
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Praying for a miracle. So I bought Nature's Miracle.
  2. Animal Funds for Japan
  3. Huntington (NY) grooming
  4. In need of a veterinarian in the Atlanta area!
  5. Sluggish and not wanting to eat 4 days after spay...
  6. Carsick pup
  7. little nervous
  8. Excited/Nervous!!
  9. Hello again!!
  10. A MUST read!! This is horrible!
  11. Happy Birthday Taycie!
  12. Trouble with grooming
  13. My 4months yorkie have color dilution alopcia!
  14. Just saying hi!
  15. Thin hair on my 4 month old Yorkies chest
  16. shots
  17. With a heavy heart
  18. Messing with me...
  19. coughing
  20. Ivan the Bully
  21. Coat change from Pup to Adult?
  22. Breaking New's Adopting Again
  23. So proud of my Oliver!
  24. Yorkie coat color change from Pup to Adult?
  25. Just saying hi
  26. It's been almost 4 weeks!
  27. Any success with Eye Envy?
  28. flea help
  29. Puppy
  30. animal planet.. miami
  31. Help Sophie somehow got out of her playpen
  32. Comforting a new adult yorkie.
  33. Emergency puppy kit ingredients?
  34. Look what my sister got me!
  35. My YT and kids know something is up :(
  36. Animals in Japan
  37. Have you seen these yet?
  38. Color Question
  39. Stones in urinary tract and further down
  40. puppy alone for 4hrs advice
  41. Snuggles Project
  42. Introduction
  43. Scooters surgery
  44. Scared Yorkie after being in crate
  45. Introduction
  46. My little girl is alienating herself :(
  47. NO!!! Hes not going to be spoiled!!!
  48. Wild Rice Yorkies, MI
  49. Agressive behavor
  50. How can I get Hudson to poop outside?
  51. Please Help! Im a new Yorkie Momma!!!
  52. Basil on St. Patricks day
  53. Does this look like a puppy mill?
  54. "Blue Baby" Mac Update!!!!
  55. Check your fences
  56. Does Your Yorkie Eat With You?
  57. My Yorkie's droopy ears
  58. Tummy troubles...Help? (TMI)
  59. We have a jack rabbit at the dog park!
  60. If you don't want your dog...
  61. shaking
  62. Can anyone help?!?!
  63. She has turned into a she devil
  64. Purina one beyond
  65. Gizmo gets his stiches out on monday!
  66. any advice welcome!!! 9 week old "YOKIE"!
  67. worried about everything
  68. What to do
  69. I need advice:(
  70. Does your yorkie sleep with you or in his/her own bed??
  71. Help! My yorkie HATES his X-pen!
  72. Hiya to the forum :)
  73. I finally found the perfect breeder to buy from!!
  74. Newbie from the San Francisco Bay Area on board!
  75. What a difference a week makes
  76. I Just Dont Get It!!
  77. Puppy No Longer Sleeping Through
  78. South-North pet pipeline
  79. Bienvenue Mademoiselle Coco
  80. Yorkie AND Macaw in Family????
  81. Help!!!
  82. Yay!!!
  83. Registration Papers
  84. Neutered male bruised after humping?
  85. I'm new here
  86. Might be Adopting From Our Local Shelter!
  87. Say Hello To "Pocket"
  88. What is your vote for best "Chew Bone"
  89. My puppy is a jumper!!
  90. Sending Prayers for YT members in Japan
  91. Very first bath for Max
  92. Bad to the bone...
  93. Little shop of terrors...
  94. *April* almost 6 month old
  95. I've been outsmarted
  96. Tsunami Warning on the North West Coast
  97. Going to Eukanuba National Championship 2011 in Orlando FL
  98. YAY!!!!!! Pet store in my area is under new ownership!
  99. So jealous
  100. Moonlight Kennels MO
  101. I finally found my baby!!!
  102. Need help please!!!!!!!!1
  103. What are your little one's favorite things?
  104. Do you do it or pay someone to?
  105. Can't get a straight answer...
  106. 3 year old yorkie, still change coat colors?
  107. Hello newbie looking for puppy pad training tips!
  108. HELP!! New puppy has bad sleep habits!
  109. She wears BOOTIES!!
  110. Grooming questions
  111. Khloe the Killer (:
  112. Yorkie thinks she is a big, bad , dog !
  113. Coco countdown... t-12 hours!
  114. Please Speak Up Missourians!!! : Prop B Overturned
  115. New Member!!
  116. Happy Birthday Armani!!!
  117. My Male Yorkie hunted and killed my neighbours cat
  118. Fritz has gone to his furever home.
  119. Anyone try this?
  120. lions and tiger and bears...OH MY!!
