View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - Can't figure this one out...can you?
- Yorkie = Bird Murderer?!?
- Pixie at 10 new baby girl!!
- some kids drive me CrAzY!!
- I need a life
- ny one hear of the dog napping in Stockton CA
- PuppyMill vs. BYB
- so frustrated!!!
- I need some advice on our puppy
- Cupcake needs a Charger jersey or cheerleading out fit
- Dear Abby column
- something sweet
- Walking nightmare!
- This is strange. o_O
- New Yorkie owner
- This is so neat!
- We got a New Baby
- Hallee and her new soccer ball
- big Schnozz ????
- Possible for some teeth to NEVER come in?
- Asking how much you paid...
- Meet Gracie!
- Natural Food Brand?
- Check out this silent recall....
- More pics of my new baby - 4 days old!
- FUR REAL, DOG: Puff Daddy Coats Using Dog Fur?
- Some People X 2
- How hard is too hard??
- Yorkies invading the couch!!!
- Another VERY satisfied customer of Villette's!!!
- Breeder Health Contracts
- Zeke?
- For YORKIE eyes only! No PEOPLE allowed!
- Hello Please help me
- For all new puppy owner!
- New yorkie mom with questions
- Pet stairs
- Puppy Kindergarten
- Some People!...
- Has anyone seen this before
- picking up my baby!
- Christmas present for the doggy's dad
- Does your Yorkie have a talent or
- Yorkie = Cat ???
- Never can get away..
- My puppies...
- Does your boy yorkie look like a girl yorkie
- Off the puppy growth chart?
- Hello everyone, I am new to YT
- Going to Florida - carrier 1/2" too tall!!!
- why isnt my yorkie.....
- Seamstresses
- Does your yorkie "point" like a bird dog?
- yorkie wllpaper boarder?
- I'm Getting Puppy FEVER~~~
- Pet Rules?
- moving to apartment with my yorkie
- Wellness feeders...
- Yorkie Size
- New and wanting to say hi and thank you
- Traveling
- Morning Stink!
- Stain Remover on grout?
- Has any one else had problems bonding with the second puppy?
- Petsitting Fees
- How often do you...
- When?????
- I've never been so worried in my life!
- Can't go Outside Until Has All Shots?
- UNBELIEVABLE! Yorkies Stolen!
- Bring Your Dogs To The Rally
- his leg looks weird now..
- Puppy buyers......would you buy a ...........
- Male clothing/accessories.
- Safety Concern
- Question about Yorkies and heat
- Chaser in Philadelphia
- Do your yorkies do this?
- Look what my Furbaby just did!! Please Help!!
- clipping nails
- New to Yorkietalk .
- This is a MUST READ
- Car seat for two?
- Stolen Adult Yorkie And 4 Puppies
- Pup at home while I work, need advice.
- Exercise Pen~
- I must have *sucker* stamped on my forehead
- Tikis's Behavior
- Newbie......Safe Harness question
- Please be careful!!!
- Question about my Yorkie's third set of shots
- X-Rays
- Question about my yorkie riding in the car
- Yorkie Ringtones Question
- cheapyorkie pillow shams
- Happy 1st Birthday Izzy!
- Dog Tags
- morning kisses ...
- Villette, look what I just found for the spygirls!!
- Dogsitter?
- 2nd Class Citizen
- Traveling with your Yorkie on the plane...
- ears up
- vet procedures
- GPS home tracking Collar
- Boobah's birthday
- question about dog food?
- I would like to say..
- does anyone here ever use solid gold's concept a bitch for yorkie breeding?
- HELP! My baby is a Tazmanian Devil...
- What is YOUR yorkie's schedule?
- Cannot leave the house and leave puppy behind!!!
- Rabies Vaccine--nervouse
- Are male dogs smarter than female?
- ATTN: Owners in the B'ham Area
- Drama At The Park, WWYD?
- Just Wanted To Introduce Myself
- Lacy is going to daycare for the first time tomorrow
- puppies up and down the stairs
- Chihuahua?
- Health Guarantees
- Help Quick!
- Please help with my anxiety!!!!
