View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - is her YT user name anyone know
- I feel like I'm missing part of me
- I need advice.......diapers or something else??
- White, hairless diamond patch on chest?
- WHOA! Both parents under 2 1/2 pds!
- Veterinarians in Portland Oregon
- Harness vests: do you like velcro or buckle?
- This is NOT a good idea in MHO......
- Why God Made Pets..had to share
- I need some advice or ideas!!!
- Im so proud of myself !! (HUGE GROOMING TIP INSIDE)
- Tinkerbell's new bed!!
- Belly Band
- Is my baby crazy?
- Teething
- Cottage Cheese
- Tail docking
- Hi I'm New
- Learning Manners with other Dogs
- collar vs harness
- Lingerie party
- Clumsy Yorkie
- Boy or Girl?
- Feeding raw question
- harness for zoey
- Help...DEXTER bit a Toad! He seems okay but...
- Obedience
- thanks goodness for insurance
- When Do Yorkies Stop Growing
- Grrrrr!
- Please Help - I Don't Know What's Wrong!
- Help Reading A Pedigree
- Flea treatment for 1 pound puppy
- silly animals
- When Do They Stop Growing?
- Story of the lost Bully Sticks....know where they at now
- Ears AGAIN!
- Petstages Toys
- I Can't Believe This!!
- Happy B-day Tdessauer!
- Hi Im new!
- Is It A Good Idea
- Kalani needs your prayers!
- picture of Zoey.
- *Sigh* Motherhood
- Chocolade yorkie
- dog sitter in stl?
- His name is Sam
- Somebody has not been behaving lol
- Please Help!!
- Bella needs a Boyfriend...
- Kalina met a baby boxer
- Boobah took a flying leap!!
- Where to find eucalyptus oil?
- New avatar
- Baby is stingy with her kisses!
- "Fraidy Cat , or a Phase ????
- How much?
- Fighting little yorkie
- Gidget made the team
- heat or no?
- Too Cute
- Size comparison to a yorkie
- Promiscuous Girls?
- A calling or business card for your Yorkie
- gross I know
- Those of you who have made dog blankets by...
- Shaking
- Mattie After visit to Vet's Cuddling her Bunny
- My Baby Mattie has an Eye injury!
- My Sissys baby came for a visit today!!!
- Cool link tell the yorkie what to do
- Happy Birthday Daisy!
- how many paid good money only to end up with health problems?
- Priceless...
- What's the usual cost
- Ever since those darn puppies came........
- Please stop raining!
- health guarantee
- Zoey1
- Some People Are Just The Best
- Finally back home with my babies!
- Hey everyone
- naptime. . .???
- Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Sarah(mizzwanned)
- Are you trained by YOUR yorkies???
- Bad breath
- Urine Stains on Newly sodded lawn - Yikes!
- Earthquake in Los Angeles!
- a quick question....
- Please Help
- Omg I Had To Rush Peeka To The Vet!!! Pics AND A WARNING INSIDE!!
- Quick....I Need Help!!
- Thank you Marci and Layla!
- Needed, vest harness for a Borzoi!
- Yorkie Talk Meetup 08
- How do you know if a Yorkie is overweight?
- Tate has some new goodies waiting for her when she gets home!
- how small is too small
- It's like having a 2 yr old
- Buy from a backyard breeder?
- lease or harnes.
- Yorkie Fair Question
- CHOO CHOO...the YT train continues :) we're off to Texas!!!
- I Finally Caught Her Doing It .....
- Can your yorkie hold their licker?!
- Yorkie bedtimes
- PetSmart Shoppers ~ Royal Canin Feeders ~ Here's a Hot Tip
- So So Sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Overly Possessive Yorkie - Husband wants to get rid of!
- thank you!
- The sweetest baby EVER
- Dang it! We got fleas!
- Has anyone heard of this breeder?
- My baby is in heat
- Buying Yorkie
- Try this...
- Do you use both a harness and a collar?
- Pics of Yorkies Solving World's Problems...
- My New Baby Girls Birthdate.....
- Crate training??
- 8 yorkies on dog whisperer!!!!
- Halle Is Getting Spayed Tomorrow
- To My Exchange Buddy
- Little Tatum is Getting Spayed Tomorrow :(
- Zada's very first bad deed!!
- Ultrasounds for pregnant female????
