
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Tucker isn't bonding
  2. A Poop Story!
  3. Very Funny Comment by Hubby
  4. Is She a Puppy or Mentally Challenged?
  5. GOOD breeder close to chicago?
  6. So Excited!!!
  7. first barks
  8. puppies growing up
  9. Is it ok?
  10. Christmas sweater
  11. Another thank you...Ms Kimmie, Camly, and Ms. Mary!!!!!
  12. Did you ever just want to give up?
  13. Getting pictures made for Xmas cards!!
  14. Ronda & Teddi ~~ THANK YOU!!!
  15. Thank you YorkieRose (Pat)
  16. loss of my Dezzy
  17. Very Very Mad!
  18. Breeding
  19. Help.
  20. Urgent Question
  21. new baby intro to older baby.
  22. Chunk, our 12 pound yorkie
  23. Max and Macy
  24. EXPERTISE Advice needed!
  25. Roxy was very bad today!!
  26. Little laundry helpers?
  27. HELP! Apt. may not let my aunt in with a support dog!
  28. New puppy frenzy!
  29. <<jumpin' up and down>> We are SOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!
  30. New Member of the Family
  31. Tearing after grooming
  32. potintial eye problems due to hair cut
  33. Shipped from Brazil?
  34. Pepper spray???
  35. Accurate Weight?
  36. Yorkie Found
  37. Dog of the Month goes to....
  38. Daily Walmart Update ;)
  39. when did your pup start barking?
  40. Poor Paisley : ( Please pray for her.
  41. oh no! HELP!!!!
  42. Let's Remember~
  43. Spaying around 3 lbs?
  44. hi. i'm new
  45. Specials Code
  46. My new baby!!!
  47. My heart strings are being pulled
  48. I just ordered Cocoa and Daisy their first pair of pjs!
  49. Stairs
  50. Thank you yorkiegirl83 and Rusty's Momma!!!
  51. Pattern question
  52. Just Wanted To Say Congratulations!
  53. Please help...I can't remember the site!
  54. house training
  55. YorkieTalk 2007 Halloween Contest WINNERS!
  56. Walgreens has cute dog stuff!
  57. Newbie here!
  58. YT Halloween Costume Contest...Results?
  59. A Big Thanks to all
  60. Poor, scared Tucker
  61. Nerds Candy!!
  62. Xmas shirts and sweaters at Target
  63. Barney and Bennie get Neutered tomorrow
  64. okay- wierd question!
  65. Leaving to pick up Matilda...
  66. Bella is crazy for AOL man
  67. The Funniest Thing Happened Today...
  68. Beloved Yorkie returned after 2 wks.
  69. Yorkie thinks litter box is candy store
  70. Newbie
  71. Quick question
  72. Anyone else?
  73. Writing a paper...Need help!
  74. Biting, barking, jumping puppy drives his older brother nuts................
  75. Happy Halloween!!!
  76. Mocha has Dogster!
  77. Sadie's a Cheerleader
  78. Jump on one thing... JUMP
  79. Kirby isn't improving
  80. To Much???? Please respond.
  81. Max's 1st Birthday
  82. Drooping Ears
  83. I had to share this
  84. Daisy Needs Shots - What should I do?
  85. I'm soooo bummed!!!
  86. Bella is in our local newspaper!
  87. Hello`
  88. Today Show to feature Pets in Costume
  89. Can dogs have ADD???
  90. When do they become cuddly?
  91. Emergency Pet Preparedness -- Refresher
  92. Need to Rehome your dog? How could you?
  93. Happy Halloween!!!
  94. Happy 1st Birthday Vinnie!!!!!
  95. Paisley's getting spayed tomorrow : (
  96. 18 Babies saved near my home..
  97. You know you've done it!!!
  98. 2 clothing questions
  99. Ok what did I do wrong???
  100. Top 10 reason to own a Yorkie!
  101. Omg!!!! Natalie!!!!!
  102. cotton coat?
  103. what would you do?
