
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. help
  2. Doggie outhouse
  3. You ain't gonna believe this!!!!
  4. Denise, Jill - Don't Forget Pictures!!
  5. I'm interested
  6. I'm interested
  7. Avatar help!!
  8. Just Read About Maddie!!
  9. Milo likes Melissa Ethridge
  10. What do you do?
  11. Digging the Sofa?
  12. I need some opinions please
  13. Cutest Name
  14. We have been very busy at UYR!!
  15. Jamie!
  16. Cure for CrAZy Ears?
  17. My *stylish* 3-legged Trigger....
  18. ~~~BuYinG A yOrkIe @ 8 MoNthS!!!~~~
  19. Hubby Asked Winstin a Question Today That Was Cute!
  20. Roufianna has become a Lady
  21. Will he ever like him?
  22. Need help with collar and tag
  23. a funny
  24. Only eats kibble...?
  25. Jill is another Angel
  26. Hello
  27. Bike Basket??
  28. Merci Beaucoup!
  29. Help Please!
  30. Yorkie Tricks
  31. Pics of Autumn's baby boy and girl
  32. Pics of Lacijo's baby girl
  33. I have pictures! Come look!
  34. Craigslist Atlanta
  35. My puppy piddles when she's excited......
  36. who needs therapy....
  37. New member
  38. Advice on Yorkies at 8 months!
  39. My Friends First Yorkie at 4 weeks. Need Advice.
  40. Large breed to Yorkie
  41. I am just FLOORED!!!
  42. He moves too much!
  43. So many questions...
  44. His 1st HUMP!
  45. Baby Oil
  46. Are You 'Loving' Your Pet Into An Early Grave?
  47. Are My Angel.
  48. Izzie
  49. My First Yorkie/Dog...:D
  50. yorkies turn men to mush don't they!?
  51. Our Tatum is SO alpha!
  52. jealousy question
  53. Dog treat business, Anyone interested??
  54. Gizmo is 8 Today! Help me wish him a Happy Birthday!
  55. One more emotional support dog question...
  56. Harnesses
  57. Mochas skimpy hair
  58. I am so frustrated
  59. so upset
  60. Can yorkies have soy milk?
  61. Baxter is asking for a beating
  62. I sure have a house full,lol!!
  63. New he stinks and rubs his bottom of the floor ??
  64. spaying-what to expect?
  65. another fight
  66. Happy Birthday !!
  67. Microchip Discussion
  68. help with nail clipping
  69. 2 puppies at once?
  70. I just don't understand it - Zoey's coat *PIC*
  71. Taye Diggs has a yorkie!
  72. nervous Hyper, jumpy.
  73. Help!!!! What to feed my yorkie
  74. Anyone use glucosamine chondrotin??
  75. Ok, I need help again...
  76. OMGosh! The most fantastic news! Maddie's alive!
  77. Denise517 Surprise
  78. Hopefully it's a girl...
  79. Advise needed
  80. Yorktoberfest~ Come Join Us~Oct 6th
  81. What is that smell!!!???
  82. no pics here, just a comment for everyone
  83. What if....
  84. Your puppy's coat
  85. Ears flopwhen Tilly is hot
  86. All the Yorkies at MY house....
  87. Groomer Horror Story!!!
  88. Cute Dog Sweaters at Walmart- $6.97
  89. my very own therapy dog
  90. New website design !!
  91. Dry skin
  92. Hair Growth ?
  93. Does anyone use a console carseat?
  94. Couple of questions
  95. Winstin is going to vet today..instead of Friday
  96. For doggie eyes Lolita!
  97. Whoo Hoo
  98. Question about the ears?
  99. How often to feed puppy?
  100. Big Birds!
  101. First Puppy - Maltese or Yorkie? HELP!
  102. Look what I made
  103. Yorkie on Today Show
  104. At what age did you get your little girl spayed?
  105. omg is this bad?
  106. Me and Sassy Katelyn Grandville!
  107. Need Homecoming Tips
  108. Violet, color / coat opinion?
  109. Another Thank you and little update
  110. Christmas List?
  111. Dogsitting Swap
  112. Pest Services??????
  113. My husband would like a doberman
  114. Petclix Portraits
  115. Where are all the big gates at??
  116. Eye Gunk
  117. top knot
  118. Is it to good to be true????
  119. Teddy is my little boy-long
  120. Can we start an early PEAK?
  121. boys vs girls
  122. This makes me sad!! I don't think they love me
  123. After the nice post yorkies, yorkies, everywhere. How worried are you with your baby
  124. Liver Biopsy, Umbilical Repair, and Spay...$1000+?
  125. Does anybody else do self-grooming??
  126. Hi Ladies, My Name is Zeus
  127. Growling Puppy?
  128. help please!!!
