View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - Tucker isn't bonding
- A Poop Story!
- Very Funny Comment by Hubby
- Is She a Puppy or Mentally Challenged?
- GOOD breeder close to chicago?
- So Excited!!!
- first barks
- puppies growing up
- Is it ok?
- Christmas sweater
- Another thank you...Ms Kimmie, Camly, and Ms. Mary!!!!!
- Did you ever just want to give up?
- Getting pictures made for Xmas cards!!
- Ronda & Teddi ~~ THANK YOU!!!
- Thank you YorkieRose (Pat)
- loss of my Dezzy
- Very Very Mad!
- Breeding
- Help.
- Urgent Question
- new baby intro to older baby.
- Chunk, our 12 pound yorkie
- Max and Macy
- EXPERTISE Advice needed!
- Roxy was very bad today!!
- Little laundry helpers?
- HELP! Apt. may not let my aunt in with a support dog!
- New puppy frenzy!
- <<jumpin' up and down>> We are SOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!
- New Member of the Family
- Tearing after grooming
- potintial eye problems due to hair cut
- Shipped from Brazil?
- Pepper spray???
- Accurate Weight?
- Yorkie Found
- Dog of the Month goes to....
- Daily Walmart Update ;)
- when did your pup start barking?
- Poor Paisley : ( Please pray for her.
- oh no! HELP!!!!
- Let's Remember~
- Spaying around 3 lbs?
- hi. i'm new
- Specials Code
- My new baby!!!
- My heart strings are being pulled
- I just ordered Cocoa and Daisy their first pair of pjs!
- Stairs
- Thank you yorkiegirl83 and Rusty's Momma!!!
- Pattern question
- Just Wanted To Say Congratulations!
- Please help...I can't remember the site!
- house training
- YorkieTalk 2007 Halloween Contest WINNERS!
- Walgreens has cute dog stuff!
- Newbie here!
- YT Halloween Costume Contest...Results?
- A Big Thanks to all
- Poor, scared Tucker
- Nerds Candy!!
- Xmas shirts and sweaters at Target
- Barney and Bennie get Neutered tomorrow
- okay- wierd question!
- Leaving to pick up Matilda...
- Bella is crazy for AOL man
- The Funniest Thing Happened Today...
- Beloved Yorkie returned after 2 wks.
- Yorkie thinks litter box is candy store
- Newbie
- Quick question
- Anyone else?
- Writing a paper...Need help!
- Biting, barking, jumping puppy drives his older brother nuts................
- Happy Halloween!!!
- Mocha has Dogster!
- Sadie's a Cheerleader
- Jump on one thing... JUMP
- Kirby isn't improving
- To Much???? Please respond.
- Max's 1st Birthday
- Drooping Ears
- I had to share this
- Daisy Needs Shots - What should I do?
- I'm soooo bummed!!!
- Bella is in our local newspaper!
- Hello`
- Today Show to feature Pets in Costume
- Can dogs have ADD???
- When do they become cuddly?
- Emergency Pet Preparedness -- Refresher
- Need to Rehome your dog? How could you?
- Happy Halloween!!!
- Happy 1st Birthday Vinnie!!!!!
- Paisley's getting spayed tomorrow : (
- 18 Babies saved near my home..
- You know you've done it!!!
- 2 clothing questions
- Ok what did I do wrong???
- Top 10 reason to own a Yorkie!
- Omg!!!! Natalie!!!!!
- cotton coat?
- what would you do?
- Ahhh....:p
- Any solutions on digging ???
- GE Sign-Up Deadline is FAST approaching!!
- Anyone with Yorkies and Maltese?
- Which car seat to buy? Help Please!
- Wow!! Look What We Got From Tinkerbell's Closet
- Let's try a Philadelphia meetup this weekend!
- Hi everyone!
- Who can get any work done like this?
- Deverstated
- What would make him react like this?
- Help! Need girl names!!
- Newbie with question
- REMINDER: LAST DAY (10/30/07) to Enter YT Halloween Contest!
- Grooming prices??
- Time for a brother/sister?
- I cant believe.....
- Mommy Supwised Wus!!
- Scams
- Need assist
- She fell asleep during a bath!
