
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Thank You
  2. Gargle, rattle, flemy??
  3. Does everyone know this? Am I a bad mommy?!?!
  4. Rufus and I meet the new vet..
  5. Poop getting stuck in hair
  6. puppy sizes
  7. Doggie Coat
  8. My babies are here !!!!
  9. Need Help ASAP!!!
  10. Superyard XT at Target
  11. What is the best/worse thing about your yorkie?
  12. Help!! Tazmanian Yorkie!!!
  13. Yorkie adoption
  14. My Dog Park Fantasy
  15. New here!
  16. Not another bee sting
  17. Happy Birthday, Trixie~Belle!
  18. SOLID POOP! Time to celebrate!
  19. I am getting VERY frustrated. Help (Long)
  20. Pet Shop Sues for Defamation
  21. Toys Toys Toys!
  22. Why is he so vindictive?
  23. Hair due and clothes
  24. When on YT are you.......
  25. Katie -- Blood in Urine & Poop
  26. toothless
  27. lexi is limping
  28. Anyone heard of..
  29. Puppies in Heat
  30. Already Housetrained!
  31. Ryorkies!
  32. One more day until...
  33. on the road
  34. She's home...take a look
  35. Free Roaming Privaleges Follow Question
  36. Leaving puppy alone
  37. What did I do wrong? SHe looks gross...CC products
  38. Hi Guys!
  39. How much food do you feed your yorkie?
  40. Teeth pulling? When? Do we have to?
  41. Does Anyone Not Feed Their Dog Actual Dog Food
  42. Burger King Toys
  43. Catching your Yorkie in action!
  44. Citronella Anti-Bark Collar
  45. Eek! Help!
  46. Great News!! Coco's out of surgery and doing fine :D
  47. Caught Spying!
  48. eye-gunk help!
  49. Hot rocks and soft baby paws
  50. Lexy's Epiphany
  51. litter box training anyone?
  52. Is she crying?
  53. signs of heat cycle??
  54. Any suggestions
  55. Mercedes Growth Collage (in order) from 5 hours old until 12 weeks old
  56. Puppy store
  57. Hello again
  58. Communication between breeder and buyer
  59. Must be something in the Air...
  60. free roaming privleges
  61. Rolling around on the carpet - WHY???
  62. I have a silly question
  63. Pups Pic
  64. Pic of Joey learning how to jump off the couch
  65. Angry with my vet
  66. This is what "Hitting the right spot" looks like
  67. I hate the wain!
  68. Yorkielane
  69. mother nature at its best
  70. Trimmed the ear hair and I dont like it
  71. I'm not hurting them!
  72. New Member
  73. New babies
  74. So, if we get Jo a playpal...
  75. new arrival
  76. Next step??
  77. Neurological Problem?
  78. and they called it puppy love
  79. Bathing question
  80. yorkies on texas justice
  81. Biting and Barking Puppy
  82. Problems
  83. Car rides and puking?
  84. Ok...confused And Need Help!!
  85. Help me please!!!
  86. My baby reminds me of my Mom :)
  87. walks??
  88. I've jumped on the CC bandwagon!
  89. Just curious about this...
  90. Little copycat!
  91. Silk Has Been Found!!!!!
  92. Tomorrow is the big day
  93. How many of you buy boots for your babies?
  94. Disposable or washable pads?
  95. Bad Clippers
  96. Spoiled brat!
  97. So proud of my girl!
  98. How often do you Brush Out?
  99. My nemo after he's surgery
  100. Lap fights
  101. Gidget is a sheep hearder...
  102. Hi everyone I'm back
  103. Are you surprised at how much your Yorkie dominates your life?
  104. Beautiful Ruby Cupcake!
  105. Doggie treat surprise
  106. 10PM Terrier Races!
  107. When does a yorkie coat change?
  108. How Dare They???
  109. Where Did My Collage of Mercedes Go?
  110. build a bear ??
  111. Does your yorkie roam the house?
  112. My New Vet!
  113. I found my baby!!
  114. OVeR the baby GATE!!!!!!!!
  115. Some people make me so mad!
  116. yorkie weight
  117. Bought a new collage maker - Here is one of Mercedes
  118. Good shampoo...HELP!!!
  119. proffesional pictures
  120. Health insurance through AKC
  121. Anymore use and I think my credit card is gonna burst into flames.
  122. Lost yorkie?
  123. Pictures of Mercedes in her new Harness
  124. stay still??!