- Max gained l lb 13 ounces in 2 months!
- Learning name..
- **Warning** DON'T feed grapes!!
- International Travel with Chloe?
- Puppy Breathing noises, Hyperventilating? Locked Jaw?
- Hey!!! I have a question 4 u guys!!
- New pup. Need carrier!
- Took Mindy to the vet Today
- Alright Everyone~
- First time new puppy, I'm in love!
- Ah...A Dog's Life
- New Puppy! First day on YT!
- I will come to work with you but im not doing any work!
- scammers on petfinder! How SAD!
- Pregnant :D
- What questions to ask a breeder?????
- My dogs picture now on a board game
- We got stopped by the cops!
- My puppy Jack is home!
- When do they bark
- her teefers..
- Dog's Bedtime Prayer
- Time is ticking SOOO Slowly!
- "papers" ??
- my yorkiepoo's color
- OMG!! too kewt, lil yorkie fun!
- I Need My Bed Back
- 16 week old like to nip
- Post-Spay Questions
- If you PEEK at this thread*******
- Keeping fingers crossed!!
- Ohh my, I'm so torn!
- Anyone have a dog who doesn't like to come?
- Hello!
- i need help quick
- Hello we are new here
- Ultra Sound Prices? Input Please.
- Anyones dog NOT want to sleep with you sometimes?
- 2nd vet visit today. . .opened my eyes a bit.
- Here They Are... Ceylon & Bumbie Puppy's
- questions to ask the new owner
- Bella ate cat food
- Yorkie mixed beed
- Vet vists--how often?
- Mollys haircut & karleigh
- Dog tricks!
- Never going to believe this!!!
- Izzy's First Day at Daycare!
- Stringy hair
- My puppy is not eating very well
- Teething bad, need advice.
- PlayPen for Sky Pie??
- Look what was in the box of baby wipes!
- I'm So Frustrated -- Pictures
- Changing her name?
- What are some good treats for puppies?
- gold yorkie?
- Is thin brittle hair normal?
- Shoppers Alert!!!!!!!! Shoppers Alert!!!
- Anyone ordered Frontline from Dr Fosters and Smith?
- Puppy Hair!!
- We keep rescuing these two loose little dogs on our street
- WHY do they eat grass???
- What is your Yorkie's POSH registered name ???
- Stay away from!!
- Need a quick opinion on vaccine timing:
- multivitamin recommendation
- yucky eye goop
- Weird sickness in my yorkie?
- Urgent Behavior Question
- Picture of Scooter - I hope!
- Thank You Auntie Des, Tiger & Annika!!!!!
- OMG you all are really the best! Thank you!
- A few puppy questions for a first time owner. :)
- Rimadyl?
- teenage stage???
- Just a dog?
- Retractable Leashes? SHARE YOUR REVIEWS PLEASE!
- boobah's clothes for winter
- How should I dress her?
- Hello I am a new Member
- books on yorkies
- New Member with Problem Yorkie
- Anyone deal with oily skin & fur?
- Nutritional dog food recommendations
- Hi Im new to YorkieTalk
- How do you stop a puppy mill?
- Crates
- Yorkie REALLY MAD at his own reflection!!
- Eating poop!
- THE CUTEST YORKIE on YouTube - you HAVE to watch this !
- Looking for a winter coat/jacket
- possible neglected yorkie question....need advice
- happy dog barkery
- Ears Update!
- Dogster Yorkietalk group
- Dog behavior
- They had to shave Lucy :(
- I can't believe this!!!!
- Help with poo problem?
- Help!!!
- I dread Tuesday, August 7th
- Our babies turned three years old today!
- My puppies ears change every day
- What a difference 2 pounds makes!!
- Blue - Yorkie Therapy Dog Video
- to collar or not to collar
- Again (sorry) - playing vs fighting
- Not a Yorkie owner....yet!
- Mindy's Making Strange Noises
- How many steps do I need??
- Pretzels
- Mattie in her new Bed!
- Having 2 < 3 Yorkies???
- Too much protein?
- I Need A Toy Boy Yorkie
- This Is A Great Treat!
- Adopt this girl? Can I handle Three?
- HI! Royal Canine food
- Yorkie skin care
- Will vote for my Puppy?
- How do you clean their toys??
- I'm going to be a Yorkie Mommy!!
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