
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. animals poisoned by swifter wetjet......
  2. silky or cotton question???
  3. Meet Kenyon-10 week old Yorkie
  4. Ears
  5. Emergency Room
  6. Spygirl in Training
  7. White Nails
  8. Wizard of claws in the news again
  9. My Miracle Pup, Jewel
  10. Need Help on Rearend Shaving
  11. From Princess, with Love
  12. Constant Pooping
  13. Happy Mothers Day
  14. Does Anybody Knows
  15. hiking tours that welcome dogs!
  16. Is your yorkie a fetcher?
  17. My dirty girl...
  18. Cali had a bath today and
  19. Warning - baby diapers for your dog?
  20. Mommy cut my fur
  21. are baby wipes safe on dog private areas?
  22. Is this true or false???
  23. dying a yorkie's hair
  24. airline report of animal deaths
  25. Look Who's One Today!!!
  26. Wow!!!
  27. Bad dream!
  28. please help i need advice
  29. Is this set up good enought for new Puppy?
  30. Yorkie sick, help please! :)
  31. mother's day car ride
  32. I've got new updates on ANNIKA
  33. when puppy coat sheadoff.....
  34. Hi!
  35. A new YT baby arrives!!!
  36. time he stops
  37. Tiffany needs teeth pulled??
  38. Cowboy got his first big boy haircut...
  39. Mane 'n Tail or Tropclean
  40. Help!
  41. Somebody Help Me Please!!!!!!!
  42. Lola's back from the Vet!
  43. Sooner or later????
  44. ~~Update on Baby Genes visit to the vet today
  45. She Has A Name!
  46. Your Advice & opinions needed on pro & con
  47. Litterbox or pee pad?
  48. What are the stories behind your YORKIES name?
  49. I'm gonna miss her...
  50. Traveling with yorkie?
  51. Peeing in crate
  52. my new little guy
  53. Parkers thoat????
  54. MONE'T (Platnuimyorkie) GETS MONTE TODAY!!!
  55. Yorkiepip's Birthday!
  56. Lola's at the vet AGAIN!
  57. A new Puppy for a 12 year old??
  58. Pictures of my baby..
  59. My New Frightened Baby...
  60. Are you a registry snob?
  61. Any Breeders on Line?????
  62. Baby Gene goes back to the vet today........
  63. GIZMO and the GIRLS!
  64. I want to set up an Edie-Cam
  65. Bunny helped Bella brake out!!
  66. shaking head
  67. Meet Britt!
  68. Chat????
  69. New concern
  70. Update on Diezel
  71. Max's First Birthday!!
  72. A Question >??
  73. Finally!!!
  74. she's in hEAT!!!
  75. Potty Training W/Aluminum Foil???
  76. What do you think of the 'Animal Law' in NM??
  77. Okay! I need your opinions!
  78. Reproduction
  79. jack
  80. size???
  81. Does the weather affect your yorkie????
  82. Long hair / do you trim between the eyes?
  83. Decisions, Decisions
  84. Ears.... and when do they finish with teething?
  85. He's home!
  86. Accidental Death
  87. How do you get a husband to like a yorkie?
  88. 3 Wheel Stroller v. 4 Wheel Stroller
  89. Grumpy Sleeper
  90. wat to do while outing....
  91. Ears
  92. which bone i should give.....
  93. It's a start!! I found a breeder! Got to start thinking of names!!
  94. two yorkie pups at once
  95. 2 yorkie boys stolen in the uk
  96. Need Suggestions!!!!
  97. Microchipping
  98. What Do I Do Now?
  99. Cali has been a terror ALL day!
  100. I have some new pics of my guys
  101. It's a blizzard in here...
  102. What is wrong with people
  103. adopted yorkie housebreaking help
  104. OK to take home puppy before 12 weeks?
  105. Floppy ears - not all but some....
  106. Jack and Eddie have a house guest!
  107. Need Your Help Please
  108. I sent a new friend to get hooked
  109. Newbie Here...
  110. Newbie from Louisiana here
  111. I want this print.
  112. can yorkies drink spring water?
  113. Yorkie collector plates.
  114. First time barking after vet visit
  115. I need measurements
  116. Yorkies are so smart!!!!
  117. Happy 1ST B-Day!
  118. Bruce Forsyth Dognap agony
  119. I found something that finally works!!!
  120. Need good eyes to identify Katrina yorkies!
  121. my poor baby girl???
  122. WKC Registration
  123. Floppy ear
  124. How does everyone make there Advatar's
  125. She cracks us up!!
  126. My BIG girl!
  127. growth?