  104. Ahhh....:p
  105. Any solutions on digging ???
  106. GE Sign-Up Deadline is FAST approaching!!
  107. Anyone with Yorkies and Maltese?
  108. Which car seat to buy? Help Please!
  109. Wow!! Look What We Got From Tinkerbell's Closet
  110. Let's try a Philadelphia meetup this weekend!
  111. Hi everyone!
  112. Who can get any work done like this?
  113. Deverstated
  114. What would make him react like this?
  115. Help! Need girl names!!
  116. Newbie with question
  117. REMINDER: LAST DAY (10/30/07) to Enter YT Halloween Contest!
  118. Grooming prices??
  119. Time for a brother/sister?
  120. I cant believe.....
  121. Mommy Supwised Wus!!
  122. Scams
  123. Need assist
  124. She fell asleep during a bath!
  125. Anyone buy pet stroller from Ebay that is not a Pet Gear Stroller???
  126. Wow... Try to do some folks a favor and...
  127. I'm Feeling very sad for Trinity
  128. Over protective?
  129. Petco Fashion Show!
  130. can anyone identify this:)
  131. Central Indiana Groomers
  132. Crate your baby!! Yes or No? Help please!
  133. Silky or Cott0ny?
  134. Hows Maddie doing
  135. Who will your babies go to if something happens to you?
  136. New to Yorkie Talk
  137. Do you treat for fleas all year round?
  138. Have you heard of?
  139. I just had to say......
  140. What to do?
  141. Help! Bella Is Eating My Floor
  142. Some Size Input Please...
  143. What to do about excessive whining?
  144. potty mouth
  145. Does anyone know...
  146. Food Stress.............
  147. A dgos story
  148. How long is a first season
  149. ? Vynal Play Yard Or Play Pen
  150. My thoughts exactly!
  151. missy vet checked
  152. Look what Daddy And I got mommy
  153. dogfood recalls......have they stopped???
  154. Best color background?
  155. Pet Portraits ... East Coast Dates
  156. OMG Hairless Yorkie listed as Rare...
  157. Coughing?
  158. Lulu Pink, Max-a-million line from Walmart
  159. Ears?
  160. Do you really find a yorkie to buy here?
  161. Do you get the emotional Shaking ;)
  162. Does It Get Any Better Than This?
  163. Hmm.. he is pretty smart :)
  164. He got shaved
  165. Happy Birthday Misty!!
  166. Titus has a Sister!
  167. Who needs a wife when you have Yorkie?
  168. Be vewy vewy quiet
  169. My ex's Yorkie lost her puppies!
  170. What's normal temp for 9 mo. pup?
  171. Yorkie's and Snow?
  172. Pet Hair
  173. A new addiction...
  174. New member!!!
  175. Does anyone else's baby have a cough?
  176. What should a properly healing suture look like?
  177. Which would you make?
  178. Anyone go to any Howl-o-ween Parties?
  179. I made it to my 2000 post, I need a new Avatar
  180. 1st post ever!
  181. My new little girl
  182. Dog left in car.....
  183. Babybear wants to tell you all something he can FLY!!!!!
  184. What to use?
  185. Piddle problems
  186. My luck
  187. What do you use to clean floors?
  188. 9 Nipples???
  189. breeder recommond?
  190. breeder recommonded?
  191. Thankful, So Thankful....I sewed
  192. Question about how to keep bed cleaned...
  193. Cindy (chattiesmom) Is At You Need Anything
  194. Thank You Amber...we Love Krackle Jaxs!!!!!
  195. I do not know if this is another scam or not
  196. Shoe suggestions?
  197. nightmare???????
  198. Tossing dog off balcony gets man 3 years in jail
  199. I think Sawyer is trying to freeze to death!!
  200. What in the world is she doing?
  201. Having two or more Yorkies
  202. test
  203. Pictures of *TWINKLE*!!!! come see!
  204. Question about Yorkies wearing shoes
  205. How demanding is your Yorkie?
  206. 10 things you should never feed your dog
  207. check list for coming home!
  208. Clothes
  209. Questions for any 1 that is willing to help
  210. Breeding
  211. I miss Max and Abbie :(
  212. Penny's home fell through again
  213. Parti Yorkies?
  214. Yorkie Talk Newbie
  215. Elphaba getting so smart!!
  216. Good Morning from Gracie and Tumi!!
  217. Cosmo won a trophy
  218. A Wonderful Unexpected Gift
  219. Going to bed lonely
  220. Knitting loom sweater pattern...
  221. Is this real? A little help please....
  222. 7 WEEK old pup, what to feed her????
  223. i need help asap!
  224. Have to board the babies
  225. i just got this email about some yorkies is it a scam???
  226. Toddlers and Yorkies
  227. Humping question
  228. Omg...i Thought Molly Swallowed
  229. So Sad
  230. Question for Multiple pet owners
  231. NEW YORKIE..Meets our yorkie, interaction problems! any advice!?!?
  232. Great Deal On Dog Sofa
  233. Chewing and swallowing small objects
  234. YT Terrors Group Photo (part II)
  235. Chocolate yorkies
  236. Weird Rocky, HELP!!
  237. Lotion
  238. Ugh, I feel like a horrible mommy!
  239. Angels Glow for Tear Stains
  240. molly's puppies weight?
  241. Happy Halloween from Kiele!! PICS!
  242. Collars and tags
  243. Strangers wanting to pick your baby up...
  244. awwww poor baby!!
  245. any one like to play scrabble?
  246. Wellness vs California Natural vs Orijen
  247. newbie
  248. Corky the Yorkie saves the day!
  249. New member
  250. Puppy name feedback...
