- animals poisoned by swifter wetjet......
- silky or cotton question???
- Meet Kenyon-10 week old Yorkie
- Ears
- Emergency Room
- Spygirl in Training
- White Nails
- Wizard of claws in the news again
- My Miracle Pup, Jewel
- Need Help on Rearend Shaving
- From Princess, with Love
- Constant Pooping
- Happy Mothers Day
- Does Anybody Knows
- hiking tours that welcome dogs!
- Is your yorkie a fetcher?
- My dirty girl...
- Cali had a bath today and
- Warning - baby diapers for your dog?
- Mommy cut my fur
- are baby wipes safe on dog private areas?
- Is this true or false???
- dying a yorkie's hair
- airline report of animal deaths
- Look Who's One Today!!!
- Wow!!!
- Bad dream!
- please help i need advice
- Is this set up good enought for new Puppy?
- Yorkie sick, help please! :)
- mother's day car ride
- I've got new updates on ANNIKA
- when puppy coat sheadoff.....
- Hi!
- A new YT baby arrives!!!
- time he stops
- Tiffany needs teeth pulled??
- Cowboy got his first big boy haircut...
- Mane 'n Tail or Tropclean
- Help!
- Somebody Help Me Please!!!!!!!
- Lola's back from the Vet!
- Sooner or later????
- ~~Update on Baby Genes visit to the vet today
- She Has A Name!
- Your Advice & opinions needed on pro & con
- Litterbox or pee pad?
- What are the stories behind your YORKIES name?
- I'm gonna miss her...
- Traveling with yorkie?
- Peeing in crate
- my new little guy
- Parkers thoat????
- MONE'T (Platnuimyorkie) GETS MONTE TODAY!!!
- Yorkiepip's Birthday!
- Lola's at the vet AGAIN!
- A new Puppy for a 12 year old??
- Pictures of my baby..
- My New Frightened Baby...
- Are you a registry snob?
- Any Breeders on Line?????
- Baby Gene goes back to the vet today........
- GIZMO and the GIRLS!
- I want to set up an Edie-Cam
- Bunny helped Bella brake out!!
- shaking head
- Meet Britt!
- Chat????
- New concern
- Update on Diezel
- Max's First Birthday!!
- A Question >??
- Finally!!!
- she's in hEAT!!!
- Potty Training W/Aluminum Foil???
- What do you think of the 'Animal Law' in NM??
- Okay! I need your opinions!
- Reproduction
- jack
- size???
- Does the weather affect your yorkie????
- Long hair / do you trim between the eyes?
- Decisions, Decisions
- Ears.... and when do they finish with teething?
- He's home!
- Accidental Death
- How do you get a husband to like a yorkie?
- 3 Wheel Stroller v. 4 Wheel Stroller
- Grumpy Sleeper
- wat to do while outing....
- Ears
- which bone i should give.....
- It's a start!! I found a breeder! Got to start thinking of names!!
- two yorkie pups at once
- 2 yorkie boys stolen in the uk
- Need Suggestions!!!!
- Microchipping
- What Do I Do Now?
- Cali has been a terror ALL day!
- I have some new pics of my guys
- It's a blizzard in here...
- What is wrong with people
- adopted yorkie housebreaking help
- OK to take home puppy before 12 weeks?
- Floppy ears - not all but some....
- Jack and Eddie have a house guest!
- Need Your Help Please
- I sent a new friend to get hooked
- Newbie Here...
- Newbie from Louisiana here
- I want this print.
- can yorkies drink spring water?
- Yorkie collector plates.
- First time barking after vet visit
- I need measurements
- Yorkies are so smart!!!!
- Happy 1ST B-Day!
- Bruce Forsyth Dognap agony
- I found something that finally works!!!
- Need good eyes to identify Katrina yorkies!
- my poor baby girl???
- WKC Registration
- Floppy ear
- How does everyone make there Advatar's
- She cracks us up!!
- My BIG girl!
- growth?
- Do other dogs cause barking?
