View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - Miley is humping my arm!
- Yorkie, Chorkie, or something else...?!
- Song About a Stray Dog
- Tomorrow is a big day!!
- Spay Over Night Stay?
- question about dewclaw
- login problems
- Today June10 Barkbox
- How does your Yorkie act after shots?
- Zach went to a new home this weekend.
- help?
- Hello From Gucci and Marie
- How Far?
- Pet Insurance
- Not to be gross- but my dog erection is soo gross what the heck is this about?
- Miley's AKC name...HELP :)
- Spaying to tomorrow
- Oscar's New Coat...
- Parti Yorkie vs Biewer
- A sister for Riley.........
- water fountain
- white spot on tongue
- Brighton spent the day at work with daddy!!
- OMG So Adorable! Can't Wait To Be A Yorkie Mommy!
- These frog could kill your dog, please read!!
- suris puppies
- Puppy Vaccinations
- Miley and I are home...
- Biting...
- Does Anyone Subscribe to..
- tick yard spray
- Do You Want to Guess Bentley's Adult Weight? ;)
- Lucy after groomer pics
- Karen silkwood breeder? Is my dog a puppy mill dog? Yes. I believe so.
- Yorkie 101
- Oscar is a Big Boy Now!
- Miley and I have something important to say...
- OMG he found his voice
- 5 pit bulls
- Tornado survivor finds dog
- Summer hair cuts for your pup?
- New Fur Baby
- OCD Licker
- For Those Who Think a Fence Is Safe.
- My thoughts exactly! ;)
- Is this normal?
- Needing some tips.
- Willow Is Home, I feel So Bad For Her
- I am loved!
- Isabella's been kind of antisocial lately
- Desperate!!!
- New to YT
- I just want to say goodbye
- Full bladder control timeline
- 7 month update and product recall question
- Willow Surgery Update
- Julie: Deterring Her from Sofa Scrathing
- Parti Yorkie Ad in Paper
- Pixie has extreme anxiety
- To all the Bentley's out there!!
- This is for yorkiemommy1984! :)
- Lookie at this!!
- Prayers For My Willow
- Please help
- "Yorkie terrier mix" love at first sight
- Petsmart Coupons
- made me feel terrible
- Pictures of Bella
- Biewer Breeders
- To Mom to Jasper!! For You :)
- Just ordered Sasha's Buddy Belt!
- New Member
- Expressing Anal Glands
- Jess just ate a dum dum lollipop
- Worried about neutering!
- Ear Taping; What do you think?
- Tomorrow is the big day!!!
- New here and have a couple ?
- Coyote attacks little dog; Rottie comes to the rescue
- Update on Cooper and His "Man Problems"
- Photo Uploading
- Feel guilty. What do other apartment dwellers do?
- Thinking about adopting a little boy, and some picture of my darling Priscilla
- Its going to be a long day
- Need some advise
- Happy 21st Birthday to Gaby
- Any frog poisoning experiences?
- CL on da news.....
- Is it a bird? Is it a plane? ...
- Paintballs!
- What did I just do?!?! :(
- Twinkie wants to like you too!
- Tick bite
- Is he a Yorkie?
- Dog / Yorkie blogs?
- Interesting... Any thoughts??
- Which is better??
- Yorkie Pics on Pinterest
- Is This Puppy A Yorkie??
- Clean bill of health
- Introducing Timbo!
- My Yorkie is a cheater!
- OMG!!?? He's a Hero!
- app to report dog abuse
- What to do when you see a dog in a hot car
- A new addition
- Bentley has forced me to expand his world
- Ticks!! Please check your wee fur babies
- Nervous Wreck...Spaying day
- House Training?
- Question about my yorkie's behavior
- stopped labor
- Cleaning what?!?!
- Picking up Brighton!!!!!!!
- Another new friend
- I LOVE Miley but...
- New to
- My Girls HATE
- The Body Slam, and the Duck and Roll.
- His Proudest Moment
- Earplugs for Enzo?
- Silly thread - Feet and other cool things
- 7.8 lbs Yorkie & a 135lbs Rotti
- Update on Morgan's eyes
- What to expect after his neuter?