  121. Making a smooth transition
  122. New to Group and Yorkies :-)
  123. Anyone live in Charlotte, NC...need groomer
  124. Question regarding buddy belt
  125. Arabella's big sister crossed the rainbow bridge
  126. Going 100% Yorkie!
  127. Name my new furbaby!
  128. Do you ever feel guilty?
  129. Tell Your Funny Yorkie Stories!!
  130. What Should I Get Bee For Her BIRTHDAY :) March 26 ?
  131. new to site and new yorkie puppy help??
  132. 2 dogs Poisoned.. so sad
  133. Peanut had a breakthrough!
  134. little slow runt
  135. Yorkie wont bond to me
  136. Thank you!!!!
  137. Disgusted!
  138. Chelsea York is almost here.
  139. New Addition
  140. French kissing !
  141. Wdyp?
  142. Excited Newbie!
  143. Dog shampoo?
  144. Considering my values with animals an whether to take a new job
  145. This just warmed my heart today.
  146. Yorkie in the car??
  147. Another Puppy Store Closure!
  148. Wow!!
  149. Gizmo's Report Card
  150. So Mad!
  151. I Just Made A Fool Of Myself
  152. New to YorkieTalk - Couple Questions -
  153. How does your Yorkie/s Kiss you?
  154. Just wanted to say "Hi"
  155. Hair product to smooth down facial hair
  156. Bella has gained some weight!
  157. Whine
  158. Issues: repost
  159. Newbie to YorkieTalk forums
  160. Hello Everyone
  161. Tribute to my 2 yorkie terriers Mizzy & Barney
  162. Step-In vs Mesh Harness
  163. How spoiled?
  164. Curious - should I not allow my dog to kiss me and for how long
  165. Looking to purchase a yorkie from breeder in Nj
  166. Looking for a yorkie breeder in nj
  167. Hungry yorkie
  168. R. I. P. My Darling Rosie.xxxx
  169. Grooming your own yorkie
  170. Happy Birthday Shiner Bock!!
  171. single litter question!
  172. So frustrating!
  173. Does anyone know?
  174. I'm taking the plunge...
  175. car sickness
  176. Going through the in between stage while growing hair out
  177. Sad and Angry!!
  178. Adopted Yorkie
  179. Sophie babes comes home march 11th
  180. Almost week one!!
  181. Yes, she's "fixed"
  182. a little upset and confused?!
  183. Anxious, Nervous, & Excited...What am I to do?
  184. Are Buzzards a danger to yorkies?
  185. Hello all
  186. my new addition to the family
  187. Crate/pen training some help plus update
  188. Now what do we do????
  189. Accidentally ate one of my lasix
  190. Lil Pals Harness??? Help us please
  191. Yorkies and other breeds
  192. Hello, Newbie here!
  193. exciting news !!!!!
  194. Chloe has a sister!!S
  195. A friend has a extremely tiny yorkie &
  196. meeting new dogs
  197. Spring like weather and water
  198. First Visit to the Groomer?
  199. Cesar going ballistic at night...
  200. new to this forum
  201. Pebbles turns 3 tomorrow.
  202. My Lucy is pregnant!
  203. when did you start taking your pup outside for potty>
  204. Remy’s horrible terrible no good bad day
  205. Anyone gotten their dog to tolerate a topknot?
  206. Grooming and Hair Cutting (Extra Fine Coat)
  207. Pet Head Shampoo
  208. Vet in Ottawa
  209. Remy's pigtails! lol!
  210. Vegas, Baby!
  211. Pokemon Yorkie
  212. car seat help
  213. How quick they grow
  214. Collar?
  215. New Member
  216. Leaving my Babies!
  217. Yorkie accidentally killed by neighbor. OK to ask for money?
  218. Our new beds
  219. Hey!!
  220. Hello Yorkie Talk Community
  221. Washable Piddle Pads
  222. I'm one proud momma!
  223. fighting and rehoming
  224. Is 4 pounds too small?
  225. Hi! New to Forum.
  226. Your yorkie's favorite sleeping positions?
  227. Bella as Prey!
  228. Dry Skin - help!
  229. Soft Poop Issue
  230. Need advice and pep-talk before Mina's surgery
  231. So many rude people! or is it just me??
  232. Happy 1st Birthday Calvin!!!
  233. Happy first birthday roxy!
  234. why is my yorkie SO skittish and why wont she EAT?!
  235. To late to train?
  236. massachusetts breeder
  237. Happy 1st Birthday Louie!!
  238. It's me or the dog
  239. Do you groom or take your YT to the groomers?
  240. Pet Safe Cleaners
  241. Social Networking!
  242. Happy Birthday Brielle
  243. I so hate groomers.!
  244. New Rescue Owner
  245. Bed time blues
  246. New Parent/New Member
  247. max has a new bark
  248. Red/Chocolate Yorkies....To be or not to be?
  249. Need some help
  250. Newbie Here! Hello everyone!
