
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Thank you
  2. I could just cry!
  3. How did you pick your Yorkie?
  4. Feeling Tied Down
  5. Today's going to be tough!
  6. Hello Everyone!
  7. Juicy Crittoure!
  8. Need advice for Sibling rivalry!
  9. A middle name for Peanut.
  10. I just dont know what to do
  12. How does your furbabies tell you when they have to potty?
  13. Hes burning out!
  14. Barbie...needs a middle name!
  15. My 4 Month Old's Coat
  16. Paul Dog by Paul Mitchell
  17. Fish oil?? Vit. E?
  18. How to Photograph your puppy!
  19. Here are some Pictures of Little Mya
  20. Cute & Funny Furbaby Stories
  21. Show Topknots??
  22. Need advice on Dog Sitter...
  23. My new baby!!!!!
  24. CASPER CLAUSE is coming to town ! ....look how cute he is ! ..CHRISTMAS THREAD !
  25. Look At This..
  26. Cougar Collar.....
  27. my new puppy
  28. Where do Ya;ll buy your clothes from??
  29. yorkie abuse?
  30. New Pics of Lida Rose & Puppies
  31. I don't know how to.......
  32. How Much Did He Cost
  33. Rabbies shots??
  34. Your "little tink" funny pics please ! ....look at Tammy hee hee !
  35. Darn I hate that I have to wait until Christmas........
  36. I can't believe I did this....(NOT FOR THOSE WHO ARE EATING)
  37. I'm New here..and What a GREAT site!!!!
  38. Does your community do this?
  39. patterns for puppy pj's? and other pup clothes
  40. Is your Yorkie crate trained?
  41. Submissive urination
  42. I think I traumatized Jesse -- Sorry, long post.
  43. E-mail or call?
  44. Help Anxiety
  45. Brown nose
  46. Here is Kaya
  47. Sebastian's finished his shopping
  48. AKC Registeration
  49. Don't make Mom mad! LOL
  50. Describe Your Yorkie/s
  51. cats and yorkies...
  52. Happy half birthday Marcus Aurelius!
  53. Look how well they are getting along!!!
  54. Holiday reminders to keep our yorkies safe
  55. Petco Fashion Show!!!!
  56. Happy Neuter Day!!!
  57. Introduction
  58. Introduction
  59. Soooo I got bored tonight...
  60. Cocoa got his bed in the mail today.....
  61. Harness suggestions please.
  62. Matching clothes 4 My Doggie & Me
  63. Holiday Clothing for boys!!
  64. Help! My Yorkies Are Fighting!
  65. A beautiful heartwarming story
  66. mom2babynat
  67. Is it okay to give real chicken strips as snacks?
  68. ATTENTION! I am a LuckyLady....
  69. No he is not?
  70. Histiocytoma
  71. I need you Ideas
  72. Sassy Puppy
  73. Aira is getting fixed tomorrow
  74. My new best friend
  75. I am SOOOO grossed out!!
  76. OMG... Oscar just hiked his leg
  77. fleas fleas and more fleas :(
  78. OMG!! Everyone has to see this Yorkie!!!
  79. yorkies good for the soul
  80. using thinner shears on yorkies
  81. Is it me, or...
  82. Boarding or Sitter? Please help!
  83. Halle and Chase All Tuckered Out
  84. Tug of War and Play
  85. 4 months old
  86. Snickers the tea pot Picture is in the Photo Gallery
  87. Yorkie Color Question
  88. Yorkie puppy names?
  89. Our new arrival came early
  90. Posted In The Sick But Need Help Asap!!!
  91. Snickers has now joined the Tea Pot club
  92. Anyone tried the new flea/tick preventive?
  93. My little girl ruby and my little man Bailey are getting so big!
  94. Over the weekend
  95. Jolie got spayed ...
  96. I'm a little nervous today.....
  97. Gracie's hunger strike is getting out of hand..what to do?
  98. litter and puppy size :)
  99. She's my sister, she's just adopted
  100. Puppy For Christmas ??
  101. *Kissing* Yorkies YT Destop Wallpaper...??
  102. Yorkies Adoption ??? Scam ????
  103. Harness Question
  104. <<Waving White Flag>>
  105. Santa Claus
  106. FINALLY some halloween pics
  107. Help Choosing Name
  108. A little about me ,,Levi and Laci..
  109. Rockie Pictures
  110. my new baby is home, and safe
  111. greasy coat
  112. can't help myself!
  113. Look What I Made for Lucy
  114. Our official greeting
  115. Nice autumn day+ video
  116. Chewming on paws?
  117. Need Help!!!!!!!!
  118. Shipping Doggies
  119. Heres one for ya!
  120. Question for raw feeders...
  121. He's Got To Calm Down Or He's Gone...
  122. Just who is Greens Tiny Treasures anyways? Who are they???
  123. Help!Tricksie is eating my furniture
  124. Furbrat!!!
  125. Paws....
  126. Potential Yorkie Mom Seeking Advice
  127. please tell me what you would do :O(
  128. Omg look at this baby !
  129. So angry about puppy mills
  130. Ear hair
  131. not eating.
