
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. grooming
  2. Dr. Phil
  3. My Chester is missing.
  4. toys for my little ones
  5. DON'T FREAK OUT YT'ers!!!!!!
  6. New Member
  7. Help! How do I introduce Thor to another dog that he will be living with!?!
  8. Sean John Dog Apparel/Pics anyone seen these?
  9. close ups on all furbabies
  10. Pittsburgh Pet Expo
  11. Everyone close to Gray Summit MO. There is a Dog Show Coming!!!
  12. Went a little crazy with the picture taking this weekend
  13. Anybody Know A Good Pet Odor Removal Remedy!!
  14. Can't get the screaming out of my head
  15. Maximus was eating an alligator hand......
  16. Question on puppy reunion
  17. my mom's new yorkie
  18. Pic's from the Bark at the park
  19. hair sprey for dogs?
  20. Hawwie, Twace...SOMEBODY!!!!
  21. Free Stuff!
  22. I got a girlfriend at PetsMart
  23. When first groomed?
  24. Making cookies, need help! (ot)
  25. Breaking color?
  26. Changing Colors
  27. Poor Peanut!
  28. Yorkie play groups
  29. I need some feedback please...
  30. Whats the diiference....
  31. Nedda
  32. Yorkies as Service Dogs/Therapy Dogs
  33. Bettye, Dawn and Samantha.....
  34. Airline Approved Carrier
  35. Do you have Pet Insurance??? pt2
  36. Just a thought....
  37. Would you buy a Puppy on the Internet?
  38. Concerns about spaying a tiny yorkie...
  39. Update on Lida - The Miracle Pup!
  40. Parti/Biewer Yorkie Question
  41. A question about neutering`
  42. I have a question...
  43. Mating Sites
  44. Cheese Bad For Small Breeds?????
  45. Greedy with Greenies
  46. New girl to our bunch.
  47. Bentley hates her....and US
  48. Hello, we're new and we'd like to know you
  49. Grandmas house
  50. selling dogs after only a few posts...please read
  51. Grab some coffee~ very long
  52. My hat is off to breeders!
  53. Stuffing in toys
  54. Head lice? Ick.
  55. Stacisnyder04 Kansas Collage +software info.
  56. Jealous Yorkie
  57. Funny video
  58. Cyndie - Bows
  59. Question about Yorkie
  60. Rika Picture
  61. breeding my male yorkie
  62. Oregon Sees It's First Case of Canine Flu
  63. My girl is FIFTEEN months and may be having her 1st season?!
  64. So funny
  65. Simon broke his front leg
  66. Bows or No Bows?
  67. Finally...Maddie & Kirby's Birthday Party!
  68. G I Gus
  69. Hello Sandy of Singapore!!!
  70. Price of puppies
  71. Emergency Help!!
  72. yorkie male or female --what should i choose
  73. Puppy's last words
  74. Yayyyy! I'm getting her!!!
  75. Should I worry about "sweating"?
  76. shaved bald!
  77. Best Pee Wee Pads?
  78. Finally Figured out Pictures! (I Hope)
  79. Tucker Was In The Pet Show Today..
  80. Alpha dog questions.....
  81. Toatally different look after grooming today
  82. Suggestion for groomers
  83. Leash trained?
  84. He's catching on quick
  85. gross behavior
  86. Different types of barks
  87. Thumper needs a ride....
  88. Judi P. and Baili
  89. Qestion about bathing
  90. Hello
  91. she has no dignity
  92. Woke up to a tongue in my ear...
  93. Brownie Won!! Brownie Won!!
  94. Do You Have One Picture You're Glad You Got?
  95. Dog Flu!!!!
  96. Looking for handler in california
  97. Dinieangel
  98. Confused about dog shows
  99. Pet Contest... Please Vote!!!!
  100. Chester is coming out of the closet!
  101. Male agression?
  102. OK, I give, I'm finally posting
  103. What To Expect After Spayed?
  104. Yorkie for sale on E-Bay!
  105. Eating the drywall?
  107. Cloths for Satch
  108. Milky Discharge? What is it?
  109. So poud of Snickers !!
  110. Funny Pictures!!
  111. Kelsey just learned...
  112. Question about United Yorkie Rescue
  113. Tips For Moving With Pets
  114. daddy??
  115. Princess Kissed My Tears Away
  116. Some funny shaped doggy treats......
  117. Did she want to be bathe?
  118. Oh Wexxxxy, how is yur brudder??
  119. Does anyone's Yorkie do this???????
  120. Need advise about Don King Hair
  121. :( Mason is being a brat!!!!
  122. Rowdys Mom
  123. Piper Got Peed On!
  124. New Port Richey, Florida Member
  125. Ripoff Vet in Manhattan
  126. Deegan doens't like to pee in the cold
  127. Tipping the much???
  128. leave the ponytail in?
