
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. This is NOT a good idea in MHO......
  2. Why God Made Pets..had to share
  3. I need some advice or ideas!!!
  4. Im so proud of myself !! (HUGE GROOMING TIP INSIDE)
  5. Tinkerbell's new bed!!
  6. Belly Band
  7. Is my baby crazy?
  8. Teething
  9. Cottage Cheese
  10. Tail docking
  11. Hi I'm New
  12. Learning Manners with other Dogs
  13. collar vs harness
  14. Lingerie party
  15. Clumsy Yorkie
  16. Boy or Girl?
  17. Feeding raw question
  18. harness for zoey
  19. Help...DEXTER bit a Toad! He seems okay but...
  20. Obedience
  21. thanks goodness for insurance
  22. When Do Yorkies Stop Growing
  23. Grrrrr!
  24. Please Help - I Don't Know What's Wrong!
  25. Help Reading A Pedigree
  26. Flea treatment for 1 pound puppy
  27. silly animals
  28. When Do They Stop Growing?
  29. Story of the lost Bully Sticks....know where they at now
  30. Ears AGAIN!
  31. Petstages Toys
  32. I Can't Believe This!!
  33. Happy B-day Tdessauer!
  34. Hi Im new!
  35. Is It A Good Idea
  36. Kalani needs your prayers!
  37. picture of Zoey.
  38. *Sigh* Motherhood
  39. Chocolade yorkie
  40. dog sitter in stl?
  41. His name is Sam
  42. Somebody has not been behaving lol
  43. Please Help!!
  44. Bella needs a Boyfriend...
  45. Kalina met a baby boxer
  46. Boobah took a flying leap!!
  47. Where to find eucalyptus oil?
  48. New avatar
  49. Baby is stingy with her kisses!
  50. "Fraidy Cat , or a Phase ????
  51. How much?
  52. Fighting little yorkie
  53. Gidget made the team
  54. heat or no?
  55. Too Cute
  56. Size comparison to a yorkie
  57. Promiscuous Girls?
  58. A calling or business card for your Yorkie
  59. gross I know
  60. Those of you who have made dog blankets by...
  61. Shaking
  62. Mattie After visit to Vet's Cuddling her Bunny
  63. My Baby Mattie has an Eye injury!
  64. My Sissys baby came for a visit today!!!
  65. Cool link tell the yorkie what to do
  66. Happy Birthday Daisy!
  67. how many paid good money only to end up with health problems?
  68. Priceless...
  69. What's the usual cost
  70. Ever since those darn puppies came........
  71. Please stop raining!
  72. health guarantee
  73. Zoey1
  74. Some People Are Just The Best
  75. Finally back home with my babies!
  76. Hey everyone
  77. naptime. . .???
  78. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Sarah(mizzwanned)
  79. Are you trained by YOUR yorkies???
  80. Bad breath
  81. Urine Stains on Newly sodded lawn - Yikes!
  82. Earthquake in Los Angeles!
  83. a quick question....
  84. Please Help
  85. Omg I Had To Rush Peeka To The Vet!!! Pics AND A WARNING INSIDE!!
  86. Quick....I Need Help!!
  87. Thank you Marci and Layla!
  88. Needed, vest harness for a Borzoi!
  89. Yorkie Talk Meetup 08
  90. How do you know if a Yorkie is overweight?
  91. Tate has some new goodies waiting for her when she gets home!
  92. how small is too small
  93. It's like having a 2 yr old
  94. Buy from a backyard breeder?
  95. lease or harnes.
  96. Yorkie Fair Question
  97. CHOO CHOO...the YT train continues :) we're off to Texas!!!
  98. I Finally Caught Her Doing It .....
  99. Can your yorkie hold their licker?!
  100. Yorkie bedtimes
  101. PetSmart Shoppers ~ Royal Canin Feeders ~ Here's a Hot Tip
  102. So So Sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  103. Overly Possessive Yorkie - Husband wants to get rid of!
  104. thank you!
  105. The sweetest baby EVER
  106. Dang it! We got fleas!
  107. Has anyone heard of this breeder?
  108. My baby is in heat
  109. Buying Yorkie
  110. Try this...
  111. Do you use both a harness and a collar?
  112. Pics of Yorkies Solving World's Problems...
  113. My New Baby Girls Birthdate.....
  114. Crate training??
  115. 8 yorkies on dog whisperer!!!!
  116. Halle Is Getting Spayed Tomorrow
  117. To My Exchange Buddy
  118. Little Tatum is Getting Spayed Tomorrow :(
  119. Zada's very first bad deed!!
  120. Ultrasounds for pregnant female????
  121. Max gained l lb 13 ounces in 2 months!
  122. Learning name..
  123. **Warning** DON'T feed grapes!!