- Not Yorkie Related But Still Pretty Cool..
- Does anybody know....
- Are all Yorkies.........
- unny videos!!!
- Again, Again about the Biewer!!
- how much does your yorkie weigh?
- New Yorkie Owner
- Missing Yorkie in North Central Ohio
- still trying to convince people that Monty IS a yorkie!!
- yorkie mix being sold akc registered?
- I found perfect stairs/ ramps!!
- Cute!!
- Housebreaking
- Update on Tiffany and Tucker
- How about this!!
- Hi! And help!!
- HI! and a question?
- Again about the Biewer!!
- New to this site
- furious!
- New to site
- Galen and Lola have a date on Sunday
- signs of pregnancy
- Trying New Items on Rosie
- Biewer we wanted??
- Dental complete
- Early signs of pregnancy?
- New to YT
- YT's 2nd Paw-ject Runway Design Challenge - COMPLETED!
- It's a Good Day
- My sweet boy is a ...
- Fleas
- Taken in a 1 year little female yorkie
- I dont know what to do with him
- Do You Put Your Girls Hair in Piggy Tails?
- Ian is 4 today!
- First boat ride!!!'
- Stairs or Ramp..?
- both yorkies sick
- Roxie had a busy day.
- Names Again!! Ughhh
- squeamish guests...
- Switching from puppy pads to outdoor.
- A tad confused tonight.. My sweet puppy just attacked out of the blue.
- What will they think of next?
- Bentley is Afraid of Scotch Tape!
- Sophie Kates New Foster Sister
- My Yorkie eats her poo (maybe)
- The girls went to their first car show!
- Rolled Bedroom
- Doggy Door Recommendations
- Size of bowls??
- Yorkie Breeding?
- Any trick ideas for my Riley
- An introduction
- New Pics of My Beautiful Boy
- Help.. Stolen yorkies, HONEY just sold on viva street
- Harry's new best friend....
- What does your yorkie do while you are on YT????
- Where's Dooney????
- New to YT :)
- Right NOW?!
- Hello
- Blankets
- Do all yorkies "bunny hop" when they are playing?
- finally going down stairs!!
- Sophie Kate Turns 5 Tomorrow
- Disturbing...
- Yorkies and masculinity?
- Oscarsmom in Moore, OK????
- My yorkie has a temper
- I'm New Here and Looking for a Reputable Breeder
- Issue: Posting More Kindly Here vs. Telling Others How to Post
- Hello YT Forum!
- Yappy Yorkie at!
- Yorkie Appetite?
- Breaking "Sootie"???
- My Smart Yorkie!
- Is Something Wrong in the Groups Section?
- need info for being a foster parent
- *embarassing* .. *Male yorkies*
- Ozzy's Adventure
- Going Blue
- Does your Yorkie watch tv?
- OK, MS in Prayers
- I was livid
- That's new!
- Kudos
- Who's your current YT yorkie crush?
- Did You See the New Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders?
- Looking for Yorkie puppy :)
- It's your Birthday!!
- one week old Yorkie
- What is the difference??
- Round Yorkie Puppy
- How to pay the breeder?
- About the Biewer??!!
- Locating Experienced Shih Tzu Owners
- Urge the FDA to ban dog treat imports
- Avatar
- They are falling out left and right!
- Happy Birthday, Blazer!
- Normal Weight
- Adorable baby in GA needs a forever home...
- Belt buddy or choke free....she has learned how to get out of her's
- Need a mentor!
- Lexi sees Ghosts?
- Yorkie exercise
- Size at 13 weeks
- 2 Dog Kennels to Give Away
- How much food should I give my 11 week old?
- Baby Biewer
- hide and go seek?
- Hooray
- Leaving my baby for the first time!
- Need Support
- Dog rescue story
- It's Tuppances birthday today!!
- Harness question
- Favorite Food for Your Yorkie??
- Yorkie Association
- Illustrated Yorkie Kids Book Free on Amazon
- Bring Maxwell home today!
- NEWBIE: I did the unthinkable - PETLAND
- how did you pick your vet?
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