
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Homemade toy
  2. IBC Registration
  3. Fleas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. First time Yorkie owner with a few questions
  5. Chat chat chat!!!
  6. My little Biewer Goliath - so quiet after travel
  7. Ear question
  8. Sorry I've been MIA...
  9. A ton of questions!
  10. My traveling therapy dog
  11. Newbie here
  12. Odd new habit that I need to know if I should stop or be concerned!!
  13. Nervous Dog Magazine ----
  14. Baxters new name Houdini
  15. How many Threads???
  16. how to wash my yorkie who has stitches
  17. What is the oldest pic you have of your yorkie??
  18. You Know Your Crazy When
  19. Grooming
  20. Charlie's new bed
  21. New and in desperate need of advice!
  22. good news with Callie
  23. Just a brief question...
  24. newb :)
  25. Do you have a soft spot for a certain gender?
  26. What a dog!
  27. Bully sticks?
  28. Yorkie owner in San Francisco/ Bay Area ??
  29. Happy Saturday!!
  30. Newbie
  31. New to Yorkie Talk
  32. Toronto Folks CoyDogs and Coyotes in the city
  33. **MUST READ Blogs** from a potential new vet for my Girls
  34. Need advice NOW!
  35. Teeth
  36. There's nothing like it...
  37. My Little Biter
  38. Lol I just started freaking out
  39. petsmart fiasco
  40. The Barking Dog
  41. Natures Variety raw recall
  42. Not feeling to swell tonight
  43. Food Recall Alert
  44. Hello all. I went to Walmart
  45. Indoor Potty Recommendations?
  46. Homemade shampoo
  47. New to the Yorkie Community
  48. Won't walk on harness/leash
  49. Does your Yorkie take care of you??
  50. Region setting on YorkieTalk
  51. Monty's album worked!!!
  52. Prayers
  53. Long Distance Flight
  54. ca yorkie breeders
  55. Should I take Pops for a clip?
  56. Food & treats
  57. Cute Yorkie Story
  58. Well it happened.
  59. Question
  60. Foster mom and babies
  61. You can ALWAYS have a Valentine.....
  62. HELP hubby is NOT happy with our new puppy...
  63. Toys....Do your babies.....
  64. It is not just Valentines Day
  65. My hubby wants a real dog...
  66. Time
  67. Monty's vet visit and size
  68. few more first time owner questions
  69. Dog in Walmart
  70. Mis-behaviing
  71. Messy eater
  72. topnot or clip
  73. LED Pet Safety Gear
  74. Look What I Got
  75. Yorkies born November 2012
  76. Huge thank you to Kyra and her mommy nanahas3!!
  77. Has anyone ever ordered anything from this company?
  78. Happy Valentines Day
  79. Wishing Everyone Happy Valentines
  80. 2013 Valentine's Day Snowflake Ball video
  81. Cant post pics
  82. Look what Baxter did!
  83. Hi All ! Friendly introduction :)
  84. Lost Yorkie in My Home Town :(
  85. Oooh The Torture!
  86. 42 days since she was what do you think?
  87. Hi new here and could use some advice
  88. My Hubby and The Girls.
  89. Will he stay this sweet and laid back?
  90. To spay or not to spay.
  91. Looking for a cute cut for my yorkie!
  92. It has been three years ..
  93. New to the forum
  94. Where does the TIME Go ?
  95. It came yesterday!!!!
  96. Since I got my Yorkie I could really use a.....
  97. Taking Baxter out!
  98. Purina Main Sponsor.....
  99. Say a Little Prayer for Jada
  100. getting a second yorkie..
  101. Chew Bones
  102. Expecting a Yorkie!
  103. Please make me understand!
  104. Looks like we have to switch brands,so...
  105. How many toys does your Yorkie(s) go through?
  106. Silly question- I really want to hear your responses!
  107. Yt raffle-server-donations
  108. Feeding Fruit for Effective TarTar Control..?
  109. First Post New Yorkie 'Mom'
  110. Yorkies Who Made the Chart!
  111. Doll Face...what's it mean?
  112. Introduction and puppy question
  113. 13 weeks! What did your Yorkie weigh?
  114. Baby Teeth
  115. Hi-Introducing Myself!
  116. This made me so sad!
  117. Please Help! Yazmin's A Total Wreck!!!
  118. Blonde yorkies??
  119. keylo's baby teeth removal
  120. Stressful day
  121. is this a purebred yorkie?
