
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Introducing Princess Mia!
  2. Scared of so much
  3. So Frustrated!!!!
  4. Dog Clothes
  5. A Grooming Table or ????
  6. Dancing Yorkie
  7. Cookie
  8. Answer is questionable
  9. Lily May is finally here!!!!
  10. Hi, I'm a 1st time Yorkie mom...
  11. Memphis
  12. How to make ears stand up?
  13. Doggie Blues (Petsitter or Kennel)?
  14. lzpeaches! we may have a lead to where lexy may be we need help if you live in iowa
  15. Does your Yorkie wear a collar?
  16. Lost & Found Dog eBulletin Board
  17. If your Yorkie wasn't $1K + ........
  18. My name is Dena and I've got an addiction......
  19. Did things get out of hand?
  20. PLEASE Help!
  21. Now what do I do - stupid husband alert.
  22. We had our puppies
  23. Attacking my hands
  24. Is Matty Lu a "Pestie"?
  25. Greetings from a new mom!
  26. Shake, Rattle, And I don't wanna ROLL... LOL
  27. Mzzbrat
  28. Why does she suddenly love her carrier?
  29. Smokey (who was a Yorkie) is featured on Westminister Dog Show
  30. To cut or not to cut??
  31. Can someone explain this to me? (names)
  32. When Does Catch Me if You Can Stop?
  33. Too close for comfort!!
  34. New Baby - RILEY!!
  35. How do you bushe your dog?
  36. Chocolate yorkies
  37. Need volunteers!
  38. This might sound
  39. Yorkie Yummies! -DOGblogTV
  40. We love our new pet carrier!!
  41. Boy am I a fool
  42. Im counting down!!!
  43. Hello im new, and a new yorkie.
  44. Help!!! Where can I find...
  45. Petsilk?
  46. Questions about coats..
  47. Yorkie Pics
  48. Pictures of my babies!
  49. Sad Story
  50. Chocolate Yorkies
  51. Tongue question
  52. Petco Kissing Contest
  53. Potty Training
  54. Wee Sebo's getting nuetered this morning.
  55. Tip of Ear Flipped backwards oppose to forward
  56. lzpeaches!! new member :)
  57. What water do you give?
  58. Getting clothes to fit
  59. What's your average yearly cost for care/upkeep?
  60. Bailey is trying to test me again....
  61. cleaning out tumi's closet
  62. Too Cold
  63. wont pee outside
  64. Cute but aggressive
  65. sorry people!!
  66. Biewer question?
  67. Avatar help
  68. Really worried
  69. Mia or CoCo.. Help! We Can't Decide!
  70. Found Yorkie update #2!!! YEAH
  71. Mad Yorkie
  72. Yorkie + Baby
  73. YT Cookbook??? -- Estimation of when we can buy??
  74. Reason to Love you
  75. Question for parents that refuse to Microchip your babies...
  76. Remember me Soraya
  77. Microchipping and the cost associated...
  78. here is my baby Leo
  79. Rescue my Heart
  80. How do you show your baby where to go
  81. Found yorkie update!
  82. Just wanna say 'Hi'
  83. Skip Is Home In Georgia
  84. Microchip?
  85. We Need A New Mommy!
  86. Posting Pedigrees
  87. i brought my little guy home yesterday.
  88. Aruba
  89. Sal's birthday list for LGC
  90. Is $5000.00 to much for a pure breed Yorkie?
  91. Not puppyless anymore
  92. Milo's new flat!
  93. Can You Help Me Remember?????
  94. Is your Yorkie....
  95. Meet Everitt
  96. We have created a little monster
  97. Act FAST!
  98. I Would Like you to Meet!!!!
  99. 4 Babies on 4 babies
  100. Anyone have a Morkie?
  101. Happy 1st Birthday Lil' Miss Izzie...
  102. Happy Birthday!
  103. I received a strage email! -Yorkie related
  104. Watermark removed…
  105. I'm so excited I just had to share..
  106. Bleu Boy's Sister!
  107. Memphis and the potty
  108. Sad news about Chester/Winston
  109. Please help!
  110. For those that make their baby's clothes--
  111. Need suggestions for a registered name!
  112. Cute little White patch under bottom lip?
  113. Is it normal..
  114. <~~~~here he is
  115. Travel with Yorkies
  116. New puppy?
  117. An update of sorts
  118. My asthma and Maverick
  119. Buddy learned a new trick!!
  120. My Yorkie Hates Hair Brush please help!!!
  121. So I got a yorkie....that's not a yorkie!
  122. weight gain?
