View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - First litter... I'm still waiting...
- Road Trip for 12 week old puppy?
- Help!!! New dog, wavy, puffy coat???
- Dr visit today
- We are staying in a HOTEL with our puppy...
- yorkies hight
- Pretty Gross ...
- Chase Is Home!!!
- My yorkie swallowed plastic..please help!!
- In the morning when i am in the bathroom
- My family is jealous!
- FIDebra
- I Need Help!! Going Crazy Here!!
- do your babies have long hair?
- Would like another yorkie but.....
- Need a Gwen fix.
- Does your Yorkie let you eat in peace?
- I can't believe my ears...
- First Yorkie, first vet visit
- Introducing..........Queequeg
- Doesn't like outdoor walks
- Anyone remember Chopstix??
- Disgusting habit!
- Gracie is out of food and her new food isn't here!
- Uncanny resemblance lol..
- Teething
- Training Classes
- Eating Poop
- Thanks to Everyone for your Advice on Agression
- Yorkie Garage Sale
- Thin Hair
- Petsmart birthday gift!
- I just got a yorkie!!
- Ellies Not A Wimp....snow Pictures
- Matty Hairs (who's awake)
- Kizzy update!!!!!
- A terrible trip to Petsmart
- My dog pees A LOT... is this common?
- omg bella ate and played in poop!!!!!!
- ~ Yorkie Jail ~
- Lilo got great review from the AKC judge!!!
- Escape Artist
- EHUNNEY!! ehunney!! ehunney!!
- Best ways to train dogs to site..etc
- Need YT help Please.
- SERIOUS HELP NEEDED!!! Please read this!!!
- Q about puppy kong
- Games you play with your yorkie
- Coyotes on the prowl
- re-thinking my vacation
- adorable yorkie
- cute smart yorkie
- What the AKC judges had to say about Mr. Biggs
- Brushy Creek
- Stop Stool Eating
- Dog Limits In Your Town
- AKCJudge says??
- I need help... first litter
- A Few Questions On Items And Toys!!
- I am going to pick up my new baby on Sat.
- I have a GIANT YORKIE!
- Troy's vet visit
- Sometimes I wonder if Luna has brain damage:(
- Excited and Anxious
- Found my baby girl!!!!!!!
- What Celebrity Does Your Yorkie Look Like?
- What am going to do????????
- Is it safe for my yorkie to travel?
- Does your Yorkie try to TRICK YOU!!
- To buy or not to buy? Help!
- What they're kissing!
- Villette
- I Don' Have good news for Royce
- Yorkie's on Planes...
- what age did you spay ---?
- pet insurance
- YT Calender selection pictures
- Dog flu article--anyone else hear about this?
- I got a response from the AKC judge too!
- What would be your dream yorkie family.......
- Am I a Bad Mommy cause i dont.....
- Just wanted to introduce myself
- Spots?
- What The AKC Judegs have to say about my Two
- Everyone Look!!!
- Ok, so I opened the mailbox and
- HELP I haven't been able to decide on a name for my new puppy
- DogBlogTV Episode #16 with the Bee! is Must See TV!
- OMG!!! Have you all seen this??? I am in shock!!
- Thank You
- IP Relay Scam!!
- OHHH DAISY23, I think your going to want to see this !!!!!
- Cha-Cha's First thread of 2007
- Beard eating dog........
- Update Royce
- just bought an x-pen.....
- My angel with BLUE HORNS
- of Reghan
- Thanks Kathryn @Beyond Spoiled
- Does your Yorkie stare at you?
- Lisa Bushman (mallory) LMB Farm Puppymill or not
- Breeder WON'T show me pictures of the PARENTS??
- What The Akc Judge Said About Peeka!
- going to the vet tomorrow
- Should I or Should I Not ?
- Yorkie Pattern People
- Who has over 10 yorkies ?
- sawyer gets neutered tomorrow!
- 6 wk old yorkie questions?
- Monkeys For Sale in About 10 Minutes!
- My search for Yorkie
- Yorkie Acting Different????
- Barking in EVERY ROOM!!
- MAJOR problem... wet poops for a month
- What the AKC judge had to say
- Do you have a tattoo of your Yorkie?
- Nintendo Wii
- Length of yorkie
- E-Collar
- Does yours NEED to be right beside you-always?--I made this.
- Any Canadians here?