  122. New Member
  123. Taking Riley to the Vet :(
  124. teeth question
  125. Brushing Teeth: Do you
  126. Yorkies are just human under all that hair
  127. I know this is all about yorkies but....
  128. Important accomplishment today!!
  129. New Yorkie mom but not new to forum in need of advice, please!!
  130. Advice for leaving Baxter for first time
  131. Size prediction
  132. Monty meets Canada
  133. Feel really bad
  134. Short trip without Milo
  135. Hello yorkie lovers x
  136. Worried
  137. HELP! Are my newborns yorkies?
  138. Somebody please explain why rolling in your pee is so much fun??
  139. OMG, Look what Oscar did !
  140. Micro Chip annual fees
  141. Sleeping habits
  142. Im back!!
  143. Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show 2012 Replay & Opening/Closing Night TV Schedule!
  144. Help with posting
  145. More about Baxter
  146. teddy was potty trained for 6 months and now is peeing everywhere
  147. Barking
  148. accidents
  149. Crate or Bed
  150. Blazer keeps amazing me!
  151. New to Yorkie Talk
  152. Baxters sister
  153. chat anyone??
  154. Tia tried to save her sister!
  155. Cloud 9 shipping!!!
  156. Morgan waiting for his dad
  157. New to YT, saying hello!
  158. Sophie Kates Portrait
  159. Anyone else's yorkie doing this??
  160. Collar vs. harnes?
  161. My Sophie scanned
  162. Questions about new baby
  163. Yorkie and Cold Weather
  164. Feeling Crafty - Made a Bow Box :)
  165. New to yorkie talk
  166. Questions regarding new puppy
  167. need help with my 5yr old yorkie
  168. Bentley is home and doing great for day 1
  169. YIKES ! Over 2 Ft of Snow Here ..
  170. What could cause hair loss on the muzzle?
  171. !!!!!!!!!!13 Dog Symptoms That Need IMMEDIATE ATTENTION From Your Vet!!!!!!!!!!
  172. Help with posting with iPhone??
  173. Hi everyone! Meet Riley!
  174. omg so much snow!!
  175. New Yorkie Mama
  176. Not Yorkie...Service Dog Beaten With Pole
  177. Is it bad ....
  178. Thank You for your support
  179. Thank You for your support
  180. New Yorkie Questions
  181. Dollar store face and teeth cleaner
  182. The final countdown
  183. Snow in the Northeast!!
  184. Yorkshire Terrier Breeder in San Diego County
  185. top knot
  186. YorkieTalk Fundraiser Raffle 2013! RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
  187. So Mad
  188. Yorkietalk's Newest Vendors!
  189. What else can I give Bella?
  190. Newbie!
  191. I need some advice on biting
  192. My New Baby Baxter
  193. Joel gave me hives!
  194. Birthday???
  195. Greetings from South Georgia!
  196. Grooming
  197. My yorkie is having some anxiety issues I think
  198. Yorkie with Extreme Jealousy Issues
  199. She's the Birthday Girl !!!!!
  200. New to YT!
  201. New to YorkieTalk introduing my Sophie!
  202. Having some fighting issues
  203. Yorkie Boarders in BC or Seattle area????
  204. was gonna post under sick/injured but changed my mind
  205. We lost one
  206. Happy Birthday Max!
  207. Policing himself
  208. questions and updates
  209. Thinking of getting a yorkie but have questions
  210. They grow up so fast.. Stella's first wood eating!! Memories..
  211. Cheap places to buy???
  212. Meet My New Baby!!!
  213. Yorkie won't drink water
  214. New Card
  215. Why breeders have applications!!!!
  216. Should I have two Yorkies??
  217. So sweet
  218. Meet Cooper!
  219. Anyone takes their yorkie running?
  220. Help! New yorkie owner with lots of questions and advice needed! :)
  221. Yorkie Boys Fighting
  222. Our new baby...
  223. On our Way To VET
  224. Vet Chiropractor
  225. Favorite Etsy Finds
  226. I love my yorkie baby
  227. Help..Scooter won't stop playing
  228. Questioning if my dog is a Yorkshire Terrier or a Silky Terrier?
  229. Hi...newbe here
  230. New Mom!!
  231. Bogie didn't get the memo..
  232. puppy fornula
  233. Somebody peed on the couch!!!!
  234. Shipping/Buying Products in Canada?
  235. Do you have a duvet?
  236. Terrier at Lancaster Shelter (California)
  237. Puppy scared of different surfaces
  238. Neuter tomorrow
  239. Secret admirer
  240. Motion detectors and Yorkies
  241. Drooling!!!
  242. Which is cuter?
  243. Change of Yorkshire Terrier Standards
  244. DH being rude about Bentley's hair
  245. another stolen yorkie
  246. Bringing home our puppy Friday HELP!
  247. Stinky pup!
  248. Thank you
  249. Legend. . .
  250. Eileenmc