  128. Do other dogs cause barking?
  129. Grapes
  130. First heat--hints???
  131. To Have Loved And Then Said Farewell
  132. Poison Alert Cocoa Mulch
  133. Tags
  134. Loosing teeth???
  135. Thank YT
  136. I am going to baby sit
  137. Post Pic Of Your Babies Summer Cut
  138. Latest Fashions From Target
  139. Bichon and Yorkie as sisters????
  140. Anyone watch Ghost Whisperer?
  141. Adding to the Family....
  142. from ebay.....need help
  143. My Friend Wants a 3 lb. full grown Yorkie
  144. Ticks
  145. Maddie's going to a groomer...
  146. Thank you to YOU
  147. Snoozer question...
  148. Yorkies are kind of "front heavy"
  149. Going for a walk...
  150. want to know about hair oil
  151. Zoe. CHESTER! BAD DOG! (potty related)
  152. Back Pain
  153. tiny spot on leg
  154. Just Have To Tell Everyone
  155. Special Prayer...
  156. Real pure breed yorkie?
  157. ACHC Registration??
  158. Bad foods for dogs
  159. Youngest age for shots??
  160. Dentist Appt. Today
  161. Seattle Playdate with Bailey, Diva & Morgan
  162. First time on a LOOOOONG trip
  163. Please Help???
  164. APRI Registration???
  165. What is causing this coughing?
  166. New Here. My First Yorkie.
  167. Hi There
  168. My co-worker dislikes her own Yorkie!
  169. Playing too rough???
  170. She got her yorkie at a bad place!
  171. Need help
  172. Anyone Baby Had Surgery For Luxating Patella
  173. Blessing of the Animals
  174. Cassie loves her Birthday present
  175. Dental spray??
  176. Dressing you Yorkie
  177. Took Sebi to the Vet Today
  178. Hello, I'm new
  179. Naming Babies...Can U?
  180. Back Pain? Help please
  181. Eye color in relation to coat texture???
  182. look what hubby bought me
  183. neuter and acting funny
  184. advice on getting a second yorkie!
  185. Help Tick
  186. Does anyone else feel bad when?????
  187. Villette and Her Spy Girls!!
  188. X-Pen / Play Pen
  189. Sof-pen escapee
  190. Nightmare Morning
  191. standard size of yorki
  192. Whining during dinner
  193. Hounds On The Sound Dog Walk In Port Jefferson Long Island
  194. Rabies Shot
  195. Remember Tinkerbell?
  196. New yorkie boy coming to me May 10!
  197. Funny
  198. Host a doggie party
  199. Barking at night in crate
  200. crazy yorkie
  201. Extreamly Sad
  202. Prayers Please
  203. what is pedigree?????plz urgent
  204. Paws!!paws!!!pictures!!
  205. Help
  206. 6mths old still not housebroken...helpppppp
  207. humorous dog quotes
  208. how common are hernias & symptoms?
  209. Protesting her bath
  210. i hit my yorkie today!!!
  211. I got the best birthday present ever!!!
  212. New to YT and will be a new yorkie owner
  213. "marley" broke my heart......
  214. Holes in baby teeth
  215. Here is what they said....
  216. $1800 yorkie at pet shop with APR???????
  217. Diarrhea
  218. Barking
  219. Shopping Day
  220. Hi!!
  221. Need a little reassuring.....
  222. Length of Time to Determine Coat Texture
  223. 1 puppy died and another sick puppy
  224. I took Starsky to the Furry Scurry this weekend
  225. What tricks do your yorkies do?
  226. Important! I have something to say!
  227. i've been away for awhile but plse help!
  228. Baby Just Wagged Her Tail in Her Sleep! It Was So Cute!
  229. Wiggles - Yorkie on Ace Ventura Pet Detective!
  230. What do you think about this situation?
  231. Need Help
  232. Doesn't bark, whine, etc.
  233. First Post!
  234. Yorkie on CSI: Miami Next Monday (5/8/06 Episode)
  235. I got this and that!
  236. what to do after washing doggie
  237. Help Identify this Harness Please!
  238. We had soooo much fun meeting Mac & Mellie
  239. Yorkie can't whine (why complain, you ask?)
  240. Name
  241. VPI Insurance
  242. Kard Shark Kloey!!!
  243. Who shaved my legs?!?!
  244. Vote for a Girls Name-PLEEEEAAASE
  245. Curly or Silky Yorkees
  246. We Got Our Tails & Claws Done...
  247. Steppin' out!!!
  248. The Angriest Yorkie
  249. Do you think...? Warning - long post!!
  250. Wow look what I found..
