
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Jobs that you can bring your dog to
  2. Question About Nutri Cal?
  3. Does your yorkie do this?
  4. HELP I am So Nervous
  5. mix?
  6. War Dogs of the Pacific / Smoky The Yorkie
  7. Spayed on Friday and Doing Great
  8. what is the latest a yorkies hair can change color?
  9. Gizmo is famous!
  10. I'm In Tears!!!
  11. Yikes it's mange!!!!
  12. Brave Santa
  13. Hi fellow Yorkie lovers
  14. New to YorkieTalk :]
  15. My early bird is killing me, please help!
  16. Puppy Mill warning!!!
  17. Watched this on The Today Show. Buying puppies online.
  18. Kiwi's Preop (spay) Exam
  19. Today SHow goes after them
  20. 2 Dogs in Heat omg
  21. YAY... Sophie is 3!
  22. New Introduction!
  23. Dallas Show
  24. I'm getting a mixed breed... AND IM PROUD!!
  25. Blue borns everywhere?!?!?!
  26. Prissy is very hyper...
  27. A couple of Questions
  28. Disgusted with the new IN thing
  29. New to yorkie forum
  30. Food Suggestions
  31. Are baby carrots ok to give to my yorky?
  32. snow and going potty outside
  33. new litter
  34. Beware of emails
  35. Great Deal on Coats
  36. New Yorkie, cute story
  37. Cleaning Yorkie teeth
  38. Pet Abuse Database - Very Informing!
  39. Lyme vaccine info?
  40. New puppy!
  41. 3 I crazy
  42. Merry Christmas Yorkie Talkers!
  43. Figures I would pick a twisted pup!
  44. Good news
  45. Tell me it will be ok
  46. Looking for a lighted collar
  47. Tags on collar question
  48. saw this on craigslist
  49. Hello From Arkansas~New Member
  50. Playpen
  51. Is anyone familiar with this breeder?
  52. how do you research a breeder?
  53. Stolen Puppy Epidemic?
  54. Oliver is back!!!!
  55. Dexter is about to get out of his new playpen
  56. Lilly says thank you!
  57. picky eater
  58. Okay call me crazy
  59. HELP! new puppy growls at husky
  60. Another puppy?
  61. Oliver is missing!!
  62. is he a good quality pup?
  63. is bad to give dog tap water?
  64. Help
  65. I'm new and wanted to say hello
  66. Yorkie Breeder in Central Illinois and/or Chicago
  67. Need some advice
  68. New and just want to say Hi to everyone
  69. Update: Promise no venting this time ;)
  70. Chachi and his first day on the treadmill LOL
  71. Missing my pups
  72. Drs. Report is in
  73. Anyone know where i can get a shampoo?
  74. Could he be the one?
  75. I don't know what to do! Help?
  76. Baby food
  77. Excited
  78. Need some training advice
  79. New Yorkie owner
  80. Are male yorkies more difficult to housebreak?
  81. Seizures ?
  82. getting another furbaby!!! (happy dance)!!
  83. Spay Advice Needed
  84. Snoring?
  85. Ask a Stupid Question...hilarious!!!
  86. New to site
  87. Ckc To Akc?
  88. Help with the training
  89. Something just feels fishy.....
  90. travel anixiety
  91. Update on Brandy...
  92. Thank you Sugarmamma!!!
  93. I LOVE Victoria Stilwell!
  94. Anyone near Sanford Fl tomorrow?
  95. Ok, so here we go AGAIN....LOL
  96. Making Chicken Jerky
  97. hey everyone!
