
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. black-gray....
  2. i figured i would share this
  3. rescue yorkies
  4. pet carriers
  5. ok question
  6. new pet boutigue in Fenton michigan
  7. Does your Yorkie get the shivers?
  8. history of yorkshire terriers
  9. I have a big Hawk living in my Neighborhood!
  10. Harley is car sick in his new car seat!
  11. another haircut
  12. Dog Whisperer takes on agressive Yorkie.
  13. People make me so mad!!
  14. Cali's incision (graphic)
  15. Reward Offered For Puppy Attacked By Acid
  16. Does Anyone
  17. How do you keep them clean after being spayed
  18. Peeing on Pads-pooping on floor
  19. Picking out a puppy
  20. I am soooo grateful to you ALL!
  21. Shoes!
  22. Vet recommended medications?
  23. You Win!!
  24. does your baby wear...
  25. How many breeding females to have.
  26. What is a Good Vet??
  27. Favorite Place To Purchase Clothes
  28. She did such a good job!
  29. Whole Dog
  30. what do you think about this?
  32. We are going to get.....
  33. X'LNT Informative. PLEASE LOOK
  34. how old
  35. Little Sir Winston's coming home
  36. Cali recuperating pics
  37. Take Action!
  38. how many yorkies have you had and what colours
  39. I am keeping them both
  40. Vaccines
  41. For those that keep their hair shorter....
  42. Intense Separation Anxiety?
  43. Shaved Yorkies
  44. out of control hair
  45. anyone use vitamins?
  46. I almost forgot.
  47. To dock or not to dock
  48. Warning! Rated XXX
  49. Have something to tell you friends.....
  50. I have a dumb question to ask..
  51. Sleeping a lot since surgery
  52. humping problem
  53. Hair cuts?
  54. Silk and "little pup" enjoying sunshine today
  55. AnyOne Know A Good Groomer In Centreal Texas?
  56. Teddy Bear Hunting - DOGblogTV #9
  57. How old before they sleep all night?
  58. Still dining on feces - brining into kennel
  59. Home on the Range - More Range - More Pee Pads
  60. Word gets around fast that you have a yorkie
  61. Funny Commands??
  62. I'm getting a little boy!
  63. Admin Or Anyone Else????
  64. our new addition
  65. what is the difference between....
  66. I got to vent ! im so pissed off at pixie
  67. Have you ever thought your Yorkie was younger or older??
  68. new yorkie in my family
  69. Update on Chanel
  70. I'm back!! Missed you all ;)
  71. our new addition! and more to come
  72. My crew!!!! Pictures
  73. I finally have a picture
  74. Age in which ears stand up
  75. Potty outside
  76. Potty training
  77. Foxtail warning
  78. Guys, check this out!!
  79. Educate me on pups please?
  80. Trimming my babies nail????
  81. Why AKC
  82. this is what I found.
  83. Sit?
  84. people sell ????????????????
  85. Yorkie Songs
  86. Breeder in Oklahoma??
  87. Using Stairs
  88. what is the exact history
  89. Yorkie Playdate 3-18-06
  90. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Shana!
  91. Yoda Knows How to Cross the Street!
  92. I feel sorry for Sophie.
  93. Yorkies in Duluth, MN
  94. Anyone else's Yorkie get carsick?
  95. Puppy Training - So Proud!
  96. Female dog across the hall
  97. Gnaw Gnaw chomp!
  98. An Open Letter to my "Lovely" Yorkie
  99. when is it safe ?
  100. Update on Molly
  101. what's the proper thing to do?
  102. Awkward Stage
  103. do guys like yorkies
  104. Warning!!!!!!
  105. what size are your dogs
  106. what tricks can your dog do
  107. Pics. from my last thread about Lucy and Tank
  108. How many of you (well, your little boys)
  109. Dog Property Rules
  110. Check Me Out!!!
  111. Another chance to see Cindy Adams Yorkies!
  112. 3/18 @ 1pm: Boston Yorkie Meetup
  113. Thank You Diva Pup
  114. Does Your Baby...?
  115. New Owner Seeks Sage Advice
  116. Cindy Adams and her Yorkie Babies
  117. Cali's home!!!
  118. Is this normal?
  119. Nicknames
  120. How do you get bows/clips in their hair?
  121. sorry
  122. The Today Show
  123. biting... becoming a problem!