  132. I'm Confused.
  133. Gracie won't eat much...any recommendations???
  134. Just wondering!!
  135. HELP! Yorki beating up on Silky
  136. A story that will warm your hearts
  137. Hokule'a is 1 year old!
  138. Susanah thinks people are nuts!
  139. Greetings and advice needed
  140. I viewed to video about the smallest yorkie
  141. Why me?
  142. I was never crazy about Yorkies...
  143. Hey everyone, I came back in PEACE
  144. transition suggestions
  145. I'm back !!!! YEAH !@!!!
  146. Does your puppy play in the water dish?
  147. Does Anyone Know What Registry Uses Reg. Numbers Like "BCU..."?
  148. oh, NO! I forgot to put it away
  149. Biewer?
  150. booster seat f/auto
  151. Who had the mardi gras costumes?
  152. Bad Hair Day
  153. I Need Opinions???
  154. How heavy will he be?
  155. <~~~~~:)
  156. hello
  157. Red area behind ear
  158. Concerned Mommy. Please help!
  159. My Boy Scared Of The Weather
  160. New member
  161. Where do I bury my bone??
  162. running sideways?
  163. new yorkie owner... have questions and need some advice... PLEASE ^.^
  164. Wolfie came home....
  165. Sadie and Daddy went shopping
  166. Best brush?
  167. Susanah and her jammies
  168. how is this name
  169. Hello Everybody! Boobah is getting
  170. Jesse attacks his own face!
  171. Afraid to go outside
  172. doggie shoes
  173. My husband and I have more questions
  174. Adorable Yorkie Shadowbox
  175. going outside
  176. Dosn't Bark
  177. potty training problem!
  178. Which pen?
  179. What do you think about this for yorkie storage????
  180. (Mission Impossible Theme)..Widdles Hunt....
  181. He Finally Did It!!!!!!
  182. In Desperate Need Of Help Asap!!!
  183. Fish Oil and Vitamin E???
  184. opinions, please
  185. Winstin Cuddled in Daddies Blankie
  186. which one?
  187. Bow/Leash/Harness Set
  188. Come see my blankie!!
  189. Is the allergy blood test worth it?
  190. I'm joining the Parti club!!
  191. YorkieTalk 2008 Calendars - NOW AVAILABLE FOR ORDERING!
  192. winter coat
  193. Who's Your Yorkie's YorkieTalk Twin?
  194. Do you think he needs meds? two things
  195. bitrh talk
  196. bitrh talk
  197. Anyone going to Wal-Mart? I need a favor!
  198. Would a owl hurt my Yorkie?
  199. NEW 2
  201. Hallee is home today from ACL surgery
  202. Need some advice
  203. I am so, so very sad right now
  204. Piddle Pads
  205. Exercise
  206. How long does your Yorkie stay at the groomers?
  207. New Member
  208. Thinking about buy a new water bowl
  209. Snow Booties?
  210. Livi Has Finally Chosen Her New Boyfriend....
  211. Anyone have a Teapot Yorkie
  212. Question about signature...
  213. Question?
  214. Jewels is itchy
  215. Boy Or Girl?
  216. bones??
  217. shedding??
  218. Leaving in a few minutes!
  219. Rachel Ray Show today....
  220. on Rachel Ray a vet inserts a Microchip to dog
  221. What type of brush do you use?
  222. clothes
  223. Hubby thinks he's funny
  224. Widdles Pictures!
  225. Bella is top dog today!!
  226. I am sad for Teddy
  227. I am torn.. This girl is sooo cute
  228. Calling all Darker Yorkies......
  229. Storm force winds and snow here in Scotland
  230. I need some advice!
  231. has anyone seen this? so sad....
  232. A New Friend for Conner
  233. Jenn218 Is The Best!!!!!
  234. Bloodshot Eye?
  235. Does my vet pluck his eye brows?
  236. I need a very girly name! Help!
  237. Medical Procedures Question.... Natalie is sick again... :(
  238. RawHide.. Beefhide... Porkhide...
  239. My Vet told me to get rid of the pee pad
  240. I'll have had Tink exactly one year tomorrow!
  241. Rammers reply to e-mail
  242. over 1000 dogs rescued from Hillsville puppy mill
  243. Just stopping by
  244. Puppy Health Insurance
  245. Socialization ?
  246. The whole story (sorry very very long)
  247. Only 13 days until we get our baby!
  248. Cold Weather
  249. Niko ...and his chew toy..
  250. New to the Club!
