View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - Introducing Princess Mia!
- Scared of so much
- So Frustrated!!!!
- Dog Clothes
- A Grooming Table or ????
- Dancing Yorkie
- Cookie
- Answer is questionable
- Lily May is finally here!!!!
- Hi, I'm a 1st time Yorkie mom...
- Memphis
- How to make ears stand up?
- Doggie Blues (Petsitter or Kennel)?
- lzpeaches! we may have a lead to where lexy may be we need help if you live in iowa
- Does your Yorkie wear a collar?
- Lost & Found Dog eBulletin Board
- If your Yorkie wasn't $1K + ........
- My name is Dena and I've got an addiction......
- Did things get out of hand?
- PLEASE Help!
- Now what do I do - stupid husband alert.
- We had our puppies
- Attacking my hands
- Is Matty Lu a "Pestie"?
- Greetings from a new mom!
- Shake, Rattle, And I don't wanna ROLL... LOL
- Mzzbrat
- Why does she suddenly love her carrier?
- Smokey (who was a Yorkie) is featured on Westminister Dog Show
- To cut or not to cut??
- Can someone explain this to me? (names)
- When Does Catch Me if You Can Stop?
- Too close for comfort!!
- New Baby - RILEY!!
- How do you bushe your dog?
- Chocolate yorkies
- Need volunteers!
- This might sound
- Yorkie Yummies! -DOGblogTV
- We love our new pet carrier!!
- Boy am I a fool
- Im counting down!!!
- Hello im new, and a new yorkie.
- Help!!! Where can I find...
- Petsilk?
- Questions about coats..
- Yorkie Pics
- Pictures of my babies!
- Sad Story
- Chocolate Yorkies
- Tongue question
- Petco Kissing Contest
- Potty Training
- Wee Sebo's getting nuetered this morning.
- Tip of Ear Flipped backwards oppose to forward
- lzpeaches!! new member :)
- What water do you give?
- Getting clothes to fit
- What's your average yearly cost for care/upkeep?
- Bailey is trying to test me again....
- cleaning out tumi's closet
- Too Cold
- wont pee outside
- Cute but aggressive
- sorry people!!
- Biewer question?
- Avatar help
- Really worried
- Mia or CoCo.. Help! We Can't Decide!
- Found Yorkie update #2!!! YEAH
- Mad Yorkie
- Yorkie + Baby
- YT Cookbook??? -- Estimation of when we can buy??
- Reason to Love you
- Question for parents that refuse to Microchip your babies...
- Remember me Soraya
- Microchipping and the cost associated...
- here is my baby Leo
- Rescue my Heart
- How do you show your baby where to go
- Found yorkie update!
- Just wanna say 'Hi'
- Skip Is Home In Georgia
- Microchip?
- We Need A New Mommy!
- Posting Pedigrees
- i brought my little guy home yesterday.
- Aruba
- Sal's birthday list for LGC
- Is $5000.00 to much for a pure breed Yorkie?
- Not puppyless anymore
- Milo's new flat!
- Can You Help Me Remember?????
- Is your Yorkie....
- Meet Everitt
- We have created a little monster
- Act FAST!
- I Would Like you to Meet!!!!
- 4 Babies on 4 babies
- Anyone have a Morkie?
- Happy 1st Birthday Lil' Miss Izzie...
- Happy Birthday!
- I received a strage email! -Yorkie related
- Watermark removed…
- I'm so excited I just had to share..
- Bleu Boy's Sister!
- Memphis and the potty
- Sad news about Chester/Winston
- Please help!
- For those that make their baby's clothes--
- Need suggestions for a registered name!
- Cute little White patch under bottom lip?
- Is it normal..
- <~~~~here he is
- Travel with Yorkies
- New puppy?
- An update of sorts
- My asthma and Maverick
- Buddy learned a new trick!!
- My Yorkie Hates Hair Brush please help!!!
- So I got a yorkie....that's not a yorkie!
- weight gain?
- newbie
- walmart
- What Do You Think??
- Zoë's grounded today
- Rubba Dub Dub
- Dorkyyorkies!! Do you have Turtle and Duckie yet??
