yorkie baby?
- Bat Ears
- Does anyone else's yorkie do this?
- Looking for vet in S. Illinois
- Yard Suggestions for Yorkie Safety
- I Know I'm Not The Only One....
- Friendly reminder about Forums....
- Hey Gentlemen's Club Peeps
- stinky puppy!
- Do Yorkies go bald? His topknot is gone!
- Will the biting and chewing ever stop?
- Headed To Texas A&m Now
- Question for people showing Yorkies...question on "next" Yorkie
- Thoughts On Buying New Yorkie...
- Carol55
- baby proofing the house!
- Found Parti Yorkie for $1000.00 too good to be true?
- Rehoming Angus
- Do babies mostly look like the parents?
- a little worried about Max
- Update on Deliah???? Any news?
- Desirable Yorkie Coloring
- some body from st louis?
- Sizeing - How Big??
- My little man
- Boring yorkie
- Yorkies act like humans
- I've Had It!!!
- What to look for when going to pick out a pup
- Pet Stroller?
- Hello From Michigan
- Broken hearts..
- Today is National Dress up Your Pet Day!!
- Today is National Dress up Your Pet Day!!
- Carriers..
- New here with some questions
- Space Heater
- what should I do?....
- Baby Gates...
- STILL pooping in crate
- Is This Normal?
- Lexie
- Heat Questions
- Unbelievevable!
- I got a new baby girl!!!
- Smaller isn't better!!!!
- are yorkies ok for people with allergies
- R.I.P. Ralph
- What do YOU think...
- Question for Yorkie Owners...
- Mika's first day in the laundry room
- The Wolf Within
- Craigslist ad in Indianapolis
- I am getting a Parti Yorkie
- New pictures.....
- My Petco encounter
- Tiny senior yorkie for adoption in NEVADA
- I cant believe I did this...please help
- It was toooooooo quiet......
- Tick Head Stuck In my Poor Baby
- Whining baby with toy.
- How cute. Look what I found online at traget
- Xpen ?
- Rescue Yorkies
- New Video of Babybear
- Greenies Yes or NO
- misty blue
- Nervous, Sleepless Mommy
- A Breed Of Their Own
- Interesting idea
- was the yorkie found
- Juicy carrier.....
- Anyone With This Problem???
- Worried about my little 13 week old girl...PLEASE HELP.
- Wanting to get second yorkie
- What are the "pet names" for your yorkie?
- Romeo - 14 week old puppy - Losing Hair
- Sisterly love
- A Bad Scare!
- Bath time :)
- ???? Yorkie Nappers???? Could They Have Been.
- is this normal?
- Animal Welfare Survey & candidates
- Help Please Yorkie Missing New Mother , her puppies need her.
- Babies are coming!!!
- Learning to sew
- Can you REMEMBER? Thanks Sugar's Mom and Hokule'a
- Caribbean Cruise this Fall
- Week 1 & Questions
- Dog Movie
- Happyb Birthday Gypsy
- Maya is FINALLY gaining weight ....
- Coat types...
- When taking your babies in public...
- Please help me decide!!
- Opinions Please
- Potential danger under your feet
- Acceptance into ARBA
- Size of Yorkie Puppy?
- Gizmo Lovesss Bacon?
- The Dog Whisperer
- Idea's to stop night time barking.
- Please Help!!! Weird poop question....
- Annoyed, irritated yet somewhat happy all at the same time
- one more birthing question please...
- yorkie birth approaching!...
- 8 month old began relieving on carpet
- Introducing my Rex
- My friend came for a visit today with her new puppy!!
- Question about yorkie in heat!!!
- Home Again Microchip Program
- Yorkies in your bed
- strange walk!!!
- my ladys dog bows
- What Do You Do To Your Dogs When You Vacation?
- What's so funny?
- I bathed the crew today and here are pic's
- yorkie appearance question
- For those who remember me and my saga with "Myles" a while back...HAPPY ENDING
- LGC birthdays
- Breeders
- Young love
- Donating and Posts
- Happy 1st Birthday to my sweet, sweet Sophie!!!
- Yorkies Got Away!
- Celebrate with me...
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY Baby Boy!!!! Brooklyn is 6 months old!
- Little Helper
- The first Groom!!
- How did you pick your furbaby's name?
- how do you know if your yorkie is too thin.
- Celeb Doggie Contest- WIN $1,000 Trip- enter now:)
- Introducing...
- From Peanut (Kim) PLEASE BE CAREFUL!
- Still too soon, but.....
- water
- Oh No! Look what I did, was it a mistake?
- Your response to my question (Eddie)
- My Yin and Yang and Widdles the Cat!
- Do You Have Pic.... Of
- is it to late?
- Floppy Ear Baby....
- Cabin Fever!!
- MADE IN USA sweet potato rawhides
- A Newbie's thanks
- Lets Stop Puppy Mill
- Question About Shaving Ears
- Teeth Question
- Our Yorkie Eddie
- I sent an e-mail
- Poo Pads and Newspaper
- A little too eager
- Looking Vet in Austin/Cedar Park/Leander TX
- Flexicose
- question re spaying
- please help us
- Tell it to me straight
- Sad...
- Happy Birthday Ziggy!
- Happy 2nd Birthday to My Sweet Boy!
- Oh my...I HAVE ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!
- Should I put my new baby on a feeding schedule?
- Prestigeous Yorkies?? Anyone?
- Worst Puppy Ever?
- Tiny toothbrushes for yorkies
- Chester is now at home in Vegas
- CKC or AKC
- Royce + Kitten =Big Dilemma
- Carpet Shampooer
- i love my baby!!!!
- Happy Birthday Princess Aurora!!!
- Puppy mill busted in my county today!!!!
- Look At My Boys !!
- Calleigh, my first Yorkie
- My friend is devastated - yorkie sedated for grooming
- Eats food, still intact
- Ginger
- I know I know these puppies!!
- When Can I Introduce My New Puppy To Food?
- Thought for the today.....
- Yorkie Stealing
- UGH!!! Poor TINY Girl!!!! (this makes me sick!!)
- The Poopanut and I got called bad words
- Yet another question
- hello there
- The cat and mouse game...
- New Member
- Need All YT Participation Please!!(Saftey)
- Rocco's great escape!!!
- Quick ear question
- Do You Know How To Personally
- Could you NOT...
- Could you NOT...
- I've fallen in love with a floppy eared girl!!
- Who has the most yorkies?
- Is a Yorkie right for me?
- what a hard letter to write
- UPDATE ON : My Kiddo Gizmo
- DOGnip??? -DOGblogTV
- One little loose tooth
- Hi, new here with questions.
- see if you think this is legit
- AKC Name help??
- I need to know(if someone can tell me)please
- How to Get AKC Papers
- I think Jaya just went into heat...
- who else has larger yorkies?
- Thank you FL TINK!!!!!
- it snowed in my bathroom..
- I have a ? about shots!! Help!!!
- I'm so touched I'm in tears ...
- Need :canidae Dry Food Samples..
- Ok, for those of you that homecook,I need recipes..
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