- Jobs that you can bring your dog to
- Question About Nutri Cal?
- Does your yorkie do this?
- HELP I am So Nervous
- mix?
- War Dogs of the Pacific / Smoky The Yorkie
- Spayed on Friday and Doing Great
- what is the latest a yorkies hair can change color?
- Gizmo is famous!
- I'm In Tears!!!
- Yikes it's mange!!!!
- Brave Santa
- Hi fellow Yorkie lovers
- New to YorkieTalk :]
- My early bird is killing me, please help!
- Puppy Mill warning!!!
- Watched this on The Today Show. Buying puppies online.
- Kiwi's Preop (spay) Exam
- Today SHow goes after them
- 2 Dogs in Heat omg
- YAY... Sophie is 3!
- New Introduction!
- Dallas Show
- I'm getting a mixed breed... AND IM PROUD!!
- Blue borns everywhere?!?!?!
- Prissy is very hyper...
- A couple of Questions
- Disgusted with the new IN thing
- New to yorkie forum
- Food Suggestions
- Are baby carrots ok to give to my yorky?
- snow and going potty outside
- new litter
- Beware of emails
- Great Deal on Coats
- New Yorkie, cute story
- Cleaning Yorkie teeth
- Pet Abuse Database - Very Informing!
- Lyme vaccine info?
- New puppy!
- 3 dogs....am I crazy
- Merry Christmas Yorkie Talkers!
- Figures I would pick a twisted pup!
- Good news
- Tell me it will be ok
- Looking for a lighted collar
- Tags on collar question
- saw this on craigslist
- Hello From Arkansas~New Member
- Playpen
- Is anyone familiar with this breeder?
- how do you research a breeder?
- Stolen Puppy Epidemic?
- Oliver is back!!!!
- Dexter is about to get out of his new playpen
- Lilly says thank you!
- picky eater
- Okay call me crazy
- HELP! new puppy growls at husky
- Another puppy?
- Oliver is missing!!
- is he a good quality pup?
- is bad to give dog tap water?
- Help
- I'm new and wanted to say hello
- Yorkie Breeder in Central Illinois and/or Chicago
- Need some advice
- New and just want to say Hi to everyone
- Update: Promise no venting this time ;)
- Chachi and his first day on the treadmill LOL
- Missing my pups
- Drs. Report is in
- Anyone know where i can get a shampoo?
- Could he be the one?
- I don't know what to do! Help?
- Baby food
- Excited
- Need some training advice
- New Yorkie owner
- Are male yorkies more difficult to housebreak?
- Seizures ?
- getting another furbaby!!! (happy dance)!!
- Spay Advice Needed
- Snoring?
- Ask a Stupid Question...hilarious!!!
- New to site
- Ckc To Akc?
- Help with the training
- Something just feels fishy.....
- travel anixiety
- Update on Brandy...
- Thank you Sugarmamma!!!
- I LOVE Victoria Stilwell!
- Anyone near Sanford Fl tomorrow?
- Ok, so here we go AGAIN....LOL
- Making Chicken Jerky
- hey everyone!
- New to the group
- So thankful for you all
- Having a big problem.......
- Need to Know what to do
- Coughing (CT?) Oliver Update
- Really need to Vent!!!
- Update on Emmie!
- Yorkies living up north
- What a day!
- Car Sick Pup..Anyone have this problem??
- Discount RX card that can be used for Pets too
- Thank You Rachel
- We Love Our "All Dog Boots"!
- New Yorkie member saying hello & a bit of a disturbing story.
- First Time Post WElcome
- New Christmas Yorkie!
- First post- depressed puppy :(
- Petplan Insurance
- Liver Shunt Pup
- Should I be concerned
- Spay is Tomorrow - wish us luck :)
- Phoebe is 6 today
- New to Yorkie Talk. I have a few questions.
- Coco Skittles Starburt Surgery went well~
- Long overdue introduction
- insurance
- Can you recommend a micro chip/co. to go with
- Christmas card list
- The purpose of a dog...
