- Homemade toy
- IBC Registration
- Fleas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- First time Yorkie owner with a few questions
- Chat chat chat!!!
- My little Biewer Goliath - so quiet after travel
- Ear question
- Sorry I've been MIA...
- A ton of questions!
- My traveling therapy dog
- Newbie here
- Odd new habit that I need to know if I should stop or be concerned!!
- Nervous Dog Magazine ----
- Baxters new name Houdini
- How many Threads???
- how to wash my yorkie who has stitches
- What is the oldest pic you have of your yorkie??
- You Know Your Crazy When
- Grooming
- Charlie's new bed
- New and in desperate need of advice!
- good news with Callie
- Just a brief question...
- newb :)
- Do you have a soft spot for a certain gender?
- What a dog!
- Bully sticks?
- Yorkie owner in San Francisco/ Bay Area ??
- Happy Saturday!!
- Newbie
- New to Yorkie Talk
- Toronto Folks CoyDogs and Coyotes in the city
- **MUST READ Blogs** from a potential new vet for my Girls
- Need advice NOW!
- Teeth
- There's nothing like it...
- My Little Biter
- Lol I just started freaking out
- petsmart fiasco
- The Barking Dog
- Natures Variety raw recall
- Not feeling to swell tonight
- Food Recall Alert
- Hello all. I went to Walmart
- Indoor Potty Recommendations?
- Homemade shampoo
- New to the Yorkie Community
- Won't walk on harness/leash
- Does your Yorkie take care of you??
- Region setting on YorkieTalk
- Monty's album worked!!!
- Prayers
- Long Distance Flight
- ca yorkie breeders
- Should I take Pops for a clip?
- Food & treats
- Cute Yorkie Story
- Well it happened.
- Question
- Foster mom and babies
- You can ALWAYS have a Valentine.....
- HELP hubby is NOT happy with our new puppy...
- Toys....Do your babies.....
- It is not just Valentines Day
- My hubby wants a real dog...
- Time
- Monty's vet visit and size
- few more first time owner questions
- Dog in Walmart
- Mis-behaviing
- Messy eater
- topnot or clip
- LED Pet Safety Gear
- Look What I Got
- Yorkies born November 2012
- Huge thank you to Kyra and her mommy nanahas3!!
- Has anyone ever ordered anything from this company?
- Happy Valentines Day
- Wishing Everyone Happy Valentines
- 2013 Valentine's Day Snowflake Ball video
- Cant post pics
- Look what Baxter did!
- Hi All ! Friendly introduction :)
- Lost Yorkie in My Home Town :(
- Oooh The Torture!
- 42 days since she was covered..so what do you think?
- Hi new here and could use some advice
- My Hubby and The Girls.
- Will he stay this sweet and laid back?
- To spay or not to spay.
- Looking for a cute cut for my yorkie!
- It has been three years ..
- New to the forum
- Where does the TIME Go ?
- It came yesterday!!!!
- Since I got my Yorkie I could really use a.....
- Taking Baxter out!
- Purina Main Sponsor.....
- Say a Little Prayer for Jada
- getting a second yorkie..
- Chew Bones
- Expecting a Yorkie!
- Please make me understand!
- Looks like we have to switch brands,so...
- How many toys does your Yorkie(s) go through?
- Silly question- I really want to hear your responses!
- Yt raffle-server-donations
- Feeding Fruit for Effective TarTar Control..?
- First Post New Yorkie 'Mom'
- Yorkies Who Made the Chart!
- Doll Face...what's it mean?
- Introduction and puppy question
- 13 weeks! What did your Yorkie weigh?
- Baby Teeth
- Hi-Introducing Myself!
- This made me so sad!
- Please Help! Yazmin's A Total Wreck!!!
- Blonde yorkies??
- keylo's baby teeth removal
- Stressful day
- is this a purebred yorkie?
- New Member
- Taking Riley to the Vet :(
- teeth question
- Brushing Teeth: Do you
- Yorkies are just human under all that hair
- I know this is all about yorkies but....
- Important accomplishment today!!
