
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Look what I found at Krogers
  2. She Ate Squirrel or Goose Poop-deworm??
  3. Just thought I would share
  4. house training problems
  5. Whats Your Babys Nickname?
  6. What a scare
  7. Piccolo's First Moving Avatar
  8. Ear Question
  9. Who wants another yorkie!!!
  10. Is your baby more affectionate in the morning?
  11. He's here!!!
  12. Can someone make me a moving avatar? Pwwwwease?
  13. I'm new...lurker finally joins YT
  14. Update on I am starting to dislike Baxter a lot!
  15. Who is your yorkie more attached to?
  16. Golden Yorkies
  17. New to the group
  18. Angry yorkie!
  19. Spending Time with Pup
  20. Hmmm.....not sure how to put this
  21. Walking Multiple Yorkies Together
  22. what do u think?
  23. ADVICE NEEDED from those of you with lil boy yorkies!!!
  24. LOOK at this Yorkie Purse..awww
  25. New and confused
  26. Twinkle is growing up!
  27. A wedding album for your precious pooches?
  28. Haircut Time.....
  29. Garrett's Playdate...
  30. Help..why is he doing this??
  31. Separation Anxiety???
  32. Thinking of getting a second furbaby...any thoughts??
  33. Barking in their sleep?
  34. How does anyone have the energy for more than 1 furbutt?
  35. does anyone else have this problem??
  36. Grooming: Where do you go or do you~?
  37. Stroller for Multiple Dogs
  38. Yogurt
  39. Newbie Here
  40. Dogs to be returned to Teresita Hughes
  41. Bladder stones
  42. Would I be pushing it, if
  43. Everlasting Distributors Inc. Issues a Nationwide Recall
  44. Help w/ New Yorkie
  45. Help w/ New Yorkie
  46. I must be the worlds worst daughter!,sorry need to vent(again)
  47. Does anyone else have this problem?
  48. Need a Laugh Watch out for Fedex drivers.
  49. Gus' Choice for President - Not Mine
  50. for those that have lil BOYS...introducing new male into home
  51. New here
  52. Do your Yorkies have temper tantrums?
  53. Finally Saying Hi
  54. Free Dog Food!
  55. I'm Getting a Little Girl!
  56. I'm Bored
  57. Cheek to cheek
  58. New little girl !!!
  59. Hiccups?
  60. Who says dogs aren't "self-aware"?
  61. Hello! From Edmondsham .Dorset . UK
  62. Time Change
  63. giving treats to someone else's dogs
  64. Does your yorkie think he's a Rottweiller?
  65. Third Design!
  66. I want to choke some people!!!
  67. Finally able to post some good news....LOOK!!
  68. Help- Teeth, Coat, and Ears
  69. Anyone know a good groomer?
  70. prayers please!!!!
  71. Going Potty in the Muddy Rain with a Full Coat... HELP Keep Her Clean & Itch Free!
  72. Skiddish?
  73. Do you ever just....
  74. Plaque-Off
  75. one husband free (you haul)
  76. Dog Carrier Question
  77. Singer Futura CE150
  78. Hannah First Time Mommy in 10 more days
  79. How to get Roxy used to a top knot?
  80. Preparing for puppy....
  81. No More Dieting & Exercise
  82. A belated hi from Pinkfox and my baby girl, Lottie
  83. Intro and a few questions
  84. Recently joined YT
  85. Zoey has doggy breast cancer!!!
  86. Help! Remy and Roscoe are going at it!
  87. I'm Happily Married , but
  88. Curious Behavior - Leash Triggers Thirst
  89. Indoor Clothes
  90. Good Morning!! Nov 1st, 2008
  91. Heat,season...
  92. Our New Puppy
  93. I'm so happy with my vet.
  94. does your dog have a nickname??
