
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. First litter... I'm still waiting...
  2. Road Trip for 12 week old puppy?
  3. Help!!! New dog, wavy, puffy coat???
  4. Dr visit today
  5. We are staying in a HOTEL with our puppy...
  6. yorkies hight
  7. Pretty Gross ...
  8. Chase Is Home!!!
  9. My yorkie swallowed plastic..please help!!
  10. In the morning when i am in the bathroom
  11. My family is jealous!
  12. FIDebra
  13. I Need Help!! Going Crazy Here!!
  14. do your babies have long hair?
  15. Would like another yorkie but.....
  16. Need a Gwen fix.
  17. Does your Yorkie let you eat in peace?
  18. I can't believe my ears...
  19. First Yorkie, first vet visit
  20. Introducing..........Queequeg
  21. Doesn't like outdoor walks
  22. Anyone remember Chopstix??
  23. Disgusting habit!
  24. Gracie is out of food and her new food isn't here!
  25. Uncanny resemblance lol..
  26. Teething
  27. Training Classes
  28. Eating Poop
  29. Thanks to Everyone for your Advice on Agression
  30. Yorkie Garage Sale
  31. Thin Hair
  32. Petsmart birthday gift!
  33. I just got a yorkie!!
  34. Ellies Not A Wimp....snow Pictures
  35. Matty Hairs (who's awake)
  36. Kizzy update!!!!!
  37. A terrible trip to Petsmart
  38. My dog pees A LOT... is this common?
  39. omg bella ate and played in poop!!!!!!
  40. ~ Yorkie Jail ~
  41. Lilo got great review from the AKC judge!!!
  42. Escape Artist
  43. EHUNNEY!! ehunney!! ehunney!!
  44. Best ways to train dogs to site..etc
  45. Need YT help Please.
  46. SERIOUS HELP NEEDED!!! Please read this!!!
  47. Q about puppy kong
  48. Games you play with your yorkie
  49. Coyotes on the prowl
  50. re-thinking my vacation
  51. adorable yorkie
  52. cute smart yorkie
  53. What the AKC judges had to say about Mr. Biggs
  54. Brushy Creek
  55. Stop Stool Eating
  56. Dog Limits In Your Town
  57. AKCJudge says??
  58. I need help... first litter
  59. A Few Questions On Items And Toys!!
  60. I am going to pick up my new baby on Sat.
  61. I have a GIANT YORKIE!
  62. Troy's vet visit
  63. Sometimes I wonder if Luna has brain damage:(
  64. Excited and Anxious
  65. Found my baby girl!!!!!!!
  66. SELLERs BEWARE!!!!!
  67. What Celebrity Does Your Yorkie Look Like?
  68. What am going to do????????
  69. Is it safe for my yorkie to travel?
  70. Does your Yorkie try to TRICK YOU!!
  71. To buy or not to buy? Help!
  72. What they're kissing!
  73. Villette
  74. I Don' Have good news for Royce
  75. Yorkie's on Planes...
  76. what age did you spay ---?
  77. pet insurance
  78. YT Calender selection pictures
  79. Dog flu article--anyone else hear about this?
  80. I got a response from the AKC judge too!
  81. What would be your dream yorkie family.......
  83. Am I a Bad Mommy cause i dont.....
  84. Just wanted to introduce myself
  85. Spots?
  86. What The AKC Judegs have to say about my Two
  87. Everyone Look!!!
  88. Ok, so I opened the mailbox and
  89. HELP I haven't been able to decide on a name for my new puppy
  90. DogBlogTV Episode #16 with the Bee! is Must See TV!
  91. OMG!!! Have you all seen this??? I am in shock!!
  92. Thank You
  93. IP Relay Scam!!
  94. OHHH DAISY23, I think your going to want to see this !!!!!
  95. Cha-Cha's First thread of 2007
  96. Beard eating dog........
  97. Update Royce
  98. just bought an x-pen.....
  99. My angel with BLUE HORNS
  100. of Reghan
  101. Thanks Kathryn @Beyond Spoiled
  102. Does your Yorkie stare at you?
  103. Lisa Bushman (mallory) LMB Farm Puppymill or not
  104. Breeder WON'T show me pictures of the PARENTS??
  105. What The Akc Judge Said About Peeka!
  106. going to the vet tomorrow
  107. Should I or Should I Not ?
  108. Yorkie Pattern People
  109. Who has over 10 yorkies ?
  110. sawyer gets neutered tomorrow!
  111. 6 wk old yorkie questions?