  129. Sleeping Warm
  130. Nervous to leave her
  131. Annie is staying!!!!!!!!
  132. who says boys can't wear
  133. New Here..:-))with a few questions.
  134. My New Book and The What Makes You Cry Thread
  135. Welcome to Paradise!
  136. How Did You Join!
  137. grooming school question
  138. Really Nice Yorkie Art.
  139. Is there anyone else like me?????
  140. many Chewy's are there?
  141. Thumper is on Puppyfind!
  142. AW DANG! Chewy! Gross!
  143. Halloween Costumes
  144. YT Shirts
  145. Does your Yorkie sleep like this?
  146. Bat-Dog (Rowdy) ears update
  147. Wyatt bit the Vet Tech
  148. New Member
  149. Best Stroller
  150. petcareinsurance
  151. When me and Bwasco....
  152. Southern Cal - you okay? Seeing wildfire on CNN
  153. Been a while
  154. Who's cuter: boys or girls?
  155. Ever heard of a yorkie with white feet?
  156. Question about petedge
  157. Ok, they're 8 weeks old now
  158. Boarding help please......
  159. PetEdge Shipping Costs to Canada
  160. I FINALLY named my new puppy (New Picture)
  161. New to this site
  162. A big warm welcome to all our new members!
  163. 60 Feces-Covered Pets Found In Home
  164. Update on Pita's scratching
  165. Help! Anyone Know Of A Dog Sitter?
  166. another cold-hearted owner on craigslist
  167. Yay I Figured Out How to Make the Speech Bubbles!! NOW PICTURES!!
  168. Does your little yorkie girl prefer little yorkie boys?
  169. How important are AKC Papers to you?
  170. Buy Hallie get Simon Free!!!
  171. Video and Picture Of How Tucker Tortures Rusty!!!
  172. First Cold Morning
  173. Best sense: Hearing, smelling or seeing?
  174. Attn: Mane 'n Tail Users...
  175. Topknot ?
  176. Stuff I just noticed
  177. Does your yorkie do this?
  178. Chechinmipo
  179. Porscha got a house/closet!
  180. Hello Everyone
  181. Please help!!
  182. Toby the idiot!
  183. Does anyone else have a Yorkie Site?
  184. Wow.. she did IT!
  185. Reaction or lump at shot site?
  186. Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  187. How much has your yorkie changed?
  188. Hangers?
  189. my yorkie is pregnant
  190. What do you think??
  191. So. CA Event - Bark at the Park, Lancaster
  192. Yorkie stolen from Petco!!!
  193. Protein amount
  194. taking your dog with you OVERSEA
  195. Carrier Question
  196. pictures please
  197. White spots
  198. Search is still on
  199. MeganS empty your mailbox
  200. Little more info on the Canine Flu
  201. Travelling With Pets
  202. Smile
  203. Humping Brother!
  204. We Won !!
  205. Halloween costumes! {HeHeHe}
  206. Has a Post or thread on Yorkie Talk Ever made You Laugh or Cry?
  207. Please help
  208. Yorkie-Poo
  209. Puppy Financing
  210. New puppy on the way
  211. Hi fwom Peanut!
  212. Oh no, my moms new couch!
  213. young puppies eating
  214. her face hair is stragally
  215. How to make a bed with 4 yorkies on it!!
  216. Housebreaking Relaspes
  217. Funny/Sweet Picture of New Puppy
  218. Back up and sit
  219. Dood Morning My Hawwiebaby!!!!!
  220. My baby doesnt eat !
  221. Getting New Yorkie Baby on Monday!
  222. How old was your..
  223. Gap denim dog bag
  224. She fell asleep getting a bath!
  225. makes breeding a pleasure
  226. my hero
  227. What size is your yorkie's carrier?
  228. Getting prepared for winter- any pointers?
  229. Picture Overload! WOW!
  230. Suggestion and thoughts please
  231. To Clip or Not to Clip?
  232. Cosmo's ears
  233. I fink I might dit to teep Peanut!
  234. I need your opinions - please!!!
  235. Lookie everybody!!! My ears are up!!
  236. Petition to take pets with you in evacuation
  237. Mommy Just figured it out
  238. How old before they catch on??
  239. microchipping
  240. bumps
  241. pulling on my leg
  242. Update on Yorkie Talk Convention
  243. Help! 6 Pounds @ 3 Motnhs!
  244. O/T New book finds
  245. Anyone have exper with any of these breeders
  246. STOP humping me already....
  247. Watch them when they sleep!
  248. Is he marking or just mad at me??????
  249. New Pics of Mavrick & Mercedes (Red/Gold Yorkie Pups)
  250. Female acting weird
