
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. About coats: I searched this one and never found the answer.....
  2. Help I am helpless!!!!!
  3. How should I start to introduce food?
  4. The blue check mark?
  5. It's true about the "bo bo"
  6. is it ok that pixie is skinny
  7. I'm dogsitting!!!!
  8. Help!
  9. Dennis & Lillys Sister has a new name
  10. It's a miracle
  11. Aggression after spaying.
  12. Is it possible...
  13. First Snow
  14. Thank you!!!!
  15. What do you feed your Yorkie?
  16. Man I'm POOPED
  17. great shirt
  18. Came home with 3 more pets !!!!
  19. Dog Insurance Question
  20. New here! Just wanted to say Hi!
  21. Question abour pads for diapers...
  22. What are you getting your babies for Xmas this year?
  23. Meet Spike
  24. When it snows...HELP!!!
  25. Introducing Infant
  26. What are the necessities?
  27. debut of Trinas Kids
  28. YT Hits 250,000 Posts!!!
  29. Do you groom your baby???
  30. Pics posted
  31. Help!!!!
  32. Green sores
  33. Romeo pees like a big boy!!!!
  34. I dont know whats wrong with her!
  35. New Shoes
  36. Moving Across States From Calif to Tenn, Need Advice
  37. Help!! More questions
  38. Oh no!
  39. YT Members Suspended...
  40. puppy find?
  41. Discrimination at Flea Markets!!!
  42. Big hair,,,,,,,,,,, HELP
  43. Two or more...................
  44. lexi got groomed
  45. Camera ham, Coco??
  46. Two dogs? Help!
  47. Photoshop Fun
  48. Dennis 7 Lillys new sister
  49. Dennis & Lilly have a new sister! xxx
  50. Friday...2 yorkies, 2 surgeries
  51. another huge Yorkie
  52. my dog has Vaginitis
  53. Studding...
  54. When training, do you prefer a playpen, exercise pen or gate?
  55. why's she growling at her behind?
  56. Just Got My Little Girl!
  57. I can't believe she's six months old today!
  58. Happy #1 Birthday Dinero!!!
  59. Huge Yorkie
  60. trying to eat my Carpet
  61. Ear BooBoos
  62. Christmas Trees
  63. ? about Top Knots
  64. Ok this is getting frustrating
  65. Question re: Blue and Gold yorkies...
  66. Housetraining/dominance dilemma
  67. Oh what a disaster!
  68. Paulathegroomer's parents to litters
  69. register or not register
  70. Thank You my YT Pal!
  71. when i feed her...!! help
  72. floppy ears?
  73. Trixie-Belle.. aka
  74. Fashion Plate
  75. How much food per day
  76. How To Keep From...
  77. Jealous little divas- FUNNY STORY!!!!
  78. Paulathegroomers little males
  79. Paulathegroomer's other litter of girls...
  80. new to group
  81. Basket full of puppies!
  82. Paulathegroomer's female puppies.....
  83. how do you do it????
  84. How to stop the itching......
  85. Shellz knew her!
  86. Secret Santa?
  87. Are you going to see Santa?
  88. Anyone know ...
  89. Thank you so much Villete...
  90. Gadget has a lot in common with a broken faucet – HELP
  91. Yorkie with one eye and no teeth abandoned...
  92. Tucker's Ready For Halloween!!
  93. Does your baby "yip" in their sleep?
  94. Help, Prince needs a friend!!!!!!
  95. help asap i think my dog ate miracle grow (plant food)
  96. Amanda got her Choc today, I meet her in TN! I am the one w.the 1.6 ounce @ TEN mont
  97. stained glass pattern
  98. Puppy Contest
  99. Lizzy
  100. Jewels being protective
  101. Paula's puppy pictures....
  102. Bringing home another Yorkie for playmate?
  103. There's a stranger in my bed!!!
  104. Wyatt likes the SOCCER BALL!!!! eeks!
  105. Do our little loved ones get mad at us?
  106. Help! Tearing up the bathroom door!
  107. PICS Bailey & Charlie..First trip to the groomer!
  108. Am I Insane??
  109. Houston Meet-up
  110. Getting a boy!
  111. Puppies & Mom?
  112. Okay!!!! A Pregnancy Progress Report....
  113. Getting ready for a holiday travel..
  114. Just one more photo
  115. Bows for Boys
  116. My Gal
  117. How many hours are your dogs alone?
  118. new member!!
  119. A really crappy evening !!!!
  120. Whats the latest on the Christmas Card Xchange?
  121. I have a TEACUP Yorkie.
  122. Question: walk in rain
  123. people make me mad
  124. are we YT-ing?
