
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Lmao
  2. What makes a yorkie a Champion Yorkie?
  3. I found a miracle detangler!!!
  4. How is your Yorkie's personality?
  5. hair sticking up on neck
  6. New puppy simon
  7. How often do you brush teeth?
  8. Monday is the BIG DAY!!!! Yahoo
  9. Yorkie Friends
  10. Very Very Important!
  11. Afraid of his nylabone
  12. long eyelashes
  13. Vilette..!!!
  14. I'm Keeping Her!
  15. New Pictures of Red Yorkie Pup Litter 5 Weeks Old
  16. shaking
  17. Meet Pudgy Pickles
  18. Is My Yorkie Going to Forget Me?
  19. Another yorkie or a maltese
  20. Airline Travel
  21. rough night!
  22. They did it!!!!!!!
  23. ???
  24. Floppy Ears.......
  25. Can we go to sleep now PWEASE??!!
  26. Pudgys Home
  27. Houston Dog Show July 21-24. Anyone going?
  28. Counterfeit products Watch out
  29. 4th of July outfits for my furbabies! PICS :)
  30. Prayers Needed
  31. How to say "no"
  32. Did/do your babies bite?
  33. New Pics of ME(Dinero)
  34. Giving Gerber To Puppy
  35. Need Advice......Please Help
  36. Heartworm Program
  37. Maximus jumped in my landlords pool!!!
  38. Sit! Stay! Fetch! What can your dogs do?
  39. say hello to Pudgy Pickles
  40. What does everyone use for tangles?
  41. Triple axle anyone??
  42. Another Grooming Question...
  43. Yorkie's with allergies - environment/dog food?
  44. Mister Got To Go and Arnie Book (Yorkie Children's Book)
  45. Doggles - Has your Yorkie used them?
  46. brought home my puppy last night
  47. Look at me, look at me....
  48. HELP with grooming PLEASE!!!!
  49. Expressing an ANUS???
  50. Play Pens
  51. im making a yorkie wallpaper...
  52. Thanks to you all...
  53. Eating Poo!!
  54. Stop the begging
  55. Dog Insurance/dog Not Eating Pls Help
  56. Yorkie Faces
  57. Crazy daisies!!
  58. disney stuff for yorkies
  59. Hello
  60. Tough Guy???
  61. Oh! Nuts..I've been neutered!!!
  62. barkery ?
  63. Little Begger
  64. See ya in a week!
  65. Reunited
  66. Dennis & Lily first time at the beach
  67. Bad water???....Pissed
  68. Smoky the war dog
  69. treats
  70. Help-genetic predisposition/how to screen
  71. New Forum for Sick/Injured Yorkies & Emergencies
  72. Regarding Private Messages and Personal Attacks
  73. Help newborn puppy not nursing
  74. my poor louis!!! Infection!!!
  75. Alaska Airlines
  76. Has anyone tried this breeder?
  77. Take your doggy to work day!!!!
  78. P.j.'s.....
  79. b_veselka
  80. Hotel Chains that take Pets???
  81. Pet Store Robbery
  82. Barkless spinning Yorkies!
  83. Yorkie's in heat
  84. Officer Tykie reporting to duty and Bubba honoring our country =) (ADORABLE PICS!)
  85. Doggie Suitcases???
  86. Chirs Christensen Products
  87. Do not buy from this breeder.
  88. Is This a Biewer Yorkie???
  89. oh my word oh my word
  90. Yorkie at Pet Star today
  91. ROCKY is going to be a STAR!!!
  92. Is it ok to pluck whiskers??
  93. Is he going to hurt his back or knees?
  94. Dogs v. kids
  95. Trimming eyelashes?
  96. New Pics
  97. Siggies.....
  98. Coat Handler Grooming Products
  99. small breed vets
  100. Confused New Puppy Owner! please read
  101. Eating the walls
  102. Need advice
  103. What do you think....
  104. Chattanooga Yorkie Meetup!!!
  105. Poem for YT
  106. Dogs watching movies?
  107. Licking Tiger
  108. Need Help finding a safe Hidden Fence for less than 5 lb. Yorkie
  109. Safety Tips for the 4th of July Holiday
  110. First Visit to the Groomer
  111. Luxating Patellas
  112. Anyone want to join me in chat??
  113. Not what I had in mind!
  114. Is my yorkie normal in height?
  115. Fighting?
  116. Something unexpectedly arrived in the mail!
  117. finally a day of summer
  118. Snoodles dress for the fourth
  119. Another neighbors' story--What are they thinking?
  120. I'm leaving my baby for a week!
  121. Please look in here everyone.
  122. Poem for Bkessler, Figment, Lady of Yorkies
  123. Figment...what about the neighbors?
  124. Clothes
  125. what do you keep there toys in???
