
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  2. Especially Thankful This Thanksgiving...
  3. Not eating 4-5 week pregnant
  4. Scratching
  5. Sammie dancing with Maddy In The Snow
  6. Broken paw
  7. Winnies topknot
  8. Pierre has a new sister!!!
  9. Toby the (sweet) Tyrant
  10. Teddy hates his new collar and me
  11. Collar trouble
  12. Do all males hike there legs to pee
  13. Is Any Ones Yorkie Like This
  14. Great for top knot frizz and nose hair!
  15. New Puppy Help Please
  16. How/where Do You Keep Yorkied Clothes?
  17. If you are on Instagram with your puppy/dog...
  18. How big?
  19. Licking and Play Biting
  20. Want to see pics of your long haired dogs...
  21. new user
  22. curious
  23. share Funny things about your baby..
  24. Looking to foster yorkies
  25. Rabies titer issues
  26. Appointed Time And appointed Place
  27. What type coat will my yorkie have
  28. Sheldon is finally accepting the top knot!
  29. having a baby
  30. Spayed/Neutered
  31. I yelled at my dog, now I feel really bad
  32. Healthy Paws or Trupanion?
  33. first yorkie need help dry circular skin inside ear
  34. Cute DIY ideas for dogs?
  35. 16 Weeks Weight
  36. LOST YORKIE - Please have the heart to share this!
  37. What's wrong with my Puppy!? PLEASE HELP!!
  38. Name change at 12 weeks?
  39. Dog food
  40. One ear flopped back down. Why?
  41. Hannah Nicole and I not on the same page today!!
  42. 2nd Puppy
  43. So you want to breed...
  44. Newbies to YT!
  45. Size at 6 months?
  46. Always knew Cali was smart but......
  47. Hair thickness?
  48. I can't believe it!
  49. Hello from Istanbul
  50. Happy 6th Birthday Max!
  51. Cypress Falls Yorkies in Southeast Texas
  52. She wagged her tail!
  53. So Upset With Sammie
  54. Heartbroken yorki mama
  55. how many months should my puppyu be before i nuter him?
  56. Pedigree
  57. Christmas spirit
  58. I am such an overprotective idiot
  59. Can a Morroccan oil restorative mask be used on yorkie hair?
  60. amputation update for sophie
  61. Booster seat and Car seat belt
  62. Self Introduction
  63. new to the community
  64. food vs fur on yorkie poo
  65. 16 weeks and still 2 lbs?!
  66. random question
  67. Best Food For Itchy Skin
  68. Missed this silly, pretty girl
  69. How do you keep your pup's coat?
  70. 10 weeks old- Baths
  71. My little Stella Artois is 2 today!!!
  72. 5 wk old yorkie! help
  73. Abandoned Yorkie Found Caring for 2 Kittens
  74. A dilemma....what to do!
  75. LOST Yorkie South Jersey
  76. Too cold
  77. Poor Gunner was so sick...`
  78. ugh!