  95. Better late than never....hello!
  96. Anti-social pup is giving me the blues!!!
  97. New to this fourm
  98. Spay and potty issue?!
  99. So Disappointed!!!
  100. YorkieTalk Halloween Contest 2008 WINNERS!
  101. New Yorkie owner
  102. Halloween Night Safety
  103. Is it possible to pee pad train a boy dog?
  104. Do any of your dogs do this?
  105. Just have to share this happiness
  106. Yesterday
  107. feeding my baby
  108. Bubba got mail!!!!!!
  109. Flying Prices
  110. Looking for a female Yorkie puppy in or around Seattle, WA
  111. Please check out! Thanks!!
  112. Chooooo Chooooooo....ALLLLL Abooooard...
  113. New member of yorkie talk
  114. I need to make a decision
  115. Puppies on Kimora Life in the Fab Lane
  116. My friends boston terriers killed three of her dogs!
  117. CoCo Pebbles Mom
  118. Happy First Birthday Phantom & Brandi Blu!
  119. Horrible night last night - don't know what went wrong!
  120. Almost time!!!
  121. yorkies and furniture
  122. Alex Kwigly Bo bag owners
  123. Must See!!!!
  124. Cutting nails
  125. Looking for a great Breeder.. near NYC
  126. Pet Stores in Hawaii?
  127. For anyone who has boarded their baby before...
  128. It's EDIE'S 8th Birthday!!!
  129. Anyone in or around Harrahs, OK looking for a cutie!
  130. Is it possible for yorkie to be allergic to a collar?
  131. OMG, cutest pet tags EVER! and crazy cheap
  132. Deep Throat
  133. Success!!!
  134. Question of the Day
  135. What do I need to be prepared for?
  136. Dumb Crimimal!
  137. Please explain differences in belly bands
  138. Kobe Nipping - not good!!
  139. K9 Amber Alert-Yorkie Found-Long Island NY
  140. Happy Birthday JACK!!!
  141. Bella attacked Field Mouse!
  142. Tutu????? Anyone!!!!
  143. Chewing Issue
  144. leaving clothes on yorkies
  145. Take Maya Please
  146. Help! Do belly bands work for older, bigger dogs?
  147. Very, Very Excited!
  148. Help! My Yorkie is Bad
  149. adding yorkie #2 to the family : ) : ) : )
  150. totally random but a sad story
  151. Bump between shoulder blades?
  152. what tricks does your Yorkie know?
  153. Hello Everyone
  154. Can't Win
  155. Airline Prices!!
  156. How on earth do I cut her nails??
  157. Poor Bella
  158. New Mom Needs Help
  159. Male Shorkie
  160. 6 month old yorkie for sale...
  161. Babie's in onesies:
  162. new to forum
  163. cat poop
  164. Tartget budget
  165. Bianca is HOME!!!!
  166. Happy b-day princess!!!!!!!!!
  167. Need advice- Moved and Yorkie is very scared
  168. I need HELP!!!!! ANY IDEAS???
  169. EMERGENCY! Help Needed for yorkie!
  170. Introduction of a very special person!!!
  171. New owner of Yorkies
  172. Pet Ordinances
  173. It's going to be a long day.
  174. Hi i'm new!
  175. Puppy breath withdrawals
  176. 2008 Halloween Contest Outtakes & Bloopers Discussion
  177. I don't know what to do :(
  178. Starting a Doggie DayCare, Need Advice!
  179. do you know?
  180. I have some babies on the way....
  181. Winter Season: Eating & Excerise
  182. flossies in bulk??
  183. Look What I Found At Target
  184. New Yorkie Mom
  185. If your dog eats Solid Gold dog food
  186. Teddy's being frisky
  187. Recuperating from surgery w/active pup
  188. hello from cinderella and her mommy
  189. New To YorkieTalk
  190. Need Advice On Being a Friend
  191. Petspa fontana ca
  192. Akc paper work
  193. First professional groom for Roxie
  194. VOTE for your YorkieTalk Halloween Contest 2008 Winners!
  195. Patterns
  196. It's getting kinda chilly~~~
  197. I'm On my way to rescue a baby!
  198. Microchipping--the one stop shop ;)
  199. Blue puppies
  200. she looks like an old dog .....
  201. It's 55 degrees in Miami !!!
  202. Approsimately 30 minutes left!!!
  203. Puppy sleeping a lot in the evening before bedtime
  204. Unusual behavior????
  205. Question about different size of yorkies?
  206. Sick??
  207. puppy pads - best deal
  208. Luxating Patella surgery this afternoon
  209. Winter Walks?
  210. your own onesies
  211. Crying to his toy girlfriend
  212. They found Kobe!!!!
  213. which dog carrier bag should i get?
  214. New to yt
  215. anyone know what happened to this member?
  216. New Member
  217. Penn State Mascot
  218. BoBo passed away...
  219. Zoey's Fall Pictures
  220. Extremely Nervous
  221. Could it be Reverse Sneezing or Collasped Treachea? Help!
  222. ewwww........boogers!!!
  223. Hello to all Yorkie Lovers.
  224. Does anyone watch Supernatural?
  225. Crooked teeth
  226. Pwease Vote for Rocky
  227. Relocating Puppy? Good idea? Yes? No?
  228. Does anyone else's yorkie do this?
  229. Quick Reminder-don't forget to submit halloween photos!!!
  230. Thank you Zanders' mom
  231. Pic of Minnie
  232. I am so proud of Rickles
  233. Please HELP!!!-New yorkie baby upsetting my Lilly
  234. I need your opinion :)
  235. A little thank you
  236. wats up with this???
  237. A Pet's Ten Commandments..
  238. How big do these guys grow?
  239. Maybe I am just a horrible trainer.
  240. Need feedback please.....
  241. When will the barking happen?
  242. Anyone do a 5k with their Yorkie?
  243. not sure if Stewie is 100% Yorkie
  244. So sad, did i do the right thing?
  245. should i have my yorkie spayed or not?
  246. Picture's of babie's sleeping:
  247. odd hair growth question
  248. We're new. . . well kinda
  249. Starsky and Shylah won most original!!
  250. Not a Yorkie Question
