
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY..Maria - Furby2000
  2. Look what I found..
  3. Walmart & Halloween FYI
  4. Rabies Tag
  5. Grooming a Yorkie Puppy
  6. My Tigeree Tigeroo turns 3 today
  7. Happy Birthday to.....
  8. Biting Golden Retrievers Ankles!
  9. Any News on Bently? Please keep us posted!
  10. Lexington Woman Says Two Yorkie Pups Stolen
  11. Zoe is eating her own poop..
  12. not a morning puppy?
  13. Bella's surgery estimate came, better than I thought.
  14. Is puppy lacking something?
  15. What should I do? Little dog running free
  16. She wants to play cards too
  17. Blue eyes
  18. Stitches in tail and other questions
  19. Biewer Halloween Picture Contest!
  20. Need opinion with food
  21. My little centerpiece:
  22. New to forum
  23. I don't get it! She knows better!!!
  24. acting crazy after bath
  25. papillon?
  26. Bentley is missing!!!
  27. Petsmart Halloween Costume Contest 10/23
  28. susanyorkies
  29. puppy abuser needs jail
  30. Thank you Twalla and Sam Sam!!
  31. Baby Teeth
  32. Hi, we are new, thanks for being here!
  33. Problems with free roam...
  34. Stuck with PAYING at VET?? grrr???
  35. Newly Single Puppy Parent
  36. Hello Yorkie Lovers
  37. Poopy Circles, LOL
  38. Potty training relapse?
  39. Good Doggie Day Care in NYC?
  40. How to socialize an unsocialized dog???
  41. Thanks to YT!
  42. German Trip
  43. Can't post new pics... :(
  44. I felt so stupid, but I had to share...
  45. Tino has a date~
  46. Spoiling your Yorkie...and now
  47. Beverly Hills Chihuahua likely to cause a surge in abandoned Chi's
  48. Central Iowa Yorkie Meetup - Oct. 11
  49. Help - walking on a leash
  50. Stubborn Walker
  51. Dog Clothes
  52. Breeder in BC
  53. Arm Nibbling ?
  54. Cutest photo
  55. Yay!!!!
  56. Furbaby barking while I'm on YT.
  57. 1st birthday pups
  58. Little hair
  59. Am I doing ok?
  60. Pet Shop Yorkie
  61. This is the icing on the cake for me!!!
  62. Please help
  63. I'm new and totally befuddled ...... LoL !!!!!
  64. I found!
  65. Sad. I miss the girls
  66. HELP he ate them again!!
  67. Bella in her new Jammies
  68. I'm back!
  69. Shes having puppies freaking out here!!
  70. She won't let me leave the house!
  71. When will she stop growing?
  72. Concerned yorkie mum!
  73. avatar help please!!
  74. Tooth extraction
  75. shamppo and conditioner
  76. My puppy is going to turn into a cat!
  77. Yorkies and TV??
  78. How much more will he grow?!
  79. Need a cowboy hat for Rocky
  80. I'd like to introduce myself and Zoë..
  81. testicle question
  82. Help....Husband never owned a dog before
  83. Advice on looking for a pup....
  84. Valentino clothes
  85. Home Grooming
  86. Anyone interested in a Rochester NY meet-up?
  87. Boys are fighting Bad! Help!
  88. Myesthenia Gravis in Yorkies
  89. Help new Yorkie mom with biting
  90. yorkie cold?