- Grapes
- First heat--hints???
- To Have Loved And Then Said Farewell
- Poison Alert Cocoa Mulch
- Tags
- Loosing teeth???
- Thank YT
- I am going to baby sit
- Post Pic Of Your Babies Summer Cut
- Latest Fashions From Target
- Bichon and Yorkie as sisters????
- Anyone watch Ghost Whisperer?
- Adding to the Family....
- from ebay.....need help
- My Friend Wants a 3 lb. full grown Yorkie
- Ticks
- Maddie's going to a groomer...
- Thank you to YOU
- Snoozer question...
- Yorkies are kind of "front heavy"
- Going for a walk...
- want to know about hair oil
- Chester...meet Zoe. CHESTER! BAD DOG! (potty related)
- Back Pain
- tiny spot on leg
- Just Have To Tell Everyone
- Special Prayer...
- Real pure breed yorkie?
- ACHC Registration??
- Bad foods for dogs
- Youngest age for shots??
- Dentist Appt. Today
- Seattle Playdate with Bailey, Diva & Morgan
- First time on a LOOOOONG trip
- Please Help???
- APRI Registration???
- What is causing this coughing?
- New Here. My First Yorkie.
- Hi There
- My co-worker dislikes her own Yorkie!
- Playing too rough???
- She got her yorkie at a bad place!
- Need help
- Anyone Baby Had Surgery For Luxating Patella
- Blessing of the Animals
- Cassie loves her Birthday present
- Dental spray??
- Dressing you Yorkie
- Took Sebi to the Vet Today
- Hello, I'm new
- Naming Babies...Can U?
- Back Pain? Help please
- Eye color in relation to coat texture???
- look what hubby bought me
- neuter and acting funny
- advice on getting a second yorkie!
- Help Tick
- Does anyone else feel bad when?????
- Villette and Her Spy Girls!!
- X-Pen / Play Pen
- Sof-pen escapee
- Nightmare Morning
- standard size of yorki
- Whining during dinner
- Hounds On The Sound Dog Walk In Port Jefferson Long Island
- Rabies Shot
- Remember Tinkerbell?
- New yorkie boy coming to me May 10!
- Funny
- Host a doggie party
- Barking at night in crate
- crazy yorkie
- Extreamly Sad
- Prayers Please
- what is pedigree?????plz urgent
- Paws!!paws!!!pictures!!
- Help
- 6mths old still not housebroken...helpppppp
- humorous dog quotes
- how common are hernias & symptoms?
- Protesting her bath
- i hit my yorkie today!!!
- I got the best birthday present ever!!!
- New to YT and will be a new yorkie owner
- "marley" broke my heart......
- Holes in baby teeth
- Here is what they said....
- $1800 yorkie at pet shop with APR???????
- Diarrhea
- Barking
- Shopping Day
- Hi!!
- Need a little reassuring.....
- Length of Time to Determine Coat Texture
- 1 puppy died and another sick puppy
- I took Starsky to the Furry Scurry this weekend
- What tricks do your yorkies do?
- Important! I have something to say!
- i've been away for awhile but plse help!
- Baby Just Wagged Her Tail in Her Sleep! It Was So Cute!
- Wiggles - Yorkie on Ace Ventura Pet Detective!
- What do you think about this situation?
- Need Help
- Doesn't bark, whine, etc.
- First Post!
- Yorkie on CSI: Miami Next Monday (5/8/06 Episode)
- I got this and that!
- what to do after washing doggie
- Help Identify this Harness Please!
- We had soooo much fun meeting Mac & Mellie
- Yorkie can't whine (why complain, you ask?)
- Name
- VPI Insurance
- Kard Shark Kloey!!!
- Who shaved my legs?!?!
- Vote for a Girls Name-PLEEEEAAASE
- Curly or Silky Yorkees
- We Got Our Tails & Claws Done...
- Steppin' out!!!
- The Angriest Yorkie
- Do you think...? Warning - long post!!
- Wow look what I found..