
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Long overdue haircuts coming
  2. Riding in cars
  3. Time to let go? (Euthanasia, are Terriers different?)
  4. To My Dog
  5. Introduction
  6. need help with a girl name
  7. Excessive barking, excessively nervous
  8. She never sleeps in my lap until
  9. Yorkie Hair Type
  10. Happy Birthday To Sammie
  11. Screen doors?
  12. Stroller question?
  13. Question about collars.
  14. Has a one been following the piper theft legal case?
  15. Don't like the water?
  16. Lily's Spay is Monday
  17. New Here...mixed Yorkie...
  18. Nervous wreck about neutering
  19. Oh my goodness!
  20. Food for thought
  21. Help with aggression!!
  22. What do you guys think about this fish oil?
  23. question about morning! please read!
  24. Interceptor is back!
  25. Two Yorkies better than one? Not for potty training!!!
  26. New member
  27. Please help.....
  28. Cutting off the top knot
  29. Couch/Bed jumpers!
  30. Care credit?
  31. Looking for legal help in FL
  32. Hi everyone ! I'm a newbie to having yorkies and to this website.
  33. PLOS position on Publishing all Studies
  34. Bad Breath - Teething?
  35. Texas breeder
  36. GAOMariposa??????????
  37. Once again you all give the best advice!
  38. Places that allow dogs/Vacations
  39. What's the best pet insurance?
  40. New to Yorkies
  41. hello everyone new here
  42. blue puppy...tiny!
  43. Have any of you ever had the laser
  44. Wow...played by a puppy...
  45. Potty training help
  46. Sleepless in SC
  47. Its been so long
  48. Made in USA? Manufactured in China
  49. 11 things only Yorkie owners understand!
  50. Spring 2015 Buddy Belts!
  51. Looking for a Grooming Book, please...
  52. Picked up puppies yesterday
  53. New Yorkie Owner
  54. This will be first for Macy and me
  55. An Embarrassed Pit Bull And It's Vicious Owner
  56. Hello everyone! Bald spot normal?
  57. Need helpful advice
  58. My little stinker
  59. Big dogs and Yorkies?
  60. Attention FB User......YHR AUCTION! Bidding starts 3/15
  61. Need insight into behavior with dog treats
  62. Dry skin on pump
  63. flea
  64. First Top Knot
  65. Hi EVERYONE nice to meet y'all
  66. The incredible growing yorkie
  67. Thank you Crystalsmom and Dawn!
  68. Winnies top knot
  69. I gave Spicey a new to her training treat
  70. just rescued yorkie
  71. Pit Bull Attack
  72. Spring yard check
  73. Avagard antiseptic on Yorkie skin?
  74. vaccination
  75. Happy Birthday Lily
  76. Bully sticks: A lesson to chew on - NOT
  77. How to tell if your dog has you trained
  78. Must I get a friend for my Yorkie?
  79. Picking up puppies on Sunday
  80. New Member with New Puppy (blind and skinny)
  81. LOL I did it again
  82. Help - New Doggie Door
  83. my baby at 3 weeks old Schatzi
  84. I have created a monster!!!! LOL
  85. Do I get another
  86. our little Biella
  87. Chiari malformation diagnosis
  88. Marking, blacklight evidence..then what?
  89. 3 Dentals Thursday
  90. 1st yorkie pup! Please help. Any advice on undocked tails or Parti coloring?
  91. Do your Yorkies sleep super hard?
  92. Schatzi my new German Baby
  93. using a smart phone to post pictures??
  94. Help Please!!!
  95. Boarding my dog while on vacation advice???
  96. Insane barking but so much fun
  97. puppy doesn't gain weight.
  98. Did you notice a difference?
  99. Hi fellow yorkie lovers
  100. Hawk stalking my babies
  101. Why would?
  102. New here:) questions about kenne cough
  103. I just have to share what Spice did today
  104. Jewel and Bella Update
  105. looking for breeders in WI
  106. Long over due update!
  107. Bella pissed off
  108. Floor Mats?
  109. Off Leash Dogs, grrrrr
  110. Whistler travel suggestions with Yorkie
  111. baby bean
  112. so yeah, scammed
  113. my chicken and rice formula
  114. can I use Avantix II on a 3 lb 11 week old puppy?