- Anyone buy pet stroller from Ebay that is not a Pet Gear Stroller???
- Wow... Try to do some folks a favor and...
- I'm Feeling very sad for Trinity
- Over protective?
- Petco Fashion Show!
- can anyone identify this:)
- Central Indiana Groomers
- Crate your baby!! Yes or No? Help please!
- Silky or Cott0ny?
- Hows Maddie doing
- Who will your babies go to if something happens to you?
- New to Yorkie Talk
- Do you treat for fleas all year round?
- Have you heard of?
- I just had to say......
- What to do?
- Help! Bella Is Eating My Floor
- Some Size Input Please...
- What to do about excessive whining?
- potty mouth
- Does anyone know...
- Food Stress.............
- A dgos story
- How long is a first season
- ? Vynal Play Yard Or Play Pen
- My thoughts exactly!
- missy vet checked
- Look what Daddy And I got mommy
- dogfood recalls......have they stopped???
- Best color background?
- Pet Portraits ... East Coast Dates
- OMG Hairless Yorkie listed as Rare...
- Coughing?
- Lulu Pink, Max-a-million line from Walmart
- Ears?
- Do you really find a yorkie to buy here?
- Do you get the emotional Shaking ;)
- Does It Get Any Better Than This?
- Hmm.. he is pretty smart :)
- He got shaved
- Happy Birthday Misty!!
- Titus has a Sister!
- Who needs a wife when you have Yorkie?
- Be vewy vewy quiet
- My ex's Yorkie lost her puppies!
- What's normal temp for 9 mo. pup?
- Yorkie's and Snow?
- Pet Hair
- A new addiction...
- New member!!!
- Does anyone else's baby have a cough?
- What should a properly healing suture look like?
- Which would you make?
- Anyone go to any Howl-o-ween Parties?
- I made it to my 2000 post, I need a new Avatar
- 1st post ever!
- My new little girl
- Dog left in car.....
- Babybear wants to tell you all something he can FLY!!!!!
- What to use?
- Piddle problems
- My luck
- What do you use to clean floors?
- 9 Nipples???
- breeder recommond?
- breeder recommonded?
- Thankful, So Thankful....I sewed
- Question about how to keep bed cleaned...
- Cindy (chattiesmom) Is At You Need Anything
- Thank You Amber...we Love Krackle Jaxs!!!!!
- I do not know if this is another scam or not
- Shoe suggestions?
- nightmare???????
- Tossing dog off balcony gets man 3 years in jail
- I think Sawyer is trying to freeze to death!!
- What in the world is she doing?
- Having two or more Yorkies
- test
- Pictures of *TWINKLE*!!!! come see!
- Question about Yorkies wearing shoes
- How demanding is your Yorkie?
- 10 things you should never feed your dog
- check list for coming home!
- Clothes
- Questions for any 1 that is willing to help
- Breeding
- I miss Max and Abbie :(
- Penny's home fell through again
- Parti Yorkies?
- Yorkie Talk Newbie
- Elphaba getting so smart!!
- Good Morning from Gracie and Tumi!!
- Cosmo won a trophy
- A Wonderful Unexpected Gift
- Going to bed lonely
- Knitting loom sweater pattern...
- Is this real? A little help please....
- 7 WEEK old pup, what to feed her????
- i need help asap!
- Have to board the babies
- i just got this email about some yorkies is it a scam???
- Toddlers and Yorkies
- Humping question
- Omg...i Thought Molly Swallowed
- So Sad
- Question for Multiple pet owners
- NEW YORKIE..Meets our yorkie, interaction problems! any advice!?!?
- Great Deal On Dog Sofa
- Chewing and swallowing small objects
- YT Terrors Group Photo (part II)
- Chocolate yorkies
- Weird Rocky, HELP!!
- Lotion
- Ugh, I feel like a horrible mommy!
- Angels Glow for Tear Stains
- molly's puppies weight?
- Happy Halloween from Kiele!! PICS!
- Collars and tags
- Strangers wanting to pick your baby up...
- awwww poor baby!!
- any one like to play scrabble?
- Wellness vs California Natural vs Orijen
- newbie
- Corky the Yorkie saves the day!
- New member
- Puppy name feedback...
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