
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Hi....I'm new to this sight...
  2. quick question
  3. Questions for Owners of Tiny Yorkies
  4. ears that don"t stand up
  5. Blue eyes? Green eyes??
  6. I'm Worried!! Help please!
  7. General questions about my yorkie
  8. Underbite!!!! ??
  9. Max is home
  10. Wal Mart Clothes Question..
  11. I'm worried about my puppy
  12. Where can I find toys NOT from China??
  13. Shirt and harness.....
  14. Presents?? Am I losing my mind?? LOL
  15. Target didn't have a thing.
  16. Funny Hubby Story
  17. Wanted to say hello...
  18. Tucker Barked!
  19. whats your pups nick names?
  20. i just found a FLEA on sammy
  21. Need Advice For First Time Breeder
  22. What are your baby's measurements?
  23. Today's The Day !!!!!
  24. yorkie with eye problem...
  25. Dogs Poem
  26. Missed you guys so much and I am sooooo happy I am back now.
  27. Hi, I'm new to the sight.
  28. Nathan's Coach is on the way!!!!!!!!
  29. eeeeeeeeeeeeee
  30. Jo is being strange lately...
  31. Chloe Turned ONE Today!!!
  32. I need a solution!!!!
  33. I see dead people...
  34. Livi Is Single Again And Searching For The Right Boy
  35. Im guilty..
  36. Please Pray for Winstin and I
  37. Funny Story-pooping in petsmart!
  38. your fur but as inspiration!!!
  39. well, tomorrow is the day.........
  40. Teddy Bear doesn't love me???
  41. Need prayers for tomorrow
  42. for those with sisters
  43. I'm Mad
  44. Attention Owners of Yorkies 3 lb and Under
  45. It was a BAD night!
  46. Weird Question
  47. Is It Okay....
  48. Riley experienced the subway!!
  49. Should I fence off a small peice of my yard?
  50. Stem Cleaner
  51. Humping...for the lack of a better word
  52. THANK YOU ADMIN!!! (Halloween Prize)
  53. Thanks Peanut!!!!!!!
  54. Another good place to shop for doggie clothing!!!!!
  55. Yorkie Ears
  56. How much do they Pee?
  57. Xpen size?
  58. When did this happen
  59. Second Yorkie?
  60. Weight Question
  61. AvoDerm puppy food
  62. Need Advice, My little guys hair is getting very thin
  63. need someones help!!!
  64. A stranger just picked my baby up!!!
  65. Stingy yorkie?
  66. I almost forgot to tell ya'll
  67. M-I-L- Problems Can you help?
  68. Squeaky Ducky!!
  69. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
  70. Xpen/play yard
  71. Warming pad?
  72. Buddy is acting strange!!!!
  73. Yorkie Dog Modeling
  74. Another big puppy mill busted.....
  75. My 3000 Post Is To All Of You
  76. can my new puppy play in the snow?
  77. Happy Birthday Alyssa!!! 5 yrs. old- Belindtch
  78. Update On The 18 Seized Dogs In Texas
  79. Microchip
  80. Did I make the right choice?
  81. sharing
  82. Looking for warm hoodies
  83. cotton coat advice
  84. I got a new Girl!!!!
  85. 2007 Fall Fashion Show
  86. Soooo ANGRY with groomer
  87. Does your Yorkie know what PJs mean?
  88. hi guys...sorry been packing to move...
  89. need help making words !!
