View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - Good Morning
- Ahh! The Crying!!!!
- Need help asap on advice of surrogate mom put with 3 day old puppies
- dog car safety sticker
- In Anticipation of bringing Baxter Home!!??
- Chattiesmom's napsack was a hit!!!
- Yes! My Sam is better than KIDS!!!
- Free to Good Home 9" Choke Free Harness
- Down to 2 dresses! Can you help me pick?
- XS Clothes
- Home Again question
- Any Thoughts on Annie
- Just a question.
- Toby is getting aggressive with new pup....
- Oh my gosh I'm milking my dog
- How much more happier did u get after u got ur cutie?
- Sorry I haven't been around to much & Question...
- Another group prayer for Cookie.
- Happy 1st Birthday Teddy Bugs!!!
- Need Advice for Lucky.....Please!!!!
- Yorkie Horiscope...
- VET RECOMMENDATIONS in saint pete fl
- car rides
- Pet Friendly Spots in San Antonio and/or South Padre Island??
- A pitbull attacked kingston!
- Barks in one store but not another
- Just a question
- Something to think about
- Let's ALL pray for Cookies safe return.
- Should I keep him
- Possible new Yorkie owner
- Dogster Debit Card?
- I REALLY want a 2nd Yorkie...any advice???
- please help me!!!!
- I am in love with a yter's Yorkie!!
- can someone tell me??
- Do all yorkies prance?
- Hi! We're new here:)
- petsitting tomorrow
- OOOh!! I'm going crazy!
- What's wrong with PEOPLE
- Cute stuff at Dollar Tree!
- Do your furbabies run the roost??
- Antlers for dogs...
- Question for boy owners...belly band, leg lifters
- Pinky just had her 3rd vaccine on Nov 5th, can she leave the house now??
- New Mommy to 8 week Yorkie
- God forbid I wipe her paws off!
- It takes a yorkie to change my mothers life...
- How far do you walk your Yorkie
- Some pictures just need honorable mention
- Gizmo is 1 today!!!!!
- Animal Humor
- Removing teeth today
- grey hair
- Fit throwers
- YT magazine online?
- Sage gets Spayed
- I have a HUGE favor to Ask for helping find Cookie. I need your time
- WHY I'd Lillie pottying where ever she wants again??
- Looking for older female Yorkie in Western Washington
- Need Yorkie Advice!
- Need advice asap
- Eyes watering
- Are There Any YTers in Sacramento/Bay Area?
- Doggy Daycare 5 Days a Week?
- Finally getting there!
- Why do they put everything in their mouths???
- Babboon Butt
- A little chuckle!
- A Little Help (again)
- What is normal for teeth extractions??
- Fetch addiction!
- Penny to be
- Hair Bow Bandit
- Suddenly fearful?
- Shredding his pee pad
- Does your biewer shed?
- At my wits end!! Please help.
- Help her poop better
- Birds of prey
- Hi - I'm the one who's not a cartoonist...
- I'm worried, what should I do???
- will u think about put on Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Channel on ur cutie?
- smart lil stinker
- bully sticks & milksheen shampoo
- Grooming in the winter???!!???
- Teacup yorkies
- List all the advantages of having multiple yorkies!!
- Has your yorkie ever bit its own tongue?
- need reply asap
- Are you ready for this
- Haircut gone bad
- Hi, need some advice please
- Sewing pattern for dog PJs
- Need Homes
- breed
- About male yorkies
- Peeing in bed!
- X-pen Question: She can jump high....!
- Got this ADORABLE Santa suit at the DOLLAR STORE!!
- ok cobys ears are up new pictures are now up in album take a look
- What age did your baby start sleeping with you
- will u think about dressing ur cutie up like a turckey?!!!
- candy saved bianca!!!
- Colt got neutered today
- need some advice!
- A little worried
- Chloe needs a playmate...boy or girl? help please
- Just curious....
- You guys saved me
- Coping without a Yorkie advice please
- Happy Thanksgiving!!
- 2010 calendars
- New Family Member, New Issues
- Milo's First Haircut!
- guys what guys
- Extra Small E-Collar/Cone
- Growth height chart?
- twitter anyone?
- Puppy pee
- 7 month old male yorkie needs a new home.
- Coco the licker!!!
- Lexie is 1 today!!
- Your Yorkie's Fav Color?
- Foxy needs a home for the holidays...
- Blabberfingers award to Nancy1999!