  91. Need Urgent advice on Vet diagnosis, Please!
  92. Tinkerbelle for BaileysMom
  93. Bella's !st Birthday
  94. My 2 new Yorkies!
  95. Please HELP! Another Yorkie?
  96. Do Yorkies like to be alone or have a pal?
  97. Costume Contest
  98. How to get Nakisha to stop chewing up her harness
  99. I'm a bad yorkie mom
  100. Need Help With Car Seat
  101. is it possible
  102. Dogs That Changed The World: The Rise of the Dog
  103. Am I Right or Wrong: Dog Event & Booth Owner Upset
  104. Stinky dog!!!
  105. Blue, Red or Chocolate??
  106. Microchipped!
  107. Teddy Ate Tampons!
  108. he is eating her dresses!!! :(
  109. bad breath
  110. Humane Society Rescue Sucess Story!!!
  111. Reaction to DH's sneezing, coughing etc
  112. Licking of the face
  113. One Yorkie biting another Yorkie's ears
  114. My Angel is a Latte Lover!!!! lol
  115. Looking for a yorkie in NJ
  116. please help
  117. Update on MN Puppy Mill
  118. My Yorkie Bobby, in TV series Supernatural
  119. Mojo is Finally Housebroken!!
  120. Digging: Why do Yorkies dig
  121. A Pet's Ten Commandments!
  122. Questions about flees...
  123. I just want to see if it worked
  124. walk and pee
  125. Lots of Stairs - Good or Bad?
  126. Hello
  127. Check Out Baby Zoey
  128. Cold
  129. Oct 21st - Mark your calendars!!
  130. Those with more than one......
  131. First experience with another Yorkie!
  132. Brownish red flat with brown specks on belly
  133. Hi I am new here and have a question about my Yorkie!
  134. Jamming 2 halloween music early:
  135. Name suggestions for a little girl
  136. Soft stool for one week! HELP!
  137. Special deals at Petsmart
  138. Brushing Teeth: How often & etc
  139. We Have A New Addition
  140. Floppy Ears
  141. Submitted and application on a rescue!
  142. birthday cake recipes
  143. registration q
  144. Board or leave at home alone?
  145. Biewers?
  146. Yorkie rescue needs your vote!
  147. New Nickname
  148. Oh no, Roxy's paw got stuck in the door!
  149. Please Help!!!
  150. Neutering an Adult Male
  151. Hello from MO
  152. How can I
  153. New Colorful Yorkie Website
  154. Help...
  155. Saved by the Cat!!!!
  156. Scrathing head and chewing legs...
  157. Second post- The Infamous "Part"
  158. puppy coat
  159. Daizy's ears??
  160. Flea help!
  161. I've been away
  162. Ahhhh!!!!!
  163. My yorkie licks me all the time!!!
  164. Please help - FUR BITING!
  165. Funny poop story
  166. Going Bye-Bye!!!
  167. Hello from Oklahoma
  168. Ugh!!!
  169. No more puppy sales on street corners!!!!(az)
  170. ERG Getting annoyed! Stop barking/meowing at my dog!
  171. My little guy is 9 today!!
  172. bite slightly off
  173. I let Pixie off Leash for the 1st time today!
  174. rare blue yorkie
  175. Venting but not a bad one, ha
  176. So. Cal. Bark at the park & Meetup. Oct 4th
  177. my samsons hair
  178. I did it again! LOL
  179. Goofball!
  180. What is the best food to feed my yorkies
  181. Yorkie boxes
  182. Mommie,I've gained weight:
  183. Quick vote!!!!
  184. I didn't get a lapdog at all :(
  185. Just wondering how many?
  186. has anyone used this line of shampoos?
  187. Short Legs on a Yorkie Puppy- Defect or Normal??
  188. I did it
  189. A Dogs purpose....makes ya think.
  190. Hair cuts?
  191. Does Anyone Have a Room For their lil Angels?
  192. Tiny Yorkie....
  193. Chip has a boo boo!
  194. To God from the Dog
  195. effects of neutring
  196. i just don't know what to do. i'm scared for her life.
  197. Does Anybody have a guess????
  198. Yorkie Growth Chart ???
  199. Yorkies are so smart
  200. Pet Insurance
  201. ok i need opinions
  202. Look what I'm getting!!!
  203. Here's a giggle
  204. I have my Yorkies!
  205. Finding Tricksie's sister.
  206. 12 weeks X by 2??
  207. that bullystick sale
  208. Recalls on pet food
  209. I got Chino
  210. Evo?????
  211. Found a Pup this morning
  212. Tino is a DADDY again!
  213. dangerous are they?
  214. Guess what I found on my doorstep last night?
  215. Hello to everyone
  216. We might want to watch OPrah today
  217. Lucy's gone
  218. New here!
  219. Puppy Prices
  220. Just saying hello- I'm new!
  221. Target's Fall Line.
  222. Heat
  223. Flea allergy or common are these really?
  224. Pix is driving the cats crazy !
  225. Do they ever stop following you???
  226. Yorkie vs Silky: 2 Different Breeds?
  227. does your furbaby do this???
  228. Question about Breeders Ethic
  229. Omg!!
  230. change in color of male puppy testicles
  231. Nutro - Natural choice dog food killed my mom's yorkie :(
  232. Red legged Yorkie
  233. Every yorkie should have this shirt
  234. Help!!! Molly is pooping in the house.
  235. Escape artist
  236. fighting :(
  237. New Yorkie Mommy, Pls Help!!
  238. What size is too small for a yorkie puppy?
  239. Anyone else have 2 sibling pups?
  240. Hi
  241. Walgreens Pet Photo Shoot this Saturday!
  242. Evansville, IN
  243. Some Advice Plz?
  244. Perfect Age Gap Between Puppies
  245. Question?
  246. Introducing Smoky
  247. Don't know if this is allowed
  248. SO Upset! Don't think Mia can come to work anymore...
  249. Happy FIRST birthday Matty Lu
  250. To anyone waiting for bows
