- Do you think this will work????
- Nala is having her puppies~!!!!!!
- New to YorkieTalk.com
- Belindtch...Big Thanks to You!
- Ear Piercing Bark!!!!
- Petsmart Pet Hotel!!
- This is not about my Yorkie but I still need your help!
- look what i just got
- Where is Rosie?
- I'm going to kill my husband!!
- Back to YorkieTalk... Missed you!!
- Im New Here!
- Surprise! New puppy and Scout is NOT HAPPY!
- First Dog Park Visit
- Guess whos coming to see us?
- Microchip Issue
- Getting new Yorkie pup on Friday!
- Ben & Barney are 1 yr old today
- Outside fun today
- jbabyorkie
- New to Yorkie Talk
- Tdi & Akc Cgc
- she's missing hair!!!!
- Pet Diary
- Hi i'm new here can anyone help me??
- Toby Blue and Asher....
- Greetings from Lola and I
- our beach pics with coqui :)
- Who Will Care For Our Pets When We Are Gone
- Louis Vuitton is dangerous!!!
- Run Yorkie RUN!!!!!!!
- How much should I pay?
- Friends!!
- I hate this!!
- My little old man Mukie is 16 today....
- Booster seats and pet carriers
- cleaning supplies
- Working and Yorkies
- New to List
- New guy
- anyone doing anything exciting this s/s?
- New to YT!
- New guy here
- The miracle of YT and furbabies
- Is it just me? Or do we all have the cutest furbabies ever!!!!
- Having your Yorkie shaved?
- Pet sitter needed (pregnancy/surrogacy mentioned)
- Bengi is 2 years old!!!!!!
- Central Canada Members?
- Connie
- PICTURES..finally figured out how
- Just Born in Sterling,IL
- Dallas Needs your help
- ~~Poison Ivy?????~~
- help with big presesnts
- Please light a candle for Tink and her mommy
- Sharing A Cute Yorkie Photo
- How Far Do You Walk?
- i need some help looking for things
- Big thank you to Des(Tigers Mom) (Pics)
- What is an enzyme cleaner???
- Super Cute Doggie Stuff!!!
- Looking for a Doggie Cake Recipe
- problems with training...
- Clubs??
- New to YT and a New Yorkie Mama!
- Isn't this cute!!??
- curious
- going on a daytrip. what to bring?
- New to the site...this place is great!
- feelin all warm & fuzzy...
- Is this normal???
- a little help please
- What do you think
- recourse for non-delivery of AKC registration
- Fully Grown?
- Pepper's surgery
- Getting a chorkie? Any advice
- Lost/Found Yorkie
- Look at our Wonderful Avatar - Thanks Peanut
- Marcerella02!!!
- My baby is a Spider Monkey! Help!
- Need Definitions to understand
- TO GROOM or not TO GROOM??
- Coat Type Question
- Does Anyone Order Treats from Petedge?
- Yorkie Coat Colors?
- Thank YOU Buddy-licious!!
- should i bother feeding her?
- New to Yorkietalk
- I'm tired of people not keep their BIG dogs on leashes!!
- New to YT!!
- Should I get a playmate for Tootsy?
- Happy Birthday Teddy!
- trying to learn to make clothes for andy...
- What a scare!
- Hello Everyone!
- Look what I found!
- AKC Cautions Pet Owners to Keep an Eye on Fido At Home and On the Road
- Man Kills Wife's Dog in Dispute
- Legislation re: Driving with Pets
- Undocked tails
- when your yorkie is literally a purse...
- OMG! How sad is this!!!!
- wow. lots of people are on today!
- For those that make clothes....
- HUGE scare this morning
- Well Heres One 4 Ya
- Look who is 2!! ZANDER!! Defender of Mankind
- yorkie losing hair (help)
- Another reason not to leave the babies unattended
- Clearance Sales at Petedge.com & Dog.com
- help!!! super aggressive furbaby
- Lets go Camping with our yorkies!!!!
- Just wanted to say>>>>
- Interesting things happening!
- Did u notice?!?!
- Barking Banter?
- Can U Turn In Bad Yorkie Breeder???