  126. Where did the time go?
  127. Bailey just got evicted!
  128. Seperation Anxiety..
  129. Mimi 6mo old today Pics!
  130. What in the world?
  131. My girls!
  132. I got my first foster
  133. combination fur?
  134. How often do you?
  135. Tucker's Growing Up...
  136. Thanks everyone, I'm doing ok.
  137. Nighty night
  138. Romeo's New Vacation Wardrobe!!
  139. Olivia Protesting Puppy Mills
  140. Scared of the blow dryer
  141. Petsmart Pictures.......
  142. Tatum's new sister...
  143. Just an idea
  144. Dressing the dogs
  145. Harness Vs. Collar
  146. More than one yorkie??
  147. Potty issues!
  148. Harnesses
  149. Penny Photo- FINALLY HAVE ONE FOR YOU!
  150. Does This Mean Anything?
  151. Puppy has Matts everywhere! Please Help!!
  152. Summer cut question?? HELP
  153. Anyone from Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, Long Island or New Jersey?
  154. Agressive Behavior!?!?
  155. Thinking About Getting A 3rd Dog - Need Your Advice!
  156. 100,000 prize!
  157. Happy 1/2 Birthday
  158. Cutting puppy hair?
  159. Wookie is making a weird coughing noise?
  160. Puppies Stolen or Rescued in Orlando?
  161. Heartbroken
  162. Popsicles
  163. Where did his teeth go?
  164. Luigi keeps chewing...
  165. Tucker's First T-Shirt
  166. What's you dog's favorite treat?
  167. help! he is so scared!
  168. YT'ers are ~CrAzY~
  169. Mac & Mellie - update
  170. confused about hair in the ears
  171. I could have strangled her...
  172. Brutus is 6 months today!
  173. bubbles!!!
  174. Nail clipping a yorkie. Impossible??!!
  175. Introduction
  176. what color are your yorkie's eyes?
  177. Bentley & Bitsy's Pups PICS 12 weeks old!!!
  178. My girl's night out...
  179. Newest Member To The Fam!
  180. Some People!!!
  181. She is nutsssss
  182. Question about YT member??
  183. Baby Teeth?
  184. Chewy's First Visit to the Dogrun
  185. Who's coming? SF Yorkie Convention
  186. Where can I find a sweatshirt for my dog....
  187. Size of crate
  188. Here Comes The Bride!
  189. Ironic thing about Mochas Death
  190. I'm So proud!!
  191. new yorkie mom
  192. Am I being paranoid????
  193. IMPORTIAN please advise
  194. Cesar puppy food.
  195. What The Heck Is He Doing???????
  196. My Boss....
  197. Nutrical v. Nutristat
  198. Funny Yorkie Pictures
  199. SHOCKED...Maxx May Not Have Died!! Scammed!?!
  200. Polly Want A Cracker Or A Schatzie?
  201. Product comparison - flea/tick control
  202. How do you introduce yourself???
  203. Nervous Mom
  204. Am I the only one???
  205. Newbie
  206. Do Not Eat
  207. Yorkies in the Pool
  208. Rescue Yorkies
  209. ref best shop for dog clothes
  210. Dennis & Lilly go home after a hard day in the Office!
  211. I no longer have a love life.......
  212. Tricks...
  213. Yorkie Sports Fans
  214. Wookie....Yorkie... Same thing???
  215. doggie gifts
  216. Julz,thanks for the tip on the Brewers Yeast
  217. Happy 2nd Birthday Zeus!!
  218. Gog Grooming Parlour names - apt or silly?
  219. Check this article out
  220. Dennis & Lilly go to Work with Dad
  221. Brooke..
  222. Villette..
  223. Gus does not care for Bam too much
  224. Does somebody know...
  225. M
  226. Brenda
  227. Scared to Put Frontline on By Myself!
  228. Figment
  229. Whats the best animal shelter/org. to donate to?
  230. What's the longest you've been without YT?
  231. Need help please...!
  232. Is it just me?
  233. I just had to share this with you guys...
  234. Brand New Member
  235. Lost yorkie
  236. Anyone know a good breeder
  237. Using the Bathroom Outside...
  238. New member here
  239. Chewy skateboarding!
  240. I can do attachments!!!
  241. 5 Year Old Libby Needs Home - Help Convince Stepdad!
  242. I like floppy ears better :)
  243. Biting
  244. Central NJ meetup...
  245. Tear stain....what to do?
  246. Maddy doesn't like anybody but me
  247. It's about darn time.......
  248. Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day
  249. Childless Yorkie Owners of Childbearing Age
  250. New to Group
