View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - About coats: I searched this one and never found the answer.....
- Help I am helpless!!!!!
- How should I start to introduce food?
- The blue check mark?
- It's true about the "bo bo"
- is it ok that pixie is skinny
- I'm dogsitting!!!!
- Help!
- Dennis & Lillys Sister has a new name
- It's a miracle
- Aggression after spaying.
- Is it possible...
- First Snow
- Thank you!!!!
- What do you feed your Yorkie?
- Man I'm POOPED
- great shirt
- Came home with 3 more pets !!!!
- Dog Insurance Question
- New here! Just wanted to say Hi!
- Question abour pads for diapers...
- What are you getting your babies for Xmas this year?
- Meet Spike
- When it snows...HELP!!!
- Introducing Infant
- What are the necessities?
- debut of Trinas Kids
- YT Hits 250,000 Posts!!!
- Do you groom your baby???
- Pics posted
- Help!!!!
- Green sores
- Romeo pees like a big boy!!!!
- I dont know whats wrong with her!
- New Shoes
- Moving Across States From Calif to Tenn, Need Advice
- Help!! More questions
- Oh no!
- YT Members Suspended...
- puppy find?
- Discrimination at Flea Markets!!!
- Big hair,,,,,,,,,,, HELP
- Two or more...................
- lexi got groomed
- Camera ham, Coco??
- Two dogs? Help!
- Photoshop Fun
- Dennis 7 Lillys new sister
- Dennis & Lilly have a new sister! xxx
- Friday...2 yorkies, 2 surgeries
- another huge Yorkie
- my dog has Vaginitis
- Studding...
- When training, do you prefer a playpen, exercise pen or gate?
- why's she growling at her behind?
- Just Got My Little Girl!
- I can't believe she's six months old today!
- Happy #1 Birthday Dinero!!!
- Huge Yorkie
- trying to eat my Carpet
- Ear BooBoos
- Christmas Trees
- ? about Top Knots
- Ok this is getting frustrating
- Question re: Blue and Gold yorkies...
- Housetraining/dominance dilemma
- Oh what a disaster!
- Paulathegroomer's parents to litters
- register or not register
- Thank You my YT Pal!
- when i feed her...!! help
- floppy ears?
- Trixie-Belle.. aka
- Fashion Plate
- How much food per day
- How To Keep From...
- Jealous little divas- FUNNY STORY!!!!
- Paulathegroomers little males
- Paulathegroomer's other litter of girls...
- new to group
- Basket full of puppies!
- Paulathegroomer's female puppies.....
- how do you do it????
- How to stop the itching......
- Shellz knew her!
- Secret Santa?
- Are you going to see Santa?
- Anyone know ...
- Thank you so much Villete...
- Gadget has a lot in common with a broken faucet – HELP
- Yorkie with one eye and no teeth abandoned...
- Tucker's Ready For Halloween!!
- Does your baby "yip" in their sleep?
- Help, Prince needs a friend!!!!!!
- help asap i think my dog ate miracle grow (plant food)
- Amanda got her Choc today, I meet her in TN! I am the one w.the 1.6 ounce @ TEN mont
- stained glass pattern
- Puppy Contest
- Lizzy
- Jewels being protective
- Paula's puppy pictures....
- Bringing home another Yorkie for playmate?
- There's a stranger in my bed!!!
- Wyatt likes the SOCCER BALL!!!! eeks!
- Do our little loved ones get mad at us?
- Help! Tearing up the bathroom door!
- PICS Bailey & Charlie..First trip to the groomer!
- Am I Insane??
- Houston Meet-up
- Getting a boy!
- Puppies & Mom?
- Okay!!!! A Pregnancy Progress Report....
- Getting ready for a holiday travel..
- Just one more photo
- Bows for Boys
- My Gal
- How many hours are your dogs alone?
- new member!!
- A really crappy evening !!!!
- Whats the latest on the Christmas Card Xchange?
- I have a TEACUP Yorkie.
- Question: walk in rain
- people make me mad
- are we YT-ing?
