View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - Who went shopping....
- WOW! I'm 16 thousand posts behind....
- Bald spot??
- Hair Questions....
- Want to say thanks
- Therapy Dog
- Agility
- Update on the Rescue I adopted
- What's going on everyone!?!?!
- Why does he do this?
- New Picture of Zoe
- Puppy with Scabs!! Not sure what they are!
- Grooming Question
- PLEASE HELP! Newborn bleeding from mouth!
- Kennels (to share or not to share)
- tissue paper
- Finally, we are getting a new Petco where I live!!
- Well, one drawback of Daisy becoming use to the house..
- What do you guys think of diapers, not bellybands?
- Freeze Dried Ice cream for dogs?
- Do your babies.................
- What do you miss the most...
- very nervous when in car
- Cali has a boyfriend---Lucky!!!!
- What grooming sheers do you use?
- Cute Story
- What will I need
- Too Late for Pee Pads???
- I know everyone will hate me for this post but
- moo tubes??
- New to this forum!
- My new baby boy:)
- Why won't she keep her dress on??
- weight loss tips?(for yorkies)
- Sick baby
- I have found a baby girl!!!
- Hair bow questions.
- Hiding food.
- 37 Hours And Counting
- 15.5 Month Old Stewie For Sale
- Favorite Toy?
- Sherry Lynn made me cry
- Chinas kids 10 weeks old
- Last Straw.. He Bit a Little Boy Tonight at Petsmart
- martini photo session
- Do you have a B-Day party for your furbaby?
- Lucy comes home Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Radiation?
- Lotte throws a fit!
- Thanks to Everyone!
- Don't you just love your furbaby
- He's SO happy he could pee!
- Question about biting kids...
- Puppy food and going into Heat..
- Where do you keep your yorkies toys, clothes, etc
- Columbians Using Puppies
- Bathroom problems--
- How much does your puppy sleep
- Switching avatars.
- Jealous!!!!
- Cottage cheese
- I think Im gonna cut out Daisys treats for a few days...
- Question about traveling on plane with pet, do I need a health certificate??
- color theory crazy???
- can yorkies drink milk
- Wrigley runs away from me now...
- Will You?
- Scared of Vacuum
- What airlines let your pup sit with you?
- Heat? What age does it start?
- Pen guilt
- Coyotes Take to City Streets
- How many lives does your Yorkie have?
- Human food for yorkies...
- Oye! Big BAD breath for such a little dog lol
- This is horrible. I cried reading this.
- Absolute Favorite Dog Treat????
- to brighten your day
- Yorkie Stolen
- Crazy sad
- Heating pads
- How Do They Do It??
- Need help picking a name...
- What is considered too small for them to play with and not choke?
- muffins hair cut advice needed
- Root for Jack, surgery today
- Are all the Valentine's taken??
- Does your Baby go to Work with You?
- Valentimes!!! CUPID TIME
- Yorkie Property Laws
- She-Ra is upset
- HOW COULD YOU? (tear jerker but...
- Question for Vegetarians
- Sorry I have to vent!
- "Dear God" a Dogs Prayer
- how did your love for yorkies start?
- Beggar for table scraps??
- Duece
- oh no....we learned to climb steps!
- Greenies
- I need confidence that I'm doing this right!
- Back form the vet and I am so happy...
- Clothes Question
- My sister got Yorkie Boy!
- Mandatory! You Must Read This!
- talk about irksome!
- How much did your baby weigh when you brought her home?
- registration question?
- Camera HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY !!!!!
- What causes Yorkie independence?
- Roses are Violets are Blue
- Hi there I'm New
- So SICK!!! Poor doggies....
- Wow Now This Is An Amazing Coat !!
- When will I notice...
- Hey there! We are new :)
- Gage is home!!!
- Where's the V-day threads?
- Doesn't Like weird!
- Val has inspired me...
- Hello I am new
- Does your Yorkie do this?
- does any one else have this problem
- please help...