  90. Newbee here
  91. Siri was so Excited...
  92. Dog Food
  93. Harnesses and Shirts/Hoodies
  94. I'm a newbie!
  95. So. Macey Made HER mind up that this is the WAY it WILL be!!!
  96. I don't want to be clean!
  97. Any Yorkie proof toys out there??????
  98. Dear Yorkie Friends
  99. After spay questions?
  100. This Could Save Your Dogs Life!!!
  101. I love YT and all my friends at YT....
  102. Who has a piddle pup??
  103. JennS I have a dress for you
  104. You live and you learn
  105. Does anyone know why...
  106. Oh no, hubby's gonna kill me!
  107. AKC vs. APRI
  108. Need prayers
  109. Banjo-growing! And coming home this weekend
  110. Comfortis..?
  111. I'm about to OD
  112. newbie/oldie
  113. Happy Birthday Duncan!!!!!-lovemyyorkie
  114. Introducing Abby-my sweetheart
  115. Do You Ever Think
  116. Rooky away for a few days.
  117. I am SOOOO tempted...Kalina has 3 half-sisters
  118. Lucy (Lucille Louise) is here!!
  119. I have many questions?
  120. Speakin' of Barkin'
  121. OMG, I knew Callie was bigger...
  122. I adopt a new puppy!!!
  123. sooo new need tips
  124. Should I spay now? Or later?
  125. New to YT and new to Yorkies.
  126. new here
  127. yorkie question
  128. Does Size Really Matter?
  129. I'm kind of worried
  130. Our ordeal
  131. serious problem here
  132. my yorkie does not bark!!! is it normal? he is 6 months old
  133. Hi everyone, Im new!
  134. Sock sweater....
  135. Greetings
  136. The Boys New Shirts !! ADORABLE !!
  137. Puppy mills
  138. Daylight Saving!!!!
  139. for those of you who ship your furbabies
  140. Babybear on the move again.
  141. Spoil you pet????
  142. Maya did WHAT??!?!
  143. Mineral Oil in Eyes Before Bath?
  144. Ny Pet Expo 2007
  145. Did New York Dog/Hollywood Dog magazine go out of business?
  146. I am Cleaning 2day (EWWWKK)
  147. Is it ever to late to socialize?
  148. New Yorkie Owner with Questions
  149. Anyone else being asked this question?
  150. Anyone else being asked this question?
  151. Will it ever end?!
  152. Guess What Hubby Said...
  153. Sprayed and Neutured
  154. Soccer Balls
  155. Zeus and Enja napping together! So lazy!!
  156. Pet Insurance
  157. What a weekend!!
  158. I have a question
  159. The great Mika Caper
  160. Tucker's New Stuff!
  161. Treats, size and color
  162. My boys doing what they do best =)
  163. WARNING: Kalina almost died (choked) because of chicken jerky made by Smokehouse!
  164. HAIR Help Needed!
  165. Lots of love, But not lots of money
  166. Remember Remember the 5th of November
  167. Dry through the night?
  168. Girl Names? Please Help
  169. I just had to tell someone
  170. YAYYYYYY!!! Today's the dayyyyyyyyyy!!!
  171. Hey guybs
  172. why are people still leaving their dogs tied up outside!
  173. It's the little things...
  174. Is there such a thing..
  175. Cute Yorkie mug I got today
  176. CUTE PJ's On Ebay
  177. Seen There's Something About Mary??
  178. Going on vacation..
  179. Greenies
  180. Happy 1st Birthday Enja!!!
  181. Toys?
  182. Another walmart shopper
  183. Hello! New to YT
  184. Look at this little Ewok I found : )
  185. What do ya'll think of my potential girl yorkie...
  186. can someone make me a new avatar?
  187. Please help with a girl's name...
  188. Puppy Cuts...
  189. New Yorkie Owner
  190. puppy names
  191. Today, 11-4, LINDSEY is 9 yrs old...
  192. New Owner ?'s
  193. Does Anyone Know
  194. Who had the youngest yorkie!
  195. Syracuse NY Yorkies LOVERS ??
  196. Can anyone tell me?
  197. 2 Yorkies thinking of getting another?? Good Idea?
  198. Laura,Porsche and Angie
  199. Growling at family members, help me.
  200. My poor baby is scared to death at dog training class..what to do?
  201. Happy Birthday Samson!! doodandy
  202. Happy Birthday Lewis!!! knfurkids
  203. Stainless steel bowl ?
  204. I'm pretty proud of myself
  205. Sorry I'm still new to this
  206. disgusted
  207. congrats! tumi!!
  208. here is a longer list
  209. Curious
  210. YT Sections-PLEASE READ!
  211. Your Babies Christmas Wish List
  212. I'm so sad
  213. Smokey humping Chip?
  214. New yorkie owner
  215. At what age is a Yorkie full grown?
  216. Was it
  217. Heeellllooo Lovely Yt Ladies!!!
  218. A dumb question about a winter coat
  219. How to shave your legs when you have a yorkie
  220. THANK YOU zoeybear! Chef Stedman LOVES His Beachball Bed!!!!
  221. November Birthdays!!!
  222. need some suggestions
  223. Thank You Jennifer!!! (jencar98)!!!
  224. What sizes are you ...
  225. questions on size and grooming
  226. Adults or Puppies?
  227. another yorkie
  228. barking
  229. Introducing spoiled boy to new baby girl?
  230. Super Cute Stuff at Target!
  231. They're enrolled for school!
  232. when will pup mature?
  233. Can't tell from pictures
  234. Just lovely
  235. i have an idea...what do you think?
  236. Woof, Woof I'm 6 Today!!
  237. Hide A Squirrell
  238. I have just given up
  239. My poor little Diddy! I was a wreck all day!
  240. Need Help for GE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  241. Jealous over clothes
  242. He's going to get HOW big?!!
  243. Moving...
  244. Tucker isn't bonding
  245. A Poop Story!
  246. Very Funny Comment by Hubby
  247. Is She a Puppy or Mentally Challenged?
  248. GOOD breeder close to chicago?
  249. So Excited!!!
  250. first barks