  124. Jealousy
  125. Are females better to train?
  126. baby teeth
  127. Visiting Adrianna on Saturday!
  128. Car sick
  129. Help!New and need some advice
  130. Fwee puppy
  131. Showing and breeding
  132. My new baby girl!!!!!!!!!
  133. T- Shirts with Yorkie Logos/non tangling harnesses
  134. peace
  135. Chloe is a Celebrity Now!!!
  136. My boy Satch !
  137. Yorkie Questions
  138. Hello to All!
  139. Seattle Yorkie Meetup - 3/18/06
  140. Everyone has yorkies!!!
  141. I would like to know
  142. To my YT family
  143. cat and dog friends?
  144. new pics of snickers and with a ROSE in her hair
  145. Making hair softer and smoother?
  146. how do i make him not be afraid of a frizbe?
  147. Yorkie Zoppini charm!
  148. .........and Daisy is home :)
  149. A little Sad...
  150. Help! Jealous 8 yr old!
  151. Bad Greenie! Sit! Heel! Stay!
  152. There should be doggy midwives
  153. Are there any other growth charts besides YorkiePassions?
  154. Couldn't find Gus,,,,,,,
  155. Gwamma told a lie!
  156. special needs dogs
  157. Washing head
  158. need advice on buying clothes for Lola
  159. hi new here
  160. New member: Grace's Boo
  161. Update 1 on Daisy
  162. catalog favorites
  163. Yorkie Eating Sheetrock
  164. Funny Faces~ Post those cute expressions here!
  165. Strange behavior, does she remember???
  166. Great Site for Pet Meds Online
  167. So who's adult yorkie has only a few teeth?
  168. yorkies and cats??
  169. What is a quality breeder to YT?
  170. sooooooooooooo big
  171. Yorkies and new babies??
  172. what kind of brush and why...
  173. barrettes vs elastics
  174. What's Going On?!
  175. New Pictures of Zoe :)
  176. teeth cleaning for tinies....
  177. Scared!
  178. Changing coat color???
  179. toenails
  180. Groomers in the bay area?
  181. Breeders v. Puppy Mills
  182. Help weird growth....what is this?!
  183. If you HAD to get rid of your Yorkie(s), who would you give them to?
  184. "Help me get da toy!"
  185. Making hair softer and smoother?
  186. What Age Does Their Ears Stand Up?
  187. My yorkie is camera shy and runs, help please
  188. Someone help us!! We are back to day 1 :(
  189. Chocolate ?
  190. My new puppy!!
  191. A hard decision
  192. Hello all!
  193. How to properly introduce a kitten...suggestions pls?
  194. 7 hour drive with a new 10 week old Yorkie???
  195. Doggie Stairs
  196. Hacking puppy, she is making the weirdest sounds.
  197. Please keep Daisy in your thoughts tomorrow...
  198. Kloey smells like a mixed drink !!!
  199. Go to the My Yorkie Forum
  200. Cosmo wants to join the spy club
  201. Petsmart Haircuts
  202. Not Eating Until Late Afternoon
  203. Kind of Funny
  204. Small, medium, or large
  205. Shipping a Puppy
  206. G-Whizzzzzzzzz
  207. ~ Yorkie Scam Alert Thread~
  208. Same Names
  209. Happy Birthday Thor!!!!!
  210. Thank you YT
  211. Have you ever dealt with a rude breeder?
  212. Collar or harness?
  213. Tucker, you little monster!
  214. Cappy is getting soo handsome!!
  215. 3 pd Puppy with Dandruff prob. Please Help!
  216. Anyone heard of this breeder?
  217. New puppy and 7 month old......
  218. Link to Personalized Sweatshirt !
  219. Not pooping on the mat!!! Please help!
  220. Does your Babies wear shoes?
  221. I found it at Petco
  222. Need help organizing a Yorkie Meetup! Anyone have any suggestions??
  223. You catch more yorkies with honey...
  224. Question about color?? At what age can you tell what color they will turn?
  225. Sleeping Beauty Tinkerbell....zzzzz
  226. Here's trouble!!...lolol
  227. Do dogs really understand us humans?
  228. How much do you love your yorkie?
  229. The rituals
  230. What would your yorkie's shirt say?
  231. baby teeth
  232. Spaying?
  233. Gum chewers!!!!
  234. How about the medium size yorkies?
  235. Announcement: Hurry! Hurry! Read All About it!!!!
  236. Introducing Bella
  237. Bella's Pic
  238. Peeing or marking????
  239. sweet little trio
  240. Yorkie's with cat friends
  241. Please any one with experience with first heat
  242. 2 Yorkies Play Fighting
  243. Pics of Lacey!!
  244. New pics of Ollie
  245. I just saw the cutest thing.....
  246. Here are my children
  247. Smallest/Largest Adult
  248. Got this in my email today (cute)
  249. Wiping Feet
  250. Help