  123. newbie
  124. walmart
  125. What Do You Think??
  126. Zoë's grounded today
  127. Rubba Dub Dub
  128. Dorkyyorkies!! Do you have Turtle and Duckie yet??
  129. Ears down!
  130. Problem With Ears
  131. lost yorkie couple offers $5,000 reward
  132. Bailey and Tia's secret
  133. Pet Therapy program at hospital
  134. How many yorkies do you have?
  135. 2 weeks old, all SIX are doing great
  136. You know you're spending too much time on YT when
  137. Anybody live in Fergus Falls area??
  138. Hello Everyone: New To The Yorkie Community
  139. Been gone for months
  140. Eating his wastes!
  141. Be Prepared!!!... a little long.. but worthwhile
  142. Good Luck today Eddie
  143. Puppy class
  144. Car sickness what can I give him
  145. Yorkie meet in MO vs. MI?
  146. hard to type....
  147. Isn't it amazing
  148. Pepper's so smart!!!!
  149. ~* pets in jacket suits *~
  150. Dangers of Puppy Training Class
  151. Alright...I can't hold it in anymore...
  152. Found Yorkie
  153. I am pooped!
  154. y curly
  155. Need prayers now please!!!
  156. Looking for a friend
  157. Is it worth the risk?
  158. Im New
  159. How did you train your baby to be quiet in the bag?
  160. Please Pray for us!!! I'm desperate!
  161. Don't Let Your Dog Hang Out The Window When You Are Driving!!
  162. Is she real?
  163. Ok, who can make me an avatar with 7 or 8 pictures in it?
  164. these were in the Greenville newspaper
  165. Wondering
  166. New Member
  167. Ok Need Help ...i Am A Little Freaked Out! Very Wierd!!!!
  168. Nolee back from new groomer!
  169. Information on the Westminster Dog Show
  170. voice change
  171. another place
  172. Did anyone watch Martha Stewart 2-7-08?
  173. New yorkie, contain her?
  174. I finally got a baby girl today!!!!
  175. Help...I don't know what to do anymore...
  176. Does Your Baby Do This?
  177. My new puppy stinks!
  178. Do you Share?!
  179. Practical Guide for dog breeders or genetics of the dog
  180. Should I Tip the Groomer?
  181. United All Breed Registry
  182. Need Balwentine ideas....
  183. How did you choose?
  184. Rocky is on the Natural Balance Website
  185. A Question about Diapers
  186. I Think I Found Where Koda Will come from!!!
  187. Puppy essentials
  188. Brand New Yorkie Mom!
  189. yorkie shampoo
  190. Scrapbook?
  191. My Holly Boo Is Bonking!!!!!
  192. Sad Trucker Story
  193. Oh no Sammie Sam is mad
  194. Pitt Bull Attacked Chloe...
  195. A confession...
  196. Very first yorkie!!
  197. Hey all, I'm new to this forum
  198. Roxy Dreams too
  199. Done growing?
  200. Cottony Hair after first haircut grew out
  201. First Top Knot
  202. Guys I have a lot of questions.....
  203. my puppy wont eat
  204. Oh my
  205. Is this fairly normal behavior?
  206. there is nothing more pathetic than a crying puppy
  207. Guess what ?
  208. Help Someone HELP
  209. Car racing fans-new Walmart clothing
  210. Hello from Oregon
  211. Talk about day and night!!!!
  212. New Here
  213. Bite, Bite, Bite, Bite, Bite!!!
  214. I just got a visit from Kibble!
  215. Lookie what I got
  216. The vet said...
  217. californias weight
  218. Is this unique?
  219. Wierd tale angle
  220. Get the tissues out! *SOB*
  221. Woody
  222. Is the Coach doggie bag a must-have?
  223. Where did u get your belly bands?
  224. Xpen?????
  225. New to YT - First Ever Pet & Need Some Advice
  226. Is your Yorkie as fast as lightening?
  227. Newbie here...
  228. 2 more days until i get my baby
  229. Big announcement!! (At least for me it is)
  230. Yippee!!! My Baby's Plaster Has Come Off
  231. The Oz Man Cometh!!
  232. Hugs to Hallie and Kisses for Simon
  233. bring dog food when you fly???
  234. A bit indelicate ...
  235. Post your pic of your pup and his Favorite Food
  236. PICTURES......please look!
  237. Ohhhh, I'm gonna be in so much trouble!
  238. Dental and lump removal tomorrow.
  239. Traveling with puppies
  240. Yorkie playground...Wait this is my living room!!!
  241. WE HAVE PUPPIES!! Kimmie's Lily in Labor!!
  242. surgery on the 15th
  243. biting and toilet training
  244. we need yorkie prayers...
  245. Puppy losing her teeth?
  246. SUPRISE SUPRISE... you wont believe it...
  247. Sibling rivalry?
  248. Adult hair??????????
  249. Is is normal for female dogs to leak urine?
  250. Crate, has your yourkie got out............
