View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - Long overdue haircuts coming
- Riding in cars
- Time to let go? (Euthanasia, are Terriers different?)
- To My Dog
- Introduction
- need help with a girl name
- Excessive barking, excessively nervous
- She never sleeps in my lap until
- Yorkie Hair Type
- Happy Birthday To Sammie
- Screen doors?
- Stroller question?
- Question about collars.
- Has a one been following the piper theft legal case?
- Don't like the water?
- Lily's Spay is Monday
- New Here...mixed Yorkie...
- Nervous wreck about neutering
- Oh my goodness!
- Food for thought
- Help with aggression!!
- What do you guys think about this fish oil?
- question about morning! please read!
- Interceptor is back!
- Two Yorkies better than one? Not for potty training!!!
- New member
- Please help.....
- Cutting off the top knot
- Couch/Bed jumpers!
- Care credit?
- Looking for legal help in FL
- Hi everyone ! I'm a newbie to having yorkies and to this website.
- PLOS position on Publishing all Studies
- Bad Breath - Teething?
- Texas breeder
- GAOMariposa??????????
- Once again you all give the best advice!
- Places that allow dogs/Vacations
- What's the best pet insurance?
- New to Yorkies
- hello everyone new here
- blue puppy...tiny!
- Have any of you ever had the laser
- Wow...played by a puppy...
- Potty training help
- Sleepless in SC
- Its been so long
- Made in USA? Manufactured in China
- 11 things only Yorkie owners understand!
- Spring 2015 Buddy Belts!
- Looking for a Grooming Book, please...
- Picked up puppies yesterday
- New Yorkie Owner
- This will be first for Macy and me
- An Embarrassed Pit Bull And It's Vicious Owner
- Hello everyone! Bald spot normal?
- Need helpful advice
- My little stinker
- Big dogs and Yorkies?
- Attention FB User......YHR AUCTION! Bidding starts 3/15
- Need insight into behavior with dog treats
- Dry skin on pump
- flea
- First Top Knot
- Hi EVERYONE nice to meet y'all
- The incredible growing yorkie
- Thank you Crystalsmom and Dawn!
- Winnies top knot
- I gave Spicey a new to her training treat
- just rescued yorkie
- Pit Bull Attack
- Spring yard check
- Avagard antiseptic on Yorkie skin?
- vaccination
- Happy Birthday Lily
- Bully sticks: A lesson to chew on - NOT
- How to tell if your dog has you trained
- Must I get a friend for my Yorkie?
- Picking up puppies on Sunday
- New Member with New Puppy (blind and skinny)
- LOL I did it again
- Help - New Doggie Door
- my baby at 3 weeks old Schatzi
- I have created a monster!!!! LOL
- Do I get another
- our little Biella
- Chiari malformation diagnosis
- Marking, blacklight evidence..then what?
- 3 Dentals Thursday
- 1st yorkie pup! Please help. Any advice on undocked tails or Parti coloring?
- Do your Yorkies sleep super hard?
- Schatzi my new German Baby
- using a smart phone to post pictures??
- Help Please!!!
- Boarding my dog while on vacation advice???
- Insane barking but so much fun
- puppy doesn't gain weight.
- Did you notice a difference?
- Hi fellow yorkie lovers
- Hawk stalking my babies
- Why would?
- New here:) questions about kenne cough
- I just have to share what Spice did today
- Jewel and Bella Update
- looking for breeders in WI
- Long over due update!
- Bella pissed off
- Floor Mats?
- Off Leash Dogs, grrrrr
- Whistler travel suggestions with Yorkie
- baby bean
- so yeah, scammed
- my chicken and rice formula
- can I use Avantix II on a 3 lb 11 week old puppy?
- Dutch taught me a new game
- Big Puppy!
- Charlie's strange reaction to the new baby....
- Canine competitor poisoned at Crufts
- Bentley vomiting and diarrhea this morning :(
- Puppy ears
- Got my lil boy from the boarder.