  115. Dutch taught me a new game
  116. Big Puppy!
  117. Charlie's strange reaction to the new baby....
  118. Canine competitor poisoned at Crufts
  119. Bentley vomiting and diarrhea this morning :(
  120. Puppy ears
  121. Got my lil boy from the boarder.
  122. Our Little Girl "Tinky"
  123. New Puppy! - Misty
  124. Merrick dry dog food
  125. Question about Tramadol
  126. Biting corners
  127. eating grass
  128. Smaller than I thought?
  129. Am I harming my little guy
  130. biting
  131. Need an advice please
  132. For Those Who Have Owned Other Breeds, Are You More Protective?
  133. Biewer Specialty
  134. Myra Savant Harris workshop
  135. Woo Hoo I am happy!
  136. Please think about this
  137. Do these look like full breed puppies to you?
  138. jumping off furniture
  139. Will her ears stand up?
  140. Less than 4lb babies
  141. New here!! Help with puppy coat!
  142. Last night I had the scariest dream
  143. tags vs no tags?
  144. frustrated !!!!!!!!!
  145. I feel like such a bad mother :(
  146. Need guidance
  147. Does Anyone Here Ride Their Bike With Their Yorkie?
  148. Nutri source
  149. *WARNING* re: hair pouf!
  150. Favorite face wash product?
  151. How long can she hold it?
  152. New to YT
  153. Ingredients Pet & People Food
  154. Bella cast came off today
  155. Too busy to stop and potty correctly?
  156. what is the difference
  157. Grooming Suggestions
  158. Some People Need To Be Ashamed!
  159. What size bands?
  160. Ear Mites, Home remedy?
  161. Weight & Coat colour
  162. Dog acting sad maybe new baby to blame?
  163. The Barking!!!
  164. Cute clothes!!
  165. Chew treats ??
  166. Potty Training!! HELP!!
  167. Hard to believe....
  168. 10 week Yorkie weighing in at 4.7 lbs....
  169. My Yorkie sits funny
  170. Anybody suggest a good play pen for 2 Yorkies?
  171. She's got me running in circles.
  172. I feel so guilty....
  173. Someone please help me
  174. New member, expecting :)
  175. I want a top knot so bad.....
  176. Licensing
  177. Help- need shorter haircut ideas keeping topknot
  178. Purina/Beneful Law Suit Feb. 2015
  179. First 1000
  180. Yorkie Quirks?
  181. puppy potty training
  182. Step in harness?
  183. Hi! New here.
  184. Happy Birthday Sophie
  185. Dog Parks, Day Care, and Play Groups
  186. Jealous??
  187. Shooter is 13 weeks and 3 pounds!
  190. Looking for quality breeder in DFW, TX area
  191. My dog's food
  192. PET FOOD RECALL other brands
  193. Pet food recall
  194. Hello :) im new :)
  195. Winnie loves the snow way more than I do!
  196. Registry proposed for animal cruelty felons
  197. Marking!!!! Please help!!!
  198. How earlier to neuter
  199. Cowlicks???
  200. Learning to Hold It - Potty Time
  201. Question about shoes and socks
  202. Since neutering boo eats like horse
  203. Hello new to this site
  204. How many Teddy is annoying posts can I make?
  205. Shampoo for sensitive skin
  206. Hello
  207. Yorkies by Kelly in Deltona Florida
  208. Bath while leg is in cast
  209. scam on craigslist
  210. Gizmo seems jealous... advice please.
  211. Who's in Northern VA?!
  212. Dog Bones?
  213. Help! Agressive behavior
  214. For those still struggling with dry coats...
  215. Can I vent?
  216. Gang Fight over Waggle Ball!!!
  217. 8 week old yorkie
  218. chiari malformation in biewer yorkie
  219. How old is old?
  220. Large Yorkies?
  221. Doesn't like to go out to potty in the snow?
  222. Should you disclose your past unlicensed Yorkie on adoption application
  223. Messin' With Piper's Head, Man...
  224. OMG Do They Ever Stop Peeing IN The House
  225. Scarlett Rose
  226. Potty Training; from pad to outside, suggestions?
  227. Off topic
  228. Scarlett Rose
  229. Dog astrology!
  230. More on Pet Insurance
  231. I am so happy!!!
  232. Grooming Table
  233. no snuggles
  234. salt for ice
  235. ARGGGHHHH my yorkie likes the cold too much
  236. HELP! Cat attacked our yorkie
  237. I gave Spicey her first Kong today and
  238. There goes SUPER DOG
  239. Calming collar
  240. how Often To Cut Nails
  241. Post your healthy babies please!
  242. I am getting so scared for my Spicey(long post)
  243. Pup Attacking Everyone
  244. breeder beware
  245. OMG! Stop the maddness
  246. nexgard
  247. double trouble ?
  248. Have we been hacked....
  249. Hello I'm new here
  250. pure yorkie or not?