- first grooming....oh No
- What should I do?
- Dog Pregnancy Question
- A big thank you to "snow yorkies"
- Nutro Natural Choice
- I'm new and I need a little help please....
- Puppy sense
- So Cute, Had to share!!!
- Breeding my yorkie. Can anyone give advice
- Scratching the doors!
- Puppys and Rawhides????
- People who own a Chihuahua and A Yorkie OR 3 furkids????
- YT is my Reward...?
- Puppy won't stop pestering cat
- Loose teeth?
- Too good to be true?
- February 17th - Spay Tia - HELP!
- Potty in the middle of the night, everynight!
- Pristine yorkie breeder
- Newbie! but I don't have a yorkie :(
- Sick
- a valentine for rosie
- Dental Care For Dogs And Cats
- How To Brush Your Dogs Teeth
- Grooming
- Pets when shipped in Cargo...
- Taking pictures of my babies!!!
- I Need Comfort!
- pee pad problems.....
- Is this not the most ridiculous thing ever?
- Interesting about Puppyfind/scammers on Dogster
- no more babies here!
- I feel so guilty.
- Critter Cord
- The Dog Yorkie Calendar!
- Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Need a sweetheart for Valentines Day
- Yorkie Breeder In Texas
- Name Help
- Midgey's test results are back NO CANCER
- Hormones
- That's sweet of you, but no thanks!
- Got to see Chloe today!!!
- Back from the vet
- Limited Registration Question
- Just wondering...
- Willow's Lil Pad
- Difference between NKC and AKC..
- Anyone use Mane and Tail on their babies?
- Gage Update!
- Went for a walk today!!
- Coat question yet again....i did search
- Help with relapse
- Bows?!?!?
- Would you buy?
- Grrrr Pita has kennel cough again!
- life preservers
- Went Shopping
- i have a ? about a lady !
- What age do yorkies stop growing???
- YorkieTalk @ Dogster- pls join :]
- The after effect of bows
- Kissy Kissy face!!!
- Pantene models got nothing on me...
- I miss my baby! (and Megan too)
- Breed My Tee Tee Mouse? NEVER!!
- Help!
- Jackson, Daisy loves you and wants to ask you something...
- Daisy using her Kong for the first time..
- You wouldn't believe this scam on puppyfind
- My new dilema
- Q. about Frontline
- anyone here homecook like to share?
- New Member!
- Just an FYI
- Prayers please!
- Teething
- 1 year 2.5lbs yorkie wanting to breed in AZ
- how to aleviate Separation Anxiety?
- my LuLu's first period?
- update on Hayley
- Is There A Baby Boom Going On Here?
- Miko's Pic
- Help...I think we're in heat!
- Here's another one for you guys....
- I Can't Stand The Dollar Bill!
- do you know ?
- help from yt peeps
- Housebreaking issues
- chinas kids are too cute
- he loves to eat the goldfish!
- Hello
- Female Humping??
- Dog Whisper
- OMG - Read this scam email!
- DEBATE! Under the blankets??? Help me please!
- Am I crazy!? :) Dog trainings
- how much sleep vs playtime 15 week pups have
- Puppy fever! Anyone else got it?
- anyone heard about Kerri?
- The cutest thing
- i mite have found me a baby !
- Yorkie poem and stories site!
- Just got another pup, Need Help
- Bows-whats easier alligator clips or elastic
- Doggie bows
- Update on Legg-Perthes surgery and house breaking question
- no pics yet... so frustrating!
- When Do My Babies Start Eating?
- Am I wrong for being piss!?
- Yorkie love
- I am a newbie here.
- laws about selling dogs to canadians
- When do my babies start eating....
- New Avatar!
- New Yorkie Member
- I Wanted to Share
- Yorkie on T.V.
- Biewer Yorkie???
- Nail clipping....any suggestions?
- My yorkie is having diarrhea. :(
- problem
- Laminated wood flooring
- e-mail ?
- MY Husband
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