- Yorkies: how fast do they run?
- Moving to Clermont, FLA - looking for small dog day care.
- Please Help Me!
- Start from Scratch?
- Christmas Stocking
- Who makes belly bands?
- funny
- thought this was funny
- Biting furniture
- Help
- Yorkie puppy?
- The dog lover's theory of evolution...
- Happy Birthday to Maggie May and brother Beauregard
- i have missed you all!
- Hi Everyone...I Finally Am A Proud Yorkie Parent!
- do u think they understand what a kiss is?
- Flock of pets find their forever homes
- Greetings
- Do any of your furbutts do this?
- Pet Friendly in Louisville?
- Solomon's new toy
- 9 week old yorkie. ears do not stand up!
- Help treat dispensing toys
- Light a candle for Cookies safe and quick return
- Frustrated...
- Yorkie was killed by Greyhound.
- Wally doesn't fight fair!!
- Suggestions Needed
- Pixie and Roxie in action
- My baby is missing. I dont know what to do!???
- Naughty Yorkie
- I'm so sad!
- Duncan jumps on bed every nite himself, it's DANGEROUS!
- Your thoughts on these purse type carriers????
- advice needed/puppy won't eat dry food anymore
- can someone please answer this why yorkies
- Do Male Squatters Mark ?
- How does your yorkie sleep?
- How old was your yorkie when it was potty trained?
- crazy crazy yorkies!
- as you guys already know
- Help! I forgot my babys birthday!!!!
- Dont I have some STUFF to tell you Guys!
- Do your dogs throw temper tantrums?
- Great news with Tommy's new mum
- Chihuahua eaten by snake
- Play yard for your dog?
- Nibbles front legs after eating...
- looking to purchase my 1st yorkie
- What makes one a cuddler and the other so independent?
- Happy 1st Birthday, Bentley!
- Cleo acting strange
- Kiss on Demand
- American Girls new pet yorkie great xmas gift
- any birthdays today?
- Lucy - our new Baby Girl
- my little yorkiepoo
- have to say goodbye
- Looking to adopt a Yorkie...
- hmmm my yorkie does not let us sleep!!
- Rear Legs Position
- Post Animal Lover Quotes Here!
- Adding another one to the family
- Tyler's baby canines
- Too much running BAD for puppies bones?
- Going under the covers
- Why are mixed rescue dogs MORE EXPENSIVE than pure bred from a breeder dogs?
- Marking
- This Makes me so ANGRY!!!
- Hi Elizabeth here, I'm new and need a sweater pattern
- Well, I did it...
- Nor'Easter continues...
- Sir Piggy
- Need advice PLEASE!
- Leash or Lead?
- Birthday Ideas
- Flooded
- I think I NEED to get a muzzle for Sugar
- This will remind you of where your money goes...
- ears that flopped
- Question for those of you that have participated in a Pet Expo
- How smart is your Yorkie
- Bad baby ate my shoe
- Vets in Kansas City
- Hi yorkie talk! im new around here :)
- Roxy's a SHOPLIFTER!!!
- My puppy just got her second vaccination and i think she might be sick?
- Anyone Know the Japanese Language
- hi
- How to make yorkie Bows?
- Grocery Shopping Day & Excited Yorkies
- A couple of questions...
- New to YorkieTalk
- Question! & HELP Dont think it serious but...
- Check your P.M.'s! LOL
- How many of your Yorkies do the "typical" Yorkie behaviors?
- Yorkies are liars.
- Is Our Little Girl 'Normal'?
- New Yorkie mom and new to YorkieTalk
- the more i see ither yts fur babys and other peoples dog i
- Yorkie Puppy Humping?
- New Yorkie Mom- NEED HELP-EARS???
- Miley won't sit still
- Ok, Wally is in trouble now!
- ADVICE NEEDED from yorkie rescuers
- Ridin out the storm
- Prayers for my lil Shay
- Happy 2nd Birthday Emmie
- Hello, grooming question..
- She won't poop!
- Looking for update
- Yorkie on Vera Bradley Catalog???
- We have new neighbors
- Why?!!!
- Which is better?
- * Possible Yorkie "train" needed * - Close to Roanoke, VA
- Hello-New here
- facebook for the dog
- How many of you have floppy-eared yorkies?
- Water intake
- Help with top knot!
- Does anyones yorkie play with a "hide a squirrel" dog toy?
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