  98. New to the group
  99. So thankful for you all
  100. Having a big problem.......
  101. Need to Know what to do
  102. Coughing (CT?) Oliver Update
  103. Really need to Vent!!!
  104. Update on Emmie!
  105. Yorkies living up north
  106. What a day!
  107. Car Sick Pup..Anyone have this problem??
  108. Discount RX card that can be used for Pets too
  109. Thank You Rachel
  110. We Love Our "All Dog Boots"!
  111. New Yorkie member saying hello & a bit of a disturbing story.
  112. First Time Post WElcome
  113. New Christmas Yorkie!
  114. First post- depressed puppy :(
  115. Petplan Insurance
  116. Liver Shunt Pup
  117. Should I be concerned
  118. Spay is Tomorrow - wish us luck :)
  119. Phoebe is 6 today
  120. New to Yorkie Talk. I have a few questions.
  121. Coco Skittles Starburt Surgery went well~
  122. Long overdue introduction
  123. insurance
  124. Can you recommend a micro chip/co. to go with
  125. Christmas card list
  126. The purpose of a dog...
  127. What are you getting your furbut(s) for Christmas?
  128. How do you get your Yorkie to get used to....
  129. Confused
  130. May we welcome.....
  131. coyote
  132. At what age did your
  133. Micro-Chip Tag???
  134. This just aggrevates me!
  135. Yay!!! Breakthrough!!!
  136. Nipping or mouthing...
  137. keeping busy and update on Callie
  138. Not happy with this vet
  139. Info on yorkie killing
  140. Wendell's sweater caused HUGE tangles
  141. Why does he do this with his mouth?
  142. Flea Shampoo
  143. Boy or girl puppy?
  144. Newbie here
  145. Flea problem.. HELP!
  146. I'm so sad...what to do.. I need to make friends...
  147. Zoe Is Two Years Old Today
  148. Christmas Card list
  149. YORKIE KILLING Phone Number & address
  150. Sophie's cute e-card.
  151. Tee Hee! Does your Yorkie do this?
  152. re-posting
  153. New kid in town
  154. I've done it! I have a self-cleaning house!
  155. Just saying hello
  156. Gizmo Goes to Work
  157. Had so much fun today!!!
  158. Does this sound like collapsed trachea?
  159. Chicken Jerkey recall shows up on Facebook
  160. Embarrassed But Really Need The Help!
  161. Feeding out of my hand?
  162. BaxterBoo Cybermonday sale extended
  163. Diddy needs new food
  164. First post/harness ?
  165. I think YT needs.....
  166. Zack and Zoey?!!?
  167. Finally a Yorkie Mom!!!
  168. Christmas and your fur babies...
  169. My Oliver has great instinct
  170. My wonderful day...
  171. Puppy dragged by van
  172. Hide and Seek: Our New Game
  173. My workout buddy!
  174. Does your baby go everywhere with you?
  175. Pet Tent?
  176. I know it's silly, but Yay!!!!!
  177. Hello - Newbie to the Forum
  178. Lost Yorkie - Miami/Coral Gables area
  179. only 6 months old - mole?!?!
  180. Bells on Collars
  181. Looking for Christmas safety tips for crowded homes
  182. help! Breeder says yorkie.. what do you think?
  183. sherpa carrier
  184. chewing vent
  185. Newbie here...Hello
  186. Question about calenders??
  187. Becoming Aware
  188. Choppa is part cat?
  189. Does he look scared to you?
  190. maggie has razor burn
  191. Anyone have....
  192. How do I stop her from constantly begging to play??
  193. Diaper Bag?
  194. How to bring him home with the least amount of stress!
  195. Not quite sure...
  196. Meet my new Foster pup!
  197. This is old maybe you've already read it.
  198. Puppy biting/eating real christmas tree!
  199. IAMS Food Recall
  200. Beds Galore!
  201. Is he mad at me!?
  202. Hello from Spain
  203. formal apology
  204. Chris Christensen Special
  205. Christmas Cards anyone??
  206. Hi Everyone.....
  207. Need advice GROOMERS
  208. My cheering section
  209. I cut Paisley's hair
  210. recall chicken jerkey treats
  211. Peanut Scare
  213. Needing some advise or just support
  214. Christmas Decorating
  215. Odd aggression O.o
  216. What gets rid of the urine smell?!?!
  217. Happy 5th BIRTHDAY Jada
  218. I hope I haven't made a mistake
  219. Score!!
  220. Water bottles, to use or not to use that is the question. . .
  221. Long hair on ears
  222. Just switched to Eqyss products. . . any expierences?
  223. Excited new brush & combs on their way. . .
  224. FFirst Bully Stick
  225. how to breed 16 month old male yorkie
  226. Christmas Presents!!!!
  227. Awful on walk today >:(
  228. Lucks Loves His Momma...
  229. PPE Has great sales for black Friday!
  230. Jackson and I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!
  231. Spaying and small dogs
  232. Grain allergy
  233. Bitter Apple Did NOT Work!!!
  234. I nicked Roxy's ear
  235. neuter??
  236. need advice
  237. Hawk scare today!
  238. Nicknames?
  239. 4-5lb yorkie @ adult that too small?
  240. New here - some advice needed
  241. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!
  242. Doggy door and other changes!
  243. what age do boys mature
  244. Happy Thanksgiving!
  245. Update- EWW!
  246. Don't forget to Vote At Park Chevrolet
  247. From your Canadian friends....
  248. Jada and Bogie want to.....
  249. Quick question about food...
  250. Lucky wants to say....