  124. International Travel with Chloe?
  125. Puppy Breathing noises, Hyperventilating? Locked Jaw?
  126. Hey!!! I have a question 4 u guys!!
  127. New pup. Need carrier!
  128. Took Mindy to the vet Today
  129. Alright Everyone~
  130. First time new puppy, I'm in love!
  131. Ah...A Dog's Life
  132. New Puppy! First day on YT!
  133. I will come to work with you but im not doing any work!
  134. scammers on petfinder! How SAD!
  135. Pregnant :D
  136. What questions to ask a breeder?????
  137. My dogs picture now on a board game
  138. We got stopped by the cops!
  139. My puppy Jack is home!
  140. When do they bark
  141. her teefers..
  142. Dog's Bedtime Prayer
  143. Time is ticking SOOO Slowly!
  144. "papers" ??
  145. my yorkiepoo's color
  146. OMG!! too kewt, lil yorkie fun!
  147. I Need My Bed Back
  148. 16 week old like to nip
  149. Post-Spay Questions
  150. If you PEEK at this thread*******
  151. Keeping fingers crossed!!
  152. Ohh my, I'm so torn!
  153. Anyone have a dog who doesn't like to come?
  154. Hello!
  155. i need help quick
  156. Hello we are new here
  157. Ultra Sound Prices? Input Please.
  158. Anyones dog NOT want to sleep with you sometimes?
  159. 2nd vet visit today. . .opened my eyes a bit.
  160. Here They Are... Ceylon & Bumbie Puppy's
  161. questions to ask the new owner
  162. Bella ate cat food
  163. Yorkie mixed beed
  164. Vet vists--how often?
  165. Mollys haircut & karleigh
  166. Dog tricks!
  167. Never going to believe this!!!
  168. Izzy's First Day at Daycare!
  169. Stringy hair
  170. My puppy is not eating very well
  171. Teething bad, need advice.
  172. PlayPen for Sky Pie??
  173. Look what was in the box of baby wipes!
  174. I'm So Frustrated -- Pictures
  175. Changing her name?
  176. What are some good treats for puppies?
  177. gold yorkie?
  178. Is thin brittle hair normal?
  179. Shoppers Alert!!!!!!!! Shoppers Alert!!!
  180. Anyone ordered Frontline from Dr Fosters and Smith?
  181. Puppy Hair!!
  182. We keep rescuing these two loose little dogs on our street
  183. WHY do they eat grass???
  184. What is your Yorkie's POSH registered name ???
  185. Stay away from!!
  186. Need a quick opinion on vaccine timing:
  187. multivitamin recommendation
  188. yucky eye goop
  189. Weird sickness in my yorkie?
  190. Urgent Behavior Question
  191. Picture of Scooter - I hope!
  192. Thank You Auntie Des, Tiger & Annika!!!!!
  193. OMG you all are really the best! Thank you!
  194. A few puppy questions for a first time owner. :)
  195. Rimadyl?
  196. teenage stage???
  197. Just a dog?
  198. Retractable Leashes? SHARE YOUR REVIEWS PLEASE!
  199. boobah's clothes for winter
  200. How should I dress her?
  201. Hello I am a new Member
  202. books on yorkies
  203. New Member with Problem Yorkie
  204. Anyone deal with oily skin & fur?
  205. Nutritional dog food recommendations
  206. Hi Im new to YorkieTalk
  207. How do you stop a puppy mill?
  208. Crates
  209. Yorkie REALLY MAD at his own reflection!!
  210. Eating poop!
  211. THE CUTEST YORKIE on YouTube - you HAVE to watch this !
  212. Looking for a winter coat/jacket
  213. possible neglected yorkie question....need advice
  214. happy dog barkery
  215. Ears Update!
  216. Dogster Yorkietalk group
  217. Dog behavior
  218. They had to shave Lucy :(
  219. I can't believe this!!!!
  220. Help with poo problem?
  221. Help!!!
  222. I dread Tuesday, August 7th
  223. Our babies turned three years old today!
  224. My puppies ears change every day
  225. What a difference 2 pounds makes!!
  226. Blue - Yorkie Therapy Dog Video
  227. to collar or not to collar
  228. Again (sorry) - playing vs fighting
  229. Not a Yorkie owner....yet!
  230. Mindy's Making Strange Noises
  231. How many steps do I need??
  232. Pretzels
  233. Mattie in her new Bed!
  234. Having 2 < 3 Yorkies???
  235. Too much protein?
  236. I Need A Toy Boy Yorkie
  237. This Is A Great Treat!
  238. Adopt this girl? Can I handle Three?
  239. HI! Royal Canine food
  240. Yorkie skin care
  241. Will vote for my Puppy?
  242. How do you clean their toys??
  243. I'm going to be a Yorkie Mommy!!
  244. Sarah, We have Maya!!!
  245. Bella won't eat- might be pregnant!
  246. Georgia Meetup Signup
  247. ? About the Pampered pup website!
  248. Raffle prize from sissyangelwear
  249. My little hoarder!
  250. Introducing Dj's Pixie Dust of Sunrise