- Ears down!
- Problem With Ears
- lost yorkie couple offers $5,000 reward
- Bailey and Tia's secret
- Pet Therapy program at hospital
- How many yorkies do you have?
- 2 weeks old, all SIX are doing great
- You know you're spending too much time on YT when
- Anybody live in Fergus Falls area??
- Hello Everyone: New To The Yorkie Community
- Been gone for months
- Eating his wastes!
- Be Prepared!!!... a little long.. but worthwhile
- Good Luck today Eddie
- Puppy class
- Car sickness what can I give him
- Yorkie meet in MO vs. MI?
- hard to type....
- Isn't it amazing
- Pepper's so smart!!!!
- ~* pets in jacket suits *~
- Dangers of Puppy Training Class
- Alright...I can't hold it in anymore...
- Found Yorkie
- I am pooped!
- y curly
- Need prayers now please!!!
- Looking for a friend
- Is it worth the risk?
- Im New
- How did you train your baby to be quiet in the bag?
- Please Pray for us!!! I'm desperate!
- Don't Let Your Dog Hang Out The Window When You Are Driving!!
- Is she real?
- Ok, who can make me an avatar with 7 or 8 pictures in it?
- these were in the Greenville newspaper
- Wondering
- New Member
- Ok Need Help ...i Am A Little Freaked Out! Very Wierd!!!!
- Nolee back from new groomer!
- Information on the Westminster Dog Show
- voice change
- another place
- Did anyone watch Martha Stewart 2-7-08?
- New yorkie, contain her?
- I finally got a baby girl today!!!!
- Help...I don't know what to do anymore...
- Does Your Baby Do This?
- My new puppy stinks!
- Do you Share?!
- Practical Guide for dog breeders or genetics of the dog
- Should I Tip the Groomer?
- United All Breed Registry
- Need Balwentine ideas....
- How did you choose?
- Rocky is on the Natural Balance Website
- A Question about Diapers
- I Think I Found Where Koda Will come from!!!
- Puppy essentials
- Brand New Yorkie Mom!
- yorkie shampoo
- Scrapbook?
- My Holly Boo Is Bonking!!!!!
- Sad Trucker Story
- Oh no Sammie Sam is mad
- Pitt Bull Attacked Chloe...
- A confession...
- Very first yorkie!!
- Hey all, I'm new to this forum
- Roxy Dreams too
- Done growing?
- Cottony Hair after first haircut grew out
- First Top Knot
- Guys I have a lot of questions.....
- my puppy wont eat
- Oh my
- Is this fairly normal behavior?
- there is nothing more pathetic than a crying puppy
- Guess what ?
- Help Someone HELP
- Car racing fans-new Walmart clothing
- Hello from Oregon
- Talk about day and night!!!!
- New Here
- Bite, Bite, Bite, Bite, Bite!!!
- I just got a visit from Kibble!
- Lookie what I got
- The vet said...
- californias weight
- Is this unique?
- Wierd tale angle
- Get the tissues out! *SOB*
- Woody
- Is the Coach doggie bag a must-have?
- Where did u get your belly bands?
- Xpen?????
- New to YT - First Ever Pet & Need Some Advice
- Is your Yorkie as fast as lightening?
- Newbie here...
- 2 more days until i get my baby
- Big announcement!! (At least for me it is)
- Yippee!!! My Baby's Plaster Has Come Off
- The Oz Man Cometh!!
- Hugs to Hallie and Kisses for Simon
- bring dog food when you fly???
- A bit indelicate ...
- Post your pic of your pup and his Favorite Food
- PICTURES......please look!
- Ohhhh, I'm gonna be in so much trouble!
- Dental and lump removal tomorrow.
- Traveling with puppies
- Yorkie playground...Wait this is my living room!!!
- WE HAVE PUPPIES!! Kimmie's Lily in Labor!!
- surgery on the 15th
- biting and toilet training
- we need yorkie prayers...
- Puppy losing her teeth?
- SUPRISE SUPRISE... you wont believe it...
- Sibling rivalry?
- Adult hair??????????
- Is is normal for female dogs to leak urine?
- Crate, has your yourkie got out............
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