- Especially Thankful This Thanksgiving...
- Not eating 4-5 week pregnant
- Scratching
- Sammie dancing with Maddy In The Snow
- Broken paw
- Winnies topknot
- Pierre has a new sister!!!
- Toby the (sweet) Tyrant
- Teddy hates his new collar and me
- Collar trouble
- Do all males hike there legs to pee
- Is Any Ones Yorkie Like This
- Great for top knot frizz and nose hair!
- New Puppy Help Please
- How/where Do You Keep Yorkied Clothes?
- If you are on Instagram with your puppy/dog...
- How big?
- Licking and Play Biting
- Want to see pics of your long haired dogs...
- new user
- curious
- share Funny things about your baby..
- Looking to foster yorkies
- Rabies titer issues
- Appointed Time And appointed Place
- What type coat will my yorkie have
- Sheldon is finally accepting the top knot!
- having a baby
- Spayed/Neutered
- I yelled at my dog, now I feel really bad
- Healthy Paws or Trupanion?
- first yorkie need help dry circular skin inside ear
- Cute DIY ideas for dogs?
- 16 Weeks Weight
- LOST YORKIE - Please have the heart to share this!
- What's wrong with my Puppy!? PLEASE HELP!!
- Name change at 12 weeks?
- Dog food
- One ear flopped back down. Why?
- Hannah Nicole and I not on the same page today!!
- 2nd Puppy
- So you want to breed...
- Newbies to YT!
- Size at 6 months?
- Always knew Cali was smart but......
- Hair thickness?
- I can't believe it!
- Hello from Istanbul
- Happy 6th Birthday Max!
- Cypress Falls Yorkies in Southeast Texas
- She wagged her tail!
- So Upset With Sammie
- Heartbroken yorki mama
- how many months should my puppyu be before i nuter him?
- Pedigree
- Christmas spirit
- I am such an overprotective idiot
- Can a Morroccan oil restorative mask be used on yorkie hair?
- amputation update for sophie
- Booster seat and Car seat belt
- Self Introduction
- new to the community
- food vs fur on yorkie poo
- 16 weeks and still 2 lbs?!
- random question
- Best Food For Itchy Skin
- Missed this silly, pretty girl
- How do you keep your pup's coat?
- 10 weeks old- Baths
- My little Stella Artois is 2 today!!!
- 5 wk old yorkie! help
- Abandoned Yorkie Found Caring for 2 Kittens
- A dilemma....what to do!
- LOST Yorkie South Jersey
- Too cold
- Poor Gunner was so sick...`
- ugh!
- Hello
- I think Gizmo's ready....
- More needy in the winter
- Puppies fighting
- When you think you've seen it all.
- Spay and neutering should i be worried
- Chicken and white rice
- Does anyone else think Spectrum 10 smells a little like acetone???
- Only 4 hours left! Don't miss out!!
- If Your Yorkie Sleeps In Bed With You?
- New Yorkie Mom
- Unable to post
- Worried new mom
- Anybody else fur baby do this?
- What is This Noise
- How often you clean your yorkie's teeth?
- Of Concern: *Dr Google**
- Flying with my 10lber
- Chinese TV interview on dogs - Rigair
- hello
- Another food question. Amounts?
- Love has no limits
- Can you over exercise these little pocket nukes!
- Correction of the pup
- shot question
- Doggie Doors
- Receiving my Morkie Sunday!
- Is this a yorkie thing ????
- New Member !
- Questions about attending dog show (just to watch)
- I Don't Understand
- Safe & Secure reminder.
- New to the site!
- More attention = bad behavior?
- Does your yorkie get cold?
- Any Suggestion on Toothpaste That Won't Give My Dog Cavities?
- Congratulations to Mocha for becoming a Therapy Dog
- Christmas Card Exchange
- A Poem to Annoying Teddy
- Profile Picture
- amputation
- Favorite Shampoo/Conditioners
- dog food
- Begs to go play in snow?
- Hello all I'm new user and i have a quick question
- Hi, i'm a new comer
- Quiet puppy= quiet dog?
- licking bitting tail
- Hello from Canada!
