View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - HAPPY BIRTHDAY..Maria - Furby2000
- Look what I found..
- Walmart & Halloween FYI
- Rabies Tag
- Grooming a Yorkie Puppy
- My Tigeree Tigeroo turns 3 today
- Happy Birthday to.....
- Biting Golden Retrievers Ankles!
- Any News on Bently? Please keep us posted!
- Lexington Woman Says Two Yorkie Pups Stolen
- Zoe is eating her own poop..
- not a morning puppy?
- Bella's surgery estimate came, better than I thought.
- Is puppy lacking something?
- What should I do? Little dog running free
- She wants to play cards too
- Blue eyes
- Stitches in tail and other questions
- Biewer Halloween Picture Contest!
- Need opinion with food
- My little centerpiece:
- New to forum
- I don't get it! She knows better!!!
- acting crazy after bath
- papillon?
- Bentley is missing!!!
- Petsmart Halloween Costume Contest 10/23
- susanyorkies
- puppy abuser needs jail
- Thank you Twalla and Sam Sam!!
- Baby Teeth
- Hi, we are new, thanks for being here!
- Problems with free roam...
- Stuck with PAYING at VET?? grrr???
- Newly Single Puppy Parent
- Hello Yorkie Lovers
- Poopy Circles, LOL
- Potty training relapse?
- Good Doggie Day Care in NYC?
- How to socialize an unsocialized dog???
- Thanks to YT!
- German Trip
- Can't post new pics... :(
- I felt so stupid, but I had to share...
- Tino has a date~
- Spoiling your Yorkie...and now
- Beverly Hills Chihuahua likely to cause a surge in abandoned Chi's
- Central Iowa Yorkie Meetup - Oct. 11
- Help - walking on a leash
- Stubborn Walker
- Dog Clothes
- Breeder in BC
- Arm Nibbling ?
- Cutest photo
- Yay!!!!
- Furbaby barking while I'm on YT.
- 1st birthday pups
- Little hair
- Am I doing ok?
- Pet Shop Yorkie
- This is the icing on the cake for me!!!
- Please help
- I'm new and totally befuddled ...... LoL !!!!!
- I found!
- Sad. I miss the girls
- HELP he ate them again!!
- Bella in her new Jammies
- I'm back!
- Shes having puppies freaking out here!!
- She won't let me leave the house!
- When will she stop growing?
- Concerned yorkie mum!
- avatar help please!!
- Tooth extraction
- shamppo and conditioner
- My puppy is going to turn into a cat!
- Yorkies and TV??
- How much more will he grow?!
- Need a cowboy hat for Rocky
- I'd like to introduce myself and Zoë..
- testicle question
- Help....Husband never owned a dog before
- Advice on looking for a pup....
- Valentino clothes
- Home Grooming
- Anyone interested in a Rochester NY meet-up?
- Boys are fighting Bad! Help!
- Myesthenia Gravis in Yorkies
- Help new Yorkie mom with biting
- yorkie cold?
- Need Urgent advice on Vet diagnosis, Please!
- Tinkerbelle for BaileysMom
- Bella's !st Birthday
- My 2 new Yorkies!
- Please HELP! Another Yorkie?
- Do Yorkies like to be alone or have a pal?
- Costume Contest
- How to get Nakisha to stop chewing up her harness
- I'm a bad yorkie mom
- Need Help With Car Seat
- is it possible
- Dogs That Changed The World: The Rise of the Dog
- Am I Right or Wrong: Dog Event & Booth Owner Upset
- Stinky dog!!!
- Blue, Red or Chocolate??
- Microchipped!
- Teddy Ate Tampons!
- he is eating her dresses!!! :(
- bad breath
- Humane Society Rescue Sucess Story!!!
- Reaction to DH's sneezing, coughing etc
- Licking of the face
- One Yorkie biting another Yorkie's ears
- My Angel is a Latte Lover!!!! lol
- Looking for a yorkie in NJ
- please help
- Update on MN Puppy Mill
- My Yorkie Bobby, in TV series Supernatural
- Mojo is Finally Housebroken!!