  79. Hello
  80. I think Gizmo's ready....
  81. More needy in the winter
  82. Puppies fighting
  83. When you think you've seen it all.
  84. Spay and neutering should i be worried
  85. Chicken and white rice
  86. Does anyone else think Spectrum 10 smells a little like acetone???
  87. Only 4 hours left! Don't miss out!!
  88. If Your Yorkie Sleeps In Bed With You?
  89. New Yorkie Mom
  90. Unable to post
  91. Worried new mom
  92. Anybody else fur baby do this?
  93. What is This Noise
  94. How often you clean your yorkie's teeth?
  95. Of Concern: *Dr Google**
  96. Flying with my 10lber
  97. Chinese TV interview on dogs - Rigair
  98. hello
  99. Another food question. Amounts?
  100. Love has no limits
  101. Can you over exercise these little pocket nukes!
  102. Correction of the pup
  103. shot question
  104. Doggie Doors
  105. Receiving my Morkie Sunday!
  106. Is this a yorkie thing ????
  107. New Member !
  108. Questions about attending dog show (just to watch)
  109. I Don't Understand
  110. Safe & Secure reminder.
  111. New to the site!
  112. More attention = bad behavior?
  113. Does your yorkie get cold?
  114. Any Suggestion on Toothpaste That Won't Give My Dog Cavities?
  115. Congratulations to Mocha for becoming a Therapy Dog
  116. Christmas Card Exchange
  117. A Poem to Annoying Teddy
  118. Profile Picture
  119. amputation
  120. Favorite Shampoo/Conditioners
  121. dog food
  122. Begs to go play in snow?
  123. Hello all I'm new user and i have a quick question
  124. Hi, i'm a new comer
  125. Quiet puppy= quiet dog?
  126. licking bitting tail
  127. Hello from Canada!
  128. Help my Morkie is getting mean
  129. Favorite Must Have Products
  130. Omg, I'm mortified.
  131. At what age..
  132. Happy Veterans and Rememberence Day
  133. Hi, my name is Linda. New here.
  134. I can’t believe it’s been one year
  135. Update on bark genie
  136. Skinny Minnie
  137. Once you let your yorkie sleep in your bed...
  138. YHR Fundraiser Auction on Facebook!
  139. Eating Grass Pad
  140. Solid Gold Wee Bit Ingredient change-opinions?
  141. Meet Ms. Polly
  142. Bloated After Eating
  143. Buggy doesn't wan't to bath and to groom!
  144. Finally a new puppy
  145. New puppy
  146. Eye infection
  147. There is No Way
  148. Possible to train a yorkie to use the toilet? :P
  149. Cuddle Clones! (Yorkie Plushies)
  150. YorkieTalk 10th Annual Halloween Contest (2014) - WINNERS!
  151. Bark Guard gun
  152. Some Yorkie Behaviour Questions .
  153. Nervousness before getting puppy
  154. Dog Friendly Stores
  155. my cuties
  156. Am I Over Walking my Yorkie?
  157. Wireless Fence
  158. Scooter is obsessed with his Kong Wubba
  159. Just wanted to share...
  160. Use of prozac for nervous dog
  161. Piper Girl will be 1 year old this month.
  162. Does your female yorkie do this?
  163. How To Get Pee Odor Out Of A Carpet
  164. Is this normal?
  165. Galen's 2nd Birthday !
  166. Grooming videos?
  167. Heated bed
  168. Goop In Eyes
  169. How weird is this....
  170. New here and need some help (:
  171. new to site
  172. Combing a dog that doesn't want to be combed..?
  173. New CKC regulations for travelling with your dog to the States
  174. Please help! Puppy mill dog potty training
  175. service dog
  176. We have a teapot neighbor.....!! :)
  177. Help!!!
  178. Pet Insurance?
  179. good long lasting treat for pups
  180. Separation anxiety
  181. Don't bring your kids to the dog park!
  182. Hello from Malta :)
  183. Funny video!! "Weird Things All Dog Owners Do"
  184. In Praise of Yorkies
  185. Nervous new Yorkie mom
  186. new puppy
  187. Very nervous NEW Yorkie mom!
  188. Avoiding the car, shaking and panting
  189. Leo's a teapot yorkie!
  190. Advice Needed -- Scared Puppy
  191. Question about puppies....
  192. Ex-pen covers?
  193. Goody Heart hair clips, discontinued?
  194. Rosie and Mikki
  195. Lily is turning into a pretty girl!
  196. Home Alone ii
  197. Should I put collar on him??
  198. Nice to meet everyone!
  199. Scotts puppy palace in Ark. SCAM!!!!!
  200. No longer Zoe!
  201. Sir Cody Sleeping Beauty
  202. Mr. Sleeping Beauty
  203. PetSmart Dog Obedience Classes?
  204. Bailey's growing up
  205. Yorkie Scratching
  206. To shave or not to shave
  207. Cody’s obedience Sessions
  208. Help! Yorkie Puppy Zooms
  209. Age to start Potty training
  210. Look look :)
  211. very soft stools
  212. Hello from Chicago!
  213. Clicker Training
  214. My Husband Is Losing His Patience
  215. is mia showing signs of heat cycle?
  216. What do you think about these Nylabone dental chews?
  217. Sophie and Sasha costumes
  218. Ohh the puppy stage again, got # 2!
  219. My Yorkie Has A Underbite...
  220. Housebreaking considerations
  221. Halloween plans???
  222. Hi from California!
  223. vet cooky?
  224. Outward Hound
  225. hi
  226. Sloppy hair
  227. Determined Dash out Door
  228. Baby Wipes? Dog wipes? What's the difference?
  229. Question about poo
  230. Anyone have a Yorkie that grew out of his/her roached back?
  231. Any difference between the CC Buttercomb and the Madan combs?
  232. My Yorkie has lost interest in me.
  233. Biewer Yorkie vs. Yorkie Terrier
  234. First grooming session?
  235. Neurophysiological correlates of affiliative behaviour between humans and dogs.
  236. Tail Docking - Yes or No
  237. Preparing for Zoe
  238. 14 things you can do to be a responsible dog owner
  239. Doggie Stun Gun
  240. Jeter loves his Cloud 9 Bed!
  241. about age
  242. Is it against the rules to ask for votes for a contest?
  243. Old member saying hi
  244. The nervous pooper
  245. Yorkie or cairn terrier?
  246. Anyone with smaller yorkies or have a yorkie that had a growth spurt?
  247. Question on tails
  248. Honestly curious...
  249. yorkie closet? im running out space
  250. New member saying hi