- Help my Morkie is getting mean
- Favorite Must Have Products
- Omg, I'm mortified.
- At what age..
- Happy Veterans and Rememberence Day
- Hi, my name is Linda. New here.
- I can’t believe it’s been one year
- Update on bark genie
- Skinny Minnie
- Once you let your yorkie sleep in your bed...
- YHR Fundraiser Auction on Facebook!
- Eating Grass Pad
- Solid Gold Wee Bit Ingredient change-opinions?
- Meet Ms. Polly
- Bloated After Eating
- Buggy doesn't wan't to bath and to groom!
- Finally a new puppy
- New puppy
- Eye infection
- There is No Way
- Possible to train a yorkie to use the toilet? :P
- Cuddle Clones! (Yorkie Plushies)
- YorkieTalk 10th Annual Halloween Contest (2014) - WINNERS!
- Bark Guard gun
- Some Yorkie Behaviour Questions .
- Nervousness before getting puppy
- Dog Friendly Stores
- my cuties
- Am I Over Walking my Yorkie?
- Wireless Fence
- Scooter is obsessed with his Kong Wubba
- Just wanted to share...
- Use of prozac for nervous dog
- Piper Girl will be 1 year old this month.
- Does your female yorkie do this?
- How To Get Pee Odor Out Of A Carpet
- Is this normal?
- Galen's 2nd Birthday !
- Grooming videos?
- Heated bed
- Goop In Eyes
- How weird is this....
- New here and need some help (:
- new to site
- Combing a dog that doesn't want to be combed..?
- New CKC regulations for travelling with your dog to the States
- Please help! Puppy mill dog potty training
- service dog
- We have a teapot neighbor.....!! :)
- Help!!!
- Pet Insurance?
- good long lasting treat for pups
- Separation anxiety
- Don't bring your kids to the dog park!
- Hello from Malta :)
- Funny video!! "Weird Things All Dog Owners Do"
- In Praise of Yorkies
- Nervous new Yorkie mom
- new puppy
- Very nervous NEW Yorkie mom!
- Avoiding the car, shaking and panting
- Leo's a teapot yorkie!
- Advice Needed -- Scared Puppy
- Question about puppies....
- Ex-pen covers?
- Goody Heart hair clips, discontinued?
- Rosie and Mikki
- Lily is turning into a pretty girl!
- Home Alone ii
- Should I put collar on him??
- Nice to meet everyone!
- Scotts puppy palace in Ark. SCAM!!!!!
- No longer Zoe!
- Sir Cody Sleeping Beauty
- Mr. Sleeping Beauty
- PetSmart Dog Obedience Classes?
- Bailey's growing up
- Yorkie Scratching
- To shave or not to shave
- Cody’s obedience Sessions
- Help! Yorkie Puppy Zooms
- Age to start Potty training
- Look look :)
- very soft stools
- Hello from Chicago!
- Clicker Training
- My Husband Is Losing His Patience
- is mia showing signs of heat cycle?
- What do you think about these Nylabone dental chews?
- Sophie and Sasha costumes
- Ohh the puppy stage again, got # 2!
- My Yorkie Has A Underbite...
- Housebreaking considerations
- Halloween plans???
- Hi from California!
- vet cooky?
- Outward Hound
- hi
- Sloppy hair
- Determined Dash out Door
- Baby Wipes? Dog wipes? What's the difference?
- Question about poo
- Anyone have a Yorkie that grew out of his/her roached back?
- Any difference between the CC Buttercomb and the Madan combs?
- My Yorkie has lost interest in me.
- Biewer Yorkie vs. Yorkie Terrier
- First grooming session?
- Neurophysiological correlates of affiliative behaviour between humans and dogs.
- Tail Docking - Yes or No
- Preparing for Zoe
- 14 things you can do to be a responsible dog owner
- Doggie Stun Gun
- Jeter loves his Cloud 9 Bed!
- about age
- Is it against the rules to ask for votes for a contest?
- Old member saying hi
- The nervous pooper
- Yorkie or cairn terrier?
- Anyone with smaller yorkies or have a yorkie that had a growth spurt?
- Question on tails
- Honestly curious...
- yorkie closet? im running out space
- New member saying hi