- [News] Reno Couple Asking for Help to Find Dog Missing After Break-In
- [News] Thieves make off with cash, jewelry, Yorkie from MidVill home
- No more hair problems!!! Look she has braids now!!!
- My big Tragedy
- Pixie and Cali battle the Grinch
- Disney World in Florida?? Have any of you gone with your baby??
- I thot couches were for people?!!
- What a mess!!!
- Kill the vaccume!!!!
- False Positive Parvo Test? Hopefully.
- I Need Help Asap!!!!!!please!!
- Help Please?
- I Know Everyone Wants An Update From Me Lol!
- For those with leg lifters
- For those who live in CT spay/neuter certificates
- yorkie ad ??
- giving your dog Missing Link?
- My Wal~Mart Find!!
- Help!! We have a temper problem
- Water bottle stand?
- Yorkie patterns one more thing
- Patterns ready to go
- I'm torn!!
- By products!!! YUCK!!! Need help on cooking for my baby!!
- Today is the Day!
- Capstar?
- this is how i make lexi tired
- question about upset tummy
- Good and Bad News.....
- What are your thoughts on this story?
- New Toy - Kong.........
- New Baby,Maffeny Yorkie/Poo/terrier mix
- Vendor's its your last chance
- Do you think this ad is misleading?
- Anyone suffer from not my dog syndrome?
- Micro Chip or not
- Tried to bring a new dog in, it went well.........NOT
- Who has 2 Yorkies from the Same Litter?
- Anyone heard of pork chomps?
- The is hope for those who get scammed...
- cold weather
- Starting to mark......
- Update Royce
- CoCo?s Hospitalization Experience Last night and today
- I Poop. U Scoop.
- Is your dog show worthy?
- PetEdge
- Information on Yorkies
- Trying to Exercise and the Monkeys Won't Let Me
- puppy's first bath question
- She doesn't want to brush her teeth..Video!
- 11 week old yorkie humping
- The "Buddy Song" requested by V
- An Adoption Story
- Prayers for a little lost yorkie
- babies are comming
- My baby girl needs a name :-)
- Strange Question
- Great...a new threat.
- My yorkie is on her PERIOD, is it ok for her..
- Pics through different ages??
- Clothes Hog...??
- doggie quotes
- Why is there blood?
- does cold weather afect ur babies
- Question for you sewers out there?
- How many dogs is too many?
- Quilters, Sewing Ladies, Crafters
- missing link & fish oil
- I made Lula PJ's!
- Hi, newbie here
- Felt Guilty Today.. Yorkie Cross Dressing!?
- New To YorkieTalk
- hmmm, i don't remember wearing that....
- Ears- up or down?
- Should I Get This Male Or Female?look!
- bella wont stop crying!!!
- Anyone have an idea why Lillybelle would be going out to potty(wet) every hour?
- Yorkie weight control
- She is a chewer
- deter users out there
- Pharmacies Mistakes Can Kill
- Quick Question
- New YT Server fund auction!!!!
- Gwen's new update, and a little help please.
- Help!! One Chunky Yorkie, One Skinny Yorkie
- Separation Anxiety Causing a Real Problem
- Recipe for Doggie Cake
- hi new pic
- Yorkie playing a piano and singning!!!!!
- Valentine dress
- Who tends to your furbabies?
- Yuck!!!I saw something PINK!!!
- Hello Everyone
- I'm so Anxious!!!
- It's official... I am addicted!
- Barking??
- constipated yorkie???
- Pixie's teaching Caddo bad habits!
- Before and after bath pics
- Top Ten Doggy New Years Resolutions
- Cali's cast is off!!!
- Doggie First Aid
- My new Creation
- D Ring Sewing ???
- Darla grew into her ears!!
- Remember my pity party??
- Recipe for treats or cake....
- I Made the pups a new carseat!
- A Dainty and Very Popular Toy Dog
- anyone uses a humidifer for dogs?
- Virtual Yorkie! (link)
- My heart stopped!
- How many CC's are in a teaspoon???
- Odd Question about my Bernie-Bear
- Thank You MinMuf1!!!! Our Jammies are SO comfy!
- Help!!
- a WHOLE BUNCH of pictures :)
- Your Then & Now Pictures...
- Newbie puppy question
- Orijen kibble
- Puppy beds
- to kennel or not to kennel?
- Patellar Luxation???
- Nose changing color?
- Reghan is home!!!!
- Do you Shave The Belly???
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