- big news
- Rylie fell off the couch
- 'social Clubs" Listings
- Teeth Pulled...EEK!!
- Car trip
- Riley needs sunglasses and a life jacket!!
- Hello just wanted to introduce myself!
- Mix Yorkie
- Yorkie Dress Up! -DOGblogTV
- First "official" walk
- Still waiting for my baby....
- Opinions please.....
- Introducing Bailey!!
- Born March 14 and 1 lb?
- what can i do?
- X pen? Or play yard...whatever it's called?
- Blue Springs , Mo.!!!! Motels! Help
- Baxter is turning white!!
- Do you have to......???
- I'm so glad I have her here to protect me!!!!
- pet theft on the rise - Tips from AKC
- Does anyone have this???
- I Did It ! I Did It !!
- So Excited!! Tumi got an appt with Jorge!!!
- Today is...
- Happy 2nd Birthday Morgan (Kalina82)
- How is anyone getting anything else done?
- Free Dog Food - You pay shipping
- My found Rat terrier
- Do it yourself dog sweater!
- Ok, quit pestoring me for pics -
- Gizmo doesn't bark???
- Just a quick question please:
- questions about ears
- Hip rider?
- I'm really blowing it!!!!
- how old are they when they first loose their teeth?
- Anyone have this pink Sherpa Carrier??
- baby faced yorkie??
- Eating Twigs?!?
- At what age is a Yorkie too old to tape his ears up?
- Yorkie and Large Breed Dog???
- New hope for ears?
- What silly nicknames do your furbabies have?
- My baby's growing up
- Help
- What happened to the SRC?
- Yorkie Ears flipping inside out....
- HUGE Thank you to Admin!!!
- Happy Birthday To Our Little Ones
- It's time
- I had a bad dream
- I need advice
- Rocky out and about
- Pee Accidents..Bissell SpotBot or Green Machine???
- My Baby thinks he's a Lab! Such a scare!
- formally cutiepieyorkies
- Pixie is STILL losing teeth!
- I've made a HORRIBLE mistake
- Baby teeth being pulled this morning.
- When does a puppy become an adult dog?
- my carseat just saved Sugar!
- Marilize and Cash are back
- *Fishies*
- Found my way back!!!!
- Contemplating Number Three
- Connie and Manny
- newbie
- Name the Puppies!!
- YorkieTalk Blogs! Start your own blog!
- We broke the record!!!
- The Strangest Thing Happen To Me
- Is there a group for
- When Do They Take The Count?
- Yorkie Talk visitors/guests! Welcome
- question
- If you're online right now don't get off!!!!
- GRRR, Does Your Furrbaby Do This?
- Can I get away with it???
- Ok, Call Me Blind But....
- So here is my big big secret!!!!
- Can I Change My User Name??
- I need some major prayers please!
- My Boyfriend Benji!
- Noob with Questions
- Happy Birthday Tia
- Sugar's dental
- weirdness in the crate
- Please help.....
- Introduction!
- A Dog's Plea....
- The Family Dog...
- My Best Friend....
- A picture of my baby!!
- Snickers lost his first tooth !!!
- Look what I found!
- Yorkie Rescue Charity Calendar
- Why does my Yorkie go in Cirlces when entering the house
- Something I never told you...
- red rocket!?
- dog carrier
- What Does U're Yorkie Do That...
- Yorkies and Doberman
- Showdog Moms and Dads?
- My first time here!!!!
- Pee stains on grass....
- Marking their territory
- Lil Miss Maggy May, & The Reason Why....
- Why do you love YT?
- Attacked his new little brother!!!
- YT site UPDATE! Show us your new Profile!!
- How do you pass the time...
- Summer is here
- Whiskers
- Hi,just returned from
- Losing Teeth
- My Darling..and a thank you to YT
- YorkieTalk Has Been Updated!
- its amazing
- Do you ever think that ...
- For those with two -
- First timer
- Safety Issue ~ Please Read
- Dog Tag Question!
- I'd like to welcome a new member
- Reminder to watch for hawks or buzzards!
- Prudence's Dress Came!
- What You Can Do to Stop Puppymills!!
- Don't Forget