- Our Little Girl "Tinky"
- New Puppy! - Misty
- Merrick dry dog food
- Question about Tramadol
- Biting corners
- eating grass
- Smaller than I thought?
- Am I harming my little guy
- biting
- Need an advice please
- For Those Who Have Owned Other Breeds, Are You More Protective?
- Biewer Specialty
- Myra Savant Harris workshop
- Woo Hoo I am happy!
- Please think about this
- Do these look like full breed puppies to you?
- jumping off furniture
- Will her ears stand up?
- Less than 4lb babies
- New here!! Help with puppy coat!
- Last night I had the scariest dream
- tags vs no tags?
- frustrated !!!!!!!!!
- I feel like such a bad mother :(
- Need guidance
- Does Anyone Here Ride Their Bike With Their Yorkie?
- Nutri source
- *WARNING* re: hair pouf!
- Favorite face wash product?
- How long can she hold it?
- New to YT
- Ingredients Pet & People Food
- Bella cast came off today
- Too busy to stop and potty correctly?
- what is the difference
- Grooming Suggestions
- Some People Need To Be Ashamed!
- What size bands?
- Ear Mites, Home remedy?
- Weight & Coat colour
- Dog acting sad maybe new baby to blame?
- The Barking!!!
- Cute clothes!!
- Chew treats ??
- Potty Training!! HELP!!
- Hard to believe....
- 10 week Yorkie weighing in at 4.7 lbs....
- My Yorkie sits funny
- Anybody suggest a good play pen for 2 Yorkies?
- She's got me running in circles.
- I feel so guilty....
- Someone please help me
- New member, expecting :)
- I want a top knot so bad.....
- Licensing
- Help- need shorter haircut ideas keeping topknot
- Purina/Beneful Law Suit Feb. 2015
- First 1000
- Yorkie Quirks?
- puppy potty training
- Step in harness?
- Hi! New here.
- Happy Birthday Sophie
- Dog Parks, Day Care, and Play Groups
- Jealous??
- Shooter is 13 weeks and 3 pounds!
- Looking for quality breeder in DFW, TX area
- My dog's food
- PET FOOD RECALL other brands
- Pet food recall
- Hello :) im new :)
- Winnie loves the snow way more than I do!
- Registry proposed for animal cruelty felons
- Marking!!!! Please help!!!
- How earlier to neuter
- Cowlicks???
- Learning to Hold It - Potty Time
- Question about shoes and socks
- Since neutering boo eats like horse
- Hello new to this site
- How many Teddy is annoying posts can I make?
- Shampoo for sensitive skin
- Hello
- Yorkies by Kelly in Deltona Florida
- Bath while leg is in cast
- scam on craigslist
- Gizmo seems jealous... advice please.
- Who's in Northern VA?!
- Dog Bones?
- Help! Agressive behavior
- For those still struggling with dry coats...
- Can I vent?
- Gang Fight over Waggle Ball!!!
- 8 week old yorkie
- chiari malformation in biewer yorkie
- How old is old?
- Large Yorkies?
- Doesn't like to go out to potty in the snow?
- Should you disclose your past unlicensed Yorkie on adoption application
- Messin' With Piper's Head, Man...
- OMG Do They Ever Stop Peeing IN The House
- Scarlett Rose
- Potty Training; from pad to outside, suggestions?
- Off topic
- Scarlett Rose
- Dog astrology!
- More on Pet Insurance
- I am so happy!!!
- Grooming Table
- no snuggles
- salt for ice
- ARGGGHHHH my yorkie likes the cold too much
- HELP! Cat attacked our yorkie
- I gave Spicey her first Kong today and
- There goes SUPER DOG
- Calming collar
- how Often To Cut Nails
- Post your healthy babies please!
- I am getting so scared for my Spicey(long post)
- Pup Attacking Everyone
- breeder beware
- OMG! Stop the maddness
- nexgard
- double trouble ?
- Have we been hacked....
- Hello I'm new here
- pure yorkie or not?
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