- Bell doen't think the Baby!
- wet paws
- Stud????
- Thank you admin.
- Halloween Party and Dolomite's Birthday
- picture perfect:)
- Pomerian
- How Do You Get Your Yorkie To Sleep In Their Bed??
- Newbie
- Does your baby sleep in pjs?
- Raggamuffin
- How do they breed for temperament?
- Puppymills - I think the authorities are finally catching on
- Look ALike.....
- Can you single out ONE thing about your Yorkie??
- San Francisco - Fleet Week & Yorkies?
- Let's Focus on Yorkies!
- Yorkie Laundry
- Kitchen Table SNEEK!
- Funny Turbo Story
- Don't like the rain!
- her first trim
- Zoe Is Not Being A Good Mom!!!!
- help me please im really worried about my dog
- Petco Training Classes
- Heres another CUTE e-mail
- Great craft Ideas
- is my pixie becoming a women ?
- i I you know where ! Help
- Skunk!
- I am the mother of the 1.6 lbs baby @ 10 months
- Just out of curiousity....
- will it ever grow back!!!
- Bailey & Charlie want to say NITE NITE :)
- It's Olivia's First Birthday!
- New Member
- Awww...
- Yorkie day at Daycare!
- look at this :D
- I think my female is pregnant. How to tell?
- Three different size Yorkies in Scotland
- Cowboy's New Camo Harness (Pictures)
- Photo Show!
- 2?'s- Color and Fear Imprint
- Who do YOU think has the best avatar??
- Hair growth
- Pictures and how to post
- Everything you want to know about Clicker training!
- Inevitable mats?
- proper sized playmate????
- Poop question??~~~
- spayed
- Eye Boogers :)
- Dog flu?
- I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!! suggestions please
- Anyone in South Carolina to check out Puppy for me???
- tooth fairy came 3 times this week
- Tracchea Problems
- So, Proud of my Bailey Boy!!
- Thank You Villette!
- im really worry about pixie !
- A new picture
- 2 week old yorkie dies during tube feeding
- Ear Questions??
- A hernia?
- Thumper is in Maryland
- Tommy Is In A Pet Contest!
- Look what I got over the week-end
- Cool people with moving avatars....
- Change profile
- Where does your yorkie sleep?
- Dry, non itching, flakey skin.
- New picture of a Growing Copper!
- YT'ers.. Please vote for Daisha!!!
- Come on YT'ers.... Don't let Daisha down!!!
- Beware..swiffer Wetjet
- New Yorkie Owner
- Burping?
- Yorkie/Maltese Mix
- Please give me your advice!
- New Avatar
- Chachi the candybar snatcher
- AWE now I feel sorry for Cowboy
- Allergen reducing dog shampoo?
- Head coloring question--
- May be a silly question but want to know??
- jealousy
- Time out!
- Humping Question?
- Dixie and her Mommy :-)
- Satch is home !!!!!
- Mickeys so sweet.
- Podcasting
- Bathing Story!
- Help!!!!!!!
- eensor
- Another Housebreaking Question!!
- New Member
- Chewy's so sweet!
- ten Weeks. How much to eat?
- Give Away Yorkie Or Not??
- Rather Embarassing
- Honda designs car for dogs owners
- Your Opinion on Pit Bulls
- Video of yorkie left in car
- 2 Pit Bulls Maul A 4 Year Old Boy
- CHESTER Is HOME!!!!!!!!
- where can I find diapers?
- Painting dog's toenails....
- Anyone have a Pet Stroller for sale??
- She's coming home soon!!!!!
- How Chewy and I met.
- My Very First Yorkie!!
- Does anyone else hate brokers too?
- Just wanna say hello.
- Names--What to name her
- Size of a Yorkie
- I am SO annoyed!
- Did you teach them to be easy?
- A Question For Everyone?
- yorkie puppy question
- St. Francis of Asisi day :)
- Is something wrong with my Yorkie?
- Yorkies on Dr Phil
- ???
- biting at air
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