  125. Bell doen't think the Baby!
  126. wet paws
  127. Stud????
  128. Thank you admin.
  129. Halloween Party and Dolomite's Birthday
  130. picture perfect:)
  131. Pomerian
  132. How Do You Get Your Yorkie To Sleep In Their Bed??
  133. Newbie
  134. Does your baby sleep in pjs?
  135. Raggamuffin
  136. How do they breed for temperament?
  137. Puppymills - I think the authorities are finally catching on
  138. Look ALike.....
  139. Can you single out ONE thing about your Yorkie??
  140. San Francisco - Fleet Week & Yorkies?
  141. Let's Focus on Yorkies!
  142. Yorkie Laundry
  143. Kitchen Table SNEEK!
  144. Funny Turbo Story
  145. Don't like the rain!
  146. her first trim
  147. Zoe Is Not Being A Good Mom!!!!
  148. help me please im really worried about my dog
  149. Petco Training Classes
  150. Heres another CUTE e-mail
  151. Great craft Ideas
  152. is my pixie becoming a women ?
  153. i I you know where ! Help
  154. Skunk!
  155. I am the mother of the 1.6 lbs baby @ 10 months
  156. Just out of curiousity....
  157. will it ever grow back!!!
  158. Bailey & Charlie want to say NITE NITE :)
  159. It's Olivia's First Birthday!
  160. New Member
  161. Awww...
  162. Yorkie day at Daycare!
  163. look at this :D
  164. I think my female is pregnant. How to tell?
  165. Three different size Yorkies in Scotland
  166. Cowboy's New Camo Harness (Pictures)
  167. Photo Show!
  168. 2?'s- Color and Fear Imprint
  169. Who do YOU think has the best avatar??
  170. Hair growth
  171. Pictures and how to post
  172. Everything you want to know about Clicker training!
  173. Inevitable mats?
  174. proper sized playmate????
  175. Poop question??~~~
  176. spayed
  177. Eye Boogers :)
  178. Dog flu?
  179. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!! suggestions please
  180. Anyone in South Carolina to check out Puppy for me???
  181. tooth fairy came 3 times this week
  182. Tracchea Problems
  183. So, Proud of my Bailey Boy!!
  184. Thank You Villette!
  185. im really worry about pixie !
  186. A new picture
  187. 2 week old yorkie dies during tube feeding
  188. Ear Questions??
  189. A hernia?
  190. Thumper is in Maryland
  191. Tommy Is In A Pet Contest!
  192. Look what I got over the week-end
  193. Cool people with moving avatars....
  194. Change profile
  195. Where does your yorkie sleep?
  196. Dry, non itching, flakey skin.
  197. New picture of a Growing Copper!
  198. YT'ers.. Please vote for Daisha!!!
  199. Come on YT'ers.... Don't let Daisha down!!!
  200. Beware..swiffer Wetjet
  201. New Yorkie Owner
  202. Burping?
  203. Yorkie/Maltese Mix
  204. Please give me your advice!
  205. New Avatar
  206. Chachi the candybar snatcher
  207. AWE now I feel sorry for Cowboy
  208. Allergen reducing dog shampoo?
  209. Head coloring question--
  210. May be a silly question but want to know??
  211. jealousy
  212. Time out!
  213. Humping Question?
  214. Dixie and her Mommy :-)
  215. Satch is home !!!!!
  216. Mickeys so sweet.
  217. Podcasting
  218. Bathing Story!
  219. Help!!!!!!!
  220. eensor
  221. Another Housebreaking Question!!
  222. New Member
  223. Chewy's so sweet!
  224. ten Weeks. How much to eat?
  225. Give Away Yorkie Or Not??
  226. Rather Embarassing
  227. Honda designs car for dogs owners
  228. Your Opinion on Pit Bulls
  229. Video of yorkie left in car
  230. 2 Pit Bulls Maul A 4 Year Old Boy
  231. CHESTER Is HOME!!!!!!!!
  232. where can I find diapers?
  233. Painting dog's toenails....
  234. Anyone have a Pet Stroller for sale??
  235. She's coming home soon!!!!!
  236. How Chewy and I met.
  237. My Very First Yorkie!!
  238. Does anyone else hate brokers too?
  239. Just wanna say hello.
  240. Names--What to name her
  241. Size of a Yorkie
  242. I am SO annoyed!
  243. Did you teach them to be easy?
  244. A Question For Everyone?
  245. yorkie puppy question
  246. St. Francis of Asisi day :)
  247. Is something wrong with my Yorkie?
  248. Yorkies on Dr Phil
  249. ???
  250. biting at air