- Digging: Why do Yorkies dig
- A Pet's Ten Commandments!
- Questions about flees...
- I just want to see if it worked
- walk and pee
- Lots of Stairs - Good or Bad?
- Hello
- Check Out Baby Zoey
- Cold
- Oct 21st - Mark your calendars!!
- Those with more than one......
- First experience with another Yorkie!
- Brownish red flat with brown specks on belly
- Hi I am new here and have a question about my Yorkie!
- Jamming 2 halloween music early:
- Name suggestions for a little girl
- Soft stool for one week! HELP!
- Special deals at Petsmart
- Brushing Teeth: How often & etc
- We Have A New Addition
- Floppy Ears
- Submitted and application on a rescue!
- birthday cake recipes
- registration q
- Board or leave at home alone?
- Biewers?
- Yorkie rescue needs your vote!
- New Nickname
- Oh no, Roxy's paw got stuck in the door!
- Please Help!!!
- Neutering an Adult Male
- Hello from MO
- How can I
- New Colorful Yorkie Website
- Help...
- Saved by the Cat!!!!
- Scrathing head and chewing legs...
- Second post- The Infamous "Part"
- puppy coat
- Daizy's ears??
- Flea help!
- I've been away
- Ahhhh!!!!!
- My yorkie licks me all the time!!!
- Please help - FUR BITING!
- Funny poop story
- Going Bye-Bye!!!
- Hello from Oklahoma
- Ugh!!!
- No more puppy sales on street corners!!!!(az)
- ERG Getting annoyed! Stop barking/meowing at my dog!
- My little guy is 9 today!!
- bite slightly off
- I let Pixie off Leash for the 1st time today!
- rare blue yorkie
- Venting but not a bad one, ha
- So. Cal. Bark at the park & Meetup. Oct 4th
- my samsons hair
- I did it again! LOL
- Goofball!
- What is the best food to feed my yorkies
- Yorkie boxes
- Mommie,I've gained weight:
- Quick vote!!!!
- I didn't get a lapdog at all :(
- Just wondering how many?
- has anyone used this line of shampoos?
- Short Legs on a Yorkie Puppy- Defect or Normal??
- I did it
- A Dogs purpose....makes ya think.
- Hair cuts?
- Does Anyone Have a Room For their lil Angels?
- Tiny Yorkie....
- Chip has a boo boo!
- To God from the Dog
- effects of neutring
- i just don't know what to do. i'm scared for her life.
- Does Anybody have a guess????
- Yorkie Growth Chart ???
- Yorkies are so smart
- Pet Insurance
- ok i need opinions
- Look what I'm getting!!!
- Here's a giggle
- I have my Yorkies!
- Finding Tricksie's sister.
- 12 weeks X by 2??
- that bullystick sale
- Recalls on pet food
- I got Chino
- Evo?????
- Found a Pup this morning
- Tino is a DADDY again!
- dangerous are they?
- Guess what I found on my doorstep last night?
- Hello to everyone
- We might want to watch OPrah today
- Lucy's gone
- New here!
- Puppy Prices
- Just saying hello- I'm new!
- Target's Fall Line.
- Heat
- Flea allergy or common are these really?
- Pix is driving the cats crazy !
- Do they ever stop following you???
- Yorkie vs Silky: 2 Different Breeds?
- does your furbaby do this???
- Question about Breeders Ethic
- Omg!!
- change in color of male puppy testicles
- Nutro - Natural choice dog food killed my mom's yorkie :(
- Red legged Yorkie
- Every yorkie should have this shirt
- Help!!! Molly is pooping in the house.
- Escape artist
- fighting :(
- New Yorkie Mommy, Pls Help!!
- What size is too small for a yorkie puppy?
- Anyone else have 2 sibling pups?
- Hi
- Walgreens Pet Photo Shoot this Saturday!
- Evansville, IN
- Some Advice Plz?
- Perfect Age Gap Between Puppies
- Question?
- Introducing Smoky
- Don't know if this is allowed
- SO Upset! Don't think Mia can come to work anymore...
- Happy FIRST birthday Matty Lu
- To anyone waiting for bows
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