  129. Yorkies, Yorkies, Yorkies, everywhere.
  130. Strange situation, looking for advice (long)
  131. Need Help With All The Breeder/show Breeder Lingo!!!
  132. My Secret Road Trip
  133. Help! Want To Take Yorkie To Disney
  134. Toys, toys, toys...
  135. Whats the difference between a Chocolate, Biewer,and....
  136. Normal?
  137. Getting a yorkipoo!!
  138. I hate the stupid groomer
  139. TV and your dog
  141. Les poochs shampoos
  142. New to YT!
  143. Need expert advice before going back to work
  144. So I saw an ad in the paper today....
  145. When is you Daddy coming back to get you?
  146. Is eating grass okay?
  147. Look what I found on Ebay
  148. Spikey update
  149. Diggy's teeth...
  150. Duke AKA Bailey made it home and is loving it!
  151. Do your yorkies like wearing clothes??
  152. Boobah goes to the Vet on
  153. Vitamins
  154. I am really worried about my little girl!!
  155. Chocolate Show Dog!!!!!!
  156. I want a third babie.. BUT
  157. good doggie shampoo
  158. R those animal crackers lying outside exposed to air
  159. has anyone tried Sergeant's People Crackers?
  160. Does anyone know about this ??
  161. Who Has These As Pets.........
  162. advise
  163. bella licked the paint off the wall?!?!?!
  164. Sneaky Kimmie .... She's at it again!!
  165. Question about........
  166. new puppy!!!
  167. city trees
  168. Mommy got us all new safe toys
  169. Guess what I have at MY house???
  170. missing link question
  171. Ear taping & puppy pad training
  172. Best time to start solid food?
  173. yorkie scraping head on the x pen
  174. Happy First Day of Fall
  175. Iron stomach
  176. Crate training?
  177. Book on dog parenting??
  178. So many oils for itchy skin!!! Some guidance please!!!
  179. Bathing with your Yorkie and my terrible accident.
  180. I'm adopting out my 9 month old male
  181. My Little Sally
  182. My Boy!!
  183. how big will my yorkie be??
  184. What is the difference????
  185. Gucci, today was her first day home
  186. We Christened PETCO!!!!!
  187. Pet stores that sell from animal mills!!
  188. Sad
  189. Is this normal post neuter behavior???
  190. Bats
  191. Little Macy
  192. Had anyone hear/read this horrible news news?
  193. Barking
  194. Pee Pad or Litter Box?
  195. Anyone use Solid Gold food?
  196. Butchered, Bleeding, and bald from groomers
  197. Lexie's pregnant belly pics!
  198. OMG look what my...
  199. Are x-rays safe?
  200. Please help me out with this mystery gift my girls recieved : )
  201. Sewing Help - Costume Head Piece
  202. Do I need help or what?
  203. new puppy questions!!!!
  204. Need some advice...:)
  205. Got my blanket from Pepe ment
  206. Yorkie Breeder?
  207. Update on my situation.
  208. Zanie toys
  209. Help!!!!!!
  210. free male-- not a scam
  211. Thanks to everyone!
  212. Meeting our new puppy today/His name?
  213. Picky Puppy
  214. Yorkshire Birthday Party!
  215. Today is the day...
  216. How Far Do You Go??
  217. Is anyone still letting yorkies play with toys from China?
  218. Happy Birthday Maddie!!!
  219. new yorkie
  220. Thinking about getting a sister for Aria...need some advice please =)
  221. Petsmart pulls another product
  222. I think he is finally getting it!!:)
  223. just got a new puppy!
  224. Frustrated and sad....
  225. What do your Yorkies do for fun!?
  226. People are really going to think I am a nut now!!!
  227. Does anyone else still use Greenies?
  228. Toys made USA, material may not be from USA..please read response from westpawdesign
  229. I think Yorkies are more like human babies than other dogs!
  230. Snoozer car seat pics
  231. How old is old enough?????
  232. Opinions needed on this material for doggie beds!
  233. Safety Warning!
  234. How many poops?
  235. Need help finding something
  236. NEW to the board!
  237. update
  238. I am sad
  239. We got a BIG surprise in the mail!!!
  240. Lucy's Babies # 3.5 wks
  241. German Yorkie?
  242. Has any one seen a short haired yorkie puppy
  243. Hair Question
  244. Maya's HUGE!
  245. Help!
  246. Blood Panel Abbreviation Question
  247. New Yorkie
  248. What a little STINKER!!!
  249. Hot oil treatment
  250. Youngest you've sold a puppy?