  125. When did this happen??
  126. Yes, They Can Swim!!!!
  127. Jo-Jo...the morning after
  128. my yorkie is going to a toga party!
  129. taping the ears
  130. Concerned yorkie
  131. Big Toy Clearance!!!
  132. Bad Client/Breeder
  133. Ears falling backwards?
  134. Pixie got into my weight watcher meal !
  135. Doggie sleeping in the bed...
  136. Hello everyone
  137. Spay surgery due to bleeding
  138. Groomers
  139. I scalped him ....again
  140. The PAWS Bill
  141. Well....THAT didn't last long!
  142. Longevity Herbs for Dogs
  143. Is my Lily weird?
  144. Coco in petedge clothes...
  145. Eatting carpet!!!!!
  146. doesn't really like the grass?
  147. harley eats all his food at one time
  148. See Bridget Smile w/puppies!
  149. Road Trip!
  150. LoL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  151. I may lose my yorkie if I don't get help!!!!
  152. I finally got my papers.
  153. AAAAARRRRGHHH! I own a Yorkie GOAT!
  154. New arrival
  155. Anyone elses pup sleep like this??
  156. Cutest And The Worst Thing Today !!
  157. Sabrina's getting spayed
  158. treats for pottying
  159. Costume contest
  160. white
  161. getting ink off the dog
  162. Hard to Housebreak!!!!!!!!!!!!
  163. Help!!!
  164. I am really sad
  165. Katie is such a hoochie!
  166. Questions about Biewers
  167. Pita's Eye
  168. Halloween
  169. The groomer made Remy look like a Chi!
  170. Chicle, Maximus & Bradley's Playdate :)
  171. Please keep this little guy in your thoughts..
  172. YAY I'm a gwanma..hehe
  173. Lethargic... I'm worried!
  174. Please help im looking for the perfect bed for pixie
  175. please
  176. What if...
  177. Big Energy-Little Dog!
  178. wet yorkie look like a chihuahua
  179. Skippy the swimmer
  180. Constipation
  181. Hair falling out ??
  182. camping suplies
  183. I think im gonna.........
  184. Should I be concerned??
  185. Lucky boy and girls..hehe
  186. new kids
  187. OMG they killed it...........
  188. Moody?
  189. vinager
  190. gentle leader??
  191. Worm Lover!
  192. Miami & Broward Yorkie Talkers
  193. Rub my belly.....
  194. New Yorkie
  195. I Don't Own Anything Anymore!!!
  196. Mmmm, mmmm good
  197. Tomorrow is Jo-Jo's big day...
  198. Seattle meetup
  199. Took breeders advise and her ears are up!
  200. Does your baby do this??
  201. Calling All Yorkie Experts !!!
  202. Bath Time
  203. Copper at 6 months
  204. Such a GOOD girl !!!!!!!!!!
  205. Omg... more about the puppymill!
  206. Baby bows!
  207. Naked=Cold?
  208. Oklahoma City Yorkie Meetup
  209. My Boys....
  210. Chihuahua ???????
  211. company not helping
  212. Satin Balls
  213. What steps to shut local Puppy Mill?
  214. So how much $$$$$$
  215. Does your yorkie love to swim?
  216. Silky coat or cottony coat??
  217. $10,000 for a Yorkie???
  218. Grooming question
  219. Her nose is gonna go................
  220. Seattle Yorkie Meetup 08-20-05 Pictures!
  221. my yorkie pups ears
  222., holistic, complementary health care for pets.
  223. Momma and pups
  224. teaching off lead
  225. Winston
  226. Our gal has arrived
  227. Tug of war
  228. Off leash training
  229. One More Time and I'm MOVING OUT!
  230. My Poor Mason!!!!
  231. They Were So Good!
  232. I Need Help!
  233. Cleaning Carpet Advise
  234. Looking for an Outstanding Training book
  235. lost and stolen pups
  236. Loooky!........
  237. Baby doll/teddy bear
  238. BEWARE of Becky Fitzpatrick!!!!!
  239. Just Joined
  240. what are belly bands??
  241. In Shock???Please Help
  242. Toby is in for a shock
  243. Losing Baby Teeth
  244. Dry Skin
  245. My mommie is so mad at me
  246. Who has the Yorkie Screensaver?
  247. Traveling with the babies
  248. Puppies
  249. Caught them in the act
  250. New member..Hi all