- What are you getting your furbut(s) for Christmas?
- How do you get your Yorkie to get used to....
- Confused
- May we welcome.....
- coyote
- At what age did your
- Micro-Chip Tag???
- This just aggrevates me!
- Yay!!! Breakthrough!!!
- Nipping or mouthing...
- keeping busy and update on Callie
- Not happy with this vet
- Info on yorkie killing
- Wendell's sweater caused HUGE tangles
- Why does he do this with his mouth?
- Flea Shampoo
- Boy or girl puppy?
- Newbie here
- Flea problem.. HELP!
- I'm so sad...what to do.. I need to make friends...
- Zoe Is Two Years Old Today
- Christmas Card list
- YORKIE KILLING Phone Number & address
- Sophie's cute e-card.
- Tee Hee! Does your Yorkie do this?
- re-posting
- New kid in town
- I've done it! I have a self-cleaning house!
- Just saying hello
- Gizmo Goes to Work
- Had so much fun today!!!
- Does this sound like collapsed trachea?
- Chicken Jerkey recall shows up on Facebook
- Embarrassed But Really Need The Help!
- Feeding out of my hand?
- BaxterBoo Cybermonday sale extended
- Diddy needs new food
- First post/harness ?
- I think YT needs.....
- Zack and Zoey?!!?
- Finally a Yorkie Mom!!!
- Christmas and your fur babies...
- My Oliver has great instinct
- My wonderful day...
- Puppy dragged by van
- Hide and Seek: Our New Game
- My workout buddy!
- Does your baby go everywhere with you?
- Pet Tent?
- I know it's silly, but Yay!!!!!
- Hello - Newbie to the Forum
- Lost Yorkie - Miami/Coral Gables area
- only 6 months old - mole?!?!
- Bells on Collars
- Looking for Christmas safety tips for crowded homes
- help! Breeder says yorkie.. what do you think?
- sherpa carrier
- chewing vent
- Newbie here...Hello
- Question about calenders??
- Becoming Aware
- Choppa is part cat?
- Does he look scared to you?
- maggie has razor burn
- Anyone have....
- How do I stop her from constantly begging to play??
- Diaper Bag?
- How to bring him home with the least amount of stress!
- Not quite sure...
- Meet my new Foster pup!
- This is old maybe you've already read it.
- Puppy biting/eating real christmas tree!
- IAMS Food Recall
- Beds Galore!
- Is he mad at me!?
- Hello from Spain
- formal apology
- Chris Christensen Special
- Christmas Cards anyone??
- Hi Everyone.....
- Need advice GROOMERS
- My cheering section
- I cut Paisley's hair
- recall chicken jerkey treats
- Peanut Scare
- Needing some advise or just support
- Christmas Decorating
- Odd aggression O.o
- What gets rid of the urine smell?!?!
- Happy 5th BIRTHDAY Jada
- I hope I haven't made a mistake
- Score!!
- Water bottles, to use or not to use that is the question. . .
- Long hair on ears
- Just switched to Eqyss products. . . any expierences?
- Excited new brush & combs on their way. . .
- FFirst Bully Stick
- how to breed 16 month old male yorkie
- Christmas Presents!!!!
- Awful on walk today >:(
- Lucks Loves His Momma...
- PPE Has great sales for black Friday!
- Jackson and I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!
- Spaying and small dogs
- Grain allergy
- Bitter Apple Did NOT Work!!!
- I nicked Roxy's ear
- neuter??
- need advice
- Hawk scare today!
- Nicknames?
- 4-5lb yorkie @ adult age...is that too small?
- New here - some advice needed
- Happy Thanksgiving to all!!
- Doggy door and other changes!
- what age do boys mature
- Happy Thanksgiving!
- Update- EWW!
- Don't forget to Vote At Park Chevrolet
- From your Canadian friends....
- Jada and Bogie want to.....
- Quick question about food...
- Lucky wants to say....