- New Yorkie mom but not new to forum in need of advice, please!!
- Advice for leaving Baxter for first time
- Size prediction
- Monty meets Canada
- Feel really bad
- Short trip without Milo
- Hello yorkie lovers x
- Worried
- HELP! Are my newborns yorkies?
- Somebody please explain why rolling in your pee is so much fun??
- OMG, Look what Oscar did !
- Micro Chip annual fees
- Sleeping habits
- Im back!!
- Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show 2012 Replay & Opening/Closing Night TV Schedule!
- Help with posting
- More about Baxter
- teddy was potty trained for 6 months and now is peeing everywhere
- Barking
- accidents
- Crate or Bed
- Blazer keeps amazing me!
- New to Yorkie Talk
- Baxters sister
- chat anyone??
- Tia tried to save her sister!
- Cloud 9 shipping!!!
- Morgan waiting for his dad
- New to YT, saying hello!
- Sophie Kates Portrait
- Anyone else's yorkie doing this??
- Collar vs. harnes?
- My Sophie scanned
- Questions about new baby
- Yorkie and Cold Weather
- Feeling Crafty - Made a Bow Box :)
- New to yorkie talk
- Questions regarding new puppy
- need help with my 5yr old yorkie
- Bentley is home and doing great for day 1
- YIKES ! Over 2 Ft of Snow Here ..
- What could cause hair loss on the muzzle?
- !!!!!!!!!!13 Dog Symptoms That Need IMMEDIATE ATTENTION From Your Vet!!!!!!!!!!
- Help with posting with iPhone??
- Hi everyone! Meet Riley!
- omg so much snow!!
- New Yorkie Mama
- Not Yorkie...Service Dog Beaten With Pole
- Is it bad ....
- Thank You for your support
- Thank You for your support
- New Yorkie Questions
- Dollar store face and teeth cleaner
- The final countdown
- Snow in the Northeast!!
- Yorkshire Terrier Breeder in San Diego County
- top knot
- YorkieTalk Fundraiser Raffle 2013! RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
- So Mad
- Yorkietalk's Newest Vendors!
- What else can I give Bella?
- Newbie!
- I need some advice on biting
- My New Baby Baxter
- Joel gave me hives!
- Birthday???
- Greetings from South Georgia!
- Grooming
- My yorkie is having some anxiety issues I think
- Yorkie with Extreme Jealousy Issues
- She's the Birthday Girl !!!!!
- New to YT!
- New to YorkieTalk introduing my Sophie!
- Having some fighting issues
- Yorkie Boarders in BC or Seattle area????
- was gonna post under sick/injured but changed my mind
- We lost one
- Happy Birthday Max!
- Policing himself
- questions and updates
- Thinking of getting a yorkie but have questions
- They grow up so fast.. Stella's first wood eating!! Memories..
- Cheap places to buy???
- Meet My New Baby!!!
- Yorkie won't drink water
- New Card
- Why breeders have applications!!!!
- Should I have two Yorkies??
- So sweet
- Meet Cooper!
- Anyone takes their yorkie running?
- Help! New yorkie owner with lots of questions and advice needed! :)
- Yorkie Boys Fighting
- Our new baby...
- On our Way To VET
- Vet Chiropractor
- Favorite Etsy Finds
- I love my yorkie baby
- Help..Scooter won't stop playing
- Questioning if my dog is a Yorkshire Terrier or a Silky Terrier?
- Hi...newbe here
- New Mom!!
- Bogie didn't get the memo..
- puppy fornula
- Somebody peed on the couch!!!!
- Shipping/Buying Products in Canada?
- Do you have a duvet?
- Terrier at Lancaster Shelter (California)
- Puppy scared of different surfaces
- Neuter tomorrow
- Secret admirer
- Motion detectors and Yorkies
- Drooling!!!
- Which is cuter?
- Change of Yorkshire Terrier Standards
- DH being rude about Bentley's hair
- another stolen yorkie
- Bringing home our puppy Friday HELP!
- Stinky pup!
- Thank you
- Legend. . .
- Eileenmc