- Very shy cautious pup!
- I Miss YorkieTalk...
- I am FINALLY posting pictures of the babies!!!
- Jake and mommy have happy news!
- Pictures at Niagara Falls
- What's in a name?
- Any tips on de-tangling?
- New Addition to our family?
- Washable Pee Pads
- travel play pen
- I give up!
- Buddy's first vacation with me
- Will be getting my new Baby on the 25th!!!
- 24 Petwatch
- blow dryer frenzy
- Questions on Yorkies
- traveling please help
- Very Newbie Questions
- dog whisperer :) :)
- am I too carzy about yorkies?
- Crating my puppy
- spaying my baby
- APR Registered Puppies
- Have you tried (
- Happppppppppppy Birthday
- Wanting Another Furkid!
- HELP i need a grooming tip!
- Ears..
- Sleepy head...ever have THIS happen??
- Favourite Scratching Area
- Black Stuff?
- Look at what my kids did!.... lol
- help!! bacterial infection!!
- Flopped ears from teething?
- bath time
- Both of my Yorkies have upset stomaches!!
- We're getting another baby!
- Allow me to introduce myself
- Storing wet food
- 1,2,3,4,5,6...7????
- What am I getting myself in for
- I am Sorry
- Peeing on things, out of know where
- How about this dress??
- Dry, crusty corner of mouth!
- my choking scare
- Help with!!!
- Does your baby ever get themselves stuck in places?
- If only I had a girl.....
- Adopting a male Yorkie-Poo, any advice?
- Thinking about getting a pitbull...
- I have got to stop this
- It's Hot!
- Make up your mind!
- Spay and teething question
- Found 2 Yorkies in the park, NY Queens
- puppy grinding teeth
- corona is at the groomers ..
- Just one question please
- Name change??
- mirrors
- switching sleeping arrangments
- Tiniest Yorkie EVER!!!OMG!!
- Roxie's 1st Pictures
- LOOOK i got my old avitar back
- inflamed bowels
- Meet Jinky
- Yorkie lost for 4 years RETURNS! local news.
- new pictures in nursery
- The Reason I Get Out Of Bed
- Teased for having big ears!
- Kingston got his papers
- Does your Yorkie chew his own nails?
- Argyle Apparel??
- Question about lots of pee - can anyone advise?
- Just ordered dog bone cake pan from Target
- Zeke: Modesto Animal Control Update
- to have groomed or to groom myself that is ?
- Harnesses and jackets
- Hmm...anyone's baby girl stand on their front legs to pee pee?
- Momiji is at her Daycare for the first time!!!
- Members, I need your help - YT Train - Choo Choo!
- Surgical Debarking
- D Rings
- I want a DNA test! LOL..(not really)
- Should I get a vaccination against Lime Disease?
- pup has 2 rows of teeth/is this normal???
- Puppy Food!
- does anyone feed the brand dr.foster & smith pet food
- quick question
- I desperate need help !
- Daddy did it wrong
- How to teach her to use the stairs?
- Thanks to everyone...
- First time Yorkie Owner - Potty Training
- I got my new little girl!!!!
- another poop question
- Is my yorkie sleeping too much?
- MY Poor Brownie
- OMG! Ellie won a prize
- Kalani's cast iron stomach!
- Does Your Yorkie Bark All The Time?
- the yorkie at the hotel...she smiles!!!
- midwest lifestages crate
- look what I bought this weekend
- Dog Whisperer
- Is Peanut Butter Good ?
- Need help finding a puppy in ma area
- What Kind of Shampoo for Light Yorkies?
- i am so MAD
- Stayin' Cool
- My Harley's baby brother was born this morning
- scary yorkie
- harness
- No one's allowed in Rocky's pool
- Dew claw problems
- walking on collar and leash
- Food Allergy?
- hair in the ear
- ? Does Anyone Have Diaper Pattern
- me,Simi and Loki watching cartoons
- yorkie video site really cute
- New Edition and I'm super excited!!
- Is this a crazy idea?
- Hubby said I can have a new baby...
- constantly drinking water.
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