  112. Monkeys For Sale in About 10 Minutes!
  113. My search for Yorkie
  114. Yorkie Acting Different????
  115. Barking in EVERY ROOM!!
  116. MAJOR problem... wet poops for a month
  117. What the AKC judge had to say
  118. Do you have a tattoo of your Yorkie?
  119. Nintendo Wii
  120. Length of yorkie
  121. E-Collar
  122. Does yours NEED to be right beside you-always?--I made this.
  123. Any Canadians here?
  124. [News] Reno Couple Asking for Help to Find Dog Missing After Break-In
  125. [News] Thieves make off with cash, jewelry, Yorkie from MidVill home
  126. No more hair problems!!! Look she has braids now!!!
  127. My big Tragedy
  128. Pixie and Cali battle the Grinch
  129. Disney World in Florida?? Have any of you gone with your baby??
  130. I thot couches were for people?!!
  131. What a mess!!!
  132. Kill the vaccume!!!!
  133. False Positive Parvo Test? Hopefully.
  134. I Need Help Asap!!!!!!please!!
  135. Help Please?
  136. I Know Everyone Wants An Update From Me Lol!
  137. For those with leg lifters
  138. For those who live in CT spay/neuter certificates
  139. yorkie ad ??
  140. giving your dog Missing Link?
  141. My Wal~Mart Find!!
  142. Help!! We have a temper problem
  143. Water bottle stand?
  144. Yorkie patterns one more thing
  145. Patterns ready to go
  146. I'm torn!!
  147. By products!!! YUCK!!! Need help on cooking for my baby!!
  148. Today is the Day!
  149. Capstar?
  150. this is how i make lexi tired
  151. question about upset tummy
  152. Good and Bad News.....
  153. What are your thoughts on this story?
  154. New Toy - Kong.........
  155. New Baby,Maffeny Yorkie/Poo/terrier mix
  156. Vendor's its your last chance
  157. Do you think this ad is misleading?
  158. Anyone suffer from not my dog syndrome?
  159. Micro Chip or not
  160. Tried to bring a new dog in, it went well.........NOT
  161. Who has 2 Yorkies from the Same Litter?
  162. Anyone heard of pork chomps?
  163. The is hope for those who get scammed...
  164. cold weather
  165. Starting to mark......
  166. Update Royce
  167. CoCo?s Hospitalization Experience Last night and today
  168. I Poop. U Scoop.
  169. Is your dog show worthy?
  170. PetEdge
  171. Information on Yorkies
  172. Trying to Exercise and the Monkeys Won't Let Me
  173. puppy's first bath question
  174. She doesn't want to brush her teeth..Video!
  175. 11 week old yorkie humping
  176. The "Buddy Song" requested by V
  177. An Adoption Story
  178. Prayers for a little lost yorkie
  179. babies are comming
  180. My baby girl needs a name :-)
  181. Strange Question
  182. Great...a new threat.
  183. My yorkie is on her PERIOD, is it ok for her..
  184. Pics through different ages??
  185. Clothes Hog...??
  186. doggie quotes
  187. Why is there blood?
  188. does cold weather afect ur babies
  189. Question for you sewers out there?
  190. How many dogs is too many?
  191. Quilters, Sewing Ladies, Crafters
  192. missing link & fish oil
  193. I made Lula PJ's!
  194. Hi, newbie here
  195. Felt Guilty Today.. Yorkie Cross Dressing!?
  196. New To YorkieTalk
  197. hmmm, i don't remember wearing that....
  198. Ears- up or down?
  199. Should I Get This Male Or Female?look!
  200. bella wont stop crying!!!
  201. Anyone have an idea why Lillybelle would be going out to potty(wet) every hour?
  202. Yorkie weight control
  203. She is a chewer
  204. deter users out there
  205. Pharmacies Mistakes Can Kill
  206. Quick Question
  207. New YT Server fund auction!!!!
  208. Gwen's new update, and a little help please.
  209. Help!! One Chunky Yorkie, One Skinny Yorkie
  210. Separation Anxiety Causing a Real Problem
  211. Recipe for Doggie Cake
  212. hi new pic
  213. Yorkie playing a piano and singning!!!!!
  214. Valentine dress
  215. Who tends to your furbabies?
  216. Yuck!!!I saw something PINK!!!
  217. Hello Everyone
  218. I'm so Anxious!!!
  219. It's official... I am addicted!
  220. Barking??
  221. constipated yorkie???
  222. Pixie's teaching Caddo bad habits!
  223. Before and after bath pics
  224. Top Ten Doggy New Years Resolutions
  225. Cali's cast is off!!!
  226. Doggie First Aid
  227. My new Creation
  228. D Ring Sewing ???
  229. Darla grew into her ears!!
  230. Remember my pity party??
  231. Recipe for treats or cake....
  232. I Made the pups a new carseat!
  233. A Dainty and Very Popular Toy Dog
  234. anyone uses a humidifer for dogs?
  235. Virtual Yorkie! (link)
  236. My heart stopped!
  237. How many CC's are in a teaspoon???
  238. Odd Question about my Bernie-Bear
  239. Thank You MinMuf1!!!! Our Jammies are SO comfy!
  240. Help!!
  241. a WHOLE BUNCH of pictures :)
  242. Your Then & Now Pictures...
  243. Newbie puppy question
  244. Orijen kibble
  245. Puppy beds
  246. to kennel or not to kennel?
  247. Patellar Luxation???
  248. Nose changing color?
  249. Reghan is home!!!!
  250. Do you Shave The Belly???
